You vs Sonic

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You're going on a nice walk in the fields, enjoying the beautiful day.

Then an evil scientist with an ugly mustache comes and starts trying to take over the world.

You then watch him fight a small, blue figure from a distance.

The blue furred being is hit with a ray and knocked to the ground.

After the scientist flees the scene, you see the blue hedgehog giving you a scary look.

Sonic has been hit with an rage ray..............and now he sets his sights on you to kill.

Today, we're going to think on whether or not you could survive an attack against Sonic.

While Sonic's true origins of himself and his powers have been unknown, he has been given backgrounds in the comics, like being the son of a noble and childhood friend of a princess.

Before you can take on Sonic, you need to know about him first.

As much as you'd like to defeat him quickly, Sonic isn't that stupid.

Sonic is always immediately known for his speed, even at the mere mention of his name.

His specific speed remains unknown.

As much as game theorists say he isn't faster than the speed of sound, they forget that they're looking into a video game.

The games aren't meant to make him go "really fast" because it would mess the gamer up if he couldn't control Sonic at high velocity.

There's also another thing that stops Sonic from using full speed.

It's what I call the "Superman theory".

In this theory, if a character is extremely powerful, they won't risk using their full potential in a fight.

If Sonic is so fast that no one could clock him, then chances are at the fact he could destroy everything around him.

Going faster than the speed of sound can cause a sonic boom, which at it's weakest can destroy glass windows.

A lot of things going faster than sounds can also risk knocking an entire house over.

Sonic may be out to kill you, but he won't risk hurting someone else to get you.

So you have the advantage against him if you bring your fight to a populated area.

Just make sure the place is somewhere you're familiar with.

But a populated area can only keep you safe for so long until he finds a way to fight you without causing too much damage.

Fighting him up close is obviously no.

He may not be physically trained as you are, but he can dodge you with his speed and use his spin dash and homing attacks to deal hard blows.

As much as Sonic could be taken advantage with a simple trip, his powers can overwhelm you quickly.

So you're next option should be to fight him from a distance.

Now you can't just use any gun for this. After all, you're dealing with a guy who can go faster than sound and dodge lasers.

Plus you can't just point a gun at him and think Sonic will be helpless.

Once he sees you pointing your shot gun or AKA 47 at him, he'll quickly take you out before you have a chance to fire.

The M134 Minigun is the gun that holds the record of fastest firing gun. Supposedly able to fire 100 rounds per second, meaning it can shoot 6,000 rounds per minute.

Only problem with a gun that powerful is setting everything up for it.

You would have to hide the gun somewhere well hidden and muffle the noise some so Sonic won't know it's there.

Once you've lured him there, activate it and watch as Sonic is torn apart.

But there's still a flaw in the plan.

The gun I mentioned is big and extremely powerful, meaning you can't just hide and shoot him without dealing with the recoil of the gun knocking you off your feet.

Plus, you don't know if Sonic will stand in the exact spot you want him in, meaning you could miss him when he arrives.

Your best plan is to use the full intelligence you have at your disposal.

Sonic has two major weaknesses that can be exploited.

The strongest of the two is his cocky personality.

After years of using his speed, Sonic gets arrogant a lot and usually thinks he can win by just running in and taking his opponents out.

If you can act like you're more vulnerable than Sonic thinks you'll be, you can take advantage of his pride by striking when leasts expects it.

The problem here is that Sonic already learned from that in Sonic Unleashed.

In Unleashed, Eggman acts desperate and begs Sonic to spare him, only to trick him into his trap he set up.

So tricking him won't be enough to defeat him.

That's where you bring in Sonic's second major weakness.

Ironically, his Achilles heel actually is his heel.

Sonic's speed is used when he runs, which obviously means he uses his legs for every situation.

The best way to use this is to set up traps to disable his ability to run.

There are four potential ways to set up a trap that could get rid of his legs and put the fight in your favor.

1) Easy Shot: If you're a crack shot, then you can use a sniper rifle on either his knees, thighs or ankles.

You'll need to add a silencer to it to make sure Sonic isn't alerted to the shot.

Also keeps hidden when planning your sniper shot so Sonic won't know where you are.

But the flaw in this trap is the fact that you have to be a perfect shot, or else you won't get anymore chances like this.

2) Chili dog: As ridiculous as it sounds, this may be the most effective way to take him out.

With his favorite food being chili dogs, he won't resist the opportunity to eat one.

Plus he'll eventually be hungry trying to chase you down.

I recommend either using a deadly toxin or tranquilizer fluid to be put inside the chili dog.

This will attack his body and either knock him out or damage his nerves.

You can then finish the job yourself with him unable to fight back.

The problem though, is that you'll never know when he's actually hungry or not.

If you leave that chili dog out there just after he ate lunch, he's going to catch on to you trying to poison him.

3) Hidden traps: While I've been talking about hiding in your traps, I never mentioned setting something up that was made to be used in a trap.

Unfortunately, conventional traps won't work on Sonic, since he has dealt with similar traps when fighting Eggman.

You would have to go to the traps that he not only he wouldn't see coming, but he'll never be able to recover from.

One hidden trap to use would be a tranquilizer dart.

A well placed and hidden tripwire could mess Sonic up and leave him open to the dart he just exposed himself to.

The most extreme hidden trap would be using a claymore mine like the military.

If you can put the sensor in the exact spot he would step in, the blast would damage him enough towards near death or instantly kill him.

But as I just said, Sonic has learned to expect traps from Eggman, meaning these examples would have to be well executed.

And finally...

4) Drowning: One of Sonic's biggest obstacles in his adventures is his fear of water.

Though he has gotten past this before, it was only because he had a way to escape, like a spring or a ramp.

If you find a swimming pool, you can use that to make a water trap.

First you get rid of the steps or anything he can use to simply walk out.

Then get rid of the ladders so he can't climb out.

If possible, try to make shallow end the same depth as the deep end.

Then you need to cover the pool up and make it look like part of the environment it's in.

If you can trick Sonic over to it, he'll fall deep inside it and struggle.

Plus the cover you used will trap him underwater, making it difficult for him to resurface for air.

Sonic would no doubt either drown or be extremely vulnerable to your killing shot with your gun.

If none of these options are available to you, you're only chance of survival is to find a place Sonic will never follow you to.

My recommendation for retreat would be to move to an island that's remotely out in the ocean.

Sonic may be able to run on water, but not for long.

So in short, Sonic may be fast on his feet, but his arrogance and reliance on his legs and speed make him a mostly easy opponent to take out.

But unfortunately, running away will just make it easier for Sonic to win.

So what do you guys think?

Can a well planned trap work?

Or do you think you should just plan an escape?

Let me know down in the comments section.

Next time, we will be covering how you could survive Tails.

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