Chapter 4: Petro or Ganodi?

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Katooni POV:

Four weeks.

It's only been four weeks, but it feels like a decade ago. I cannot believe how awful this last month has been. If only there had been a way for me to be there-

"Katooni!" I heard.

That voice, no, it can only be...


Force be my witness! I missed his smile. He has his Master's smile, and it always warms my heart when I see it! He was happily surprised when I rushed to embrace him. I felt relaxed for the first time in days. I had been so afraid he would never awaken!

"Zatt!" I said, parting. "You're awake! Why did no one tell me you awakened?"

"I woke up this morning," he explained. "It's good to see you! You look..."

Awful. I look awful.


Close enough. I should focus my attention on Zatt so he doesn't suspect anything.

"Zatt, should you be on your feet?"

"Don't you threat, young Guardian." Answered a robotic voice that earned me a grin. "He's not going anywhere without his go-to Babysitter."


Zatt and Byph on the same day? This reunion was so heartwarming.

"Gee, thanks!" Sarcastically replied Zatt. "You know, if I am such a burden, you're welcome to leave!"

"Then you'll go back to the infirmary and spend the rest of the week on bed rest."

I wanted to laugh, and Zatt rolling his eyes alone made me smile. Seeing them felt relieving, like every worry I've ever had suddenly faded. I gleefully asked.

"So where are you boys going?"

"To see Petro."


My once joyful sensation turned to a freezing blizzard at the idea of a new delusion his now-aware best friend might get. No, no! Zatt cannot see Petro! It had been hard enough to convince Petro to leave his room, let alone visit the medical bay.

Zatt, seeing him the way he is, will absolutely kill him.

I gave Byph a horrified glance that Zatt must have noticed because the Ithorian kept looking back and forth between me and him.

"Too soon?" Asked Zatt.

"YES!" We both answered immediately.

"Ok, ok, whenever he's up for it. Two small questions: is he alive?"


"Is he insufferable?"

"As always."

"Oh well, all is fine then." I noticed Byph had released a sigh he didn't know he had. Zatt started walking away. I gave Byph a quiet thanks before we heard. "And Ganodi, where is she? I want to talk to her."

- Oh. -


Zatt laughed.

"Why not? Where is she?"

"She's... undisposed, Zatt."

"Disposed or not disposed, I took a knife to the heart for the woman, so you're both gonna take me to her and stop this secretive behaviour! I am willing to give Petro space (whatever that means), but Ganodi has no excuse. We all know it!"

I looked at Byph, knowing full well how that reunion would go. Zatt gave us an ultimatum.

"Petro or Ganodi! Your choice."

Byph POV:

Thanks to the Holter, I constantly monitored Zatt's heartbeats. Katooni's must be off the charts. If she thinks I'm putting Zatt in danger, then she's full of herself!

She's under stress. I shouldn't blame her for being a little self-interested. Zatt appeared calm, but I was concerned about him becoming tachycardic within the next five minutes. It surely would have occurred if we had listened to Katooni.

When we arrived at the door, I stopped Zatt to prepare him mentally to prevent a physical shock.

"Ok Zatt. Just like earlier, we are going to do the breathing exercises." Zatt gave me an annoyed look I knew all too well. "Please focus. Be calm to prevent any bad surprises. So, breathe in through your nose for five secon- HEY!"

Zatt burst into the quarters and dipped into the dark. I swear, Petro rubs off this guy! It almost got him killed! I directed all my attention to the monitor.

The place was pitch black. Mirrors were either turned around, covered or taken off entirely. If you paid attention you could see the service droids had been deactivated and standard cameras on the holovid covered with tape. 

I noticed a faint pulse on Zatt's monitor, but he interrupted me before I could object.

"I am fine! What happened here?"

"I told you," Said Katooni. "There was an incident on Naboo."

"But that was four weeks ago."

Before he could investigate further, we heard the unmistakable beeping sound of a door sliding open and shut. Then, a small light materialised followed by a loud groan.

"It's you..."

"Hello to you too."

Heartbeat gets a little higher. Normal during a conversation.

"I want you out of here! All of you!" His tone turned significantly more aggressive."I can't believe you brought him here!"

I knew this was not directed at me. The situation was insufferable: between his meltdown, Katooni's tears, and monitoring Zatt, who appeared surprisingly calm through it all.

"Petro, I've seen your face before."

I heard a sarcastic chuckle as he approached us.

"You've seen this face before?"

He still wore black clothes, with messy hair and some facial hair, similar to Master Kenobi. I believe it's called a beard, as human males have, or in his case, a trimmed resemblance.

And his face... I am uncertain which is worse. His right side looks pale and tired, while his left side is severely burned, deforming his face from the rest. The scars melted with cybernetics implants that spread from his now droid, flashy blue eye.

There was a moment of silence. Katooni glanced at Zatt's reaction while I thoroughly checked his physical reaction, anything to turn me away from this.

Though I never anticipated this.

"I have."

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