Chapter Twenty-One: Heartbeat

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I don't own Naruto or the following characters mentioned in my story.

I apologize for the writing errors & for the delay. Sorry, for the long wait.


For as long as he could remember he remained in the dark in a pitch black abyss filled with hatred and regret.

And for once, he saw a soft hand extending and shinning down to offer him a new fate. He saw her hand in the bitter cold and darkness that he was living in, and he couldn't stop himself from wanting to take her hand.

So he reached,

He didn't sleep that night,

He didn't go back either.

But eventually he knew he'll have to return to their room, and confront the sudden emotions he has been feeling lately.

He knew that as soon as he saw her, he'll go back to his usual 'cold' and 'stoic' self. But he didn't want that.

It became a mere instinct for him to act cold and angry when he was confused. So he couldn't help it, but he did want to change his ways.

But there was something in him, that begged him to take advantage of the 'marriage' act and figure out his emotions.

Then the other side of him, refused to acknowledge anything revolving around Hinata or the sudden mystery of his emotions.

It was best to stay far away from her, he thought. It'll be best to end this mission as fast as possible to return back to their village and go their separate ways.

She'll go back to volunteering at the Hospital and smiling at mere villagers along her way.

He'll go back to training, and being isolated in his apartment. Without the need for anything or anybody except Naruto on his days of training.

It was easier said than done.

It was easier to imagine a coherent scenario than to actually act based on those nonexistent images that played out in his haywire mind.

So, as he entered their room late at night; almost morning. He didn't move towards 'their' bedroom, but instead remained in the living room.

Taking a spot in the couch, and allowing his tired body to relax for the few hours he had left.

Til the next day, he thought. Everything will be normal by then,

It was utterly quiet, yet cold. It didn't really bothered him, but the urge to see Hinata was strong enough to have him up on his feet.

And the sudden urge to control his emotions and shove them away from his mind, had him sit back down.

He felt bothered; disturbed.

It wasn't easy, nothing ever was in his life.

Yes, he wanted to see her.

To see her complexion late at night, and hear her soft voice which continued to linger in his throbbing mind.

He laid against the soft material of the couch, staring nonchalantly at the ceiling.

His breathing came out as short and cold.

'I just need a blanket,' He thought a bit eagerly. He knew better than what his mere excuse claimed. It was an excuse, to find himself next to her, alone in the room she rested in.

It seems all he needed was a simple and almost absurd reason to make his way down the hallway to the only bedroom in their suite.

Afterall, he really didn't need the comfort of a fabric to sleep. Honestly he could've gone the rest of the night without the comfort of thick cotton to conserve his heat, but he just wanted a reason to see Hinata. Just for a second.

Weather it was to see if she was okay and safe under the comfort of the blankets, or simply for his greedy emotions he didn't care.

He just knew he wanted to see her.

He had to see her.

In less than a second, he was in front of the door long before he realized. His hand touched the edges of the shogi paper doors, and softly he allowed his hands to guide the door to the left.

He was welcomed by darkness, that wasn't as bitter as he had seen but warm and a bit comforting an irony for a black atomphere.

"U-Uchiha-san?" His ears perked up upon the short and tired voice he heard come from the large bed. It was plainly obvious that she was in need of sleep, because her soft tone was weary. Almost a bit dry, and raspy against the war air.

It had drawn to him then, that she was awaiting for his return. It was as if she was worried for his sudden disappearance to bother sleeping and allowing herself to properly rest from the long day.

She denied the comfort of a warm bed, to wait for his return.

It certainly didn't help his case, because it seemed that with every little thing she did; she was slowly making her way to his heart.

No, that was an utterly false statement.

He wanted nothing more than to hold in the strong impulse to laugh bitterly.

Because in between the long and cold days of their first meet, and her determination to assist him...

To the endless meals she constantly cooked for him, and to the chocolate deserts that she would continue to bake for him...

To the endless hateful words he constantly spat her way, and for her simply remaining there with him through all the hardships she seemed to face upon looking after him...

To all her sweet gestures of inviting him to Konoha's festival, and for her small 'party' for the day of his birth, to her gift which she personally customized for him...

To all she has done, he hadn't really realized she was already inside his heart.

Living, and providing him with endless warmth of comfort; warmth that he hasn't really cared for or used to.

He suddenly yearned for more of her.

She was standing infront of him before he noticed. Rubbing her tired eyes, a small and almost adorable yawn escaped her plump lips.

"I'm glad your back." And she was. She was relieved that he didn't leave her behind, because there was something in the way that he left that made her feel unsettled.

Nevertheless, she was also relieved to see him again. It's been a long time since she has been alone or in the company of anyone else but Sasuke Uchiha, but she didn't mind being with him. She enjoyed his prencence, it was soothing yet exciting.

He shifted, and before she could catch sight of his actions he was already almost out the paper doors.

"You should rest," She seemed exhausted, and drained from energy. Her whole appearance displayed it.

A small frown made its way to her lips, "W-Where are you going?" She wanted to know he wouldn't leave her again,

Strange, she felt like a child being abandoned by her parents. It made her uneased.

Yes, it confused her. It brought unsettled feelings to surface inside her. It left her bewildered and unable to think clearly.

But she gladly welcomed the confusion and puzzled emotions in her. It wasn't everyday she felt happy to see a specific person.

Naruto was a different case.

She did love him, and might still. But it's different from the eruption of butterflies, or the sudden crimson cheeks that Sasuke brought her.

With Naruto, she felt a tingle in her heart. It was warm, and left almost soon afterwards.

But somehow, as she grew to notice Sasuke true nature she often felt an everlasting swelling in her heart.

While Naruto stared at her, she felt herself become red and a small blush would always appear.

But with Sasuke, she felt as if she was ready to melt to the ground. Her face would often feel hot, and inflamed. Never leaving; always there.

Everything was different between the two of them.

Her heart throbbed, and it skipped beats when she and Sasuke engaged in a semi-conversations.

Her mind and heart yearned for him. In his presence, she felt light and warm. He brought out something from her, it was a soothing and pleasant. She could never really think straight near him,

And she realized on the day of the Festival how deep her emotions ran for the certain raven head; Sasuke Uchiha.

It was a cold and icy on the day of the Festival, but being next to Sasuke she couldn't help but feel like she was enveloped in a blanket.

She noticed her cheeks only burned deeper when she was close to him.

It seemed that her emotions only seemed to escalate when he almost kissed her on top of the rooftop.

And when he did kissed her, she had known he hadn't felt the same. So she was disappointed. It was only natural for her to feel pain, but she couldn't help but feel light, as her stomach erupted with a burst of butterflies. His soft lips sent a wave of electricity running up and down her spine. Her legs felt wobbly and unable to sustain her weight. The touch of his lips felt light like a feather kiss. It felt wrong to be in his arms, on top of that mountain but it felt so right at the same time.

She shook the thoughts of his lips from her wavering mind. In the middle of the dark, her hand took a hold of his. She felt as she always did; weak with many emotions. A bittersweet feeling,

Tugging at his hand, she pulled him closer to her. Her eye's although were tired and half opened, they focused on his features and his every movement.

She bit her lip, clenching onto his hand. "Stay." It was a bold move, even for her.

Asking Sasuke Uchiha, to follow any form of orders was enough to get you or anyone killed.

He only really took orders from specific people, and even then he did them his way.

But, she couldn't help but ask this of him. If her sudden boldness was due to her lack of sleep or simply her emotions coming to the surface she couldn't find it in her heart to care.

For once, she wanted to feel like she was in control of her own emotions and actions, no matter the circumstances or outcome.

As soon as the word of demand left her lips, he felt conflicted.

He flinched. Catching her soft orbs in the pitch black room.

He was undecided whether to go or stay.

He searched for any signs of regret, but her lilac orbs showed no doubt.

But inside him, a cast of doubt and distraught emotions burned him.

He gaved her hand a small squeeze, without realizing it.

It was tempting, -her offer- but there was other circumstances standing in his way besides his confusion and feelings.

"No." He knew all of this was wrong, his feelings for her and her sudden impulses. "Goodnight, Hyuga."

Releasing his hold from her hand, he turned around; leaving as he shut the shogi papers closed.


It was morning by the time he decided to close his eye's; after non-stop thinking.

But he only slept for an hour, before the burning rays of the morning sun started agitating his eyes.

So, he decided it was best to get off from the uncomfortable couch and do something proactive.

It was still early in the morning to go out and gather intel, since the sun was barely at its peak over the horizon.

He made his way to the old fashioned kitchen, and without much thought took out a few groceries and commenced cooking a healthy yet simple breakfast.

Hinata hadn't really bought enough groceries for days, only for what was suppose to be yesterday's meal.

So he made use of some of the ingredients, and ended up with cooked salmon, and rice -which was cooked and heated until it was properly put together-

Along with a few cut tomatoes slices and strawberries.

It wasn't the usual mouth watering meals, Hinata usually prepared. But he found comfort in trying to cook for once for someone else to please.

Maybe it was to appease his guilt.

It didn't mattered, because he felt gratify to see her smile after yesterday's encounter.

In all honesty, yesterday he had wanted to fulfil her odd request but he didn't want her to regret asking.

He knew she wouldn't, because of the way her eyes showed her resolve and firmness for the purpose.

However, he wasn't so sure he would be able to have her close and not want to hold her. Even for a second.

Yes, after endless questions and throwing away reasoning and logic to the side he has come to the conclusion that he held feelings for the lilac eye Hinata Hyuga.

Princess of the Hyuga estate. The pure and loving beauty who happened to be his bodyguard, and fake wife forged by wedding document's.

His feelings just came to suddenly, that he didn't know how to deal with them. And he has yet to fully accept it or pursade anything further with her.

"M-Morning, Uchiha-san." The softness of her tone, was enough to put him at ease and bring him back from his unsettled mind.

"I cooked breakfast," Greetings weren't his thing, so when he announced his statement Hinata nodded softly; not surprised. Before making her way to gather plates and bowls for the hot meal.

She wanted to help, but when he said "Go sit down, Hyuga" She felt obligated to follow his order, due to the firmness of his voice.

She took a seat, reluctantly and waited for him.

It wasn't long before he came outside the kitchen to the dinning area; with a pot and long plate in his hands.

Placing them ontop of the table, Hinata couldn't help but smile at the sight of a concentrated Uchiha as he served the food.

It left a tingle running up and around her heart.

In little than a few mintues, the food was served and Hinata had a plate of Salmon in front of her, along with a round bowl of rice.

"Thank you, Uchiha-san." It brought a cozy feeling to spur inside her.

He nod, and before long they began to eat.

It was a quiet morning,

Their suite was a bit cold, but they were left warm with the hot food they consumed.

Last night brought out an aura of 'awkwardness' with a slight strain of tight emotions, swirling between them.

It wasn't everyday he was asked to join a female to bed, and sleep in the same room.

It also wasn't everyday that he actually wanted to obey that specific command.

But he had wanted to, and still did.

If he were to be completely honest with himself he would've, if it wasn't for the sudden tension he felt upon her sudden appearance.

She wasn't properly attired in 'safe clothes', for she was in nothing but a a simple silky purple night dress, -with a white ribbon tied below her chest area- along with a thin yellow and floral night robe.

Hugging her curves in all the right places, complimenting her sleeping attire.

He found himself thinking, -late at night- if she often slept in revealing clothing.

Was she fully awake to know how her touch effected him, physically and mentally.

Especially when she willingly took his hand into hers, which were firmly pressed against eachother until his departure.

He found himself wondering if he was the first to see her in her revealing night wear.

Was he the first to see her pale skin reflected softly against the bright moon.

Was he the first to see her body's curves,

Was he not?

Was there someone else who had first glimpse.

Who was it?

Did he know the fortunate bastard-

"Uchiha-san?" Hinata's soft tone brought him back from his livid thoughts.

Images of her being seen by someone else in that state brought him a strong feeling of discomfort, unpleasantness and a choleric wrath.

"Hn?" He didn't trust his words to come out as emotionless as usual, he was sure the anger he felt inside would come out which would be misjudged. She'll misunderstand the emotions behind his voice.

He didn't want that.

"Are you o-okay?" Her tone was laced with worry. Concern was displayed in her features, as she softly rose from the legless chair.

Upon noticing his sudden crimson face, and clenched fist she knew something was wrong with him.

She wouldn't have taken notice if it wasn't for the strong and sudden broken pieces of the small cup in his hands, which soon decorated the small table. Warm liquid falling on the edge of the table.

Dropping her pair of chop sticks, she strode to him.

Her eye's roaming his bleeding hand.

"Are you okay, Uchiha-san?" She felt the need to rephrase her question differently.

His eyes bore into hers, staring absentmindedly.

He felt crossed; unsettled.

"Yeah." She looked enchanting, it was tempting.

He was tempted out of emotions. It seemed that he was naturally drawn to her. It seemed harder to resist, now that he 'accepted' his emotions for her.

Without much thought or control over his body, he found himself in front of her less than a second. Standing closer to her worried yet flushed body.

It seemed she was also charmed.

Since her eyes grew hazed and foggy with desire and impulse.

"Hinata," His voice came out as low and husky. The beating of his heart increased ten fold.

Bitter her lower lip to distract herself, Hinata felt her body inch closer to his.

It seemed last night effected both of them more than they let on.

Resistance started to ebb away.

His hand made their way up her arms. Leaving a electric current behind. She shivered. Bitting on her lips harder than intended.

He raised his other hand to her lips, pulling her red lip away from the grasp of her teeths. He edged closer.

"Gomen," He wrapped an arm around her shoulder. Pulling her in for a close embrace. He took in the familiar scent of sweet lavender and daisies. Circling both his arms around her small and soft body.

Despite the nervousness in her stomach, it fluttered at the feeling of her body pressed against his. Feeling the warmth of his body radiating to her. She sunk into the warmth of his body, appreciative of the simple gesture his embrace gaved her. His touch made the room warmer somehow, she thought as she noticed her cheek flush deep crimson. The beating of her heart increasing rapidly.

She couldn't help but smile, wrapping her own pair of arms around his body. Closing her eye's, as she nested her head on top of his beating heart.

His heart matched hers, the rythmn were the same. Beating fast and harsh under their ribcage. She allowed the music of his heart to comfort her, as she welcomed the warmth he embraced her in.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please don't forget to vote, comment and any feedbacks are always welcomed. Thank you for reading!c:

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