Chapter 7- Facing Fears

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-Jerome's POV-
It feels good to look and feel like myself. The curse is now lifted off of me, and I feel free. For the first time in 6 years, I feel truly free. It's amazing what magic can do. Sky doesn't seem like the sorcerer type, but he clearly has the power.
When he said that Notch was his uncle, I nearly choked, but now I understand how that works. His dad- Herobrine- is Notch's brother. But, without Notch's fantasy pockets, I wouldn't exist. So at some point I wanna go meet Notch, and thank him for the pocket I live in. My parents and Mitch are really happy, and we've set up a small family party to celebrate.
Sky and Ty are very withdrawn, and uncomfortable. They've clearly never been to one of these, or even seen or heard of one. I recall their stories- Sky was stuck with Herobrine and no mom, and Ty was trapped in the End with the dragon and no one else. I have to go over to them and coax them into the light of the bonfire. At first, Ty refused, but when Sky came out, Ty followed.
They stay quiet and listen to the laughter and the stories, but Sky slowly opens up. He starts laughing and talking with everyone, but Ty stays withdrawn, and silent. I can see in his eyes that he doesn't know what to do. He sort of resembles a character I'd met as a little 4 year old, just weeks before Mitch and I were taken. I tell Mother that I'd be right back, and I went to go get my friend.
I go and run to their base, and I find the one I'm looking for in the doorway. It's Kyle, who's an ocelot. I wake him up, and tell him my situation. He lazily walks behind me, and when we reach the bonfire, Mother looks surprised, and confused. Mitch knows who this is, because I'd told him when he came home from school. He smiles and calls, "Hey Kyle!"
Kyle purrs and replies, "Yo! What's up?" I glance back at Kyle, and he seems more awake. I point him over to Ty, and Ty is looking at me strangely, like- 'What the fudge, Jerome?'  Kyle smiles his little cat smile, and sits next to Ty. They start talking quietly, and Kyle gets him to slowly open up while I go back to the group.
Sky smirks, and asks, "Who's that? And how does he talk? The pocket?" I nod, "That's Kyle. He has a talent for helping people like Ty open up in a group." Sky laughs a bit, but everyone goes back to the original topic, and waits until Ty is ready. When Ty finally joins us, it's nightfall, and he comes and sits next to me and Sky. Kyle struts past, and heads back to the tree. "See you guys! I'm tired!"
"Bye Kyle!" Suddenly, after Kyle leaves, Dad gets very serious. "Okay boys. What really happened? For 6 YEARS you guys were gone. Where were you?" Sky gets jumpy, but answers, even though it seems to tear at him. "They were taken and trapped under my father's castle. Not my choice, and I wasn't allowed to do anything."
"I was 7, and my dad was very harsh. I was barely allowed to go anywhere, and when I did something as minor as steal a cookie, I'd get beat. So I couldn't do anything to help. I could always hear them, and it hurt me to not be able to help. I would constantly hear them cry, but when I would go to investigate, I would be beaten. My father is Herobrine- if you hadn't guessed by now."
"It changed when I found Ty, stumbling around in the fields near the castle. He had a deep gash in his face, so I took him home to help. I locked the door to my room so the maid wouldn't find him, and forgot that she had the key to my room. They took Ty down to the same cell as the boys, and I followed. We slowly got to know each other, and I helped them escape. But that was only this past two weeks."
"The 6 years in between I was forced to listen, but never see or help. You can't imagine the pain of having to hear that, but not be allowed to help in fear of getting beaten. I actually teleported down twice, and got in so much trouble my dad literally killed me. I teleported down twice, and a sword was brought down on my head both times. Literally, no joke. I've died twice, and I'm barely 15."
Mom and Dad listen carefully, and when Sky is done, Mom rushes over and pulls me to her. I'm confused by the sudden move, and she just holds me. I shift so I can see the bonfire, and Dad's face is ashen, full of sadness and despair even though we're sitting right here. I look above Sky, and see why they're doing this. Directly above Sky's head, are two white, glowing eyes. And the figure that they belong to, looks furious.

-Brice's POV-
Behind Sky, who is oblivious to this, is Herobrine himself. I can just see the glint of a sword in his barely visible hand. The bonfire is bright, but Herobrine stays just beyond the fires' reach. He's encased in shadows, but his sword catches the light, and I know what he's doing with it. He's gonna do what my father had tried to do with me.
In a panic, I freeze Sky in a confused state, and just as the sword is brought down, I move Sky, and the sword is wedged deep in the log Sky had been sitting on. I let Sky go, and he collapses. Herobrine steps into the light, and he has a cruel, scary grin. Herobrine lets the sword stay buried in the log, and summons a new one. Seto and I block him, creating a bubble of our energy around him, long enough to let Sky re-cooperate.
Herobrine slashes at our combined bubble, and it tears at our energy. Herobrine flicks his wrist, and Sky is suddenly all chained down. His wrists and ankles are cuffed, his hands are covered. There is a chain going around his neck, and another covering his mouth. Heavy chains connect each shackle to the chain on his neck, and the links are thick. Sky looks startled, and angry.
He tries to pull out of the shackles, and realizes it's hopeless when he sees Herobrine. There are clearly no padlocks or anything. It's solid chain and metal. Being magic, there doesn't need to be an opening to put it on. Sky is angry, but looks helpless at the same time. This is Notch level magic, and as powerful as we are, Seto and I aren't strong or skilled enough to get him out.
The two disappear as Herobrine teleports while holding Sky's chains.

-Sky's POV-
Dad drops me onto the carpet in the main living room. "I leave for two days, and you pull THIS?! I can't even go to a simple goddamn forces check? Have I taught you NOTHING?! Sky, you have crossed a line, and that's it. I've tried everything to deter you front the cell block, and nothing works! What does it take to get something so simple into your head?!"
"I mean, really. You've tried before, and you learned the hard way. Now it seems the hard way isn't enough for you. Do you want to go through what they did? Want to know why they screamed and cried? I'll show you if that's what needs to happen. Is it? I guess so."
He storms over and picks up my main chain, and teleports down to the cell block. We're in front of the door where I'd heard Ty and the boys screaming earlier in the week. Dad opens the door, and drags me in. There is nothing in here but white walls, and chains cemented into the floor and walls. A man walks in, and he has a whip curled up on his belt. He gives the whip to my dad, and leaves.
He unravels the whip, and lets the main part sink to the floor. He flicks his wrist, and I'm chained down to the floor. I know what to expect now, and I brace myself for the pain. I still have a metal plate covering my mouth, and I can't do anything but stay absolutely silent. "Sky, I hate to do it, but this is what seems to be enough for you. Feel what the players felt. Feel their pain. And while you feel that, think about what you've done."
With that, he lets loose on the whip. It sinks in and makes deep, jagged gashes in my back. With one lash, it sinks into my upper back, right between my shoulder blades. Others cut into my shoulders, or the base of my neck. By the time he's done, I'm covered in gashes and blood, and hundreds of tears are drying on my face.
He teleports me upstairs, and drops me on my bed. He lets the chains go, and he locks my door on me. I sink into my pillow, and cry. Hours later, I get up, and find that my balcony doors are locked as well. I can faintly see a barrier around the outside of my room, one that blocks my teleportation. It also blocks me from leaving the space of my room at all.
The spell working in the barrier keeps me in, but anyone else can come and go as they pleased. Suddenly, I could see Brice. He materialized in my room, but the image of him was fuzzy and unfocused. He asked, "Sky? Where are you?" I answered, "My room! He locked me in here with a barrier. I can't teleport. Where are you?" His voice gets choppy, "We're coming to get you. We had to leave Jerome in the pocket. We're coming for you! Don't worry!" "Brice! Don't you understand? This castle is heavily guarded and impossible to sneak into. You'll never make it in, and they'll kill you from a mile away with accuracy. I'll get out some other way. I'll figure it out." "Too bad. We're already coming. See you soon!"
I screamed in frustration, and the image of Brice was disappearing.

-Brice's POV-
As my telepathic image disintegrated in my mind, I heard Sky scream in protest at me, and the sound of his voice disappeared. I look at the others, which consisted of Mitch, his dad, Seto, and Ty. Jerome stayed in the pocket with his mother. I said, "He's mad we're coming. The castle is heavily guarded and impossible to sneak into, at least, that's what Sky said. We have to be crafty about this. Ready?"
Everyone nodded, and I told them the setback. "Bad new guys. Sky's room has a full barricade around it. The ceiling, floor, and all walls are surrounded. He can't teleport out, and we can't teleport in so easily. To teleport in we'd have to extremely close, and we'd have to break the barrier before we can get him through. Now are we ready?"
Everyone still readily said yes, and we took short trips to teleport to the outside of Sky's balcony. I could see him inside, and his back was bloody. He turned around, aware of our presence, and looked angry. He tried to shoo us away, but we stayed. He looked desperate, and pressed his fingers on he glass of the balcony door. Bingo, that's  what we needed to break the barrier- the fingerprints.
I magically transitioned the prints from the inside of the door to the inside of the barrier, and it broke the whole thing. Sky opened the door, and nearly screamed at me. Then he shifted, and winced. The blood I'd seen on his jacket was from gashes I could now see. There were a good thirty gashes deep in his back, and some were along his shoulders and neck. He'd been whipped.
I rushed into his room and grabbed a new shirt for him and some bandages, and then I ran out, and Seto and I teleported everyone back into the pocket. Sky collapsed from a sudden energy drain, and he passed out on the ground.

-Ty's POV-
I had to lift and carry Sky into the house. Mitch and Jerome's mom, (who introduced herself as Grace) pointed me to a room at the end of the hallway. I walked in and set Sky on the bed. Brice and Seto followed me in, and they turned Sky on his side. I left, not wanting to get in the way. I watched from the doorway, out of the way, but close enough to watch.
Seto cleaned out gash after gash, and Brice sped up the healing process. The cuts were still deep, and they healed each gash about halfway before they both burned out. That was impressive considering there were 30+ cuts. While they were burned out, the two sorcerers slept. Seto closed Sky's door behind him, and he and Brice fell asleep in a different room together. Mitch, Jerome, and Grace were all sitting in the living room, coloring and drawing. Their dad, Josh, stared out the window.
I sat on the floor next to Jerome, and he showed me the picture he was coloring. It was a crayon drawing of Seto, Brice, Mitch, Sky, me, and himself. It was truly good, better than I could do, and I told him, "That's excellent! Truly, I can't even hold a pencil right."
Grace looks up, "Why not?" I turn to face her, "I was never taught. I'd been trapped in the End since I was 3, and the only thing I'd been taught to hold was a sword. If you're lucky you may be able to find my parents around." "Really? What's the last name? I bet I could." "Ellis. My full name is Tyler Ellis, so it's obviously Ellis." She laughs, and says, "I do know them! I see them every other day! Come to the marketplace with me tomorrow."
At the last word, she kinda chokes on her words, and remembers my wings and tail. I nod, "I'll get one of the boys to cover it. I know they can. It's fine." Overnight, the boys finish healing Sky's back, and they curl up together in the bed, burned out yet again. The next morning arrives, and I'm super excited. I get to see my parents- the people I can barely remember as a tiny toddler.
Seto coats my wings and tail in an enchantment, and they dematerialize.  The weight disappears, and I nearly fall forward from the weight difference. He can't cover my fangs and eyes though, and that will offset everything. Seto crawls back into bed while Grace and I head out after I get my bearings without the weight of my wings and tail. We leave the pocket, and drive the reset of the way.
We walk into the market, and my heart leaps.

Cliffhanger!!! Haha. You guys can probably guess who it is though. But still, if you're enjoying this, please leave a comment. Do something other than just read. Please tell me if you have suggestions! I beg of you. I need it. So far, I'm enjoying killerRainbow04's comments. Thanks! Love you guys!

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