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Romulus p.o

I was in a strange place that I had never been before where I saw a strange thick book which had a green cover and some sort of symbol on it. I walked over to it and opened it I turned to the first page and saw a spell and began reading it. " Here now the words of the witches the secrets we hid in the night the oldest of gods are invoked here the great work of magic is sought. In this time and in this hour I call upon the ancient power bring your power to this vampiric witch I want the power give me the power" I said slightly confused vampire witch I know am a vampire but a witch . No way.

Suddenly I felt light headed


I woke up due to the stoping of the hearse something I should explain see my family isn't like normal family's. my family are vampires we left Transylvania after a breather mob stormed the castle and have arrived in are new home stockly castle. " Looks like someone is finally up" Said Ingrid my older sister. " you slept all the way for the past 6 hours" she said. " you alright Master Romulus?" asked rienfield are Butler. " you look paler then a ghost" he said. "Am fine I just had this weird dream" I said.

"Well now your awake little brother you can help us carry Dad" Said vlad my older identical twin brother. We got out of the hearse and helped carry dads coffin inside the castle but it was really heavy.

"Maybe dad should go on a diet" Vlad said as me Ingrid and him carried in his coffin. "I heard that he said inside his coffin. Once we put it down the lid came off and did not seem pleased with the castle. "Well here we are. At last. Hmm. Not really what I was expecting. Where are the cobwebs? The damp? The rotting corpses." He asked unimpressed. "Well every place is a fixer upper dad we just need to redecorate" I said.

Dad stepped out of the coffin. "Yes I suppose your right Romulus but maybe I'll be in a better mood once I've had someone to eat" he said. I walked past rienfield on my way to get my things from the hearse and I saw him letting a peasant Aka dads food go away. When I came back I looked at rienfield and knew that this was not going to be pretty for him.

"Romulus are you alright you seem paler then a ghost" he asked concerned. " Y-yeah am fine just a little light headed" I said. " he was like that in the hearse master" Said rienfield. " Am fine really I am" I said hoping they would believe me dad seemed to but ingird didn't. Ingird has always been protective of me for a certain reason and also since am technically the baby of the family.

I went outiside to get my things and the strangest thing happened. I just looked to my bags and the came over to me. "Ok ok I must be seeing things because those bags did not just come out of the hearse by them selfs" I said to myself. I picked them up and went inside.

I felt light headed when I did and I just felt strange and I collapsed.the last thing I saw before things went black was ingrid and Vlad running over to me.

.................................................."................... ........................................

I was in that strange place again expect the book was it there that time but some blonde haired women was there smiling at me. "Who are you?" I asked. " Romulus Dracula I have waited ever so long to meet you" she said. " how do you know who I am" I asked confused. " all in due time and don't worry you'll be fine your body is just getting use to your new powers" she said. I was immediately confused I can't have powers I don't get them till am 16 and become a full vampire. " w what powers" I asked.

" your powers your very powerful you can move things with your mind you can see into the future present and the past and you can freeze time" she said. " h how" I asked. " you'll find out when the time is right and who you really are" she said.

Before I could ask her anything else I felt light headed and knew that I was waking up.


I woke up on a bed in which I was guessing is my new room it didn't seem to bad. But on a shelf I saw that book. I went up and grabbed it. I started looking threw it and there was all these different things potion ingredients spells charms and stuff about things called demons.

I put it back on its shelf and turned and saw ingrid standing in the doorway. " What's going on" She asked me. " w what do you mean" I asked confused. " don't play dumb with me little brother something is going on with you and I demand to know why" she said. " I I apparently have powers" I said. " W What that's impossible your not 16 she said. " I know but I don't think there vampiric" I said. " then what then what kind of powers do you have" She asked. " I have visions of the future past and present I can move things with my mind and apparently I can freeze time or something" I said.

I looked to ingrids cape and concentrated really hard on it that I was squinting and it flew off her neck and into my hands. " o ok please tell me that was the wind" she asked slightly confused. " nope it was me sis" I said. " But but how" she asked. " I don't know" I said. " I just I am so confused right now how am I able to do this" I said.

"Maybe your coming into your powers early" she said. "Ingrid what kind of vampire can see into the future and freeze things" I asked. "Well what other explanation could there be" she said. " looks m going downstairs just try and get some rest and maybe just hope for the best" she said before leaving.

" this is crazy I do not have powers" I said to my self. I suddenly had a vision of Vlad and some boy dressed like a vampire in his room in the castle. I was praying that Vlad does not have a breather in his room. I ran out and saw my dad looking about. "Dad" I Said. It seemed to have gotten his attention because he came over to me. "Rommy good to see you up boy I smell a breather somewhere in the castle" he said. I immediately gulped my vision was true. " Say why don't you join me in finding him that would be great father son bonding" he said.

"N-no dad I'll think I'll save my first victim for when I get my fangs" I lied. Truth is I am not really looking forward to becoming a vampire the only good thing about it is becoming powerful but the down side draining victims staying out of the sun not eating pasta." True after all there's nothing like your first" he said before super speeding away.

I started looking for Vlads room. I ended up in the entrance hall to where I saw Ingrid Vlad and the breather boy. "Woah how come there's two of you" the boy asked. "Ever hear of identical twins breather" said Ingrid.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I opened it and saw two boys and a girl. "Hello can I help you" I asked. "Have you seen anyone walking around here in a cloak" the girl asked.

" Let me guess black hair freckles" I said. They nodded. "Ingrid" I said. She came and gave him to them. "Now get lost" Ingrid said. "Your quiet rude" the girl said. "Yeah well that's Ingrid's specialty" I said. I saw Ingrid smiled at me. " yes so listen to my little brother or you'll see how rude I can be" she said.

"see you then Robin" Vlad said. " Yeah. Come to mine if you fancy it any time. Number 22 down the hill." He said. "Thanks and hey, maybe you could do me a favour?" He hands him a list and some money. " Get these things for me" he said. Robin looks at it " sure bye" he said. " so will be seeing you again" one of the twins said to Ingrid. " Perhaps she said. " Catch you later" he said making a gun with his finger and clicking his tounge. Well all just looked at him before Ingrid slammed the door on them.

"That was a close call" I said. "Too close do you realise what dad would have done to us if he saw us talking to those breathers" said Ingrid. "Cut are allowance" said Vlad. "And are necks Vlad.

"Oh, I think you underestimate me, my darling children " said a familiar voice. We turned around and saw dad. "Run then maybe one of us will live" said Vlad.

We were about to run but dad was faster. He grabbed us and forced us to sit down."Mixing with zombies I could forgive, understand even. But breathers  socialising with possible dinner ingredients.

"Dad, we don't want to be driven out again. Perhaps we should be blending in more. More blending, less biting. Maybe then we wouldn't get angry mobs storming the castle." Said Vlad. " That was the result of a misunderstanding between me and the village elders" said dad. "Dad you drained there blood" I said.

"" Alright so a big misunderstanding" he said. " well here's a radical idea why not be friends with are neighbors" Vlad suggested. " Friends with are neighbors" dad said thinking about it.

"Right that's it definitely no contact just go to your rooms" cried dad. "Talking of rooms Vlad and I are swapping" Ingrid said.

"No body is swapping rooms without my permission in fact from now on nobody does anything without my permission NOW GET OUT OF MY SIGHT" he shouted. " your a disgrace" he said.

I just sighed and went to my room.

Later that night I was about to go to bed when my dad came in. "Romulus I feel like your hiding something from me" he said.

" y yeah" I said. "Well what is it tell old daddy" he said. " I I think am coming into my powers early" I said.

He started grining. "Rommy that's wonderful can you show me" he said excitedly. I looked to his cape and squinted and it came into my hands like it did with ingrids.

He smiled wide. I threw it in the air put my hands out and closed and opens them and it froze mid air. "Oh Romulus this is fantastic I always knew there was something special about you" he said before hugging me.

"But um can you unfreeze my cape" he asked. I did the same motion and the cape unfroze and fell to the ground.

He picked it up and put it back on. " Romulus my boy your are destined for great things I know it you are going to be s fine vampire one day" he said before super speeding out.

I looked out my window and wondered why do I have these powers what's so special about me. I got into bed and went to sleep wondering how my life in stockly would turn out

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