43: I'm sorry

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*a few weeks later*

"Hello?...Yes, this is Dan Howell... really? Well thank you, I'll have to speak to Phil...okay...alright, thank you." I hear Dan say into the phone.

"Dan, baby, who was that?" I ask as I walk into the room.

"It was Vouge magazine, who wants me and Phil to model for them! Isn't that cool!" He smiles and jumps up and down, holding my hands.

"That's fantastic!" I hug him.

"What's all this about?" Phil asks confused as he walks into the room.

"Vouge wants us to come and model for them!" Dan says.

"Holy cow! Dan this is awesome!" Phil says, just as giddy as Dan was.

"Dan, when do they want you at the studio?" I ask. We planned a romantic holiday for just Dan and I, so we have to make sure it doesn't conflict.

"March 8th and 9th! Oh, March 8th and 9th. What should we do? I mean, Audrey I love you and I want to go on holiday with you." He frowns.

"No it's okay," I say. I know I can change the dates of our holiday if I have to.

"No, it isn't okay! I want to spend time with you." He says, frustrated.

"Dan, calm down. I can change the dates if I have to." I laugh and his expression softens.

"Oh. That's great! So Phil and I can go to Vouge on the 8th and 9th, and we can leave a couple days after!" He smiles.

"This sounds awesome!" Phil giggles happily. "I'm going to go tell Tyler!" He skips out of the room.

Dan wraps his arm around me and pulls me close to his body. Even though he is 11 inches taller than me, he can still hug me perfectly.

*skip to 2 weeks later when the VOUGE HAPPENS HA YEA*

"Daniel! Are your bags packed?" I call, fiddling with my promise ring.

"They're in the living room! I promise I'm packed and ready to go once we get back!" He calls back from the kitchen.

The plan is for them to shoot the 8/9th and when he gets back, we fly out to New York City, in America. He promises it's going to be beautifully romantic. That little geek.

"Good. I'm coming with you right?" I ask him.

"The person who called says they want you to come in too, if that's okay." He says as he plops down on the bed. I lay beside him so my head rests on his chest.

"I guess so. I'm here for moral support." I giggle.

*timeskip to beautiful photo shoots of DANYUL*

I sat on a chair behind the director and photographers.

"Simone. Bring me that Chanel lavender dress." The director snapped at an assistant.

Dan grinned at me, he looks perfectly handsome. They dressed him in a grey dress shirt with a gold kind of blazer and grey pants with gold accents on the sides. His pants were barely cropped to show his awesome shiny black Oxford shoes.

"Simone, take the girl and dress her in this and those dolce and gabana silver diamond heels with the ankle straps and the Chanel diamond chunk earrings. Chop chop!" The director sasses at the assistant again.

"What wait I'm not supposed to be modeling!" I say as the assistant leads me toward the dressing room with the lavender satin dress in hand.

"You're here, so I mean, he can cast you. You look stunning in this with your hair." The assistant smiles as she helps me pull on the lavender tea length dress.

"Wow." I gasp slightly as I see myself In the mirror.

"Here's your heels." She says as she hands me a pair of silver heels with a medium sized platform and a chunky heel with an ankle strap encrusted with silver and purple gems.

"These too." She plops a pair of chunky silver and gold earrings into me hands and I slip them on.

I had on minimal makeup and all she did was add blush and pushed me back towards the shooting room.

"Ah! She looks perfect!" The director gasps In glee.

"Audrey, wow." Dan gasps equally and kisses me quickly once I read where he's standing on the curtain.

"Can we have them stand next to each other but look away from each other?" The director says to the photographer.

"Here goes improv modeling." I laugh and get in the position he wants us in.

The camera snaps.

"Beautiful!" He shouts.

"Audrey, look at the floor, Dan lean in to kiss her neck." The director demands.

Phil walks back Into the room in another outfit.

"Wow Audrey!" He says and I smile.

"Positions please." The director impatiently says.

"Sorry." We mumble and I look away to the ground as Dan wraps his arms around me and leans toward my neck.

I can feel his warm breath on my neck.

The camera flashes and snaps.

"Superb!" He shouts.

"Um, Dan, there's an urgent call for you." The assistant says with a phone in her hand.

"Please leave if you're on the phone." The director snaps.

He scurries out of the room with the assistant.

"Can we have a few of just you?" The director asks.

"Um, yeah sure." I sigh.

Phil shoots me a worried look but I shrug.

About 30 minutes into taking pictures, the assistant comes back in.

"Dan won't be coming back today, sir." She tells the director.

"Okay, whatever." He ignores her and looks at me.
"Excuse me, what's going on?" I ask the assistant. Why isn't Dan coming back?

"I have no idea. He just said he can't be here and left the building." She says and walks out.

"Excuse me, I'm done here." I say and walk back to the dressing room.

"No, miss, come back we aren't done." The director calls.

"I have to leave." I say.

I run out, change into my clothes, and run outside where I can catch a taxi.

I dial Dan as I try to catch a taxi.

"This is Dan Howell, please leave a message."

I go straight to voicemail.

I try to call about 5 more times before I grab a taxi back home, and then try to get through the whole taxi ride.

I give up.

I reach our flat and step inside. Dans suitcase is missing and there's a note on the couch.

I read it silently.

"Audrey, don't bother calling. I will call you soon.

That's it?

"THATS IT?" I scream to myself.

He's gone.

He doesn't want me calling him.

He left. But where would he go and why?

I Don't know what to do or think.

My phone buzzes.

I run to it, thinking its Dan.

It's Pj.

"Hey Audrey Phil is staying with me tonight, he wanted me to tell you. I don't have any clue what happened to Dan, I'm sorry."

"Okay." I responded.

I sit on the floor in the living room with my phone next to me.

Somehow I end up curled in a ball on the floor asleep when my phone rings.

It's Dan.

"Dan, where are you, oh my god I've been so worried." I frantically say into the phone.

"Audrey, hey. I'm with my mom, she's dying. I hate to do this-" he stays but stops as I can hear him coming to tears.


No, no, no. He can't do this.

"Audrey, I hate to do this, but I think-" he hiccups, on the verge of tears. "We need to break up."

"I'm sorry."

He starts crying.
I hang up the phone.

I cry.

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