Mummy Returns

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Romulus p.o

I woke up and saw a bat with a letter. I got up and took it and began to read it.

Dear Rommy

Ingrid has invited me to stay for a while so I'll be popping around later today can't wait to see you again darling

Love Mommy

I then had a premonition I saw mom arriving and then her and dad at a altar looking like they were going to get married.

"No freaking way" I said wide eyed. My mom is going to marry dad. Maybe hopefully that won't happen. As much as I love my mom I know that she would only marry dad if she was to get something.

I put this nonsense out of my head got changed and went down to the Living room.

"Hey dad Ingrid" I said. "morning Romulus your just in time to parctise flying" dad said. "Sorry dad I can't school remember" I said. " oh come on Rommy this is practise it won't be long before you and your brother are flying through the sky hunting and snacking on peasents" dad said smirking .

I saw Vlad who was wearing a cape and I guess didn't want to do this. "Aww why is little Vladdy so upset" I asked in a baby voice. "Oh ha ha" he said. "Well at least unlike you I can do this I through something in the air and I tried to freeze it but I ended up 11 feet in the air.

Dad got up from his throne and Ingrid got up from the couch and Vlad turned around. "Woah" Vlad said. "Cool" Ingrid said. "Bravo Romulus bravo" he said. "What's going on" I asked confused. "Well you may not be able to fly but you do have the power of levitation bravo boy" he said clapping.

"So how do I get down" I asked . "Simple just slowly lower your arms" dad said. I slowing started to go to the ground before I landed. "Well done boy   Well done" dad said hugging him. "I can't believe how much stronger your becoming your shaping up to be a perfect young vampire. A true credit to the family name" dad said.

Dad reached into his pocket and took out some money. "Here's 30 pounds go crazy" he said handing it to me. "Thanks dad" I said taking it. "Well am of to school the last thing I need is a teacher complaining that not only am I skipping maths but arriving late" I said. It's true I've been skipping maths because I can understand it and since I can't stop it i skip it.

"Wait for me" Vlad said as he was about to get of the table. "not so fast vladdy you are not moving from this table until you fly" dad said.

I rolled my eyes and left heading to my own little patch of hell.


I was in the library sketching in my book. It is where I draw all my fashion designs. I looked at the black rose necklace my mom gave me for my 6th birthday

and remembered all the good times we've had as mother and son. Me helping her pick out clothes humiliating reinfield. Good times I then looked at the ring my dad gave me the same day he said it was a old family heirloom and it use to belong to someone very special to him.

I kept thinking about my premonition If my mom is going to marry my dad I am just praying this doesn't end with a murder attempt.


I was in my room getting ready for Karate I took a look at a picture of me and mom on the wall knowing she's going to be here  in any minute.

I went Downstairs and saw Vlad and his friends Chole and Robin doing homework. "Oh there still here good job Vlad you know how hungry mum gets when she travels" I said smirking. "What are you wearing?" Robin asked. "Simple I do karate now" I said I saw him and Chloe go wide eyed.

"Don't worry it's not like he can do any harm" Vlad said. "Really I can do this" I used telekinesis to make Robin fall into the couch. "And this" I levitated and did a back flip onto the table. "Oh and this" I froze Chole as she was about to get up. Robin got up. "Why is my sister a statue" Robin asked.

"oh relax it will were of in a couple of minutes. I got down from the table. Ingrid came in. She saw Chole and smirked. "oh breather on ice" she said. "Hope mum hurrys up I have to leave in a couple of minutes" I said sitting down on the couch. "When are you going to realise that mum is not coming to stay Vlad said.

Suddenly the door open and the milk Vlad and Chole were drinking turned black and Chole unfroze and went wide eyed seeing that mum has arrived. "She took of her sunglasses "hello darlings " she said. I started grining.

"Oh is that the time come on Robin" Chole said gathering her things. But unfortunately Robin fell for mums charm.  The doors slammed shut and Chole sat back down.

"Oh mom I've missed you I hate living with dad" Ingrid said hugging her. "there there don't cry. No really don't it's versachi" she said getting Ingrid off her. "And how's my little Vladdy goodness how much you've changed" mom asked Robin thinking he's Vlad. "Not that much" Vlad said. "Oh Vlad I didn't recognised you" mom said saying to Vlad.

"Now where is my Romulus the light of my eye the reason I get out of my coffin in the morning" she said. I levitated over to her. "Hey mom" I said hugging her she hugged me backl.. "oh Romulus you can fly" she said. "Not really dad said it's levitation not flying" I said. "Well still a big accomplishment I have a couple of gifts for you" mim said ending the hug and grining. She stepped aside and I saw a TV and a PlayStation. I saw Vlad looking jealous I love it

"Oh thanks mom" I said. "Anything for my favourite child" she said smiling at me.

Reinfield came in coughing. "Oh who let the skunks out" he said before he saw mom. "Oh it's you mistress magda" he said. "so your still around are you. Take my case up to the spare coffin serv" mom said to reinfield handing him her coffin. "Oh and Reinfield after your done with that I want you to install my new TV and PlayStation in my room I want it done by the time I come back or else you and Zoltan will be eating from the same dog bowl" I said.

"Yes master Romulus he said. " well as much as I would love to see dads reaction to this I got to go see late mum" I said waving good bye and heading for the door. "Bye darling have fun" she said.


It was the end of my karate lesson and I was just about to leave when I saw this kid Liam I think he's called waiting be the entrance. "Your still here huh must have a terrible home life" I said smirking. "Oh ha ha am Liam Liam wyatt and you" he asked. "Romulus count now I have to go I have much better people to talk to" I said. He giggled slightly. "See ya Romulus" he said before leaving. That was one weird kid but I payed no thought to it. I left the building and began the walk home to my weird family


When I got home I saw the weirdest thing my mum and dad having a romantic dinner. "What's going on here?" I asked confused. "Oh Romulus good news your mother is staying adios Patrick and welcome Home magda" my dad said never taking his eyes of mom. "Really" I asked shocked. "That's right darling mommys back" mom said getting up to hug me

When I got up to my room I saw glad putting out a sleeping bag. "What are you doing in my room" I asked slightly angry. "Thanks to mom and ingrid my room is now ingrids so am sleeping here" he said. "Fine but first some rules I am in charge of my TV you don't mess or redecorate my room and most of all remember I'm in charge" I said. Vlad nodded. " good now am getting changed for bed night Vlad" I said before going to get changed.


The next day I was practicing my levitating I rose my hands up slowly and I slowly started to rise up I crossed my legs and looked around my room. I used my telekinesis to threw Vlads sleeping bag up into the air and froze. "I might be getting the hang of this ingrid came in. "Hey sis" I said. "Practising your powers are you" she said crossing her arms. "Yeah" I said I slowly began to go back onto the floor and the sleeping bag unfroze and  it landed on ingrid. She took it off and threw it on to the floor. "I guess Vlad had to stay here" she said. We heard a wolf howl in pain and quickly went down to the foyer. "OUT" dad shouted and threw mums suite case. "But bun buns" she said as she left. "Your out witch" he threw her suite case out.

"Dad please just give her one more chance" ingrid begged dad. "And you can give that room back to Vlad" he said. "What just because mum" ingrid was interrupted. "Betrayed us all I tried to warn you two this might happen" Vlad said. "Aaaa" mum said screaming in pain. She came back in. "Bun buns it's still daylight out there . I mean where am I supposed to go" she said. I looked at robin like he was thinking of something. I tripped him up with my telekinesis and left. I had enough with this.


I was in the park siting on e bench thinking when I saw that Liam kid come over. "What's got you so down count" he asked. "Not in the mood" I said. "Oh it's family troubles" he said. "How do you know" I said. "I've gotten mad at my family before I know the look" he said. "Well your right my family is crazy" I said. "Well I can't have you down now can I lets go" he said offering my his hand. "Where" I said " someplace I know that cheers everyone up" he said. I took his hand and we left the park. I swear if this is a trick I am going to freeze him and make his clothes disappear.

He took me to a place the breathers call a chippy and afterwards we went to the movies and then before I knew it it was night time. "Oh I better get home my dad will get worried" I said. "Ok well today was fun" he said. "Yeah I guess we can do this again sometime" I said smiling. "Sure thing rommy" he said.

After that we went are separate ways and I headed back to the castle


When I got back into the castle I thought I was home safe but unfortunately I wasn't. "Where have you been Romulus" dad asked. " I was out I just needed a break" I said. "Oh well you know what we do now" dad asked grining. "Nope but I guess practising something" I said. "We are going to to practise your Levitating" he said before taking me down to the crypt I knew I was going to be exhausted in the morning .


The next day at school I was in the library when I had a premonition. I saw Vlad pulling hair off of zoltan and going to mum and dad then dad throwing her out. "I was shocked for two reasons one I can now see into the past and second Vlad is why mum was kicked out. I left the library angry I saw him in the hallway

"YOU" I shouted to him I saw Vlad go wide eyed and pale. "You got mum kicked out" I said. He slightly nodded. I point my fingers at him and he went flying into the doors and went into the next part. I then used my telekinesis to speed me up and when I got to him I flipped him on to his back. I was about to punch him but the headmistress  got me." Romulus my office now" she said. I glared at Vlad before going to her office.

When I got there I sat down. "Why were you fighting your brother" she asked. "He got are mum kicked out of the castle" I said looking away. "Well I understand that but violence is never the answer" she said. I didn't look at her. "Now Romulus as it just so happens I was looking for you I am going to recommend you get tested for somethings" she said. "For what" I asked interested. "Um I'll explain later I've already called your dad and have let him know I think you need to be tested and I will have to call him about the incident with Vlad" she said. "You can go now" she said. I left the office a little bit confused is their something wrong with me.


I was sent home for fighting with Vlad. When I got home I saw dad looking at a picture of mum. "Hey dad" I said. "Oh Romulus I got a call from the school saying you got sent home for fighting good boy" dad said smirking at me. "It was nothing dad I was just fighting with Vlad" I said. "Oh yes yes I know all to well about fighting with ones brother one time when I was just about your age I pushed your uncle Ivan out a window for stealing something of mine he fell into a cart full of horse dung " dad said. Dad giggled. "Good times" he said smiling. "Well I'll be up in my room" I said. "Very well and the school said something about getting you tested what's that about?" He asked. "You honestly know just as much as me" I said before going upstairs.


After an hour of reading alone in my room I heard the castle doors open. I went downstairs and saw mum and dad making up. "What's going" I asked confused. "Good news Rommy your father and I are getting married" mum said smiling at me. I went wide eyed my premonition came true. Sometimes I really hate seeing into the future.

I was up in my room. I refused to go down to the wedding because I feel mum is up to something. I decided to leave the castle.
I flew down from the window down to the ground and left.

I decided to hang about around town. I was outside the library when I bumped into that Leo boy. "Hey county" he said teasing. "Hey" I said. "What's wrong" he said. "Oh nothing just my mum is marrying my dad" I said. "So isn't that good" he said confused.

"'As much as I love her my mum is a evil manipulative ambitious witch she said to me when I was little she would only marry dad if she was to get something big out of it" I said. "She does sound bad" he said. "Not bad evil" I corrected.

"Everyone thinks their mum is evil sometimes" Leo said. "Well my mum is evil all the time" I said before walking off. I saw a clock and looked at the time. "Hopefully the weddings over" I said. I began to walk back to the castle.


I entered the castle and heard screams. I ran to it and went wide eyed. What I saw was sooo disturbing. I saw reinfield in mums clothes. "AAAAAAAAA" I screamed then I fainted last thing I remember seeing was reinfield in moms shoes

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