Chapter Twenty: Different

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I don't own Naruto or the following characters mentioned in this story.

Sorry, if there's any errors. I'll eventually go back and edit this whole book.


Arriving in a huge field with little flowers and more grass. Hinata and Sasuke stare at the huge glencar waterfall that became the center of the green medow. The water furiously splashed on the lake coming from the huge water trail from up top. Tree blossoms and a few water lilies surrounded the lake like a mystical curtain. The lilies a decoration to the clear lake.

Hinata smiled, as her legs guided her towards the water. Amazed and hypnotized by the beautiful scenery.

"The Kyuogoku clan is very lovely, isn't it U-Uchiha-san?"

Time was irrelevant to Sasuke Uchiha. It didn't matter how much time pass, or how many countless months, or years went by. What mattered was the outcome and result of the time spent.

So, as he walked through the outskirts of the village, his wandering eyes searched. He searched for clues, for a certain blonde knucklehead and loud pinkette.

After returning from their 'training' from outside the village, Sasuke and Hinata managed to fabricate a decent plan. It was simple,

Find Naruto, and Sakura yet simultaneously gather enough information. If possible, gather secretive information from the head of the Kyuogoku Clan or officials from within the main house.

Search and infiltrate.

Wasting less time, was Sasuke's main goal. The sooner they discovered their aim, the faster they'll cease their objective. Which would conclude to Naruto and Sakura returning to the village. Meaning, no longer will he be sharing his home with Hinata Hyuga, or engaging in meaningless conversation with her.

Although, no longer having any communication with Hinata Hyuga seemed a bit...unfamiliar.

It seemed that she always managed to strike a conversation, even though the results were the same. He's usual response were the usual 'hn' or 'tch'. But that never stopped her from continuing on.

He did however found her efforts amusing,

There was always something about her that left him feeling confounded.

She certainly brought out more emotions than anyone ever really could.

Hinata Hyuga was simply different, and rather unique.

A sudden urge to curve the ends of his lips upwards, left him puzzled. It wasn't often he smiled, and he often tried his best not to.

Afterall, Uchiha's never really showed much emotion, -especially himself-

He continued strolling down the firm roads, passing the occasional shops and joyful villagers. It was definitely strange to have a village surrounded by happiness to ever consider them the foe or even consider them possibly planning an attack on Konoha Village.

But he has learned looks could be deceiving.

"Excuse me," Weather she was older or younger, he certainly didn't care. Sasuke managed to find a sitting villager off to the side, and decided to ask for 'assistance'.

Similar to the many of the villagers she had bright brown hair, her eyes the color of a light caramel brown.

She smiled warmly, "How may I help you, sir?" She was definitely older. He immediately noticed once he came closer to her resting figure. She simply held the appearance of a loving mother.

"Is there any available housing nearby?" He questioned, emotion hiden from his dry tone.

She smiled, "There's actually a building down this road" She pointed ahead, "I'm sure you'll be able to rest there, son."

She was definitely a mother, that he knew. She held the kindness his mother held, it simply radiated from her.

"Thank you," He bowed. He was never a man of showing your elders respect, but this was a mission. And bowing for once in a long time didn't seemed so irrelevant as he thought it was. "Sorry for the intrusion."

"Your not around from here, are you?" He almost smirked, he knew that she would take notice -due to his different appearance both in characteristics and appearance- and eventually will strike a question.

"No." Wanting to pursue the conversation, he continued on. "My wife and I are here for a vist."

"My wife," It certainly sounded abnormal coming from his lips. It was completely foreign to him.

Her smile only seemed to grow wider, as a whole heartily laugh escaped her thin lips. "Newlyweds?" She questioned, her eyes sparkly with the help of the suns bright light.

He nod,

"Yes." He confirmed. Wanting to fully convince her, he pursade himself to show a small smile and he did. This act itself brought discomfort to him.

"That's very lovely, dear." He agreed, although he didn't really know how to answer. After all, it's all a facade. "There's nothing more powerful than the love of two young people during their first few months of marriage."

He wouldn't know, and honestly never thought he'll ever be able to experience the "everlasting love" with anyone else. He's been alone for as long as he could remember, and he didn't really mind leaving it like that. That is, for a few years.

If he wasn't the last remaining Uchiha he definitely wouldn't mind dying alone, but he isn't.

So to insure the Uchiha legacy will live on, he'll eventually will have to settle down; in other words impregnat a female and raise a family with her.

"Yes." Like before, he agreed with her. Nodding softly, as he noticed her stand from the small bench.

"And where is she?" She questioned softly, her eyes drifting back and forth.

"She's currently unavailable," Her eyebrows rose in confusion. "She's actually shopping for something to prepare for a meal, later on at night." He wasn't lying, at least not entirely.

She nod. Before her lips twitched upwards once again, "How is she like, dear?" He didn't exactly pursued the conversation to talk about his "marriage" but he could always try to direct the conversation to ask her about personal matters involving the Kyuogoku clan.

"She's," He was at a lost for words. He was silent for three short seconds, before he continued on, "She's different." Hinata is unlike anyone else, he has already come to that realization.

She remained silent, waiting for him to continue on, and he felt obligated to. "She's gentle." Soft and kind-hearted, she was everything that define innocence. "And, strong." He never really admitted it, but he learned that she held potential strength. And he only really knew, because he had happen to stumble across her when she was out training on a early day.

The sun hadn't even come up by then, but she was sweating and heavily panting. She was clearly tired, but he could still recall the determination in her eyes. They were so similar but so different. She held the same eyes Naruto owned, but hers were completely distinct.

"She's a good cook." It's been years since he has last ate a warm and delicious meal. Although he never really established her cooking was the best, he knew her cooking was very similar to that of his mother's. They had the same soft hands and graceful movements as they moved around the kitchen; preparing a mouth watering dish. "And she's, fragile." He always knew it, and it was her nature to be so soft towards others and so hard on herself.

He hadn't really come to realize all her qualities but as he answered the older villager's question, he's gaze managed to drift away.

It seemed that her image was drawn in the blue sky.

"She seems special," He couldn't agree with her, -he didn't want to- "How does she look like?" She asked, her eyes never leaving Sasuke when she noticed his unsettled features.

She looks like no other, -he also knew that, and also refused to acknowledge it. Her whole appearance was unique and almost flawless. Her eyes were the most captivating piece from her whole demeanor.

"Her eyes are pure," They're the symbol of the moon. Bright and big. Filled with warmth and reassurance. "Her hair is soft, and... long"

The memory of weeks ago enlighten in his mind, as he recalled the feeling of her hair in between his slender fingers.

It was like a switch. He was suddenly seeing her in a much different light without actually realizing it. Although he had seen her plenty of times he hasn't really seen her.

"S-Sasuke-kun?" It was as if he was suddenly hearing her soft and gentle voice. But noticed she was actually standing there; next to him.

Because of their 'marriage' situation they had decided it'll be best to not refer to eachother based on Surnames, but First names. That is for when they where outside or being watched, behind closed doors they both agreed to go back to their 'normal' speaking terms.

He turned slightly,

Hinata stood a few inches away, a brown bag in her hand.

His eyes took her in. Her soft voice lingered inside his ear, as he couldn't help but allow his eyes to observe every single detail in her that he had missed before.

Hinata Hyuga, attired the same Kimono she entered the village with. He aswell, but now he was able to fully take in the small features hadn't really appreciated before.

It was unusual for himself, but nevertheless he continued to stare.

"You must be his wife," The elder woman he had been talking, spoke softly and with a loving tone. "I'm Ms. Tsukino."

Hinata politely bowed. "G-Good afternoon, Ms. Tsukino. It's a pleasure meeting you." A graceful smile made its way to her lips.

"The pleasure is all mines, dear"

As mintues passed and the air slowly grew colder, Ms. Tsukino, Hinata and Sasuke engaged in a small talk.

"We actually wanted to pay our respects towards the clans leader," Hinata began. Her voice firm, and gentle at the same time. "To say our Thank you's and show our appreciation."

Ms. Tsukino smiled; nodding. "Of course," Turning slightly to the left. She pointed with her index finger down the sidewalk. "There should be a long road down there, that'll eventually lead to huge compounds. It should be the last one, and biggest one of them all." She assured.

Hinata smiled. "Thank you,"

"Your welcome," Excusing herself, she said her final greetings. Before departuring.

"Goodbye, Ms.Tsukino" Bowing one last time, Sasuke and Hinata watched her retrieving figure slowly disappear.

Standing in silence, Hinata and Sasuke quickly gazed at one another. Before continuing to walk the opposite side, towards the available housing Sasuke was mentioned to.

"A-Ano Sasuke-kun?" She wanted to ask him a simple question, that she felt needed to be asked.

"What?" He didn't really wanted it to come out as harsh as it did, but it clearly came out harsher then intended. His voice was naturally cold and distant but lately he didn't appreciated it when near Hinata.

"H-Have you seen Naruto-kun and Sakura-chan?" She hadn't, and she had sincerely hoped that Sasuke would've been able to find them. But upon seeing him nod his head in disagreement, she frowned slightly.

"We'll find them," He mumbled. "Eventually."


"Welcome," An elderly man, welcomed them, as Sasuke and Hinata made their way to the front desk.

Hinata smiled, with quivering lips as she bow slightly.

"We want a room," Sasuke demanded in a straightfoward tone. Taking a brown bag filled with curency, he dropped it ontop of the desk. He was tired, and he wasn't sure of what exactly.

All he knew, was that his head was pounding harshly against his skull, which made he feel, frustrated.

What wasn't helping was his mind that was occupied with certain thoughts of Hinata Hyuga.

It'll eventually go away,

He hoped.

The man's eye's glowed, as he took a pair of keys from under the desk.
Handing them to Sasuke, as he took the small bag. It was heavy bag, and the elderly man didn't hesitate to take it.

"Stay as long as you'll like."

Sasuke didn't hesitate to leave, as he pulled Hinata toward the staircase. His fingers unconsciously intertwined with hers, as he connected their hands together. The pair of keys in his other hand, as he twirled them around his fingers.

Hinata, merely followed as doors passed by her; her mind in a daze as she felt how soft Sasuke hand actually was.

Numbers after numbers, doors after doors, Sasuke stopped soon afterwards. Their room number appeared, and Hinata couldn't help feeling nervous.

Feeling weak to her knees, and a sudden tingle in her heart; Sasuke pulled her towards the door.

Unlocking the door, they entered.

The room, was nice and gaved out the home-y feeling. It was warm, and nothing but the natural scents of the pleasing bamboo, bonsai, and apple blossom tree's encircled the room.

Sasuke, allowed his hand to relinquish his hold in Hinata's hand; missing her warmth almost instantly.

She felt the same.

He must've been really tired, if he could think such thoughts. But the urge to take her hand in his, was like never before. So he walked away from her, and further down their room.

Thinking it'll be best to direct his mind to something else, he couldn't help but inspect the quality and comfort of their temporary suite.

From the soft wood walls, to their paper shogi doors, to the tatami flooring. Similar to a western-style room, their room was filled with an aura of peace.

He walked deeper, and came to mid-stop at the sight of a small tokonoma. Holding varieties of decorative items, from fancy to old traditions ones. It complimented the room with elegance.

Coming to the dinning area, Sasuke caught sight of the usual medium low table with small legs that settled in the middle of the room. With a vase, of colorful flowers, a tea kettle along with a few cups that decorated the table; it gaved the dining room life.

With the usual Zabuton cushions on each side of the table -four legless chairs, square and thick for comfort- he continued to observe the room for a few seconds before moving further down the hall.

And further down from the dinning area, was the kitchen; traditional and old-fashioned. Nothing special was placed or seemed to gain the attention of Sasuke Uchiha as he skim through it, only to move along.

From the living room, to the bathroom, to the dinning area, and the kitchen was the sleeping head-quaters.

One sleeping futon(bed), big enough for two individuals clearly for the use of two people of the opposite sex.

He walked inside the room, and was welcomed by the soft tatami floors.

The sight of the large futon, was lifted slightly -not completely on the floor- which was covered by white fluffy covers and two pillows.

Sasuke never thought he'll see the sight of a marriage futon with the company of a female. Much less accompany by Hinata Hyuga.

Although he walked in from a pair of shogi doors, his eye's caught the sight of another set of shogi paper doors; in the opposite right side.

Two wildwood lamps laid ontop of small and low tables on each side of the large futon, which added color and class to the room.

In the center of the room, and above the futon was a large and circle paper latern hanging from the middle of the ceiling. A internal and classical wall design, decorated the walls with the colors of dark black, and bright white.

In other words, although the room was simple and not over loading with decoration it held a rich style; it held elegance.

Sasuke sighed, not deeply but tiredly. He resigned himself and allowed his shoulders to fall, as his baggage fell loudly. He didn't hesitate to walk towards the other pair of shogi doors, and opened them wide. A large walk-in closet leading to a bathroom was all that hid behind the doors.

Footsteps made their way from the hallway to the room, and Sasuke allowed his fingers to close the paper doors. He turned around, facing Hinata who made her appearance.

Her cheeks were stained red, and her body was slightly shivering; either from cold or from a sudden emotion of anxiety.

"U-Uchi-" She paused, cleared her throat before trying again. "Uchiha-san"

"Hn?" He didn't bother answering with decent words, nor did he bother fully facing her. Who knew what could eventually happen if he did.

"A-Ano, there's only appears to be o-one room" She announced timidly, and with a shaky voice.

"Tch." He walked away from the doors, and towards Hinata. Who at the moment, was occupied with unsettled thoughts and worried scenarios.

Standing in front of her, he allowed his eye's to dance and admire her soft features. Before moving away, reluctantly. "You know, I won't try anything" Even though the words left his lips, he wasn't completely sure that was the honest truth.

Walking pass her, he was ready to set foot outside the room and leave to find comfort somewhere else, but Hinata's shyly reply stopped him from moving any further.

"I-I know," Biting her lips, Hinata made an effort to stroll towards him.

Before he noticed, -or had the time to turn around- she was already standing in front of him. Pink dusting her cheeks, "I trust you Uchiha-san." Weather it was the way she said those words, or the way she looked while saying those words and allowing them to escape her pink lips, he couldn't help the way his eyes widen. Nor could he stop the sudden racing and swelling of his heart.

But being given the privilege to see Hinata Hyuga's sincere smile, utterly caught him off guard.

It wasn't like before when she'll usually smile, because this time felt completely different.

It made him feel different.

And as the seconds passed, time seemed to stop for that simple moment; Sasuke Uchiha was unable to comprehend the beating of his heart. The sudden skip, and fluttering emotions swirling inside him.

He was unable to explain the sudden warmth, that encircled his cold heart.

For as long as he could remember he remained in the dark in a pitch black abyss filled with hatred and regret.

And for once, he saw a soft hand extending and shinning down to offer him a new fate. He saw her hand in the bitter cold and darkness that he was living in, and he couldn't stop himself from wanting to take her hand.

So he reached,

Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter c: Please don't forget to vote, comment and feebacks/reviews are always welcomed.

By the way, sorry for the cheesy/corny ending.

Til' the next chapter!

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