Getting back in their good graces (Forth)

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When I walked in on Kit last night I knew that was part of my punishment.  He knows he drives me crazy and that I want to touch him as much as possible.  If not for that freak accident there's no way I would have gotten any last night.

Freak accident? Ha.  Sure I "slipped" but I noticed right away that Kit had oiled up. Also before I went in I aligned myself and maybe I gave a little bit of a push with my hips when I fell.  Although I was genuinely surprised at how deep I went.  I thought just the tip would go in and I could beg but nope it was my entire length.  Maybe too much hip thrust when "slipping"?  Whatever the case I am eternally grateful for that accident.

I rake my eyes over his body. I can't believe how much sexier he is now.  He was always sexy to me but he was always so unsure of himself. But look at him now.  So defined and toned.  I just want to lick those muscles.  I want to suck on the nipples.  I want to repeat last night.            

I look down at my junior with a remorseful expression.

"Sorry bud, there won't be any repeats in the near future."

"Mmmmmmm, what are you doing?" He pouts as he opens his arms to me.

I'm no fool.  I jump into bed because he could just as quickly change his mind.  Once I'm there he squishes his body into me.  I love him so much.

I wrap my arms around him and hold him tight.  I get to do this forever. I swear I'm never letting him go again.

"Should we go get some of your stuff today?  You have to work tomorrow right?"

The way he looks at me makes me hate myself for misunderstanding him these last four years.  I look into his eyes totally drawn into those pools of brown.  He reaches his hand and caresses my face. He pulls me down and kisses me.

"Since my first punishment failed there's no need to keep that up right?" He says giving me that all too familiar smirk.

Wait.  Does that mean? HELL YES! I flip him on his back and attack him.  He laughs at first but soon that is replaced by moans and then screams.  Oh yeah, my Kit is a screamer. 

For our neighbors' sake I hope our walls are soundproof or they're never going to sleep again.


Since we don't have any food in the house we go out to eat after we get dressed.  We sit at a café across from the hospital he's doing his clinical at.  It's impressive.  It's one of the top three in Bangkok. Look at my Kit.

"Kit!" We both look at the owner of the voice.

"Beam. Pha." He waves his friends over and motions for them to join us.

"P' Forth." Pha says in a cold voice.  Yeah, he doesn't like me.

"Nong. How are you guys doing?" I ask.  They both look at me understandably confused.

In their minds I left Kit four years ago.  In their minds after he struggled to follow me to college I left without a word and broke his heart.  At some point we'll need to explain what really happened.

"What are you doing here P'?" That's the Beam I remember, always straight forward.

"Having breakfast with Kit Nong." Oh yeah they're gonna have to work for it. 

"That's not what I mean.  I am asking why you are here with our Kit four years after you left him a crumbling mess?" He is staring at me and has started leaning over the table.

Pha grabs him and is trying to pull him back. He swats back several times pushing Pha's hands away.

"No Pha! He can't just waltz back here and pick up where he left off." He's gives Pha an angry look as he keeps trying to get him to sit down.

"Babe, calm down.  We're not gonna solve anything like this." He smacks Pha's causing a sharp cracking sound to echo through the café.

"Don't babe me.  Why aren't you upset with me?" He crosses his arms and drops heavily back into his seat.

I look at Kit who is watching his friend with a look of complete adoration.  He reaches over and rubs one of Beam's arm with one hand while he holds the other.

"What the hell is this?" He practically yells grabbing Kit's hand and looking at the rings.

He pulls Kit up as he waves the rings that are still attached to his hand in my face.

"Beam, can you please release my wife's hand.  It looks like you're hurting him."

Kit's head snaps at me and he gives me a death glare.  Beam's head swivels between Kit and me.  I can't help the snort that leaves my mouth.  This is a ridiculous situation.

"Oh screw you." Beam shouts as he jumps across the table to get to me.

Kit and Pha jump and grab Beam pulling him back.  Pha now has Beam securely on his lap.  Those two haven't changed in five years.  It's hard to believe they're still together.  I watch as Pha is trying to calm Beam down while Beam shoots lasers at me with his eyes.

Man they hate me.

"Pha, Beam. Forth and I are married." Kit doesn't break eye contact.

Beam and Pha are waiting for the punchline.  I can see it.  But jokes on you guys, this guy officially and legally belongs to me. So suck on that.

"Are you kidding? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME KIT!?" Yeah that's about the right reaction I expected from Beam.

"Babe, calm down, there are people here." He's trying to pull Beam back down but Beam gives him a warning look.

"Do you think I care right now?" Now he's turned on Pha.  Good knowin' ya man.

"People from the hospital Beam." He says through gritted teeth.

Beam looks around, smiles sweetly, and then holds up his middle finger for all to see. He gives a pointed look to Pha.  Pha looks down knowing when to stop. Kit's shoulders are shaking as he looks down trying to hide his laughter.

"Tell me this isn't true." He says softly having finally calmed down just a bit.

Kit gets up and walks over to him.  He hugs him tightly and Beam hugs him back.

"My parents set it up but that doesn't mean I don't want it.  Four years ago his parents died and he had to move in with his grandparents.  It happened during the school year."

"So what you didn't have a phone back then Forth? Did you move to the mountains where there was no cell service?"

"Actually yes.  I mean technically I moved to the Chiang Mai area but my grandparents lived in the mountain range around it.  No cell towers, no paved roads, no internet, nothing.  I was completely cut off."

"Shia." Beam says as he sits back against Pha.

"Really? It's not just an excuse for leaving our Kitty?" He's just not giving in.

"Truly when my mother grabbed me from school and drove us to my grandparents I was confused.  She threw away my phone which I thought was insane.  Then we got there they back in the Stone Age.  I almost lost my mind.  I had no idea what was going on and I missed Kit like crazy."

"I kept thinking he's joining me next year so it will be ok.  I managed to transfer schools with no problem.  Then my second year started and no Kit.  I was able to get a phone and called but it wasn't his number anymore.  I was heartbroken.  I couldn't believe that he didn't come.  I thought he chose you two over me."

"Two months ago I started my job out here in Bangkok.  It took every bit of courage I had to go to my old house.  Then I ran into Kit's parents and then him.  That's when I found out in all the chaos I didn't tell him anything.  He didn't know I'd changed schools so he couldn't follow me.  We both thought that the other left them."

"That's fine and dandy, but why are you married? Beam asks.

I'm looking at Pha and wondering if he ever speaks or if he just lets Beam run the show.  I guess if Beam is like Kit, Beam rules that household.

"His parents." I point to Kit. At the same time that Kit answers.

"My parents." Kit says while pointing to himself.

"Yeah he owes me an engagement party, wedding, reception, and honeymoon in order for me to forgive him."

I perk up like a prairie dog and look at him in disbelief.  He actually listed out what I had to do to gain forgiveness! Oh my god! This is huge! The heavens are singing right now and all for me.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel.  I am going to live.

In my excitement I don't notice the three pair of eyes trained on me.

"Are you ok P'?" Holy shit he speaks.

"Yeah Pha. I'm great.  You heard him right? He just said what I needed to do to be forgiven!"

Beam and Pha nod their heads in understanding.  They have faced their fair share of Kit's wrath.

"Ok P' after the engagement party."

"What about after the engagement party." What the hell is he talking about?

"That's when we'll forgive you."

I don't give a rat's ass about their forgiveness but it will make my life with Kit easier.

"Agreed." I say as I reach across the table and shake hands with Beam.


Want to give a special thanks to the HSIclub for letting me bounce ideas off of them and being there when I had questions.

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