And So It Begins (Kit)

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I am a married man.  Married! I still can't believe it and I can't believe what my parents and husband did to me.  They still don't seem to know what they've done wrong.  They will by the time I'm finished with them. I can guarantee that.

After Forth finished packing we said goodbye to my parents and headed to our new apartment, deed and key in hand.  I wonder if the think I don't know anything about realty.  There's no way they would have gotten this deed tonight which means they already owned the apartment.

Someone was trying to pull a fast one on me. 

No worries I have many other ways to make my parents squirm. Now what to do about my dear sweet husband? I think I will forgive him if he manages what I asked for.  I should be more lenient since he only found out last night.  Still he could have told me. THEY could have told me.

Forth and I enter the apartment.  I have to admit it's really nice.  I did manage to get a good look at it before the big reveal by my mom.  A two bedroom flat with a nice office space, spacious living/ dining area, a huge kitchen and laundry room.  That's the best part.  I always hated sharing a laundry room at the dorm.

Forth brings our things to the master bedroom and I follow him there.  I could be spiteful and make him sleep in the spare room but that's not part of the plan.

I help him unpack then grab my study materials.  I haven't touched them in two days and that's not something I can afford to do so I make my way to the kitchen table and start studying.

I can see him watching me.  He's being cautious.  That's kind of funny, but I don't have time to laugh at him.  I want to get at least a good hour of studying in.  Which reminds me:

"When do you go back to work?" I call over to him.

"Monday." He answers and walks over to me.

"Is it going to be a hassle for you?  I'm assuming this adds time to your commute."

I push my stuff away and look at him.  I may as well make the effort to get to know my husband again.

"Well I used to walk to work so yeah this adds some time." He says with a shrug.

"You could always stay there during the week then come here for the weekend." He looks at me like I've sprouted wings and a horn.

"What? No! Why would you say that?" I laugh at his reaction.

"I didn't mean anything by it Forth.  A lot of people do that. I was just giving you an option to make things easier for you."

"Thanks but I'm good.  What about you? Will it be a hassle?"

I walk to the window and open the curtains.  He follows and stands beside me.  He still doesn't touch me though.

"Actually, I'm doing my clinical training at that hospital right there." I say pointing to the hospital across the street.

I'm pretty confident this is one of the reasons my parents chose this apartment.  Pha, Beam, and I have already secured spots here for our residency.

We all plan on being surgeons. I'm going into Pediatric surgery, Beam is into general surgery, and Pha is either going into cardiology or neurology. At least that's the plan so far.

I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him.  I lay my head on his chest.  He hesitantly places his arms around me but when I squeeze him a little he tightens his grasp with a chuckle.  I lift my head for a kiss which he gives me. I rest my head on his chest again.

"I may be mad about this situation but I love you Forth and I'm actually really happy to be married to you."

"Really? Thanks Kit.  I love you too."  He kisses the top of my head then leans his cheek on top of my head.

We stand like that for a few minutes then break our hold.

"Let's go to bed.  I'm really tired.  Plus I have to think of a new way to punish my parents since they already owned this apartment. They thought they could fool me. I'll show them."

"YES!" I turn to look at Forth who just fist pumped the air.

What's that about? I'm not gonna ask, I'm just not.

I grab his hand and lead him to the bedroom.  It's time to start Forth's punishment part 1.  The best way to make him suffer is to let him see exactly what he's missing.  Let's see what happens when he comes out of the bathroom faced with something he can't have.

With that in mind I go and take a shower first.  I come out wrapped in a towel and I can see him lick his lips as he heads in to take his shower.

Tonight I am going apparel free.  Unlike when we were in high school my body is toned and muscular.  Instead of being chubby and unfit, I have muscle definition including an impressive six-pack if I do say so myself.

I go to my personal hygiene bag and pull out a bottle of oil.  I rub myself down making sure to get my chest, down my legs, and on my arms. There's nothing like being slicked up and shiny to drive someone crazy. Then I lay back and start fondling myself.  This is not a habit I generally have but for maximum impact I need to start out heavy.

I start fantasizing about my husband.  His oh so beautiful body, his ever impressive penis, his strong thighs and sturdy hips, his large hands, luscious lips and delicious tongue.  I think about what was happening this morning before my mother interrupted.  It's during this thought that I start to stroke myself. 

I start off slow with a nice tight grasp.  I let out a sigh of satisfaction as my hand starts moving faster up and down my shaft.  My breath hitches and I moan out Forth's name. I start thrusting my hips into my hand oh so close to ecstasy.  I tighten my hold while I quicken my pace.  Faster, harder all the while calling out my husband's name.  Finally with one final scream of Forth's name I erupt onto my stomach.

My breathing is labored as I still feel the effects of my orgasm.  I lick my lips slowly over and over again as my breathing returns to normal.  Finally I open my eyes that I apparently have had squeezed shut.  The first thing I see is Forth standing at the end of the bed staring at me with his mouth hanging open.

I smile at him and the look on his face says that maybe this was a bad idea.  He lets the towel drop from his waist and exposes his ready for action tool. He crawls onto the bed slowly slinking my way.

"Forth. What are you doing?"

"My Kitty was so naughty.  Calling my name but not letting me touch."

He stops when he reaches me placing his bent knees under my thighs forcing my butt to rise a little. I can feel him poking my entrance. I take a deep breath and hold onto my resolve.

He leans forward and puts his hands on my shoulders.  My oiled shoulders.  His hands slip and he falls forward.

With a yelp I realize that somehow he has managed to insert himself into me.  I'm breathing a little heavy because I wasn't expecting that at all but here I am filled with my husband whom I was trying to punish.

When I look at him I can't help the laugh that escapes my mouth.  He looks so shocked right now.  His eyes are wide and looking around and his mouth is moving but no sounds are coming out. I sigh at my defeat.

I wrap my arms around him and pull him down for a kiss.

"Pull out, I'll add some oil."

"Oh god Kit. I love you so much right now."

"I know you do."

I hand him the bottle of oil.  He starts to pull out then stops.  I give him a questioning look.

"You're not going to run away once I pull out right?" I laugh out loud.

"No Forth I'm not." He lets out a sigh of relief and pulls out all of the way.

He pours the oil into his hand and strokes himself a few times. Then he takes the oil and rubs it around my hole, inserting his fingers.  I can't help but think this is unnecessary since he's already impaled me with his dick.

I reach down and grab his hand.

"What are you doing?"

"Preparing you."

"Why? You've already been inside of me. Hurry and put it back before I change my mind."

He doesn't need to be told twice.  He lines up and pushes in.

Stupid weak me.  If he didn't feel so good I could have held out.  If he wasn't so gorgeous. If he wasn't so sexy.  If I didn't love him so much.  But I do so I will let tonight happen.

I will just have to think up a new punishment.

****I plan to update twice on Saturdays because I will not update on Sundays.****

Thanks to everyone that has taken the time to read this. You don't know how much I appreciate it.

Also, I would love to know your thoughts and ideas. I write this daily so you never know what comment will spark an idea, you may just find your comment come to life.

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