Let's get married (Kit)

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The sun streams into the window and the brightness of it brings me out of my slumber.  I wake up feeling warm and satisfied.  Strange, usually I feel hungry. I stretch and lick my lips.  They're a little sticky so it takes some effort to clean them.  I sit up and look over at my boyfriend.

I take a moment to enjoy looking at him.  I start with his thick brown hair that I used to love running my hands through.  I can't help myself when I bend over and sink my fingers into his soft hair then slowly drag them out. His broad forehead that creases when he's deep in thought.  I hesitate then gently run my thumb over it as I appreciate the feature.  My thumb continues over his thick eyebrows as I look at his wide eyes that used to stare at me with complete focus.  His straight nose that leads to his luscious lips.  I lean in and run my tongue over those lips. His hand reaches around and holds my head in place as he opens and coaxes my tongue into that beautiful mouth of his.

I groan then climb onto his body.  I'm seated on his lap and as he sits up I drape arms over his shoulders.  I cross them together bringing him closer to me and continue our kiss. His hands are securely around my waist pressing our bodies together as close as possible.

If breathing weren't necessary we'd still be in this position but dammit our bodies require oxygen so we release our kiss.  He butterfly kisses his way down my cheek and neck before latching onto that space that rests between my neck and shoulder.  That has always been his favorite place to mark first.

While he is doing that I am slowly rolling my hips grinding our love hammers together.  His hands have moved to my hips and are now glued to them. His low hum is spurring me on.

"Oh God Forth! I want it so bad." He stops sucking on my neck and looks at me. His eyes fully dilated.

"Is my little pussycat in heat?"

I pull back so that just my hands are resting on his shoulder. I smirk at him with a "way to ruin the mood" look. I start to push myself off but he slams my hips back down in place and attacks my mouth. He finishes our kiss by licking my lips.

"God Kit I can still taste myself on you. My Kitty was having a naughty dream last night." The smirk on his face jolts me.

What did he just say? He can do what? Taste what? Dammit!

"Oh God! Boys!"

Forth and I turn and look at the door.  My mother is there one hand gripping the door jamb while her face is buried in the crook of her neck.

"My eyes! Whyyyy? A mother should never see such a thing!"

I get off of Forth and sit on the edge of the bed, Forth follows suits draping the sheet over himself. We sit and watch my mother and her antics.

"She's gotten really good at this." He leans over and whispers.

"Stop. You'll just encourage her." I turn my attention back to my mother when the sobbing starts.

"You done yet mom?" She stops and looks at me.

"No baby, just a little more." She smiles then resumes her show.

"Husband! Husband!" My dad swoops in and looks at my mother with concern.

"My wife! What has happened? Why are you like this?" It's dad's only line so he makes a big production of it.

"Your wife...your poor wife has been scarred for the rest of her life.  I feel so.... weak." She slowly lowers herself to the floor and places her head in the crook of her elbow.

"And scene." My dad calls out clapping his hands together.

My mom pops back up all smiles while curtseying at Forth and I.

"I think applause is in order boys." My dad says before he heads out.

Forth and I look at each other and clap our hands hesitantly. 

Long ago my parents decided that in awkward or heated moments instead of getting angry or overreacting they would act like this. Because embarrassing your child is always the better option.

"Boys breakfast is ready so please get ready and come down. Also Kit honey, you really should lock the door if you're going to do things like that." She blows a kiss and walks away.

I hear my parents laughing loudly as they walk away.

I look over at Forth and hang my head. I did forget to lock the door again.

"Sorry." I say sheepishly.

He gets up and I notice that he's naked. I quickly run to slam the door shut. This time I do lock it.

"Forth! What if my mom had come back? Seeing us like that is one thing but seeing you naked would be traumatizing.  For me. I can't have my mom seeing my boyfriend's junk."

"Kitty dear." I hear my mom through the door.

"I've seen both of your little boys since I've changed both of your diapers." She is practically singing at me.

Seriously there is something wrong with my parents.


We head downstairs and into the kitchen.  My parents look at us and my mother wraps her arms around my father's neck and buries her head in the crook of his neck.

"Is it safe? Can I look? Are they decent?" I suck my lips in and hold onto my comments as my parents carry on.

"Yes dear, it's safe.  They are completely dressed and only holding hands."

"Are you sure, my heart just can't take another shock." She pats her chest. I can only shake my head at her.

"I know, I know.  I have let you down as a husband for not protecting you from such a scene."

I'm nodding my head and running my hand through my hair before scratching the back of my head.

"Mae, we're hungry."

"Oh! Sorry dear." She says smiling sweetly.

"Come help me get breakfast ok?" I follow my mom into the kitchen leaving Forth behind.

Forth laughs as he sits at the table next to my dad.

We enjoy our breakfast together chatting about random things. It's nice sitting here with all of them. I look over and see Forth smiling and I'm really happy for the first time in a while.

"Finish up quickly boys we have a long day today so let's get going."

"Sure, what are we doing anyway?" I do not miss a shared look that I'm not a part of.

"Checking out a few places, visiting a temple, and then just some minor paperwork. Really it just requires a signature." My mom explains.

"Also we should drop your car off Kit and get a maintenance check.  I think it's overdue."

"Sure Pa. We can do that. Forth and I will get dressed and drop off the car.  You guys can meet us there. Does that sound good?"

"That sounds great Kit." My mom kisses me on the head as she and Pa clear the table.


I'm standing in the middle of yet another apartment.  After picking us up from the dealership we went to some temple where we offered up prayers and walked around together. Then we went to sign some papers.  All four of us.  It was strange but whatever. Then they started taking us to look at apartments.  This is the fourth. Hehe, fourth. Then I get it.

"Forth, is this for you?"


"You said you were working here, are we looking for a place for you?"

"Yeah, I think so.  I think your parents think my current place is too far away."

"Where do you live now?"

"The apartment building my employer owns on the other side of the city.  Boarding is part of the package."

"Then this is ridiculous! Why are they trying to make you move when your apartment is part of your package?"

"They wanted it to be closer to the school." He's being very cautious about his words.  He's hiding something.

"Why are we going to be living together?" I say laughing.

"Kind of." He whispers out.

"What? Say that again." I stare at him. I can feel my face heating up. He is looking down.

"I don't want to." And he runs to my parents.

Runs! Like a small child. So of course I have to follow.  When I get to him he is hiding behind my mother.

"Kit dear, let's look at the bedroom." She motions to the room behind me then grabs my arm pulling me in that direction.

"Mom?" I stop and she stops with me.

"Yes dear?"

"What's going on?"

"We're looking for an apartment dear. Isn't that clear."

"Why are we looking for an apartment?" I give Forth a piercing look and he looks away.

"So you and Forth can be closer.  His apartment is an hour away. This way you both only travel thirty minutes each way." Her eyes are wide and innocent like this isn't the most absurd thing.

"So am I moving in with Forth?"

"Of course dear. That's what married people do."

Right now a million things are buzzing in my head.  Think Kit what did we do today? Dropped of my car.  That's normal so skip that.  We went to a Buddhist temple.  Dammit I didn't pay attention.  We lit incense sticks and offered a prayer.  A monk came over and said something that I didn't listen to. At some point I think we agreed to something.  He took Forth and my hands and held them together then smiled at us.  That's it.  So that's nothing.

Next stop was the government building.  Let's see my parents and Forth signed something then they put it in front of me and told me to sign it so I did.  I'm a very obedient and trusting child, which has apparently bitten me in the ass.  I should have read it. Dammit I've been tricked.

"Forth!" I go to find my now husband.  He's looking down at the floor and seems like he's trying to get away.


He looks back and forth between my mom and dad with a pleading expression. They shrug at him and give him a sympathetic smile.

"They can't help you right now, get over here." I point to a spot in front of me.

He slowly walks over with his head down.  When he gets close enough he reaches out for my hand but I smack his away. He looks up with me with puppy dog eyes. Pshhh, like that's going to save him.


"Did we just get married?! Without me knowing about it? I wasn't even asked! I didn't even get a ring!" No that's not what's important here. Stay focused Kit.

I'm staring at him so incredibly angry I feel like I'm going to explode.  He looks up at me with panic in his eyes, then he turns and points to my parents.

"They made me do it Kit.  It was their idea! They told me last night that I was going to marry you and set all of this up."

"Forth! I can't believe you tattled on us." My parents look shocked and betrayed.

"Are you kidding? Look how mad he is.  I have to live with that." He says almost going a little crazy.

"Last night?"

They all stop and look at me.

"Did you say they told you last night?"

He's rubbing his hands together nervously and can't seem to form any words.

"Kit. Please."

I take a deep breath and relax my features.  I look at my husband who truthfully looks very afraid.  I can tell that he and my parents are wondering what I am up to.

"I like this apartment. We should go with this one." My mom is nodding her head yes and I think it just might fall off of her body at the speed it's moving.  My dad practically runs to make the call about the apartment.

"And you dear husband are going to have a very lonely and unsatisfying wedding night. And every night after that until you make this up to me.  Do you understand?"

"Yes Kit."

"OK then." I clap my hands together and head for the door.

"Let's go get my car." I smile and walk away.

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