Inside the Beast's Castle

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Author: no_kidding

Title: Inside the Beast's Castle

Summary: "As soon as you believe you are a monster is when you truly become the monster."

When a cowardly king uses Lyza's brother against her, she does what he demands. When she is ordered to go to a castle and kill the beast living in it, she goes, but without realizing that she is really part of a deal the king made with the master of the castle. When her attempt to kill the beast fails, she is held prisoner by a half-man who can barely control the darkness inside of him. Lyza faces dangers on the castl grounds that she only thought were stories, but the longer she stays there the more she realizes that everything, especially the Beast, is more than it seems, and the fact that she has power that she could only dream about.

This is a work of fiction - specifically a fantasy novel. The summary claims that it is a retelling of the well-acclaimed fairy-tale 'Beauty and The Beast'.

Reviewer's remarks: Personally, I have read a handful of retellings though my interest in them falters - I have nothing against them however. I have to admit though, that after having read this retelling I would actually like to read more.

The plot, around which the story revolves is consistent and I could tell that the author had a clear perception as to how they wanted to proceed their story.

I found myself savouring the tale of young Lyza as she struggled with her alcoholic father and her supposedly deceased brother (we come to realise further into the story that he is in fact alive) and how she is forced to fulfill a task she is hesitant to perform.

I love how the author gradually evolves the story as opposed to dunking head first into the climax.

The writing style (apart from a few minor spelling inaccuracies) is descriptive and beautifully composed.

I really enjoyed this retelling and after nine chapters I found myself craving more. Keep in mind that to attain a widespread figure of readers and votes an author must religiously and regularly update their stories.

Rating (out of 5): 4

A note to the author: I adore your ongoing novel and you may see me regularly reading (that is if you decide to update chapter 10). In much simpler words - I LOVE YOUR BOOK.


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