27: If you stick around

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I was awoken by the rustle of Dan slipping out of my arms and the sun shining on my face from the window. 

"Dan?" I groggily whisper.

 "Aud, I didn't mean-" he whispers. I can hear the pain in his voice, he was on the verge of tears.

 I interrupt him, "It's okay. Come here." I slip out from under the blanket on the couch and pull his shrunken figure into my arms.

 "Your mum called." I whisper.

 "What did she say?" He pulls away and rubs his face.

 "She said she loves you and um, well, the funeral is next Monday. But there's also something I need to tell you. If you're not comfortable with me telling, I mean, that's okay," I trail off.

 I needed to tell him about my lack of family and Tom.

 "Yea, um, that's fine." He sits himself back down on the couch.

 His under-eyes are a deep purple hue and his hair is a curly ruffled mess.

 "Well, your mum invited me to the funeral, and before I make a decision whether I want to go or not, I need to let you know why I might not go." He nods. "Um, well, death is hard for me. Dan, I want to be there so badly for you. I understand what you're going through." I take a deep breath. "So, I need to tell you this. I have no family besides my brother, who is in the mental ward of a high security prison." 

His eyes widen and he whispers, "What?"

 I sigh, "Because he killed my parents when I was 8 years old. My only other relative was my Great Aunt Alice who died when I was 16. I've lived in foster homes ever since. Funerals are just hard for me, but I know I need to be here for you."

 He sighs and pulls me into a tight hug. "Audrey, why didn't you tell me sooner?" He sorrowfully whispers.

 "I didn't know how to, it didn't seem important." I shake my head.

 "I'd love for you to come but please take care of yourself first." He releases me.

 "I will." I make a weak smile. "I'm going to go order pizza, seeing that it is almost 1:00." He chuckles a little but his face drops again.

 I wrap my arms around his tall body, and he wraps his around my short one. I can feel cool tears hit my exposed collarbone and I slowly rub his back, trying to calm him down. 

"Thank you." He whispers almost silently.

 "I'll get the pizza," I offer, and walk into the kitchen to find the number on the side of the fridge. As I pad back into the living room, I see Dan staring out of the window. "Dan, you should go to bed and get some rest. Please, you look awful." I hug him from behind, breathing in his deep scent. "I'll have terrors." He says, emotionlessly. 

"Then don't sleep, but you need some rest." He turns away from the slightly foggy window. "Come with me," He squeaks out a whisper. "Alright." I nod my head and reach to pull the soft, black blanket from the couch.

 I peer into Phil's room down the hallway, where was he? Almost reading my mind, Dan says, "He's out visiting some friends back home and should be home tomorrow." I nod, afraid to make noise.

 He reaches his room and opens the door, leading me inside. Immediately he lays down on the bed and pulls the blanket up to his chin. I follow suit, reaching the other side of the bed and getting in. I've never been in this situation, I was always too cautious to fall into relationships.

 With his eyes closed, he reached out in front of him, searching for me. I scoot closer to him and he wraps his arms around me.

 Resting his chin on my hair, his breathing slows and he falls asleep. 

As the sun is finally setting, he starts tossing. I hold him down until he starts mumbling in his sleep. 

"No! Please, no! Don't let them take you! They've already taken Dad and Adrian! Don't let them take you Aud-" His eyes shot open and he was breathing heavy. I push the curly mess off of his face and feel his clammy forehead. He is shaking.

"Terrors." he whispers. I lay him back down and quietly whisper-sing Truce to him. (Now is the time to listen to Truce by Twenty One Pilots mkay)

Now, the night is coming to an end

The sun will rise, and we will try again

Stay alive, stay alive, for me

You will die, but now your life is free

Take pride in what is sure... to... die

I will fear the night again

I hope I'm not my only friend

Stay alive, stay alive, for me

You will die but now your life is free

Take pride in what is





*Timeskip to Monday brought to you by my foot*

The alarm clock rang and I pulled myself out of bed, I still needed to pack and head over to Dan's before getting on the train to his mum's. I slept at home last night only so I could get ready without bothering Dan and to get some clothes and makeup. 

I'm not exactly sure what Dan and I are, we're more than friends definitely. His mum said that he talks about me all the time. I pull on a simple black dress with burgundy tights and black Doc Martens. I let my blonde hair go loose and wavy as I pop a deep red beanie over it for the walk over. 

We were only going to be staying at his mum's for two days so I only was packing a small bag and mostly dark colors.




 My phone rang on the bed beside me, it was Dan calling. I pick up immediately.

 "Audrey?" He sounds worried. 

Is something wrong? "Dan? Is something wrong?" I ask. 

"I'm just making sure you're still coming. Please come, I need you." He chokes up.

 "I'm coming. I'll leave my flat in a minute, don't worry." I say, trying to calm him down. He hangs up and I finish getting ready so I can leave.

 (A/N: you should listen to The Funeral by the Band Of Horses, it really fits this chapter, I also lOvE TALK ME DOWN by Troye sivan or BLUE by troye sivan or Truce by Twenty One Pilots. Thanks guys)

I hail a taxi as I get outside and hurry to Dan's flat. I run up the stairs and he pulls open the door before I can even knock. "Thank goodness." He whispers as he engulfs me in a hug. He's dressed in a black button down, black slim pants, and black oxfords. "Let's go." I whisper. I'm afraid to say too many words, I know words hurt in a time like this.

 *Timeskip brought to you by Joshua William Dun*

The train ride is about 3 hours to Dan's mums. He slept the whole time. We arrive an hour before the funeral. As our taxi pulls up to Dan's mum's, I pay the driver and we jump out.

 Dan rushes to the door, hugging his mum as I pull our two bags out of the trunk. The woman hurries over to me and hugs me even though my hands are full. Dan rushes back, grabbing the luggage from my arms. I pull his mum into a hug and she whispers into my ear,

 "Dear Audrey, thank you for coming. My boy, he's in love with you. I know it." 

She pulls away and smiles, wiping tears from her eyes. I could almost do the same to mine, but I shove that thought into a pile of ones needing assessed.

 *Timeskip to the funeral brought to you by Phil's mum*

"I never wanted to see the day where I would live without them, my loving husband and beautiful son." Dan's mum sobbed. "Although this is the day, one day I know I will see them again. I love them so much." She clutched Dan's hand tightly, tears running down his face too. She ended, "I miss them so much, not a second goes by where I don't think of them, but this is their end, and I will one day have mine and join them." she walks away from the podium in the church, kisses the caskets, dripping tears all over them. This funeral was harder than I thought it was going to be.

I slowly walked to the back of the old church with my arms wrapped around myself. I don't think I can do this.

(I know this was kinda a filler chapter but HEYYYYYY ITS SOMETHING! What do YOU want to happen in the next chapter????)

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