Chapter Two: Orange Haired Man

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I don't own Naruto or it's characters, Kishimoto is the owner of such amazing characters. I hope you enjoy chapter 2 of this SasuHina fic and I appreciate your votes and comments. Now on with the story!

Naruto's eyes grew big with anxiety watching his friend slowly fall to the ground, fainting in front of him. He stood up abruptly from his stool, ready to run towards her and catch her from falling but was surprise to see she didn't land face flat to the ground, but in the arms of Sasuke Uchiha. His best friend.


Sasuke growled annoyingly, not even trying to hide the fact that he was beyond annoyed and angry. His well built arms unwillingly carried the bluette girl that fell or rather fainted upon entering the Ramen Shop; otherwise known as Ichiraku  place. The shop grew surprisingly quiet, rather weird with Naruto around. It's a miracle the dobe is as quiet as he is now Sasuke thought, rolling his black eyes. His mood turning sour from the whole situation.

"Hinata-chan!" Naruto yelled loudly, standing up immediately from his stool. Dropping his pair of chopsticks on the floor which soon became forgotten along with his bowl of ramen. I spoke to soon Sasuke thought, frustrated with Naruto's loud outburst. He saw the way, him and along with who he assumed were the unconscious girl comrades rush towards them. Worried, written all over their faces as they approach the couple, coming closer.

"What happen?"Naruto asked his raven haired comrade, his blue eyes roaming the unconscious girl. Sasuke eyed his friend, noticing a gleam in his eyes. He almost frown, but was shoved out of the way by a walking by costumer who entered the shop. Sasuke would've lost his balance if he were just a mere person, but he wasn't. He was one of Konoha's strongest ninjas along with the dobe. However, that didn't exactly mean that he was wanted in the village. Sasuke almost let out a small grunt of annoyance, if it wasn't upon hearing the loud and annoying outburst. This dobe!

"Watch where your going pal!" Yelled a brunette hair man, with red marks on both side of his cheeks. He seemed rather familiar to Sasuke, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He eyed the brown haired man, and his tantrum. He almost smirked when he saw the way how he flinched upon seeing the face of the man who push him aside. Sasuke got a good look at him. He was tall, taller than him and he had bright orange hair that covered his left eye. He looked mysterious that was a fact. His brown eyes look at the brunette as he scowled him. He was clearly irritated based on the sour look spread across his face.

"I ain't your pal, and I most certainly wouldn't want to be. You got that?" He stated sternly with a cold tone similar to Sasuke's. Interesting Sasuke thought with amazement, a smirk appearing upon his features. His brown eyes were cold even if they were a light shade of brown. Naruto seem to not like the way one of his comrades was being shut up, so he walked proudly towards the tall orange haired man. Naruto eyeing the tall figure, letting out a small sigh.

"Look buddy we don't want any-" Naruto began, but was cut off by a fist that made contact with his stomach. The strong fist made him fly out of the shop, landing on one of the shop stands. Many gasp could be heard as a crowd begin to form. Sasuke still holding the bluette girl in his arms, couldn't help but step up to the man. He could honestly care less about the brunette that got yelled at but Naruto was another thing. If anyone was going to beat him, it would be him and no one else. That spot was reserved for only him.

"What are you looking at pretty boy?" The orange man asked Sasuke with a smirk as he gazed at the raven haired man. His eyes slowly falling upon the unconscious girl. His smirk turn to something else that Sasuke couldn't quite make out. But that mysterious gesture was replaced by a serious frown. His brown eyes looking back at Sasuke's black eyes.

"What did you say?" Sasuke asked coldly as his black eyes flared with anger. The orange haired man, raised an eyebrow at his coldness.

"What are you-" He spoke but was punch across the face by a angry Sasuke. Knocking the man to the floor. Sasuke smirked, gazing at the orange haired man. Such a waste, He thought bitterly. Holding the light girl in his arms, rather tight. He turned around facing her two comrades and a unconscious Naruto as he quietly yet bitterly said.

"If anyone is going to beat that dobe it's going to be me and no one else. Got it!" Sasuke declared with a raised tone, as he impatiently waited for his answer. Hearing nothing but silence he begin to walk towards the blonde. But stop abruptly. His back still facing the orange haired man.

"Oh and for your sake I'll watch were your eyes linger next time. She isn't someone you should be looking at with lust" He said sternly, making his way out of the ramen shop with the bluette girl in his arms. Leaving behind two confused comrades and a angry ginger.

"That Uchiha is sure something else" Kiba said rather dumbfounded, as he watch him carrying their comrade away from them.

"Sasuke still has Hinata-chan" Shino said in a monotone voice. Waiting for Kiba's outburst. There was silence.

"Hinata-chan... Oi! give us Hinata-chan back you bastard!" Kiba yelled after the last remaining Uchiha, as he ran after him. Shino shook his head gently, walking towards Kiba and Sasuke. Leaving behind a smiling ginger without any notice.

"Uchiha Sasuke and Hyuga Hinata huh? Interesting." He spoke softly, gazing outside.

"We've finally met, Hyuga Hinata"


Sakura stomp her way to the ramen shop, angrily clinching her fist.

"Naruto you Baka!" She yelled, making her way through the crowd.

"Sakura-Sama!" Someone yelled, catching her attention. Sakura turn around only to be suffocated in a tight hug by a blonde comrade.

"Sakura-sama! Guess what happen!?" She yelled loudly in her ears. Making Sakura flinch as she tried pushing the girl off of her.

"Ano, I-" She began but was caught off by a loud shrieking sound.

"What was that?!" Sakura asked, worried. Her green jade eyes looking towards the direction the noise came from.

"I don't-" The blonde girl began but was pushed violently by a running by passenger. Sakura grab him by his collar and raised him of his feet. She eyed him carefully, asking him in a serious tone

"What's going on?" She asked.

"A fight. Between the Uchiha brat and someone else" He breath out, as he was released by Sakura's grip. Falling on the floor.

"I'll be back" She said, running off to the direction of screaming and cheerful sounds.

"Sakura-senpai, I'll go with you!" the blonde yelled after Sakura, running after her.


Sasuke eyed his blonde friend, observing him closely. His face looking much skinnier than before. With dark bags under his eyes and the appearance of him having lost some weight. Sasuke shook his head, making his way to his kitchen. Leaving his blonde haired friend laying on his couch. Looking through variety of cabinets and inside his refrigerator, he continued his search for something eatable to eat. Finding nothing suitable he resigned himself, heading towards his bedroom. He walked down the dark hallway, passing by a closet and a small window. He opened the wooden door, gazing at his plain and empty room. His bed was neatly done, there was no trash in site and his counters and drawers were decorated with his ninja weapons that he has been sharpening. He made his way to his closet, looking at the top shelf. Taking a navy blue box in his hands. He frowned slightly before opening it up. All his savings were tucked inside the metal box. He's been constantly saving since he got back from war. He had no where to go, he was homeless and alone. He couldn't go to the Uchiha's compound because it had been completely destroyed. All that was left were ashes and trash. His home, his clan all the things that reminded him of his past was gone. However, even if the Uchiha compound where to still be there he really doubt he'll go live there. It was too much for him to handle, it reminded him of the painful memories. All the lies. It reminded him of his aunts and uncles. His friendly neighbors. His supporting mom, and stern father. His amazing and intelligent brother. So after coming back, he was broke and Naruto happily took him in. He didn't agree but he didn't have much of a choice so he accepted his help. After countless of jobs he managed to save enough money to support himself so he left Naruto's messy yet homey apartment in less then three months. He got a apartment just a few blocks away from Naruto's building, and since then he has been going on constant jobs, trying to avoid the wrath of the council. However, those jobs took a worse turn for him and he had to take it slow for at least two to three weeks. So all the money he had from his pervious job was long gone by now. All he had left was from his savings, which had at least for three months worth of rent. Naruto, although being annoying and an idiot, even though it pained his ego to admit it but he was a good friend. Naruto has been trying to get the money that rightfully belong to him from the Uchiha's finance. He personally disagreed with Naruto's stupid idea, because he refused to be a charity case, to be treated like someone who isn't capable to maintain themselves. To receive help from those who killed his clan, who turned his brother into a criminal. The people who robbed him of his childhood and the love of his parents and older brother. He was willing to start from the beginning and he made that his goal. He'll rebuild the Uchiha clan in the honor of his brother, Itachi Uchiha. He'll do it for him and his mother.

Sasuke sighed heavily, taking the proper amount of money, as he stuffed it inside his pocket. The things I do for you dobe, He thought quietly, closing the lid of the box. Putting the box away. He made his way to his door and out his room. He walked down his hallway and to his living room. Walking by Naruto's sleeping figure as he jumped out his window. Making his way to the food stands to go buy some food.


Hinata slowly opened her tired eyes. Her pale eyes burned, from the bright light that blind her. But after taking a few seconds her pale eyes adjusted to the light. She confusingly eyed the place she was in. Nothing seem to look familiar. She sat up from the bed that she laid in and her eyes roamed the messy room. It was filled with candy wrappings and cans. Her eyes blinked multiple times, rubbing her eyes. Where am I? She asked herself, gazing at the plain wall the color of a light shade of brown. A white towel hanged on a hook next a tall brown cabinet. There appeared to be two bed stands that ontop laid a lamb and several weapons; like shrunken's and Kunai's. There was two doors and on the opposite side of the rooms, there was only one window that was covered slightly by a white curtain. Her eyes observed herself, noticing that she was covered by a yellow blanket. The pillow was white and the bed stand was brown. She rubbed her forehead, slowly making her way out off the bed. Her warm feet touched the cold wooden floors and she flinched from the contact. As she was about to reach for her sandals, the door suddenly open wide and a loud voice pierced her ears. She jumped back and almost stumbled downwards.

"Hinata-chan are you awake?" A loud and enthusiastic voice asked. Her eyes slowly made their way to the figure that came bursting through the doors and smiled slightly, seeing her friend Kiba with a huge grin. Kiba made his way to the quiet girl, grabbing her wrist.

"Let's go, Hinata-chan me and Shino have been waiting for you to wake up so we can go eat" He stated, waiting for her to put on her sandals. Hinata noticed and she put her sandals on, after Kiba released his hold on her wrist. After her sandals were placed on her feet, she didn't have time to react when Kiba took her wrist, pulling her along with him. They rushed outside his room and down the stairs. Almost running to the entrance of his home before he stopped and let her wrist go. Hinata eyed him as he bent down and began to put his shoes on, she patiently waited for him. When her mind suddenly remembered something.

"A-A-Ano, Kiba-kun what happen?" She asked him softly, waiting for his response. Kiba turned around to face her and smiled.

"You fainted" He simply replied. Hinata turned deep red, her eyes blinking repeatedly. Kiba chuckled slightly, before he continued on.

"When we arrived at the ramen shop, Naruto saw us and well me and Shino went to take a seat. He invited you to sit next to him and you blushed, like always. Then before we knew it you fainted." He said, with a huge grin. Hinata bit her bottom lip. Playing with her fingers, as she stared at the ground.

"D-D-Did, I fall?" She asked embarrassed. "O-O-or did you catch me?" Kiba smirked before bursting into a set of laughter.

"No" He said after he managed to calm down. She eyed him confusingly.

"Sasuke caught you before you fell" He said with a chuckle."You should've seen his face" He said with a smirk. Hinata blushed deep red, her whole face now completely red.

"S-S-Sasuke caught me?" She asked quietly, her eyed opened wide. Sasuke saved me? He saved me from falling? She thought repeatedly, her mind completely haywire. I should thank hom properly, she thought smiling softly. However, the more she thought about it, she just couldn't stop the small smile that appeared on her face and the deep red blush. Sasuke Uchiha.

Well that's the ending of chapter 2, I hope you liked it and enjoyed reading it. I tried my best and I hope you'll comment or vote. Both will be amazing if you can however. Thank you for reading, it means alot to me. The orange haired man and blonde girl are made up characters but for certain the orange haired man will play a big part in this story. I'll most likely update this Saturday or even Friday, until then have an amazing week.:)

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