Chapter 6: The Temple's Shadow

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Anakin POV:

The soft doll Rancor stood still in the palm of my hand. I impatiently watched it tremble. Its sight levitating across the room made me curiously nervous before it safely landed in Luke's hands. No longer able to contain my excitement, I joyfully took my little Jedi in my arms, swirling him excitingly!

"That was amazing, Jinn! You are a real Master already!"

"Daddy!" He happily laughed.

My son can already levitate with barely any struggle! Most younglings cannot properly establish a connection before they turn seven. The sound of the claps resonated from across the room and returned my focus to Obi-Wan.

"Well?" I asked.

"Luke and Leia are both prodigies. But given their high, identical midicholorian counts, we expected that! From my observations, it seems Luke is more dubious than his sister. Leia taps into the Force without hesitation." He looked down at his Jedi cloak. "Right, Leia?"

His cloak suddenly lifted as Leia appeared from underneath it. Perhaps she thinks herself invisible, but I find it amusing how she only hides in Obi-Wan's robes.

"Hmm?" She questioned Obi-Wan's gaze.

"I am saying you are talented." Slowly said Obi-Wan, who quickly frowned as he realised she might not understand the meaning of that word yet. "You are very strong."

Leia mischievously gazed at Luke before concealing under the cloak, creating an obvious lump near Obi-Wan's feet.

"Thank you."

Obi-Wan eyebrow lifted.

"She reminds me so much of you."

"Like what?"


"Master," I said, putting Luke on his feet. "She's five years old."

"With you and Padme, she could grow up to rule an entire planet someday!" I laughed at his exaggeration before he added. "So? Have you decided to bring them to the Temple?"

I sighed as I knelt to Luke playing with his toys.

"I am not sure yet. I mean, you've promised to test my kids without the Council finding out, but the one I truly worry about is Padme... I can't separate her from the kids. She'd resent me for it."

"I could help you train them." Said Obi-Wan instantly. "However, I think they'll be safer in the ensign of the Temple. Someday."

"Not now?" I curiously questioned as Obi-Wan shook his head. "Why? What's going on?"

Obi-Wan sighed as he thought about his words carefully.

"It's Maul."

"Maul? Has the Council got a lead on him?"

"Rumours... After he escaped from Mandalore's siege, we assumed he would strike quickly, but the defeat of Darth Sidious must have altered things."

"You think he's after something?"

"Not something." Said Obi-Wan. "Someone. We suspect he's searching for a new apprentice."


"Think about it. The least we know of Maul is that he has always been a Sith. If the Nightsisters handed him over as a child, then Palpatine must have been a surrogate father to him."

I felt a pinch of hurt and disgust simply imagining it. Looking down at Luke, I rubbed his back to find some comfort. I spent the last twenty years admiring the man responsible for Qui-Gon's death.

"Are you ok, Dad?" He asked, likely sensing my frustration. I noticed Leia peeking from her hiding place.

"I am fine, Jinn."

"Anyway, I do not see Maul raising a kid from scratch like Palpatine did with him. Do you?"

No, he wouldn't. He would pick someone already talented and accomplished. Although the idea of Maul training a kid seemed plausible, he didn't seem like one to be patient enough to wait twenty years for his revenge.

What he's been doing for the last four is already mysterious.

"He's going after a Jedi." I realised.

"If our theory is right and he is not here for me. Then he wouldn't pick a Master: they are too dangerous. We've already established younglings are not his type."

"And a Knight would be too unpredictable for him to ensure control." I paused. "He's going to kidnap a Padawan."

I glanced at Obi-Wan and read the comprehension in his eyes.

"You already know who he picked, don't you?"

"We have a suspect." Admitted Obi-Wan. " I am telling you all this because we need your help."

"Oh no!" I groaned. "Not another dirty 'Council Mission'! I am on leave!"

"It involves Katooni, Anakin." My jaw dropped. "We need your help."

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