Chapter One: Falling

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Hello fellow SasuHina lovers! :) So this is my First SasuHina story and I'm very excited. First time writing about this amazing couple and hopefully won't be my last! This story will be related to 'Wedding Blues' my one-shot story I wrote not so long ago. So if you haven't read it, I say you check it out (Although it really isn't necessary). I don't own Naruto or it's characters, Kishimoto is the rightful and talented owner. Please vote and comment, all type of comments are welcomed. Well I hope you like it, enjoy!:)

After the Fourth great Shinobi War, many shinobi's died in combat. Corpses were scattered everywhere, blood was spread in every location. However, all shinobi survivors happily cheered with the success of the war. They smiled for the accomplishment, they frown and cried for their dead comrades. They mourn for their losses but decided upon keeping then treasured in their hearts. In a few days after carrying their bodies back to their respectful village and burying them, they all said goodbye. They thank each other and all nations stayed allied. Naruto, Sasuke and the other leaf shinobi's headed home. Where the village stood proudly rebuilt and unharmed. They were welcomed with cheers as soon as they enter Konoha. Month's passed and after Sakura successfully helped heal the wounded shinobi's, mainly Sasuke and Naruto. All shinobi's rested, while Tsunade help Naruto prepare for his upcoming role as the Hokage of the Hidden Leaf.

"Naruto there's much work where that came from" Tsunade mumbled softly, as she scan a scoll presented to her. Not hearing a response from the usual hyperactive blonde, she tore her gaze away from the scroll and focused her attention to the sleeping shinobi. His arms were spread all over the table and documents, as he snored in his state of sleep.

"Naruto!" Tsunade yelled upset, in a state of disappointment. Naruto startled by the loud voice, jumped off the blue chair and landed on the ground after hitting his head on the table. The stacks of papers flying everywhere by the sudden movement.

"Baa-Chan that hurt!" Naruto whinned tiredly, rubbing his head gently. His blue tired eyes gazed at the sadden Hokage and stood up, still rubbing his head. Tsunade also stood up, dropping the scroll on top of the table as she placed her hands on her hips. Her amber eyes gazing at the future Hokage with disappointment but with a hint of amusement as she stalk her way towards him. Naruto stop the rubbing of his head, as he straighten his posture when he saw Tsunade walk her way towards him. His blue eyes lingered on her for a few seconds before they flickered to the stack of papers that he still had to completely read and analyze. He eyed the papers with hate and growled utterly tired. She smiled knowing very well what he was going through. She laughed out happily.

"Baa-chan this is too much paper work" He whined, rubbing his tired eyes. He did after all only received three hours of sleep all night. When her laughter came to a halt, she eyed Naruto seriously.

"Naruto we've managed to keep Sasuke Uchiha in the dark from the council's eyes. However that doesn't mean they will continue to do so, they will rebel against him and won't stop at nothing until he has been banned from here or some other nonsense. You and I both know very well that they dislike the brat. That's one of the reason why I'm allowing you dig up as much information as you possibly can about the Uchiha clan and other useful resources. It'll be you against them and I'm helping you prepare for that upcoming event and of course your upcoming role as the Hokage. Naruto you'll be in charge one day and I hope for Kami's sake you know how to manage these different situations and know exactly what your doing. Because not only will you be looking out for yourself and your comrades but the people in this village. The well-being of the the village will be in your hands" She said seriously, looking at him with her light brown eyes. Naruto took a seat on the available chair next to him, looking ahead with his mind completely blank. His face turn very serious, and he suddenly wasn't playing around anymore. Naruto was dead serious. Knowing very well that she's right and knows he has to stop complaining and stop acting so childish.

"I know Baa-chan, I promise I'll work harder from here and on. Believe it! I'll protect my village and my comrades" He spoke softly with determination. His big blue eyes shinning brightly with firmness and willpower. His cheerful grin was from one ear to the other. His blue eyes holding the confidence he felt, before he suddenly beam with pleasure.

"But for now a bowl of ramen is waiting for me, Gomenasai Baa-chan" Naruto scratched the back of his neck, before abruptly standing up. Running away, as he disappeared in whirl of wind and dust, leaving Tsuande stun and wordless. She stood there for a long period of time unable to register that he left without her consent.

"Naruto!" She yelled angrily, slamming her fist against the desk. Bitting down on her bottom lip harshly.


Sasuke Uchiha aimlessly walked on the roads of Konoha village. The sun just barley peeking through the blanket of clouds that hovered above. It was barely around noon and the wind was as chilly as the winter days in Konoha Village. He would've never thought he'll be back here, with nothing to do but train and eat ramen with Naruto. He flinched when a pair of slender arms came around his neck suddenly, catching him off guard.

"Sasuke-Kun!" Sakura yelled happily, her green jade eyes shining brightly with happiness. Holding onto him tightly. He rolled his eyes at her presence and her smell of overly used cherry blossom perfume. He grunt in disgust as his nose scrunched up in obvious displeasure.

"What do you want" He asked bluntly, not in the mood to deal with her yet again. He felt her flinch and he smirked happily.

"I-I-I just wanted to know if you can help me with my grocery." She replied hesitantly. Her arms fell from his neck, to her sides. Sasuke turn around to look at her. She eyed him with pleading eyes.

"Tch" He repiled annoyingly. Turning away as he walked away, leaving her behind. She frown sadly looking at his disappearing figure before turning around to her grocery bags. A frown clearly placed on her features.


Hinata sat on a bench under a tree in her traditional house garden. Her father was absent due to a meeting he had to attend with her little sister Hanabi. She frown deeper at the thought of being alone for the next couple of weeks. She hated being alone, especially at night. Her slender fingers brushed away the hair that fell downward to her face. Neji she thought quietly, looking up the cloudy sky. Her eyes shimmering brightly with a faint smile.

"I miss you so much Neji-Nii San" She whispered silently, as a few tears came rolling down her face. Silently weeping away all the sorrow she felt from deep within her. I miss you so much, I can't handle it. It's too much to bear she thought sadly, wiping her tears away. Tucking away a few strands of her long indigo hair behind her left ear. Whispering a quick prayer and a promise to visit his grave later on. Hinata smiled softly, making a mental remainder. Without much thought she ended up gazing at the sky in wonder. Minutes drifted by and Hinata was startled by the sound of loud barking coming from behind her. Hinata taken by surprise fell from the bench before being attack by a rather large dog.

"Hina, are you okay?" Kiba, her brunette and cheerful friend asked in a worried tone. Running his way towards her. Hinata smiled softly, as she nod her head, Kiba helping her up from the ground. Shino her usual quiet friend chuckled softly, leaving her with pink tint cheeks.

"You should really pay close attention to your surroundings, Hinata-chan" Shino replied in his usual cool and stoic tone. She blush deeper, agreeing with him.

"Why are you guys here? Do we have a mission?" Hinata asked seriously, adjusting her clothes and dusting them off. She look at them, with her white eyes as they shook their heads in disagreement.

"We just finished training and decided to come and pick you up, so we could head off to eat something. Maybe some ramen, who knows you might get lucky Hinata-chan." Kiba said bluntly, wiggling his eyebrows. Eyeing his bluette friend with a playful smirk, while Shino nudge his side.

"You might see Naruto there" Kiba said in a sing along voice, with a grin on his face. He smiled at her nervousness as she began playing with her two index fingers. He came closer to her, as he ruffled her long indigo hair, laughing slightly when he saw her pout. She's such a little girl. A young and innocent girl.

"Come on Hina " Kiba said cheerfully, grabbing her wrist. Pulling her along with him and Shino. They made their way out of the garden and inside her large house. Walking pass the guards and leaving the Hyuga compound through the main gates as they headed for the ramen shop as their next destination.


Sakura happily put her groceries away, humming a peaceful tune. Her slender fingers grabbing a cup from her cabinet as she pour some of her favourite orange juice. Walking to her living room where she flop herself on her green couch. Her parents weren't home, and wouldn't be home for the next couple days as they had to run a errand for the Hokage. She smiled happily, drinking her juice before setting it aside on her small table.

"Sakura-Chan!" She heard someone yell from outside her home. Sakura rose from her green couch, making her way to her door. Which was abruptly open by no other than Ino.

"Ino-Pig it's rude to open someone's door like that!"Sakura yelled at her blonde friend. Ino being Ino ignored her friend after firing back her own comeback and inviting herself in Sakura's home.

"Sakura-Chan, Tsuanade-sama asked me to tell you to bring Naruto back to the Hokage tower. She said something about him running off or something like that" Ino said bluntly, drinking some of Sakura's juice. She smiled slightly before sitting down on her green couch.

"Naruto is such an idiot" Sakura mumbled softly, messaging her temple. She inhaled deeply, before storming off to the ramen shop. Her hands balled in a tight fist. Ino smiled gently.

"They'll get together someday" Ino whispered softly, smiling wickedly."Maybe even sooner if I give them a little boost!" She eagerly yelled out, standing up from Sakura's couch. Grinning from ear to ear as she giggled excitedly.


Naruto turned around from the food that sat proudly in front of him. A pair of chopsticks in between his fingers as a noodle continued to hang from the side of his mouth, before he slurp it up. He smiled at the bluette that stood nervously in between her two comrades. Her two fingers pressing gently against one another. As her comrade with spiky brown hair and red lines against both sides of his cheek, whispered something to her. Making her blush deep red. While her other comrade with the green hoodie just stood there emotionless, his hands tuck inside his sweater's pockets.

"Ohayo, Hinata-Chan!" He yelled enthusiastically, waving his hand back and fourth. Hinata smiling softly turned deep red, when she saw Naruto pointing to the seat next to him.

"Come sit next me Hinata-Chan!" The hyperactive blonde yelled happily, patting the seat next to him. Kiba and Shino made their way to the only available seats, leaving Hinata the seat next to Naruto empty. Hinata bit her bottom lip hard. Hinata's vision slowly going fuzzy as her breathing hitched. She struggled to breathe, seeing nothing but blotches of black that invaded her vision. Everything commence to overwhelm her as her blood rushed to her head. She slowly wobbled, unable to stand properly as she unsteadily moved from side to side. Soon the darkness began to consume her in a black hole that she happily welcomed. And as if in slow motion, Naruto saw Hinata slowly begin to fall downward. Naruto's eyes grew big with anxiety, watching before his eyes as his friend slowly fell to the ground. Fainting in front of him. He stood up abruptly from his stool, ready to run towards her and catch her from falling but was surprise to see she didn't land face flat to the ground. But in the arms of Sasuke Uchiha. His best friend.


And that was my first chapter, I hope it was t your liking. Please vote or comment! Thank you

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