Chapter 5

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~Danny's P.O.V~

It happened on my way home from work.

I decided I should not fly, but walk. Or at least, my gut told me that would be best.

But now, I'm not to sure of that...

On my way to my apartment, I had my hood down. Now, that usually wouldn't be much of a problem, except when one of the people I wanted to avoid to protect spots me. 

Apparently Dick and his adoptive brothers had went to the park, store, or something, because he saw me! 

He immediately called my name and started running towards me, with that big childish grin of his! I quickly ran away, not even thinking twice.

I waved my way through people with four pairs of feet chasing after me. I heard one of the brothers try to ask why Dick was trying to catch me, but he just said 'I'll tell you later!' before speeding up.

I cut through an ally and jumped the fence blocking the way. Once I reached the end, I took a quick look behind me and saw, who I think is Jason, jump the fence followed by my little brother.

I quickly took a right, the opposite way of my apartment. One of the last things I need is them showing up at my door step.

Now I'll admit, there are better ways to handle this situation, but, I decided to run, so I'm going to stick with it.

I made a left and slid under some people that were carrying a large piece of glass because of who knows why.

I jumped over a few cars to get over to the other side of the road, heading down another ally.

I took a quick look around to make sure no one was here before turning invisible. 

Just after I did so, the four sorta siblings came running into the ally. 

"Where'd he go?!" Dick shouted, looking extremely confused and desperate. I really wanted to see him again, but, I don't want to put him in harms way. My little brother could end up killed if I stick with him, even for a little bit. If word gets out I'm in Gotham, the GIW will storm through here, harming anyone in the way to get to me.

"Why the hook* were we following him anyway?!" A boy, around the same height as Dick, shouted.

"He's my brother..." Dick mumbled. He looked pretty upset, which made me want to just give him a hug and make him happy again, but I can't.

He'd be put in danger if I get to close to him. The GIW already broke Sam's legs when she tried to help me escape them and my parents.

"Since when do you have a brother? I thought you were an  only child?" A kid, I believe is Tim as he is the second shortest, asked.

"His name's Danny, he's my older twin. We got separated after our parents fell..." Dick looked almost in tears at this point. 

Man... Now my heart hurts!

"Then why would he run, Grayson?" The youngest, Damian I'm pretty sure, responded after a few seconds of silence.

"I don't know..." I could see the tears building up in his eyes. Oh, fudge* it!

I went behind a dumpster and released my invisibility. 

I stood up and walked out in front of the four with my head down, fiddling with my thumbs.

I glanced up and saw the shock in Dick's eyes before he encased in a bone crushing hug.

"Hey to you too, little bro..." I mumbled into his shoulder, tensing a little, while trying to breathe. 

He hugged me for a few minutes, Tim standing a bit awkwardly while Jason and Damian were growing impatient. 

I slowly wrapped my arms around my brother's torso, as he was around five inches taller than me, and started to relax into his arms.

"Why?" The younger mumbled, holding me tighter. "Why did you run?" Dick nuzzled his face into the side of my head. 

"I'll tell you later, okay Dick? I'm sorry, by the way..." I spoke softly, as if talking to a sleepy child. I felt him nod against my cheek, before loosening his hold on me a tad.

I pulled away and looked at my brother, tears streaming down his face. 

I gave him a small smile while wiping his tears away. "This no need to cry, my little brother. Well, maybe not so little..." I pouted. I'm older, so I should be at least as tall as him! It's no fair, I was fed little so I didn't grow much more than an inch these past two years.

I watched as Dick smiled and giggled slightly.

All of a sudden, he perked up, "Oh, yeah!" He then grabbed my arm and led me over towards the trio that was just staring at us. 

"This," He pointed at another male around his height, "is Jason. He's fifteenth. This one," Dick put his hand on the second shortest, "is Tim. He turned twelve a few months ago." The taller, yet younger, wrapped his arms around the smallest despite his complaints, "Here's Damian. He looks live he's six, but he's ten!"

"Grayson! I do not look like I am six!" The sorter glared at my brother.

I laughed a little. "He reminds me of when I teased you when we were little. I remember when you'd get annoyed when I'd call you little, but I guess I can't really call you that now, can I?" Dick pouted slightly. 

I giggle and ruffled his hair the best I could without climbing on his back to reteach his head.

"Hey Danny!" Dick perked up once more. "You should come to the Wayne manor with us and meet Bruce and Alfred!" He said excitedly, grabbing my arm, making me follow him.

"Still as childish as ever, aren't you?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. Dick just stuck his tongue out.

I pulled up my hood as we reentered the streets, get a few questioning looks from the brothers.

Hey guys! I know this is moving a little fast, but don't worry I got more in store! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and feel free to correct anything and tell me what I should add or correct. Thank you guys for reading! Until next time, bye!

Word Count: 1032

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