Chapter 3: Rise and Shine

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Zatt POV:


I called for him until the darkness cleared my vision. The person sitting by my side for hours suddenly awakened by my outburst and grabbed me by the shoulders to bring me back.

"Zatt! Zatt! It's ok, you're alright!" I looked up and saw... Kit. "You're safe."

I stared at him momentarily as if I was meeting him for the first time. I recognised the columns and the tall ceiling: I am in the Jedi Temple. I am home. I sighed in relief as Kit pulled me into a warm embrace. Yes, this is home.

"I was so afraid I was gonna lose you."

You... were?

I saw Kit hesitate, deciding which Padawan he would choose to save and have by his side, the ache of the decision killing him as he looked back and forth.

Before finally looking into my eyes, he murmured,

"I am sorry."

I lay back down as I pulled out of his arms.

"Of course you would."

I immediately felt ashamed of my decision but decided not to look into his eyes. It was just a dream, not his true feelings. I am just confused. I decided to pretend nothing was wrong.

"What happened?"

"You were wounded by Boba Fett, Jango Fett's vengeful son. He was there to kill Master Windu." Kit lifted his eyes as he sharply added. "Again!"

We both chuckled as he continued.

"Don't worry, he's not escaping our custody this time. He was found guilty of terrorism and two counts of attempted murder. He's not getting a chance at parol."

"I almost feel bad for him." I grinned. "Wait, a trail? How long was I out?"

"A few weeks. Fett stabbed you in your upper heart. If you had been anything but a Nautolan, you would have died instantly. Fortunately, your other hearts kept you alive long enough for us to clone you a new one."

"I had surgery?"

"Don't worry, Doctor Pershing knew what he was doing. Cloning a Jedi's heart is more complicated due to midi-chlorian counts. Pershing is a very... interesting character."

"I hope to thank him in person someday," I said.

I looked around my room and sat down with some sting on my chest. I opened my shirt and noticed a prominent light scar. I delicately rested my hand where my heart used to be and felt the new heart beating identically to the old one. I almost felt ungrateful: Where did my old heart go? In the trash?

I looked to the side and noticed all the cards, flowers and gifts on the table. Kit smiled as he said.

"Some are from the senators present at the Festival. The Chancellor herself sent you specialities from Glee Anselm." He answered, handing me a box.

I opened it and noticed some items were missing. I lifted my eyebrow, giving Kit a knowing look.

"It was too tempting to resist!"

I swear! What an ass! He's not the one that got stabbed in the heart! I shook my head, laughing as he stood and pointed at the treats table.

"The Queen of Naboo sent you something with a Gungan treat. I didn't touch it, I swear!" I rolled my eyes. "You got "Get Well" cards from some of your friends from class and the Council, of course. Speaking of friends, your friend Byph volunteered to be your nurse when you arrived here."

"Byph?" I smiled. "That's nice of him. "

I paused a moment. What about the others? Byph volunteering to take care of me is extraordinarily kind, but... Ganodi. I suddenly remembered her yelling my name before I fainted and felt nervous just asking Kit this question.

"Did... anyone else visit me?"

"Well, your Wookie and Tholothian friends did. What are their names again...?" He asked himself, snapping his fingers.

"Gungi and Katooni," I replied.

"Ah, yes!" He added. "Your friend Petro also visited last week. But I haven't seen him much. I suggest you talk to him."


I swallowed as I felt my throat dry as I asked. "Ganodi? Did she... visit me at all?"

Kit's smile disappeared as he placed his hand on my shoulder, searching for something to say. When he shook his head, I felt my new heart ache and frowned at the sudden discomfort. I knew this pain had nothing to do with the surgery.

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