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"If you could wait just a moment, I'll be fast" Seokjin mumbles as he fidgets with his door, a clumsy bow given to me before he slips through the opening in a way that keeps me from seeing the inside of his home and I smile when it closes just as fast behind him.

I hum and lean my back against the outside wall besides the door, eyes turning to the clear sky, the sound of birds chirping from the nearby trees making everything feel so peaceful.

First Hoseok, now Seokjin, these two hybrids are so endearing, there's no way around it.

I wonder what it is about them, but I find them just so... cute. They're handsome, very handsome, true, but their behavior makes me melt, the way they look at me, the way their ears and tails twitch, it makes me all soft for them.

While Hoseok is a fox, ears high on top of his head, Seokjin's are droopy, long appendages that fall off the sides of his face and nearly merging into his hair, they both look so soft to the touch, it's obvious that they're taking care of their fur well.

While I wait for Seokjin to come back, I pull out my phone from my bag and unlock the screen to find that I got a message from Jimin, which makes me smile.

Baby! I want to see your new home!
Tae too! We're already near, we can bring food?

I grin before typing an answer.

You know you got me if you say food

I know, that's why I brought it up
So you won't refuse

You sneaky pup!
You know I would have agreed no matter what!
But make sure you get extra ketchup packets
Like twenty of them
I forgot to buy a bottle at the grocery store

You're impossible
We'll buy one at the store
There's no way they're agreeing to that
Twenty? They barely give us enough for our damned fries when we get food

Can you get bread too?
And milk
Oh and my favorite snack bars too

I want extra cuddles for the trouble
Taehyung too

I'll even add in a sleepover
If you add chips and chocolate

We'll get popcorn too
You won't be able to move around without us anymore
Our arms will be glued to you
See you soon!

Can't wait!
❤️ 🎉

I chuckle and look through my phone some more until I hear the door open again, after which I look up to see Seokjin sliding through the thin opening with a thick book in his arms, his large shoulders looking all squeezed in his attempt to save my eyes from his mess.

"H-here, sorry it took a bit longer, I... it was hidden under fabric" he mumbles awkwardly as he hands it over and I shake my head with a smile.

"It's totally fine, don't worry about it. I'll definitely have a look through this and... are you here often? I could come knock whenever I'm done?" I ask, to which he nods, eyes avoiding mine, hands nervously grabbing his hoodie.

"Yeah, I don't go out much... you'll find me here".

I hum, pleased to hear that, I love when I can find the people I want to see easily.

"Oh, right, I have two friends coming over tonight for a sleepover, we have Fridays off since we work Saturdays so... if we're ever too loud, just let me know okay? I promise it won't bother us, I just don't really know how easily sounds travel here and you're...

Well you're an hybrid so I'm betting on your hearing senses being more developed than mine. I know Jiminie is really sensitive to noises, we usually aren't that loud but you know... just in case" I end up ranting a little, worried that I could annoy him, he looks so soft, I don't want him to hate me but he stops me with a gentle smile.

"It's fine, like I said, I didn't really notice much yesterday, unless you decide to party and jump everywhere, I'll be fine" he assures me and I nod lightly, hoping for it to be true.

Maybe I should make some tests one day, just to make sure, both for him and Hoseok. Jimin could tell me when it starts being too loud because I have a feeling none of these two would let me know.

"Alright then, I'll leave you to it, I'll be sure to come knocking at a regular hour and not in the middle of the night" I tease him, but he simply shrugs. "I mean, I'm usually awake until one or two in the morning, I wouldn't mind".

I hum. "Really? Does that mean it's okay if I bother you when I can't sleep? Sometimes insomnia hits pretty hard, it's boring being alone" I ask and I notice the exact moment when his tail goes from slow waving to extra-excited slapping, his face not spilling any of his emotions if not for his reddening ears.

"I-I mean... sure, you can do that".

I grin and shift to my other foot before scratching my neck.

"Well, Seokjin, it was a pleasure, I'll have to go though. I need to take a shower before my best friends get here, I don't want my corgi telling me how much I stink" I muse, watch as his eyes widen in shock.

"Stink? As if, you smell so good-" he freezes, ears going a shade darker before he hurries back to his door.

"I mean, bye! Have fun!" and he's gone.

I stare at his door for a beat longer before shrugging and then make my way to the door leading inside the building and up the stairs, a short gaze at Hoseok's door before I enter my home.

From there, I quickly get rid of my shoes and bag and bring the catalogue to my bed before making my way to the bathroom so I can take a quick shower, because if we're going to be cuddling all night, I don't want them to hug my sweaty self.

Taehyung is human, just like Yoongi and I, but Jimin is a corgi hybrid so we all try to be careful for him. No intense perfumes, candles are either scents he enjoys, light ones or no scent at all, everything so that he can be comfortable.

Of course, we do get customers who drown themselves in perfume, so for that purpose, we offer temporary scent blockers. As soon as they leave the shop and take it off, their perfume comes back as if it never went away, it's a great invention, saves hybrids a lot of trouble.

I dry off as soon as I step out of the shower and then hurry to my room to get dressed into cozy clothes, nothing like what I normally wear in the day, these are lazy sweatshirts and jogger pants, and do not forget the trusty fluffy slippers.

It's very hard to guess who gave them to me when they're entirely covered with corgi heads. Not obvious at all.

As soon as I walk into the kitchen to make myself a glass of water, I hear a knock on the door and hum happily at the thought of it being my besties.

They were fast, I thought the grocery store would've taken them longer, they can never decide on what to get when it comes to snacks.

Not thinking much of it, I walk to the door and open it before standing aside, knowing that they won't lose much time in making themselves at home but when I don't see or hear anyone step in, I frown and take a look at the doorway to see Hoseok quirking an eyebrow at me.


I give him a bashful smile, fingers going to scratch the back of my neck. "Sorry, I thought you were Jimin and Taehyung, they're supposed to be here soon" I mumble, hear his hum as he takes in my outfit curiously.

"Comfy night?" he asks and I nod, sweater paws hanging by my sides as I let go of the door to face him instead.

"Yeah, they're sleeping over since we have Fridays off" I explain before looking behind me, then back at him. "Want to come in and wait with me?".

He seems to hesitate for a moment, but then he nods and makes his way inside, unaware of how happy this is making me. I really wanted him to meet my people, so I guess it's going to happen after all!

"Why Fridays in particular?" Hoseok asks as I walk back into the kitchen to finish my water, an offer that he refuses as he stands by the counter.

I lean back against the fridge to give him my attention and hum, lips pursing lightly as I think it over.

"Well... we thought about it a lot in the beginning and we found that there was a choice to make, we couldn't do all of them after all, as helpful as it would be for the business, we need rest too. Friday nights are usually nights for partying and the likes, right? We could gain from being open, but...

That means we'd lose the chance on working on really fun makeup looks on Saturday, which is the day that most clean dates happen. Shows, restaurants, concerts, beach, anything, you name it, it happens mostly during the weekend and especially on that day.

I couldn't force all three days on them, Sundays included, they already work so hard during the week, so we all settled on Saturdays even though they're very exhausting. We get a lot of customers, we start early morning until late in the evening, but when we get off work, we feel really happy with what we've achieved, so in the long run, I think it was the best decision to make.

With that said, Fridays and Sundays are off, sometimes Mondays when there's not enough appointments, then I go alone" I explain, wondering if I'm making sense but when he's nodding in understanding, I figure I'm not doing too bad.

"I think it was a good decision, I feel like doing only nightclub looks on Friday wouldn't really go well with the image your shop has, I heard from my coworkers that you got a popular actress today, it's making them want to try your place too because it's refined, it has a... luxury feel to it" he informs me and my eyes widen at the revelation, soul bursting with pride at his words.

It makes me feel bashful, that he seems to see my precious shop that way too and so, I can't help but jump on the opportunity to joke around that offers itself to me, a way to help me avoid replying directly to what he said.

Anyone else, I'd be fine, but Hoseok? Anything he says, my soul absorbs, it makes the impact that much stronger.

"They work above my shop and never even thought of trying our skills until today?" I fake being insulted, a hand over my chest, to which Hoseok snorts, his tail hitting the air in amusement.

"I'll let them know to be careful when they do go, might end up with a surprise fee of - I can't believe you ignored me all this time - in the final price".

I tilt my head at that one, fingers going to my chin to rub in wonder. "... should I?".

He doesn't have time to reply when the door knocks again and he motions for me to go get it with a detached look that doesn't fit the nervous twitch his ears make.

Wanting nothing more than to reassure him that it's going to be fine, but also aware that words would do nothing except make him more uncomfortable, I head to the door, once more expecting my best friends but I see Seokjin's face appear on the other side and I feel a smile stretch across my face at the sight.

"H-Hi, I didn't mean to bother you so soon but... I think I forgot my phone in your car and..." he starts shyly but then his eyes flicker to behind me, confusion flashing across his face as his voice fades out and I turn around to see Hoseok with a similar look on his face.

Right, the two of them hadn't met before, right? Now's as good a time as any, why not make use of this moment to introduce them, it would be fun to hang out the three of us together! We can always get his phone later!

"Hoseok, this is Seokjin, the neighbor who lives on the first floor! Seokjin, this is Hoseok, my next door neighbor, this is your first time meeting, isn't it? What a good timing you guys had for coming here" I chirp, unaware of what's really going on, their eyes fixated on one another as they try to process the scent that they had never really noticed before, but now realize was always there.

Their POV

"Well I'll be..." Hoseok murmurs, finally able to understand that scent that he thought just came with the building for all those years.

It was so soft, almost like a whisper, a memory, he didn't know what to think of it, he just knows that it's a scent that always comforted him, it was constantly there and he never made a move to search further.

Now he has to admit he feels really dumb for never trying, years lost that he could have spent with a mate, and for what?

"Seokjin, right?" Hoseok asks as he steps closer to the dog hybrid who looks nervous, fidgety, but also eager to get closer, both to Y/N and to the fox hybrid.

The Australian shepherd nods before opening his mouth, then closes it again, heart pounding so hard in his chest that it might as well stop altogether, but he hopes it doesn't, but that's not the point, cookies, Hoseok smells like warm cookies.

He could always smell that scent as far as he can remember of being here but... he thought maybe it came with the building, it was never that strong, because whenever he would leave the safety of his apartment, he would always makes sure that no one would be around.

There was no way to know, no way to smell it the way he does now if he had never come across the man before. He shouldn't have been such a hermit, maybe then he wouldn't have spent the past years all alone.

"Y-Yeah, and you're Hoseok?".

The fox nods and silence comes back in force, awkward and unnerving as they both look down at their feet, not knowing what to say anymore.

"Uh... are you two okay? You look like... I don't know, is it good? You're not like... past enemies, are you?" Y/N blurts out, her eyes flickering from one man to the other and they both let out a small smile as they shake their head, relieved for her presence here.

Maybe she can make this less awkward and more natural, she's good at dealing with them like they're not projects turned wrong but simply beings who need a little more attention and care than most.

"No, erm... we're actually just finding out that we're... well... mates" Hoseok answers simply, the dog's scent filling his nose, sweet vanilla, he likes it, always has.

Seokjin nods and turns his gaze to the female human, hoping she could guide them from there because he's really struggling right now with the urge to hide somewhere, his heart is making him feel uncomfortable and his hands are so sweaty he could fill a pool all by himself.

He's awkward and he hates that he's like that, she's the only one he managed to converse with in person in ages so she can help him, right?

Y/N gasps at the twist of events and claps her hands happily with a squeal that surprises the two men, ears twitching on top of their head at the same time and only serving to make her soul melt for them, she can't believe it!

"Oh my god! Guys, that's so wonderful! And you met at my place! My home is a matchmaker!" she exclaims before turning serious, hence further confusing the two hybrids who can only stare back in worry, what? What's wrong?

"There has to be some sort of trophy for that, right? Indirect matchmaker maybe? Because I feel so proud, like you guys have been here for I don't know how long and then I come around and BAM" Seokjin startles at that "you guys meet? This is so great, oh man, you two should spend the evening together then! Get to know each other, right? Don't stay here with silly me!" she chirps before proceeding to push both men towards the door, apparently done with helping them.

"Ah- w-wait!" Seokjin gasps out before holding onto the door, not ready to leave yet, he's not ready to be alone with the fox and if the truth is going to come out now, it has to come out fully, right? Else they might lose the right timing!

Hoseok must believe the same because he too holds onto the doorway like his life depends on it, eyes round as they meet Seokjin's, how the heck do they go at it? Just blurt it out real quick? Ask her to calm down first? Why is there no stupid manuals that explain what comes with having mates when they grow up?

Seokjin clears his throat, the conclusion easy in their mind.

They have to tell her now before the door closes on them, Y/N too happy to notice that they're going through an existential crisis, they're about to get kicked out by their human mate, for goodness' sake!

"Y-you're our mate too!" Seokjin shouts before wincing at how loud he was, especially when the sound of bags falling to the ground resonates in the corridor.

Y/N freezes like a popsicle taken right out of the freezer and the boys let out a breath of relief as they allow themselves to let go of their anchors, door and hands no longer threatening to get rid of them, but they do grow aware of a new possible threat that reveals itself to be her best friends, heads slowly turning to find two men gaping at their trio.

"W-w-w-what did you say?" Y/N stutters out as she finally processes what the shepherd said, her eyes wide open, mouth gaping as well, her heartbeat out of control and cheeks a bright red, apples, Hoseok's mind says, they're cute like apples.

"Yeah, what did you say? Our baby is what... your mate?".

Their what now?

Hoseok snaps his head towards the strangers and moves over to stand in front of Y/N who remains completely shocked by the information, Seokjin now by her side and unsure of what to do, what is required when someone is in shock? Does he need to keep an eye on her in case of a heart failure?

"She's. Our. Mate" the fox repeats slowly, really not liking that HIS mate could be someone else's baby, oh no.

He glares at the new hybrid who meets his gaze proudly, ears standing tall on his head and Hoseok feels the need to attempt to be taller, back held straight as he looks down on the little corgi, a little snack, nothing less, he can win this.

"So you're saying that our baby" Hoseok slips out a low growl, but the hybrid pays no mind as he continues with a smirk "OUR. Baby. She has two mates? And not only does she have two, but they're also freaking handsome? One of them already acting like a warrior as he guards her from the unknown while the other one looks all cute trying to help her without knowing how?".

The whole group turns to Seokjin at that and the dog blushes a scarlet red before hiding behind his still shocked mate.

"AND not only that, but we get here just in time to be spectator of the whole thing?!" the little dog continues, his voice turning all excited, which confuses Hoseok greatly, eyes turning to gaze at the silent human man who hasn't said anything until now, his face stoic and observant.

"Fucking GLORIOUS! Get your asses inside, everyone! We need to take care of this now!" the pup exclaims before pushing Hoseok out of the doorway and inside Y/N's apartment, which ends up making him bump into Y/N who then bumps into Seokjin, which has them all three falling like dominoes, if dominoes could gasp.

The silent man snorts, a hand immediately going to cover his mouth as he looks away but his hybrid friend doesn't shy away from bursting into laughter as he points at the group like this is the greatest thing he's ever seen, unbothered by the fact that he caused all this.

Seokjin grunts as he receives everyone's weight on top of him, arms around Y/N to keep her from being crushed by the fox who struggles sitting up, eyes wide open before he turns around to take in the state of his two mates who he literally crushed to the ground, this is all very chaotic and he doesn't know how to act anymore, he didn't hurt them, did he?

"Oh gosh, I'm so dizzy" Y/N mumbles, hands going to rub her temples with a wince and the two hybrids tense, their instincts screaming at them to help her, to beat the dizziness out of her, but how? They can't literally do that, they don't do magic!

Calm, she needs some calm and quiet, Hoseok turns to the two friends with a frown and points at the door while Seokjin keeps holding her, unsure of when to let go, what if she hits her head on the wood floor if he does? Oh gosh!

"Out, give us five minutes".

The hybrid looks like he wants to complain and resist the order, but the human thankfully understands why Hoseok made that demand and pulls the dog with him outside of the apartment before closing the door, henceforth leaving the three mates again once more.

Hoseok sighs and lets himself fall on his back next to his two mates, a hand falling over his face, of all the ways he had imagined to tell her the news last night, this was not it.

Now, he couldn't possibly blame Seokjin, they were all taken aback and stressed, the longer they would've waited to tell her, the harder it would've gotten, she would wonder why they didn't tell her sooner, maybe they didn't want her, they didn't know if they wanted a human as a mate, they both didn't want that to cross her mind, but they both wish it could've been...

They don't know, more romantic, as hard as it would've been for them.

It's too late for that now, but they can at least make sure that she avoids a headache.

Hoseok sits up and stares at Y/N who still holds her head, eyebrows scrunched together. "Where do you keep your painkillers? I'll go get them for you" he offers and she hums softly before mumbling out a "In the bathroom, mirror".

Seokjin looks up at the fox with concern as he jumps to his feet and to the right room, not liking that this all caused her such a big headache, he hopes it's not because she doesn't want them.

"Are you hurt anywhere else because of the fall?" he asks her softly, to which she shakes her head, eyes opening after a while to find that she's literally leaning against the dog hybrid, his face so close to hers she can feel his breath against her cheek, it has her heart skipping a beat before she tries to sit up quickly.

Seokjin feels her warmth leave him and he deflates, his worry increasing in his soul, he doesn't know what she thinks of all this and if he has to wait any longer, he might just run away and back to his cave to hide forever.

"I'm so sorry, I'm fine, just- my head hurts, but it's not because of the fall. Are you okay? You were right at the bottom, you didn't break anything, did you? Can you move?" she asks as she kneels besides him instead to help him sit up properly and he relaxes instantly, her touch on his skin doing wonders to his heart.

"I-I'm fine" he whispers, smiles softly when she lets out a sigh of relief.

Hoseok comes back with a bottle and opens it in the kitchen, the sound of water filling a glass reaching their ears before he comes back to kneel besides them, and he can't help it when he keeps hold of the glass to help her drink up instead, pills pushed between her plump lips, unaware of the shy pink that coats her cheeks once more, but Seokjin notices it and he finds her adorable.

As much as he found her strong and slightly intimidating just a while ago, she was dressed to take control of the world, now that he's seeing her in a softer outfit, he can't see her as anything else but a little bunny, he just wants to hold her to him and never let go.

She sips the water to swallow the pills and when Hoseok pulls the glass back, silence surrounds the trio, the three of them in unknown territory, even confidence takes a weaker turn when facing this sort of thing, Y/N can't help it.

A knock on the door and they remember her friends.

"I'm sure you guys are just sat on the floor trying to guess what to do! You have the perfect example right here, let us in so we can help you, you cute helpless people!".

Y/N lets out a small chuckle before standing up slowly, hands reaching out to help Hoseok and Seokjin, they both feel their heart flutter as they make a move to grab her soft fingers, their legs doing most of the work to avoid making her force too much.

"I'm coming, Jiminie, you lifesaver" she muses softly, and the two hybrids can't deny it, it's a title that seems to fit, just for tonight.

They do need guidance, and apparently, it falls on her friends to help them.

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