Chapter 3

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You know what, I can't make my updates short, a part of me does try but always end up writing bigger one.


It's 6 in the evening, I'm reclining on the couch in hallway, flicking through the television channels randomly every 5minutes. I just woke up having a nap of good one hour and came downstairs when Liya, my stepmother was busy making pizzas for us. She is into it, since last half an hour. And glancing at the clock on the wall back of my head at every interval. Might be waiting for Dad to be arrived soon.
She is a great cook, a perfectionist in all the tasks she does, especially cooking.

The smell coming from the food made my stomach grumbled. I had grab a glass of fresh juice from the refrigerator before I had captured the best side of the couch, at the centre. I was still drowsy then. Each sip I took from that orange juice, hit my brain, slowly gripping back it's active mode, on the process fading away it's torpid state.

"Hi Avs, hi Mom" I heard Ayl greeted us, strode through the door inside.

"Hi Ayl" replying her with a sweet smile Liya got back to pulling down the serving plate off the kitchen closet drawer. Hope finally we are going to get the food. My stomach growled at the mention of the food.

"Where you had vanished?" I asked Ayl putting down the glass half drunk on the coffee table.

And Dan immediately took a sip from the same glass.

Ohh I forgot to mention about Dan. He was there sitting on a couch on my left, with his drawing copy on his lap and crayons scattered out of the colour box all over the seat beside him. He was indulged colouring a house surrounded by a garden and few farm animals around. I have seen him sittings at the same spot doing his homework, when I joined him and Liya here in the hall.

Dan is a 5years old kid. He is Ayl's cousin brother. His Mom is a single mother, she is a doctor, because of her busy schedule she hardly gets time for her son, she works hard to raise Dan. Besides Dan has a Nanny to look after him.
He love to spent time with us in our house, most of his evening after school accompanied by his Nanny, who is just few years elder than me and Ayl.
And we got him as our little brother. Dan and his Mom lives a block away our house. So it doesn't get him trouble to visit us more often at our place.

"Had a walk" Aly replied in an awful jaded tone and slouched beside the spot next to me on couch.

"Dan don't drink from my glass...wait, let me get you one" my tone grew irked at him averting my gaze off Ayl. I leaned forward to grab the glass from Dan's hold.
I had asked him when I was filling my glass if he want some but he said he had already. Liya served him that hour when I haven't reached downstairs.

"Girlfriend boyfriend drink from the same glass not a big deal" he blinked at me and then gave me a groofy smile wipping the tiny liquid droplets away his lips with the back of his hand. What's wrong with the kids these days! My jaw dropped I looked at Ayl ghastly. And she gave me another smugy grin. Fucking fine. I rolled my eyes.

"I consider you my little brother Dan! you are not allowed to talk to me like that" I glared at him, slightly tried to appear intimidating, and saw Liya giggled in the kitchen leaning against the counter. She took an amused glance over us and got back to her task. Aly too. Their bloody giggles over every topic without any solid specific reasons all the time, getting into my nerves these days. I groaned. How the fucking hell they could be so casual!

"I'm. Aly's. Not yours" saying each words seperately he retorted back, his eyes darting all over the box searching the colour he need next. He even didn't bother to meet my glares. Do I look this naive! that no one get intimidated by me! Not even that little Dan! And here I'm expecting tomorrow I'll will go and scare easily that Neil Vampire, kidnapper, Beast. My palms, upper lip already started appearing clammy thinking of facing him again. Only this year, only this year, after that he will be gone to college. I keep calming my tensed pulse this way.

Yes Ayl and Dan no one is biologically related to me. Dad married Liya last year when Aly was in 11thstandard and in India I was heading to my first board exams. They both were dating since last two years. I insisted Dad to marry her, my Mom left us a years ago. How long my dad would stay single! He needs someone to love him, to take care of him.

My dad is a professor in one of best Medical Colleges in New York city. I used to live with my maternal parents in India, Dad used to visit me twice in a year. Because I had convinced him to settle here, promised him that I'll come back to him soon. My dad got huge explosure in his career here. That's what I wanted for him. Besides the people were always nice enough there in India to look after me. My maternal uncles and their families are too adorable. They properly took care of me till the last day I spent there before the day I left them behind in India, and shifted here with Dad permanently. Dad said Ayl and Liya ate half of his brain pestering him to bring me back. They said their family wasn't complete without me.

And here we all are. I always have been lucky to have the most lovable family, apart the only heart-wrenching part my mother left me. My parents got seperated when I was in 5th standard. My mother got married with a guy from her office and has another family. I used to hate her a lot for abounding me and my Dad, but that was past. Now I understood few facts about life and love, when two people are not in love anymore it's better they get parted, have rights to find their own path, get solace. That doesn't mean they were bad people, the thing is they were just not compatible for eachother.

Honestly speaking, I am glad that Mom chose her happiness over what society would think of her, unlike those married women in their loveless wedlock.

I and Mom has started getting into conversations more often these days. She calls me every weekend. It's not that I wait for her calls, neither I dislike it. She is my mother, I can't deny her completely. Well It's complicated.

Dan passed by the centre table showed me his drawing holding the book with his cute little hands. I averted my gaze back to the picture he has coloured. It's beautiful nowhere colour got slipped off the motive-lines. I ruffled his hair "it's so beautiful Dan!" I praised his work, moved to kiss on his cheek, instead he gave me a peck on my lips and flashed his dimples smile on both cheeks. My orbs dilated. I can't stop smiling by his act because he is the cutest handsome baby boy I have ever seen before.

It's quite evident the way Dan looks at this small age of him, someday he will grow into a dashing guy, definitely. His grey eyes with dense lashes around them, undoubtedly would be going to give girls hard time in future.

"I'm the first man, kissed you" he tried to sit on the hand rest closer to me , but I grabbed him on my lap and giggled.

"Yes you are" Aly chukled, ruffled his brown hair, made it messy. And Dan immediately set it back groaning his irritation on her gesture towards him. I wrapped my arms around him gave a kiss on the top of his hair. Put my chin, rested it there.
I heaved a sigh of genuine relief finally at the half end of the day. I had got hard time getting continuous teasing by my two besties when I told them my last night encounter with that Vampire in his territory. Ooh c'mon except them who other people I have would talk about such things!
Even the law says we shouldn't hide your love life from bestie.
Lovelife! what the hell.
My cheeks flushed. And I realised, bloody hell I'm blushing, I should have gotten furious. He is my sister's crush god damn. What's wrong with me!
I would search in google ,which season Vampires go to their hibernation!
Atleast that season I'll be in peace. I'm really hopeful looking forward to it. My subconscious mind rolled her eyes.

"Boys are too much crushing on you.. aren't they!" Ayl said, my head whipped at her my daze broke. My eyes flickered staring at the lopsided smile on the corner of her lips, her mischievous gaze telling a different story.

"Are you crushing on Av! Dan baby!"our eye to eye talk eliminated when Liya let out a chuckle, kept the tray full of different small homemade pastas on the table along with some serving plates. They are deliciously displayed in front of us on the coffee table. She flashed a groofy smile at Dan. I sighed.

"Liya now you don't start. He is only five" I rolled my eyes and grabbed the plates and passed Ayl and Dan and then before taking mine I served the food to all of them. Leaving my lap Dan went back to his seat and concentrated on the pasta to get a large bite inside his mouth.

"Relax Avs I'll grow up soon...then we will get married and have babies" he chuckled with the food in his mouth.

"What the hell" I squealed my lungs out, thudded the plate on the table, glared at all of them.

"Awwee my Baby so much into love with my Avs" Liya said, pinched Dan's cheek adoring him. And then the mother-daughter laughed. I threw at them my most fuming glares for good five minutes, excluding Dan. I can't glare at that little angelic devil face.
Has my father got a mad family! Ooh lord.

"Mom" I snarled ,let out another shriek and everyone's eyes snapped at me. I gulped.

Mom's eyes were glassy. Shit I called her Mom. I never did that before, since the day I shifted here, nor she asked me to.

"Relax, I didn't mean it" my body tensed I immediately apologized. I never fumbles with my words, not even now for once unless with that creep Vampire. Oh god even at this moment I'm thinking about that hot hell.

Hot! Avni, like seriously!

Next second I would have chocked my breath and become corpse if Liya haven't released me from hugging so tight.

"I so wanted you to call me Mum honey, but never gathered courage to ask you for it..." She brushed my hair lovingly. I heard another sniff on my side ,my eyes shifted at the spot I saw Ayl. Hollyfuck her eyes are tearful. My gaze skipped back and forth at both of them. A groan escaped my mouth and I ended up grinning, pulled them in a big hug. I know they are grinning too wrapping their arms around me. They both said almost in unison "we love you"

"I love you too" I responded, mimicking their over dramatic tone.Drop that sniffy part. And joined them in a heart out chortle.

And then I felt something shifted between us, a little soft hands hugged my legs.
"I love you more" he groaned in a grumpy tone. Liya and Ayl chuckled, we broke the hug.
Ooh Dan!!

I looked down at him. He is looking at me with his grey craving eyes. I bent down to his face level, pinched his cheek and planted a quick kiss there. In response Dan blushed, blinked his eyes twice, acted as if some teenager got a kiss from his crush.
We rolled our eyes, let out a tedious groan all of us. That turned into a loud one because of our the same timing. And we got back to our seat, had the food.


"Who was that blonde!" I asked Ayl, my eyes narrowed at her. Her hand stopped rifling through my pencil box , she took a quick causious glance over me. I saw her face tensed up.

Waking up from a siesta for few hours this evening rubbing my eyes I climbed down the bed , had walked to the window across my bed before I emerged my room and left for the hallway downstairs. Through the glass I glanced around the garden there at the back of our house. My eyes flicked at the spot Ayl and that blonde guy was chatting. And that guy has been seen leaning to Aly much closer and in intervals he was taking vigilant glances around. Now who this creep is!
My eyes squinted over him being suspicious through the hidden corner of the window. Then I recognised, I have seen this guy in school. He is in 12A science. Tall, well build. In one word he is hell hot. Before their eyes could have keeked at my direction inadvertently I slipped away the sight.

"I. I went for a walk I told you. And he was jogging around so we met and had a chat. Just few casual hi, hellos you know?.." Ayl stammered with her words ducking her head and started rummaging my pencil box in search of a pen blankly and her behaviour caused me sniff suspicion, growing attentive towards her.

I felt she is hiding something, it's quite apparent by her demeanor. I saw her hands noticably shook while talking to me.
Is she hiding really something from me!
Isn't she crushing on Neil! Then why is she behaving so weird as if she has caught being cheating on someone!
Avni stop it, it's not you, it's talking your that full of thriller and suspense novel shit head. I kicked out my subconscious mind's justification and gaped at her each actions keenly.

"I saw you blushing while talking to that guy! Aren't you crushing on that Vampire already?" My eyes are still narrowed moving back and forth between her hands and her side profile. She was facing my study desk.

Before she could answer me my ph snorted a message tone. I want to throw this most irritating thing out of my window right now for interrupting me a step closer to become a Sherlock Holmes. Okay thousands steps away, no offense.

With my furrowed brows pulling away my sister's face I looked at my ph screen. It's a message from an unknown number.
My forehead wrinkled reading the number , I unlocked the screen and gave a tap touch of my finger on the text notification to open it.

"Tiger are you avoiding me!" The text read.
Who the hell this ti.... My brain couldn't complete the sentence before my heart skipped, my lips got sucked between my teeth the moment I anticipated the only person could call me that.. That Vampire has nerve to text me! Who the son of... passed him my number! My teeth gritted at the sight.

"Where the hell is this Vampire all of a sudden came from ! What are you talking about Av" I jumped on my seat I was sitting on the chair leaning to my bed backrest, my fist clutched the sheet over the mattress hearing Ayl's confused yelling tone along with her frantic creased gaze over me.

"I. I. umm. I...." See I told you, only this boy could make me fumble with my words.
Uski maa's better my outburst of profanity should be in hindi for him exclusively.

"Care to explain it? Now?" Now Ayl is getting over my nerves. Crossing her arms facing me, she is waiting for my reply.
Hollyfuck. Wait. Don't tell me she think of me calling that guy Vampire. Even I'm not getting why she is fuming and throwing deadly daggers glaring at me! Then what she would do, if I confess her now that I have given that name to her Neil. Btw after today I'm unsure if Neil is her only crush! Ooh c'mon it's just a crush, people can crush over many at a time. She has never told she is in love with that Vampy! Third time in a day I smashed away the unwelcoming blabbers of my subconscious, she was eating my brain out. Anyways let that creep suck her blood.

Ooh God I should protect my sister, from the clutch of that Vampire.

Why I'm feeling it's a group of Vampire in this school. God!
And I'm the only human here. Obviously my besties along. Rial, Eliza including her boyfriend, he is nice guy, he is human, definitely.

"Right now Av!" My brain damaging process stopped in the middle by my sister's growl. This time her words came out of her mouth caused me feel eerie at the pit of my stomach. My startled glance shot at Ayl's indignant face, she was still in same pose at the spot waiting for my answer. And I swallowed hard.

I was about to open my mouth combating internally to come back with an epic reply to throw at her, my ph snorted the same tone which says I received a message.

Before I took a quick glance of my ph inside my grip I saw Ayl also did the same craning her head. Her gaze flickered at the device, across the bed. Few minutes ago She has come to my room to borrow a pen and now she is with me in some crappy question answer game. Welcome another headache in my little life.

It's from that same number.

"Don't be naughty.
Dying to see me in canteen tomorrow at the lunch break" another text appeared on my ph screen. No stomach clenched, my breath elevated mulling over an unknown fret coming to my way soon. Actually not soon it's tomorrow! I clamped my both hands over my mouth stopped hard not to gasp aloud. But failed when my eyes grew wide. I saw Ayl's curious, bemused gaze over me changed into horrified.

What the hell I have got myself into!


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