Back Together Again (Kit)

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We finish breakfast and offer to show Forth around the hospital. We pay and walk out of the café. We walk towards the hospital when a familiar voice catches our attention.

"Piis! Help us! Please!" We look down an alley and see Nong Yo holding onto Nong Ming while being attacked. He is covering Ming's body with his own suffering blows from the several men.  We can see they are trying to separate Yo from Ming but he's refusing to let go.  That's our Nong.

Well Those guys just kissed their asses goodbye.

Beam and I turn to Pha and Forth.

"Stay here!" We shout holding our hands out signaling them to stop and stay.

We turn to run but Forth grabs my hand. I turn and look at him like he's crazy.  Beam has run ahead.

"What are you doing? You can't go there. I'll go help." Pha is agreeing adamantly at this foolish suggestion. I look them up and down. Then look at them like they've lost their fucking minds.

"No. Last I checked neither of you is a fourth degree black belt in anything. So sit here and stay out of trouble. Understand?" They nod yes and I start to head towards Beam but turn around.

"Honey, make sure to call the police please." He shakes his head yes and starts fumbling with his phone.

I walk over to the group who has stopped assaulting our nongs because of our arrival. They look at us with murderous looks. I bend down to Yo and try to evaluate the situation. Ming is out cold and Yo is crying. They must have hit him from behind because Ming is a fantastic fighter.

"How about you guys go and we'll let you." Beam says.

"Not without that one." One of them says pointing to Yo.

"I've taken a liking to him." I stand and eye him. He's nothing special.

"Oh so you think you deserve to have what you want just because you like it? Is that how it works?"

He smirks at me and at that moment I realize I'm gonna have to hurt somebody.

"Good news Beam, you get to hit someone today." He's already cracking his knuckles nad getting ready.

"Fantastic." He drawls out.

"Let's see, you said just because we like something we can have it right?"

He looks at me with a cocky expression on his face. I smile and walk closer.

"I like this watch so give it to me."

They start laughing like one of those bad movies when gang members laugh because they think they have the upper hand.

"Then come and get it little man."


I use his knee as a propellant and jump up. I pull my arm back balling my hand into a fist. On my way down I strike him square in the jaw causing him to fall to the ground. I land effortlessly beside him. I grab his hand and wrench his arm behind his back then deftly remove the watch from his wrist. I throw his hand down and admire my new bangle.

"On second thought I don't really want it." And I toss it back at him.

He looks at me with hate in his eyes as he wipes the blood from his mouth.

"Get them!" He yells. Again reminiscent of a bad movie.

They fan out and come after us a few of them holding bats. I watch as one of the men squares off with Beam arms up, fists balled, and bobbing side to side. He jabs only to have his hand caught and his body pulled forcefully towards Beam's body. Beam grabs his head then rapidly kicks his midsection several times before dropping him to the ground. He looks up in time to see another guy kick at him but he grabs his leg midair and holds it close to his body as he sweeps his foot under the man's remaining leg causing him to fall. 

Being Beam, he gives him one more good kick in the ribs for annoying him before stepping away.

I smile then and decide it's time to join the fun. I run towards a man trying to get to Yo. As I approach them I begin to turn my body to the left bringing my feet together before pushing off with my right foot propelling me into the air. I drop my left foot as I kick my right foot higher and make contact with the man's face. I torque my upper body to continue my rotation and land on the ground spinning twice.

"Way to show off Kitty." Beam says.

"Says the guy who just took out two men." I reply.

We laugh then jump back into the fight.

It's been awhile since I've had so much fun. Beam and I are a deadly team so we had to be careful not to really hurt anyone. All our moves are for disarming and defending until we see the best moment to attack. Hits and kicks I haven't used in what seems like forever accompanied by that delicious cracking sound of breaking bones is truly satisfying. I'm so happy we ran into these idiots.

I turn to see Beam's final blow to the last man standing. He's so fluid and graceful when he moves. I'm a bit envious at how beautiful he looks when he fights.

When he finishes he straightens up, runs his hands through his hair, and then looks at me with a smile.  He's actually glowing at this moment.

"That was fun don't you think Kitty?" He's smiling broadly and I can tell he's completely exhilarated.

He walks to me and swings his arm over my shoulder. We're both smiling as we turn to check on our nongs. Our husbands are there already checking out the situation. What good boys for listening.

We hear sirens and relax a little knowing the police are on their way. Pha has been looking over Ming. He looks at us with a worried expression. This is where our unit excels. We don't need words right now. I go to Ming's legs and squat in front of him facing away. Beam drapes his legs over my shoulders. Beam puts Ming's left arm over his shoulder then uses his free arm to support his shoulders while Pha goes to the right doing the same thing only supporting his waist.  On three we lift. Pha counts out the pace and we walk to the hospital leaving Forth and Yo to wait for the police.

We walk in through the ER door and are immediately greeted by staff with a stretcher. Pha rattles off his stats and goes off with them. Beam and I turn to go back to Yo and Forth. When we get there the police have arrived and are talking to Yo and Forth. They are loading the men into the police van.

I can't help the smile that ghosts across my face. Beam and I walk up to a police office and ask if we can simply meet him at the police station. Of course we will have to go and give a report. Unfortunately they told us because of the assault on these men we had to ride in the transport van with them...Handcuffed. Seriously?

We make it to the police station where we are questioned individually about the incident. It is taking forever and we are all ready to go the hospital to check on Ming.

I notice that Yo keeps looking at the man that started this whole mess.  I nudge Beam who watches with curiosity.  Yo looks at him then looks down, looks over, down, over, and down. Finally he stands up and walks to the guy.  This jerk had the nerve to sneer at my nong.

"What do you want? Finally want to come to me after causing this mess?"

Beam and I start to get up after he utters those words but stop when we notice Yo's reaction.

"Who caused this mess? You came after me! You started this!"

"You should have just given in like a good little bitch."

Yo gives a disgusted laugh and balls his hands then winds up bringing one of them above his head.  With a loud grunt Yo sends his fist crashing into the man's face sending a cracking sound through the precinct.

"Ow! ow! ow! ow! ow! Dammit! You asshole.  This is your fault!" Yo  shakes his hand and cradles it as he yells at the man whose head has slumped over.

Great job nong.

Finally they tell us that because we were attacked while rendering aid to others and only defended ourselves the incident has been deemed as self-defense. They finally let us go and we head directly to the hospital.

We find Pha easily enough. Ming has woken up and is quite upset about what has happened. Yo immediately runs to his boyfriend and cries as Ming tries to comfort him. Beam goes and sits on Pha's lap and rests his head on his shoulder. Pha rubs Beam's back gently. I also find myself on someone's lap although I was pulled and held forcefully unlike Beam who literally melted into Pha's embrace.

I look around and note that it's the first time in five years the six of have been together in the same room. It's strange to think that we met Yo and Ming in a similar situation six years ago only they had come to help us.

I lean my head against Forth's chest and smile as I look around the room and feel that our group is complete again.

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