Chapter 6

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"Stay away.
And don't call me that_Tiger. I'm not a beast like you, I'm a human. A creature that can't seize anyone's heart" I warned, my all reticence gone I stared at him mulishly. He has challenge the juncture I have been and now no one can free him facing my wrath, the actual ramifications Avni could possibly show him. He shouldn't have destroyed my Sherlock Holmes mode.

"Really am I seizing your heart! That's a news to me. Chocolatecake !" He crooked his neck, his eyes narrowed. He flashed me a confounded smirk and my teeth gritted at the sight.

"Don't you dare call me that!" I rebuked, glared venomously at him. In response his head straightened up. I saw his jaw clenched in anger but he covered it up quickly and sent me a lopsided grin instead.

"Oops I'm so scared" he faked an expression as if he is intimidated by me and let out a small chuckle within a second, made me feel annoyed to the core. I swear to God he don't know where he is putting himself into.

"Okay forget it! Let me ask you something" he stopped his chuckling. His voice without any malice, instead there is a hint of plead. Did I interpreted it correct!

"There is nothing to say or listen. first you are a bad boy. Second I don't like you. And third, how dare you touch me that night and now again?" I scowled, berated.

"Listen that's what I wanted, to apologise to you! That's the reason I was so eager to talk to you, asked you to see me in canteen the other day" he sounded genuine, seemed he is hurt of my accusatory tone.

"And you are not forgiven. You freaking kissed me on my neck bloody ashole! And you think you will apologise and everything will be fine! Do I look that gullible to you?" I snapped back, caused him a bit blance before he adjured, persuade.

"No, you are very beautiful" he admired then immediately blinked away that state.

"Yes I agree I did wrong...I was kind of carried away in the moment, I know I shouldn't have and I'm not defending myself. I'm really ashamed of what I have done that night" he racked his fingers roughly through his thick brown hair, his eyes grew apologetic this time.

Ewwww beautiful! That's cliche.
Zero on ten. My subconscious agreed, huffed wearily.

I would have been more than happy if he would have said me intelligent, sharp, something to mean proficient. I mean who still in this twenty first century talk about beauty instead of brain! You called him hot few seconds back. My subconscious reminded me flippantly then blew on her newly painted nails and I cleared my throat, pulled my face upward to show my confidence.

"To hell with your carried away crap. No one ever touched me nor ever disrespected me like you did. Who do you think you are?" My words blustered over him, wilt all my aggression. But next moment his reply made my scowl grew gravely deeper.

"That's mean I'm the only one!" These words sprawled out of his mouth, and my subconscious slapped on her forehead. He arched a brow, his lips curved a supercilious smirk. My blood boiled, I threw him a pointed look in response. He has that audacity to ask me this when I'm castigating him! That dimwit.

"Yes you are the only one who disrespected me!" I glowered, emphasized the word disrespect and that vampy gulped. Good.

Finally I intimidated him. My subconscious gestured an appreciative clap. In response a little confident hit me inside.

"Okay. Let's knock it off. I'm sorry. A real big sorry chocolatecake" he spoke, his tone implored, expectant, then he smiled indulgently.

When I didn't smile back he noticed his gaze halted vigilant all over my facade, may be thinking if he has been forgiven. I watched him morphed from vampy to obsequious. But I can't fall for his pretentious tender gaze, I swallowed hard, bridled back my confident self.

"Keep your sorry in your ass and die in hell..." I snapped under my clenched jaws. Ouch it's painful of so much clenching.

"Avni.." he called out my name,took a step forward and I backwarded. There is no way I would amend things with this Vampy.

"Don't you dare enuntiate my name with your that critter mouth. And leave me alone" I belligerently rebuffed. His face plummeted, I saw a flicker of hurt in his eyes when I darted these words at him.

He said nothing only his gaze unusually softened. He looked despondent.

Did I hurt him!

I skittered away as far as I could go away him. I huffed a sigh of relief when I didn't hear any foot step sounds following me.
At the meantime the short break bell rang, aware students to get settle for the class will begin next.

I tell you guys, the day wasn't mine.

"Hi Mom" I greeted Liya who I saw in the kitchen while I passed by the hall, as usual she is making some food. My voice fatigue. I was totally jaded.

"Hi honey! How was your assignment. Aly said you will be late" Liya replied without looking up, she was engrossed in chopping few green veggies.

"That bitch.
It was good Mom" I inwardly cussed at my sister's mention then responded politely to Mom's words. I plopped my back on the couch in dinning hall, leaned my back. I was supper exhausted.

"Hey buddy what you draw all the time, come here I'll teach you" I craned my neck slightly asked Dan on the other side of the couch he is sitting, drawing a figure in his colour copy.

"Teach me what? how to stare!
I know it already" he gave me a tedious eye roll and my eyes widened at his statement. What's wrong with kids these days!

"Listen you are only five and I'm talking about your texts. And there is someone who I'm already seeing. I have a boyfriend" I concluded in a slightly admonishing tone so that Dan doesn't think I'm entertaining his adolescent like words.

Instead both mom's and Dan's head snapped at me, he almost threw his crayons he was holding, his gaze turned into worry and I beamed.

"Who's that Asshole !" Words snarled out of Dan's mouth, his face formed a deep scowl. Bingo.

"Dan! It's a bad word" I reprimanded him softly.

"I know. One day a man in grocery elbowed Mom while passing by and Mom spatted on him calling him fucking asshole. People say these words when they get hostile on someone. I'm same now knowing about your boyfriend. Say it you are kidding" his last words were like wailing in pain. And I felt bad hurting him.

"Aweeee he is so smart" I didn't realize when Mom has come and stood beside Dan. She chuckled, ruffled his hair but immediately her hand slided tentatively off his head when she saw me glaring at her.

Sometimes for a change behave like you are a Mom" I muttered, ridiculously glaring at her overly casualness over every serious topic.

"Okay! Is it true, you have a boyfriend?" this is a response she gave me being a little serious by my agitated gaze over her but she sounded trivial. If my family in India would have heard about my dating a guy at this tender age! Even the thought of their faces make my stomach lurch in terror.

"Yes" I sighed unenthusiastically.

"Noooo she has not!" Dan whinned, cut off Mom's words harshly then turned to me. He threw me a sad pout and I suppressed not to giggled at his state. He is uber cute.

"Great. By the way are you hungry!" Mom ignored Dan and walked to the kitchen. I had no energy or enthu to ask her whom she responded to that single word 'great'.

"Yup very!" I beamed. At the moment I prefered more important to react to her next sentence. In short I was ravening.

"Lovely. I'm on the way making some chicken pasta for you. Your favorite." Mom replied and my stomach growled aloud by the name of chicken pasta. Humm I can't wait anymore to devour my appetite into such delicious dish.

"Love you Mom. But before that let me assassinate someone" I muttered, chagrined. My nostril flared in discontent thinking of Ayl and her betrayal in parking lot today.

"And that someone I think is in upstairs" I heard Mom chuckled before I hardened my jaws and strode up the staircase in search of that witch. Unfortunately she is my sister!


"How could you ditch me this so bad Aly?" I snapped eloquently, my breath whizzing because of the long faster steps I had took barging in her room.

I threw my backpack harshly on her bed and folded arms over my chest. I awaited for her reply. Every second I'm loosing my patience staring at her sitting posture there against the study desk.

"What did I do!" I have noticed she was writing something on some kind of weird pink paper. My voice made her havoc startled she abruptly pushed it inside a drawer close to her and shut it down hard, even I blinked twice before I resumed.

Her act was like someone is on in a secret task. I saw her nervously snatched a notebook out of the shelf near by and Ayl pretended to write on it that I guess if she knew what to write on it. Therefore not to mention the pen was still on the spot she was holding was instead moving further.

"Like really! You don't know!
You left me there in school waiting in that fucking parking lot!" My voice raised in conniption. I totally ignored her strange behavior at the moment, my only priority was to know the reason of her this acutely harrowing me.

"I was in hurry" she answered sedately, not deterring her face off the spot and I felt bitter inside my throat, my anger built in my chest prodigious, gigantic.

"And you didn't bother to inform me before you left. I was standing there all foolish waiting for you to arrive then I had noticed your car wasn't there in parking lot. And that made me sense you have already left" I hollered such righteous words in a single breath, my eyes searched her facade if there was any sign of regret I could have been witnessed. And that made my anger grew more.

Aly placidly rose up her seat, passed over me, I know in professed to avoid my fuming gaze over her. She not even dared to give a glance at me. I scowled gaping at her each actions.

"Babe you are hot. I thought someone will definitely offer you a ride" she finally spun her head, spoke brazenly, her demeanor vacuous. She sat supporting her hands either side on the bed, her legs dangling to the floor, head slightly craned. Her eyes straight at my face.
My fist clenched furiously looking at how casually, insouciant she could behave after hounding me! She has not a little realisation that the act she has done could have caused me so much trouble, at the same time unsafe. Do I really know this girl!

"Yes that vampy did and obviously I had sue him" I muttered inwardly. He has nerve to wait and watch me the whole time until my bestie Eliza did arrive and gave me the ride. It was so awkward standing there all alone under his vigilance.

"Eliza dropped me. Her home route is a mile opposite to me but still she took that trouble for me" I blew out a exasperate sigh. One more word out of her apathetic mouth I'm done with this girl.
I swore in my head.

"How sweet of her. She is your true friend. Tomorrow I would thank her with a big chocolate" she flashed her most charming smile and my chest hardened filling the discontent. I was stunned by her verbosity. How could she be so nonchalant, unfazed of the repellent act she has done with her sister! My throat grew bitter recalling how stupid she made me feel today of myself waiting there in the school parking lot for her so long until only few students were left before they took departure.

God, on earth did you only find me to gift these two distinctive creature in form of my stepmom and stepsister! What grave have I done to you or any angel to gain such punishment!
My soul squealed banging her head over the concrete.

"One more time you do such stunt. I swear that day your are dead" I had enough of her cavalier behavior. I eradicated, barked those words at her before I heaved a curt sigh and stormed out of her room. And she remained sitting there on her bed all playing mischievous with her dazzling eyes. Yes Ayl has beautiful eyes with long lashes, sometimes I envy her when she put mascara on them. Boys get almost dead if she threw at them one glance. And one more reason I feel proud of her at the same time, she is the second highest scorer in that subject called Business Study, and it bizzare I never heard of the first scorer girl or guy.

Few minutes later I remembered I forgot my backpack in her room so I walked back to Ayl, to get my stuff. But as soon as I discovered she is in washroom my step glued at the spot she kept that envelope in her drawer which is still not fully pushed into it's case either.

Discreetly glancing at the bathroom door then back to her desk I slowly, carefully pulled it open. And my heart beat went chaotic, escalated staring at that clandestine object, a pink paper. That got crinkled because of Ayl's harsh throw inside the drawer few minutes ago.
The thing is laying there still like waiting for me to discover it.

Curiosity took over me, I swallowed hard and dared a last quick glance at the closed bathroom door before I darted my gander back to it.

It's the worst thing prying on someone's privacy.

My head spatted venom and my subconscious mind curved a shrugging off scoff, encouraged me to move forward with such disturbing act.

Hollyhell my hands shivered frantically moving forward to do that sin.
Her all those muffled, surreptitious talks in the morning with that guy aside the school library, played in my head causing my chest berserk, thumping painfully.


One more chapter left to reach that final Avniel Scene.

Hope you all will remember this short story.

Have a great Time.
Love MoN.

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