Chapter 5: Broken Hearts

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Petro POV:

That son of a Gundark!

Zatt Kostus, in all his glory, dares to make fun of me?

"OH! Of course! I forgot you see mutilated humans in the dreamland!"

The cybernetics in my eyes allowed me to analyse the traces of his face. I can see he is hiding something as if my remark had truth in it.

"That's not all I saw." He said, his head hindering to Katooni.

I forgot she was there. Force, I want some peace! Can't they leave?!
I made gestured towards the door.

"Whatever. You're awake; that's great. Wonderful, even. Now get out."

"Dude." Said Zatt, nonchalant "You know you're still my best friend who will face any danger no matter wha-"

I interrupt the monologue.

"Yeah, yeah! Brave and everything. I heard it all. Get out!"

The disgust lingering in their eyes, I got to look at this monstrosity every day! Do they think I like it too?

"Don't you have better things to do?"

I don't want to listen to any more offers of support! As if they can understand anything of what I am going through! Half my face is gone!! My best friend survived his injury and got an invisible mark out of it. Good for him! Lucky guy! Why is it so difficult for them to leave me alone?!


I stormed into my room and locked the door, wishing they would stop staring at me. I can't stand it! Do they believe exposing this in public would make me feel better? I don't need to inflict this on others. They shouldn't have to endure the sight of me.

The sound of footsteps and the door closing caused a slight pinch of hurt as if I expected my family to try harder. To show what I meant to them. Nothing, it seems. The tears slowly ran down my cheek. I wanted Zatt to try harder. I am happy he's awake. I have never seen him look at me with such content before. I am not worth much to our group. It seems like they can have a good time without me.

The sudden sound of the door's code being inserted earned a slight surprise before Katooni appeared in the doorway.

Oh, Force.

"You were awful to him."

"He knows I didn't mean it. Besides, you should know better than bringing him here, you dumb bitch!"

My fists shook as soon as the words left my mouth. I could feel the anger radiating from her.

"You... do not get to speak to me this way! What happened to you was terrible, but you do not get to push everyone who loves you away! You do not get to push me away..." I could hear her breath shaking. "We all love you."

I scoffed, sure their current presence can testify to that.

"Yeah, I can see that. Why did you bring him here?"

"I... I thought it would do you good." She said, lying through her teeth.

"Well, you made things worse!" I snapped, standing from my bed.

"Petro, I..."

"You all think you know me soooooo well, huh? Well, you don't! Especially you! Always pushing me around! You have no idea what I am going through!"

"Stop it!" She screamed, crying as she angrily walked towards me. "I have spent the last month tirelessly taking care of you! I abandoned Anakin and delayed my training to ensure your place in the trials! You've forbidden the cleaners to enter: I had to clean and bring you food myself!! I did all of this for you! I even stood up for you to the Council! To your Master! Do you know how hard it was!? To lie to the High Council?"

"Not very hard since you're obviously terrible at it!"

"Master Shaak Ti wants you hospitalised! Temporarily expel you to be treated. I honestly wonder if I did the right thing refusing!"

I laughed.

"So you think I'm crazy?"

"You need help!! You have to stop living like this! I thought I was giving you some time to process! Now I understand I am just enabling your depression!"

"Do I look depressed?!"

"YOU NEED HELP!! And not from me! I can't help you!"

"I don't want help! I never asked for your help! Nothing will be the same as before!"

Tears dropped from her eyes as her head slowly shook.

"When was the last time you kissed me? Why won't you let me?"

I felt the ground underneath my feet drop. I actually can't remember. When Tooni kissed me at the hospital, I didn't realise how bad it was. Every time she kissed my good cheek, it made me feel so disgusting I couldn't bear the touch of her...

"I don't want your pity."

She whispered

"I love you..."

"I don't want you to."

"What are you saying?" She asked.

"What I should have done a long time ago. I am realising you-"


"We're done!" I yelled. "Leave! And don't come back!!"

She gapped in shock as trying to figure out if I was being serious. I stared down at her, immobile for a very long time. Katooni's face stayed very shocked as she slowly walked out. I rushed to lock the door and released a breath I didn't know I had.
My back slid against the door as I began crying, closing my eyes as I heard Katooni sobbing on the other side of the door.

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