42: i cant take them on my own

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I awake as she moves in my arms.

"I'm sorry." Is all she whispers.

"I still love you the same." I whisper back.

She slides slightly further under the covers and draws closer to my body until her head rests on my chest.

I turn my head to see the clock above the door reading 10:30 A.M.

"I have to get up Aud." I say. Last night I decided we needed some together time.

"Okay." She quietly said and slid out of bed, pulling on sweatpants and fuzzy socks.

"Are you feeling any better today?" I ask her as I wrap my arms around her shoulders and rest my chin on the top of her head.

"I'm alright. It just brought back too many memories." She lifts her head to give a weak smile and yawns.

"We should go somewhere today." I say with a smile hoping to get her spirits up.

"Sure!" She says and reaches up to brush a strand of hair off my forehead.

"I love you." She says, looking into my eyes.

"I love you." I say back, kissing her nose and then her lips gently. She wraps her arms tighter around my torso and still stands on her tippy toes.

I pick up her light body and she giggles slightly.

"Put me down." She mumbles.

"Nope." I laugh.

"Daniel Howell." She giggles as I carry her around the flat to the kitchen.

"Audrey Sampson." I chuckle and place her feet on the ground.

"Let's go places and Volg a bit so we don't have to film till next week." She suggests with a smile.

"I couldn't agree more." I smile.


I'm sitting on the couch, tying my black converse as Audrey comes out of our room.
How can she always look so beautiful?

She brushes the hair out of her face and gives me a small smile.

"Ready to go?" I ask.

"Yep. Let's have some fun." She intertwines her fingers in mine as we walk down the stairs and out the door.

"Our first stop is the salon, I think. Dans in dire need of a trim." She says to the camera. I playfully sigh and she reaches up to ruffle my hair.

"I think Audrey should color her hair." I say with a smile. She would look amazing with teal or lavender ends.

"What? What color?" She laughs.

"Lavender on the ends, maybe." I smile.

"You know what, why not." She says and clicks the camera off.

"You really think I should color it lavender on the ends?" She asks as I wrap my arm around her shoulder.

"Like you said, why not? It's only hair." I smile and she nods.

"I'll do it." She grins.


"Hello, do you have an appointment?" The lady at the desk asks as we walk in.

"Yes, under Howell?" I say.

"You can take a seat, there will be little wait." She smiles at me, quite flirtatiously.

I ignore her and take Audrey's hand in mine and take a seat.


"I think it looks awesome!" I exclaim from behind Aud as she looks into the mirror at her new hair. It's cut off at her shoulders with lavender tips.

She grins and squints her eyes shut.

"This is awesome." She says with a huge smile.

After I pay for our hair cuts and her dye, we walk out the door.

"I think we should vlog this." I say, pulling the camera from the bag.

I switch it on and press record, filming only Audrey.

"Miss Audrey here got a haircut and purple ends! I think she looks gorgeous. She always looks gorgeous but she looks especially gorgeous." I say. She blushes and smiles, covering her face with her hands as she's giggling.

"Daniel." She giggles.

She takes the camera from my hands and points it at me.

"Danny boy over here got a haircut, and he looks quite hot if I may say so myself." She laughs and I smile, looking away.

"Tell me something I don't know." I say in a fake woman voice and we both break out into laughs.

"That's enough vlogging for the moment. See you soon children." She says to he camera and switches it off.

"I love you." I say.

A/N: I'm frickin bad at updating. I have no will to write so SOMEONE PLEASE GIVE ME IDEAS PLEASE. PLEASE. So that's all.

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