Chapter 2

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You will get to read here the few Continuation Chapters 'You will kiss Me Back' onwards.

(Not edited)

"Hollyshit" Aly cursed under her pulsating breath looking straight somewhere as she pulled the car to the drive way. It stopped with a jerk, I undone the seat belt. But when I noticed no movement from her side, that made me followed her gaze and immediately I regretted at the sight I shouldn't have witnessed.
That lion is standing leaning to his car his one hand shoved inside his pocket and another one is over his shoulder gripping the backpack.

O my god....o my god...I need to just disappeared off the sight as soon as possible before his glance beetled at this direction...

That creep Neil was talking to a guy facing other side, only his side profile is visible to us.Thank god.
I darted my eyes at Ayl my face got distasteful, how shamelessly she is eye fucking him.

"Bye see you in recess" hurriedly I told her before securing out of the vehicle. She waved at me as if I wasn't a human being to look at. That was a gesture of dismissal. Suits her.
Still she was in same position. Gone faint or what!! God damn I'm not gonna waste a single more seconds around my horny sister....let her enjoy that hell, of her own.

And then something happened horrible. I slumped the door so hard that I myself cursed on my own stupidity when it caused him averted his eyes straight at me, shut his mouth talking further to that guy.

Our eyes met I jumped on my feet. He shooted an amused gaze followed by his smugly smile. And the last night scene flashed in front of my eyes. Crap.I was in still there I realised when I saw him moving towards me...damn no.

"Hollyshit" I hissed under my erratic breath as soon as I saw him took a step forward I gripped my bag hard that I was holding it close to my chest.
I got horrified, took a step backward and the next moment I did, I rushed through the stairs breaking the throng of students like a blind person in danger. He is not following me...He wouldn't.

God save my heart from being exploding. I didn't dare to turned my head behind to have a watch if he is following me. I haven't that guts.

"Mam may I come in..." Under my frenzied heart because of running words stammering came out of my mouth.

As soon as I got the permission from my....wait it was a male voice. my eyes snapped at the source and I felt something thudding my rip cage, my poor heart bounced to my throat, this time really hard. Everything got blurred...

why the hell in this whole universe he is in my class? I forgot to blink standing at my classroom entrance, my feet ice at the spot.

"Yes come in, Miss.Tiger! " His loud voice. For everyone it could be appeared simple, retorting me. But only I know how mischievous it was.
No noooo.... it's was Avni he said Avni. what the hell happenig to me!

I licked my bottom lip,my hands shaking. I lowered my gaze, walked passed him to my desk.

Is he some supper man or spider man crawled inside my classroom taking those high jumps around those walls within such a second ! How could he reach so fast? Is he vampire? One of those Salvatore brothers? I wish he is Enzo instead. Who didn't fall for Michael Malarkey aka Lorenzo by the end of the The Vampire Dairies? Before my inner goddess bat her eye lashes theatrically visioning Enzo with this one Vampire from some farse series I swatted her hard and she vanished in horror.

Omg god that's the reason he sucked on my neck last night?Damn how could I miss this!
And I'm back again with my Vampy fantasy.

"You are 2 minutes late approximately, before I would have started the assembly" seems he is talking to me. Definitely Avni, glance around everyone is in already. My mind can't stop bitching along everytime I least bother listening to her.
Why the hell he would start the assembly. Where the fucking hell all teachers have gone...did he make them his prey before coming to my classroom!

I shivered envisioning the scene he is roaming around being into his real Self, that beast.

"He is the school captain" Rial, my bestie, my most favourite person in this entire school whispered through her hush tone answering my extremely stupendous thoughts, undoubtedly down the lowest order.

While talking Rial I pretended to be looking down. I swallowed a lump when my eyes fell on the person now pacing to my desk...
"Fucking shit" I have never cursed this much in a single day or I would rather say, not every single minutes in my entire life until now before meeting this amazing beast.

"Shall we please start now" his voice commanding, enough loud to hold the attention of the entire class.
As I joined the desk later so I was at the last edge on my side. He stood beside me a decent space away, I was facing front. He is so tall and lean, it makes him look intimidating.

I shifted a step closer to Rial away him, so that he couldn't catch me. By any case you know.
I heard him chuckled. How dare he that blood sucker.

Your prey is waiting in your classroom back there for you to pounce on her, Vampy! why don't you go and suck her instead scaring this poor soul.

"His voice is sexy" before my traitor heart flatter I scowled and slapped her.

His sent hit my nostril I don't know what incoherent I'm murmuring in terms of prayer. My heart is beating faster. Not ony because of him being near me, but also because of my own helplessness.

I tried my best to waltz like he doesn't effect me. But I was wrong, he does, since yesterday night.
I wish Ayl would have been in 11th standard to save me, not in 12th like he is....They are both in 12th,an year senior than me and I'm in 11 science, a hopeless junior.
It's my third week here I have started the classes. I already hate this school, I hate this city, I hate everyone here.
Shit not everyone. I love Rial, Aly, our cute little brother Dan,Liya my step mother and Dad.

"Amen" prayer ends. I raked fingers across my chest, made the pattern, sign of cross and then opened my eyes.
My breath hitched a gasped came out of my lips. My eyes went wide. I didn't dare to whirl my face, nor had a look of him. My feet got glued to the ground I became stiff.

"Stop causing my heart go haywire" that deep voice quite audible. I felt his warm breath over my neck, caused me bristled. My feet went groggy, I clutched the desk harder, saved myself from falling down.
He straightened his face, swiftly moved away, swaggered along the spot followed by a boy perhaps his class fellow who accompanied him throughout the assembly.

I was about to slacken a sigh of relief down my chest, turned my face to make sure he has gone but it sharply caught back my throat when he shoot me a conceited mirth before he finally disappeared out of my sight.

Fucking hell. That was hot.
I sucked a sharp breath.

Class started, Students settled down on their seats with their study materials on the desk in front of each.

"Babe you are not allowed to wear blushes in school, it's strictly prohibited for students" I was busy pulling out the notes off my backpack in attempt to get ready with the books for the class, my hands halted moving further. My eyes creased, brows knitted at my bestie.

"I don't do touch ups" I averted my gaze, quickly answered in a irked tone. Teacher has already started discussing the assignment so I grabbed a pencil out of a small zipper off the depth from my bag.

Then I realised I'm blushing. Fuck of me.

"I heard him" she lessen her tone, her eyes is on the book abruptly so that none couldn't catch us talking.
I rolled my eyes, slipped down my other longings on my lap, opened the copy to jotted down the notes Mam is discussing.

"Even Eliza heard it clear...." She informed in her amused tone, I closed my eyes, instantly reopened in exasperation. What the hell I got myself into!
Eliza, another bitch from our group of three, but sweeter one... She sits a desk away us at the back, along with her boyfriend next to her.

"Don't you dare hide things from your besties..." she warned in a lowest sing song tone.

"Fuck off" the words harshly gritted out of my mouth and less than a second I resumed writing down the notes not giving any other chances to my bestie having the attention she might have been craving from me.


It's a short story so the updates won't be more than 1500 words.
I'll try my best to make it worth reading.

Thank you all for supporting my efforts that I attempt to entertain you guys.


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