Chapter 5

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HAPPY Independence Day 🎊 to all my lovely people, my Readers, my followers, my Wattpad pals out there. Jai Hind🇮🇳


"And you know what he and his group bit that asshole's ass off hauling him in the mid of the soccer field" Real explained with her eyes widened like a night owl.

"And ended up getting the detention for a week" Elliza sniggered shaking her shoulder sheepishly as if she has stated something very funny.

It was a fifteen minutes short break hour. I thought to go to the library for a book reissue but got stuck by this two broadcaster Rial and Eliza. I'm just curious to know, do every new students in these school face such ramifications being joining the high school in the grade year like me! Or this is an exclusive offer only alloted to me.

Yes it's nothing less than any repercussion to me getting the description expounded by my friends_ the bravery story of that playboy Neil Khanna and his little jock troop. I just can't stop myself taking a callous eye rolling act internally with a scoffed sigh everytime they talk about that Vampy.

"Ooh c'mon Eliza..... Princi had made the punishment in short later,when he got to know the truth" Rial retaliated narrowing then rolled her eyes heavenward showing her indignation at Eliza's mock.

"Yes later we all got to know the entire truth...that asshole tried making a odious move on that girl when she was alone in the locker room before her departure that day" Eliza specified.

"And you know who that girl was!" Rial's eyes grew larger in an unknown agitation than before this time.

Disregardly, being bored harkening to this an year old event happened in school, from my two jaunty, convivial bestie Real and Eliza I'm no more in state of greatly listen to their elaboration.

It's not that, my heart is made of concrete or I have no empathy in my heart for that girl who crossed through such heinous act of some lunatic. But the way they perposely turning my focus to the whole act how Neil reached the spot at the exact hour, saved that girl been molested and his gang took the charge to punish that guy. I'm fatigue of getting such heroic story details of this Vampire come Spiderman come lion come Beast and his gang of alien_ since more than my restraint minutes of patience.

Inwardly praying for a distraction away their blabbering my eyes inadvertently flitted to the corridor outside and I reckon I saw Ayl briskly walked over the row.

"Where she is barreling strangely in this hurry!" my forehead creased in anticipation.

As much as I manged to see, she was alone. Not with her groupie along side her, habitually she is used to with.That relatively not likely Ayl....She never roamed around school campus without her gang of four girls and in canteen adding their boyfriends.
"Uncanny" my subconscious asserted.

"Av what was that!" Real quivered me break my dwam and I winched off it.

"I'll be back" I abruptly darted the words at them and in response instantly earned two pairs of furrowed bewildered gaze on me then have been exchanged quickly between them.
Before they could whirl their cluless glances back to me, I have already gone.

I briskly slided off my seat and next moment I have rushed out of the classroom.

I saw a tiny peek of Ayl's back scruried down the stairs.
And there wasn't any other option not to follow her. My inner self nodded her head vigorously in agreement.

Neither this is the way to the restroom, nor the locker room if she needed any one out of these two.

For some unknown kooky, eccentric reasons my subliminal brain wasn't much in favour to call out her name to stop her and ask her where she is going all alone without her groupie?
Rather creepily, transforming into my Sherlock Holmes self I advanced to follow her.

My subconscious let out a blithesome squeal going snoopy.
I shut her up mentioning it's my sister and she rolled her eyes evading my chide, hush.


"I know love. I'm trying my best to divert him but it seems tough task to turn his attention on me" Ayl's tone docile behind the door. Who she is talking such in a meek manner! Unlike Ayl !

I instantly got a hunch that something awry.

l had paused getting inside a room at the row our library ends. For few minutes following her I had thought I was wrong she must be going to library. But next moment her move mystified me when she took a step forward away the library entrance and took a secretive glance behind, her sides. Sensing the risk been caught by any chance I jumped, hide myself luckily behind a pillar nearby. I had least expected she would look behind her.
Within few seconds being hidden I regathered my thrumping heart, took a causious peek to watch where she goes.

But strangely the spot was empty, she was nowhere to be seen. I searched through my puzzled, wary gaze around but the spot was empty.

After more than a minute slowly, very painstakingly I stepped out my hidden spot and sought finding her. I was sure she is somewhere near, she hasn't gone much far away, if she would I have had definitely heard her footsteps. My intuition directed me to cross the library entrance and walk to the right. And that was it.

As soon as I had took the right turn my scull prickled in anticipation. There I saw a decrepit room at the corner. As much as I move closer I saw the door ajar, some faint voices were coming out of it.

I gulped, took a quick, vigilant glance around me before I advanced slowly, took overly carefull steps forward and stood behind the agape door. The room is too dark. I hardly could see any figure inside.

There no need of any rocket science to recognise that female voice is of Ayl's. But the husky, stoney male voice sent shiver down my spine. I felt my breath eerie and all hair stood upward my skin.

"I agree that asshole is a tuff nut to crack. But still I would say, you aren't putting the required effort to turn him to your need to plan out things much flawlessly" that guy seethed sadistically first then transformed his tone in a overly sugary coat. It felt like a traitor talking to his target before destroying her in some vengeance.

Who the hell is he. I will exterminate him if he dare put a single finger on my Ayl. Yes I love my step-sister more than I would have loved my biological sister_ I just now realised.

I tried to sneak leaning my head to the wood more.

My inquisitive self rouse neural.

"Give me few days more, let me think of some other plan!" I heard her distraught voice begging to that creep.

Plan! What plan they are talking about. And whom she wants to fall in her trap? Is my sister is in some group!

My heartbeat escalated. What if Ayl is in some trouble!

And What if she is trapping someone inocent in some kind of not so pleasant transaction ganging up with this prig! My subconscious glared tapping her fingers with a utter repugnance in her gaze.

I gulped, this time she didn't sound rebuttal, absurd.

I traipsed two silent feet ahead so that I could eavesdrop proper.

"Whatever you would do please do it fast. I haven't all the year to wait" that male voice hissed, tyrannical and Ayl was lame in cower mewl "I will baby...just give me some more days...I promise everything will be in your favour soon..."

Without seeing that guy I can say he is a fraudulent. Or who do put any person in some kind of mission or plan of duping someone.

And who is this 'he' they are talking about!

Baby! love! My forehead wrinkled severely, reminated. Isn't Ayl in crush with Neil! Then why she is calling such names this guy, whoever he is!!!!! Aren't these names are called a person when someone in relationship with!

Is Ayl in a relationship? Is this guy his boyfriend?

Then what's the point crushing on Neil?

My tensity grew.

Suddenly a heavy bawdy palm covered my mouth, came from somewhere behind caused me toppled my feet and I moved backward harshly few steps. What the crap!

I tried, hollered but my voice muffled as a result by his tight grip over my mouth. I struggled, threw my hands and legs blindly with full force in air to get rid of that monster whoever he is.

My struggle subsided for few seconds. I shut my eyes, gathered all my strength, tried to shriek my heart out but of no use. Whoever this bloody monster is, he is too strong. He wrapped his another arm over my shoulder and locked my hands at a certain angle so that I couldn't free myself without his consent. I shook my head hard to get rid of his firm hold.

" Easy.It's me tiger!" He gravelly schmoozed near my ear, chuckled when I was at the edge of my patience level to bite his hand over my mouth.

My heartbeat expedited. My body got stagnant for some seconds with his breathing over my neck, my breath stuck in my throat. An indeniable warmth emanated all over spine, caused my eyes closed for some seconds_and immediately gaining back my nerves in active mode I reopened them, petrified.

What! I squirmed inwardly.

OMG Vampy!!!

Everytime in this kind of extremely horrendous situations my subconscious prefer to walk out. As usual she is off. And I'm blank. Bloody hell.

Discreetly that beast moved me backward, took me to the safest distance away that spot.

Taking a harsh heavy breath mustering up my all body strength I deftly jerked away his arms around me. And guess what this time I have succeeded.
Disgruntled, with one swift movement I'm facing him.

Next moment hectically I straightened off, pushed him, my hands flat over his sturdy chest. And not being alarmed by my sudden shove his feet groped roughly a big step backward.
My chest swelled in conniption by his obscenity. How could he drag me like that! How dare he touch me caging me in his arms smothering me! My face displayed nothing but despise.

"Hoou easy tiger!" He heaved a breath gruffly, repeated. He raised his hands up in surrender. And my blood boiled looking at his buoyant, contagious grin. And my breaths went rapid.

Contagious! What the hell is wrong with me! how could I think him scorching hot at this moment!!" And she is back. My subconscious lifted her brow one side along with her amused smirk at my choice of words. And I have no other option not to shrugging her off.

So perpetually as expected it was none but that horrible monster, now standing in front of me and he waltzed folded his hands over his chest, as if nothing happened. No offense, that contained me appeared jade.


"It's been a day you didn't call me or answered my texts, nor even bothered to meet me in canteen as I asked you to the day before yesterday.....why you always so much into defying me!" His voice held grouch and coax at once. His head crooked slightly watching me with his eyes lightly crinkled waiting for my reply. He is looking dangerously handsome, delectable in this demeanor. I couldn't help getting not to be pinked.

And I bit my inner cheeks being stupified. I blinked my eyes, pushed my hands to my back, clutched them together or they would have gotten noticed that they have already turned clammy in apprehension.

Am I into the beast's den !

I swallowed hard by my own crescendo heart thumping under his gaze askance, inwardly I was preparing for a curtly retort.


Raise your hands who is enjoying reading this short story?
Well, I'm enjoying writing this plot🤓
Perhaps two more chapters are left.

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