Why We Don't Make Kitty Mad (Forth)

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I'm sitting in my new living room carefully watching my wife.  He's sitting at the dining room table studying but I know better.  He's plotting.

There are three things to be aware of when it comes to Kit. First when it comes to revenge it is always swift and painful and lasts until you are practically begging for forgiveness. Second: Never let your guard down. If you don't think you've been punished properly chances are you haven't been and even if you think you have been properly punished you probably haven't been. Third: Punishment lasts until he says he forgives you. This is very important. Until those words are uttered you should be prepared for anything.

Case in point: parent punishment.

After we pick up Kits car from the garage we head back to the house.  It was eerie how quiet a ride can be.  Once we get home Kit goes and sits at table.  Nobody else wants to go the table, we know something is going to happen.  He's had time to ponder.

"Mae. Pa. Forth. Come join me please."  He smiles sweetly.  That's a warning.  It means run away and run away quickly.

But we don't. Run away prolongs the situation and changes the consequence.

We share a look and slowly walk to the table.  He simply waits because he knows we will come.

We sit at the table and all look at him.  He folds his hands together on the table and look s at all of us, individually, forcing eye contact.

"Kit dear." He holds up his hand stopping his mom.

"Mae. Today I followed you three around completely trusting and totally unaware of your plans.  Now here I sit a married man. A man who did not get a proposal, an engagement ring, or a wedding.  As a matter of fact I'm wondering when you were planning to spring this on me."

His mother looks away and straight at his dad.  She is mouthing something to him.


"Pa. Do you think you're innocent? Don't forget I saw you take Forth ingot your office." He's so calm it's scary.

"Punishment.  The fourth apartment will be bought by you, not rented." They stare at him in disbelief.

"It will be fully furnished and we will move in.....tonight." He sits back in his chair, crosses his arms, and smirks.

"Kit!" They both yell.

"That's impossible!" His mom yells.

He leans forward and gives a cold stare.

"Is it now? How long did it take you to pull off my wedding?" His mom swears and looks away.

"But you only have a year left of school. How about we rent for the year then buy something permanent after you graduate" His dad tries to reason.



"No I want the deed. It's a central location and no matter where we work on Bangkok it will be convenient."

His dad looks down in frustration. Kit smiles.

"Also." Both heads shoot up and fear crosses their features.

"You will take care of arranging and paying for movers. For both Fourth and I."

"Kit I think you're going a little overboard son." His dad says slightly raising his voice.

"Am I? Fine. Don't do anything." He gets up and starts to leave the table.

"No! Kit we'll take care of it." His mom says quickly.  He turns and looks at her.

"Are you sure.  I wouldn't want to inconvenience you." She looks at him and takes a deep breath.  He knows he's won.

"Not an inconvenience son.  It's the least we should do."

His sudden flash of anger crosses his face. he practically hisses at his mother.

"The least you could have done is let me have some say in my own marriage.  That's the least you could have done Mae."

His parents look shocked at his outburst. He turns and leaves the room stomping up the stairs. His mother walks over to his dad who wraps his arms around her.

"I thought he would be happy.  He loves Forth." A few tears slip from her eyes and she quickly wipes them away.

"Let me help. What can I do?" They look over at me and smile.

"You could go be with Kit dear."

I laugh and shake my head at them.  Do they think I'm stupid? I'm not going anywhere near him right now.

"No, for my self-preservation I think it's best if I stay down here for the time being.  I'll go check on him in a bit.  Let's get this stuff taken care of."


Turns out Kit's parents aren't fools at all.  They indeed know their son well.  The apartment had already been purchased last month but it was meant to be a graduation gift.  The furnishings in the apartment were also already ours.  That explains the pleased looks on their faces when he complimented the way the apartment was decorated.

Arranging movers took no effort at all and since they were the owners of the apartment they already had the deed and keys.

I'm finding myself a little annoyed at this situation.  The only one who will actually suffer a punishment will be me.  I glance over at his parents with a little bit of hate. Look at them all relaxed and enjoying a glass of wine. I hope you spill red wine on your carpet.

I sigh and head up to check on my Kitten who is probably quite upset by today's news.  I slowly trudge up the stairs dreading what I'm about to face.

I open the door to a red faced Kit.  His eyes swollen as he tries furiously to wipe away his tears.  I can't help myself.  I run to him and gather him in my arms.

"Kit I'm so sorry. Please don't cry.  Hit me. Yell at me. Anything but this."

He looks at me then a whole new set of tears stream down his face.  I kiss the top of his head, get up and walk to my bag.  I fish through it and pull out a small box. I walk back over and sit beside him.  He looks at me slightly confused. He continues to sniff and wipe away tears as he looks at me.

"I bought these five years ago.  I was going to propose to you when you joined me at college.  We would have gotten married after you graduated."

I open the box and show him the rings. I pull out a band with diamonds and sapphires.

"This one was your engagement ring because..."

"I love sapphires." He whispers out.

"Yes and they just happen to be our birthstones." He nods and chuckles softly.

"And these were going to be our wedding rings." I point to the two blue rings inscribed with For time and eternity nestled side by side in the box.

He reaches out and runs his fingers across the rings.


"Kit I've wanted to marry you for forever.  Just because it was done this way doesn't mean that I didn't want it more than anything."

He wraps his arms around me and hugs me tightly then cries into my shoulder.

"It's not that I don't want to be married to you, I really do. I'm just disappointed that I didn't get to make any of the decisions.  Hell I didn't even know that we were married until my mom said something. It's just not the way I wanted it to happen."

He looks at the rings again then sticks his left hand out. 

"Well my husband put them on for me." He gives me a shy smile.

I pick up the set for him and slide it onto his finger. In return he picks up my ring and does the same.  I lean over and kiss him gently on the lips.

"I love you my wife."

"And I love you my husband."

I pull him closer to me and kiss him more forcefully.  I lay him down and climb over his body.  He runs his hands along my back as I kiss him deeply with very definite intentions. I slide my hands under his shirt and that's when things change.

He grabs my hand stopping it in place and stops kissing me.  He sits up forcing me to do so as well.

"What are you doing?"

"Kit, can't you tell?"

"I know clearly what you are trying to do and I'm pretty confident I told you this wasn't happening tonight."

"You said until I made it up to you." I correct.  Which was so stupid of me.

"Do you think that this does that?! Do you think I feel less hurt because you gave me these rings?  That's not everything I missed out on.  Everything I missed out on Forth. Every. Little. thing.  Then this thing you are trying to accomplish will happen."

He gets up and walks away. 

"Pack the bags Forth, we're heading home." He calls over his shoulder just before he exits the room.

Damn I'm screwed.

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