28: Save

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(A/N: Okay so for the second part of this, listen to I WIll Follow You Into the Dark by Death Cab for Cutie and THIS MENTIONS RAPE BUT ONLY FOR LIKE 2.5 SECONDS SO and also Heya there yall probably arent expecting me to update today but Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhaa look who decided to not be lazy today lol not me so enjoy kiddos)

As I step out of the church into the misty afternoon, I hear the click of footsteps behind me. 

There will be a storm soon, I can feel it.

 The cool air whipped around me as I sat on a bench near the cemetery. I still hadn't bothered to look and see who was behind me.

 I'm expecting it to be Dan so I turn around to see how he's doing. But it isn't. It's a boy about Dan's age with his arms wrapped around himself. He's leaning against the brick wall of the church, pulling the navy blue beanie over his light brown, curly hair and lighting a cigarette. 

"Um, hi, do you need something?" I ask him from where I am seated.

 His deep brown eyes flicker up to me, then back down to his feet. "Oh, no, I just thought you were, uh, someone else." He shivers. 

"Okay, I'll be heading back inside now." I almost whisper.

 As I reach the doorway, he grabs my arm to get my attention. "Hey, who are you?" He says to me.

 "I'm Audrey, Dan's-uh-friend. Mind telling me who you are?" I ask. "I'm Harry. I was Dan's friend before he moved to university, but, um, we're not friends anymore." He looks back down at his feet. 

"I'm sorry." I say, not sure what to answer. "I'm going to go find Dan now..." I head back inside.

 I walk back into the warmer than outside church and down a hallway to find the bathroom, but instead I find Dan in the corner with his knees pulled into his chest. He's rocking back and forth, sniffling. I hurry to his side and pull his face up to see his tear stained cheeks.

 He was so helpless, like a kid. 

His eyes widen as he sees me and grabs me for a hug. Here we are, sitting on the musty carpet floor of a church while a funeral is going on.

 Here we are, with our arms tangled around each other. I wipe the tears from my cheeks and he places his head on my collarbone. 

I hum Truce to him and he calms down a bit.

 "What's on your mind, Dan?" I whisper. "Everything." He mumbles into my neck. "I heard you talking to someone outside, who was that?" He asks, sounding worried.

 "Someone named Harry, he said he was an old friend or something." Dan immediately shot up. 

"Did he hurt you? Did he touch you? Tell me, did he do anything to you?" He quickly questioned me.

 I'm confused, wasn't he a friend of Dan? "Dan, what's going on?" I asked him. "Answer me Audrey!" He raises his voice a little. He's never raised his voice at me in the time I've known him. "No, he didn't do anything to me, but please tell me what's wrong? Did something happen?" I answer him.

 He looks around for anyone around us. "Let's get out of here." He mumbles in my ear. "My car." He whispers.

 I follow him through the hallways and outside when he starts to jog to the car. I hop into the front seat and he quickly starts the car and pulls out of the church parking lot. 

"Explain, Daniel." I say sternly. 

"Now that he isn't anywhere near us, or you, I can tell you." He sighs. "So, in year 12 I had this one girlfriend, Sarah. Her smile was beautiful and I loved her to death. I thought I would marry her one day. Harry, that sick prude pig, ruined it all for me. He was notorious in school for raping or trying to rape girls. The girls were always too afraid to tell anyone because he would threaten them after he was... done... with them. He did that to Sarah, my Sarah. She was on her way home from my house one night, she only lived a block away. He grabbed her off the pavement and, well, you get the idea. She ran away from him and tried to get home but he stabbed her and she was hit by a car, almost right in front of her house." He sighs. "I need to keep you safe from him. We need to go home. I'll tell Phil that we will be back early." I have no idea what to say after that.

 He does though. 

"He only went for the blonde ones too." He says quietly. 

"Don't you need to say goodbye to your mum? Dan, she's in such pain." I felt awful for us leaving early but Dan is trying to protect me. I fall asleep and apparently we're back in the church parking lot. Dan isn't in the car, I assume he's saying goodbye from his mum. 

My eyelids are pulling down again, I'm almost asleep when someone bangs on the window of the car. I assume it's Dan, so with my eyes closed I crack the door and mumble,

 "Dan?" But it wasn't him.

 A pair of strong hands pull me out of the car, jolting me awake.

 "Fuc-Dan! Daniel! Dan, HELP!" I scream as Harry throws me over his shoulder.

 "DAN! HELP ME!" I scream as loud as I can. I feel a sharp pain in the back of my thigh and I'm out.

 A sedative, I guess. As I'm fading out, I hear Dan screaming my name and the crunch of gravel under his shiny, black shoes.

 I'm dropped on the pavement and I'm out. It's all black. Where is Dan? Where am I?

I gasp for air, and all I hear is the beeping of a heart monitor beside me. 

My eye can't seem to open though. Am I still asleep? I hear voices and hands on me, but I still can't seem to open my eyes. 

"Audrey? I thought I lost you. Aud? Wake up please, I can't lose you too. Don't let them take you. Don't let him, Blurryface (okay so this is a take on a twenty one pilots reference, if you dont get it please comment so I can explain a little), take you. Stay here. Please." He whispers with his head near my ear.

I hear someone else enter my room.

"Oh god, thank goodness you're here, what's wrong with her?! Please don't let her go, please." Dan starts to shout then almost mumbles the last part. 

"Her attacker injected dangerously high amounts of Midazolam into her bloodstream, and at this point, I'm surprised her vitals are still up. The amount she was injected with should have stopped her heart long ago. Your girlfriend, she's a fighter." The nurse says, then I hear footsteps back out of my room and Dan rushing to my bed.

"Please stay, Aud. I love you so much, I don't even care if you can hear me or not but I have to tell you. I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Aud. God, why was I so stupid to leave you alone. I needed to keep you close to me, why was I so damn stupid?! But Aud, that doesn't matter, all that matters is now, and now I need you to stay. Tonight, I need you to stay. I know-I can feel it- you heard that nurse, and Audrey, you're a fighter. You've always been. I love you. From the moment I spilled my coffee on you, I've seen it in you. The girl who doesn't want to be loved but that's a problem because I love you, I do. Audrey, you've been alone for too long and I-"

I would be crying if I was conscious.

"Dan! Is she okay!?" Phil shouts.

"I love you." Dan whispers one last time before getting up to talk to Phil. 

"Phil, she should be dead with the amount of drug he put in her. She's strong, I've just been waiting for her to wake up."

"Come on, it's been almost 24 hours, you need sleep."

I've been out for almost a day? Oh my god.

"No, I need to be here for her Phil. I'm not leaving."

"Dan, I know you love her, but please. You need to eat, please take care of yourself."

"I will."

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