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It's seated in my living room, Jimin, Taehyung and I on the couch while Hoseok and Seokjin personally chose the floor cushions to face us that we listen to the corgi's questions towards the guys, the hybrid having apparently decided that he was to be the guiding head in this situation.

"Man, I still can't believe it, Y/N's one lucky girl for getting these two to herself" he muses with a wink my way and I blush before covering my eyes with a hand, I've been feeling so shy since earlier and I'm not used to it.

They didn't lie earlier, did they? I'm really their mate too? Me?

"Honestly... Y/N has amazed me, from the first time I saw her yesterday. I'm not very expressive, yet that hasn't stopped her from being incredibly nice with me, she wasn't intimidated and she made me feel like it's okay to be myself, I don't need to force myself to change, so if anything, I feel like we're the lucky ones" Hoseok counters with visible relief in his tone, his words only serving to worsen my state, heart picking up a beat and shy tingles spreading all over my soul.

Did I really make him feel that way? It's something that makes me proud, because I take joy out of making people feel good about themselves, there's nothing wrong with them if that's how they want to be, opinions should matter only if you asked for them.

"He's right, I'm a little awkward, yet she's been nothing else but smiles and warmth with me, she's... amazing" Seokjin adds, a small chuckle leaving him when I groan in embarrassment.

"Guys..." I whine, hear laughter spread around the room as Taehyung's arms close around me, it forces a sheepish smile onto my face as I look at them all, why does it feel so perfect with them here?

"Awww, to see her all shy like this is a miracle, Y/N is usually all brave and strong, it's not often that we get to see her soft side like this" Jimin coos as he ruffles my hair, arms joining his mate's around me, it's all warm and cozy, I love it.

"I can imagine... she's been confident over everything ever since I met her, her cute blushing cheeks are adorable" Hoseok hums, eyes burning a hole into my head until I brave through the arms to glance at him and his grin...

Yeah, he's really a fox, isn't he? The tease.

I clear my throat and try to shrug it off, the burning to my skin not helping me get a hold of myself.

"I could say the same about you two! Who said you were allowed to be such fluffy and cute hybrids, huh? Your tails keep wagging when you're happy even if your face remains passive and those ears! They look so freaking soft!" I exclaim, which only ends up making me feel even more embarrassed because the two hybrids straighten up with pride at my words, orbs alight with delight.

"You really think so?" Seokjin murmurs all softly, ears so tempting with the way they fall slightly over his face, and now that I'm really taking the time to look at him, fuck, his looks are insane! Perfection, he's perfection, they both are!

"You can touch them if you want" the Australian shepherd offers when he sees the longing in my eyes and I hesitate long enough for Jimin to push me forward and to the floor where Hoseok's arms catch my upper body in a hurry, eyes widening in shock when he hears the sound of my knees smacking against the wood.

"Y/N, are you okay?!" he asks at my pained groan as I end up face first in his stomach, the rest of my body sprawled over the floor and onto his lap, I feel like the blanket Hoseok effortlessly threw over the couch yesterday.

I grunt out a yes before looking back at Jimin with a betrayed pout, he didn't need to push me with that much strength, now I can feel a throbbing pain in my knees, damn it.

The corgi smiles back guiltily, he didn't mean to use that much strength, maybe he can pretend like he plays no part in this if he looks away? Taehyung sighs and shakes his head, not surprised anymore.

His puppy mate is a clumsy one, doesn't realize that he's much stronger than his race leads to believe. He's not as small as he seems to think.

"Sorry about him, he has too much energy sometimes, he just wants to help, even if he ends up hurting more often than never" Taehyung informs my two mates who nod slightly before helping me to a seated position between the two of them and tucked in the middle with their huge bodies on either side like that...

It's making me feel minuscule!

Seokjin seems to hesitate a little, but after a few seconds, he makes up his mind as he tilts his head down and in front of me, one long ear dangling in front of my face and I swear, it's calling out to me, begging for my fingers to run through its fur.

"Is it really okay for me to touch it?" I ask, needing to make sure, I wouldn't want to make him uncomfortable when I see his fingers nervously twist in his clothes but he hums with a small nod and that's all I need to raise a hand to it, a gasp leaving me when the softness ends up being even softer than I had thought.

"Oh my gosh, this isn't possible" I blurt out as I bring my other hand to it, needing more of the sensation, it's incredible! Now if I could just rub my cheek against it, I would be sent to a world of fluffiness.

"Soft right?" the dog hybrid muses, proud of his ears, with good reason, I would be showing off all the time were I him.

See my ears? They're so soft, the softest in the whole world. You want to touch? In your dreams! Grow old wondering just how soft they were and die without any answers!

A small clear of the throat to my other side and I turn my head to see Hoseok trying to look unbothered as he too leans his head my way, his tail sliding over the floor in anticipation while Seokjin's audibly hits the floor in consecutive hits, what am I going to do with them?

"You can... touch mine too if you want. But... be gentle, they're sensitive" he mumbles and I chirp in excitement, one hand remaining with Seokjin's ear, his face away from me but I can almost imagine his closed eyes and soft features as he enjoys the touch, his hands now completely relaxed in his lap.

At this point, I'm completely forgetting about Taehyung and Jimin who keep gazing at us with gentle grins, how could I ever focus on anyone else when I have these two with me?

"Here I come" I mumble, to which the fox snorts just as I slowly allow my fingers against the fur of his ear, and goodness, it's just as soft, although maybe slightly more rigid, the hairs just a bit thicker than the dog's.

"So this is what a fox's fur feels like" I muse as I run my fingers against the shell of his ear, a bubble of adoration popping in my stomach when it twitches under my touch, Hoseok's eyes blinking quickly as a shiver goes through his body, this is so cute!

"What did you think it would be like?" he asks, but I shrug, fingers gentle as I slowly go over the fur, careful to not mess it all up. "I don't know, the only fur I'm used to is Jimin's, but the two of you, it's different, it's nice".

Seokjin and Hoseok both hum, content to feel my touch, they didn't know they would like it that much, to have someone caress their ears, ear scratches felt overrated but now... things have changed.

Unsure of when to stop, of when is too much, I eventually pull back to bring my hands back to my lap and it takes the two men a moment to realize that I'm not touching their ears anymore. I don't miss the drop to their shoulders when they sit back up in their seat, cheeks slightly red, but thankfully, their eyes are happy as they wait for my verdict.

I give them both a thumb up. "A hundred out of ten, would do again".

Jimin giggles and we snap our eyes to the duo facing us, just now remembering their presence, and oh my god, they saw all that!

"Aren't you three lovely. I'm starting to think that we should push that sleepover to another day, it doesn't feel right to take that moment from you guys, you should spend the evening together and get to know each other properly, you obviously don't need our help" Taehyung coos and... my eyes widen as I come to remember the deal that was made with them earlier.

"Tae! The food!" I exclaim, they first came here to see my place and eat with me, yet we've done none of that! What happened to the food!?

Jimin gasps with horrified eyes before jumping up to his feet and to the kitchen where they set the bags. "It's all cold! No! Damn it, you guys being mates made me forget about my hunger but I'm freaking starving now! Argh!".

I let myself fall to my back with a whine. "I'm so hungry too! We can't possibly eat it cold, is the world coming to an end? Whatever shall we do?" I let out with a dose of drama before rolling to my stomach, hip touching Hoseok's leg as his unimpressed eyes take me in before he sighs.

"You have an oven, a microwave, just heat it up".


I roll to my back and sit up and into a slumped position before looking up at him with a pout through my lashes.

"Since you seem to know exactly what to do here... maybe you could take care of it?" I ask, hands slowly meeting at my chest in a plea and he narrows his eyes at me, a finger going to boop my nose before he stands up with a groan.

"What I wouldn't do for my mate. Yesterday was the same too, am I going to become a slave? Goodness".

"The best slave in the entire world! Wait no, that sounded wrong, the most free slave in the entire world! Thank you, little fox!" I chirp with a giggle before turning to my side, hence making me face Seokjin who's already staring at me, his gaze startles me.

I still, lips parted into a semi-smile, unsure of how I should explain myself. "You see... I'm not... that bad, right? It's just... I'm lazy?" I attempt, but he doesn't react and I turn to Taehyung for backup, but the traitorous man simply stands up to join the others in the kitchen and I purse my lips.

Why is he so quiet? Is he mad that I asked that of Hoseok? Technically, the fox is his mate too, right?

"Aren't you going to ask me to help too?" Seokjin finally breaks the silence and I stare back at him, confused. "Huh?".

He points at himself, then at the kitchen. "I can help too, aren't you going to ask?" he repeats, eyes looking almost sad that I'm not, did he want me to plead at him too? What? Or did he want to hear that he too is a... good... not slave?

I turn my gaze to the kitchen where three men are already working together to transfer the food from the plastic containers into my glass ones, Hoseok luckily aware of where they all are since he helped me store them yesterday.

"Well... I think they have enough hands already, Seokjin".

Nothing prepares me for the disappointed pout that greets my eyes when I turn back to him and shit, how do I comfort him? Do I come up with a task for him to feel useful? But then won't I feel awful for ordering both of my mates around like that?

"It's okay, Seokjin, you can keep me company instead, I don't want to be alone" I assure him, words that have his tail resuming its thumping on the floor, relief flashing across his eyes, he really looks like a cute pup.

Okay, a godly handsome pup. I mean, have you seen these shoulders? He would take everyone's jobs if he decided to become a model.

I hum as I look around me, eyes trying to find something to keep ourselves busy, and then I remember the catalogue that contains all his hardwork.

"Oh I know! Why don't we look through your catalogue together? Since you're here, you could direct me to what would be better for me!" I offer, watch as his face softens into shy contentment before he nods. "Sure, I don't mind".

"Great! I'll be back in a flash, it's on my bed" I muse before hurrying to my feet and to my room, nearly trip on the way but it's okay, no one saw-

"I saw that, Y/N".

Damn it.

"No you didn't" I retort, hear Hoseok's huff in response before I disappear into my bedroom, one I haven't used yet because I seem to have spent last night on the couch with Yoongi, the first one but not the last.

It's the only room that hasn't really been decorated yet, and it probably won't be for a while, it's not the room I focus the most on, I'll only sleep here after all. The living room and the kitchen are the most important in my eyes, it's where we gather, where we spend time together, it has to be comfortable and clean.

I find the catalogue right where I left it and carefully cradle it to my chest before heading back to the living room where Seokjin is patiently waiting for me and when my eyes fall on him, I freeze.


I actually need to take a minute to just gaze at him because the way the afternoon sun glows on his honey skin...

My heart flutters a bit too much for comfort.

He notices me standing still and tilts his head, probably wondering why I'm here looking all dumb gazing at him, completely unaware of how beautiful he is. How can you not know that you look godlike? It's almost as bad as not being able to shut up about it!

I clear my throat, a sheepish scratch to the back of my neck before I join his side on the floor, catalogue given to him because he knows it best.

"Okay, so you mentioned bras earlier?" he asks, straight to the point and I nod as I scoot closer to have a look as he opens it to a particular section nearer to the middle of the book, then flips through a few pages revealing elegant swimsuits before falling on the bras.

Right away, even though this isn't the shape that would suit me the best, I can see right away how beautiful it is, a few notes here and there to show its best points and downsides, it's fascinating to see.

He starts showing me different styles, and with each points I bring forward about what I would like, the closer he gets to what I actually need until we reach a section of what feels like would be the most comfortable for me.

"This one, oh it looks perfect, it's like you've taken out everything I hate about bras and kept only what I love" I muse, by now slightly leaning over his shoulder, chin resting on top of it to have a better look at the catalogue, it's so easy being with Seokjin, he's so calm, just like Hoseok.

"I'm glad, this one is a huge favorite for the bigger part of my clientele, so we could go with that one then?" he says as he turns his head slightly to observe me from the corner of his eye and I nod. "Definitely, this one is good".

He hums, then flips through a few pages again until we reach a section for fabric, laces and the likes.

"Now this is a bit like a... build a bra? Just point at whichever ones you like, I'll remember them and I'll make you a folder later with your choices. We can talk size and measurements either tomorrow or when you're ready, what do you think?".

I nod my head, more of my weight added to his shoulder and he smiles, the tickle of his ear against my cheek and his happy tail waving against my stomach all things I could get used to.

A presence besides us and we both turn our head to see Hoseok sitting close next to me, a small smile for us before his gaze falls to the catalogue, no confusion on his face, it appears he heard everything since earlier.

"I remember Namjoon once said that you make clothes, but he'd never mentioned what kind exactly, I didn't know you make lingerie" he hums and Seokjin shrinks just slightly before breathing in to calm himself, my scent so near helping him to focus on the calm bubble we had just a moment ago.

"Yeah... it's what I do" he murmurs, not as confident as he was when it was just me and Hoseok seems to notice it too because he's quickly adjusting himself so that Seokjin can have a clear view of the fox's face.

"Hey, it's cool, really. I heard you two talk since earlier, you seem to know a lot, it's sweet, I'm sure you help a lot of people with your knowledge. I was just curious to see what's in there, but I... I can go if I make you uncomfortable".

The shepherd quickly shakes his head before stopping when he realizes that his ear has been slapping me in the face but really, I'm not complaining, even when it slaps it's all soft. "You... you can stay, it's fine. We were just about to look at the fabric".

Well... I guess I'll just have to live with the fact that both of my mates will know what I like, yeah? It's fine, it's just bras, it's not like they'll both actually see them on me.

As if reading my thoughts, Hoseok glances at me, needing one more confirmation that he can stay and when I nod at him with a grin, he relaxes and brings his gaze back to the catalogue, as do I.

And so, together, what I thought might be a little awkward ends up being really interesting because we all end up sharing our thoughts about our preferences, and some of their opinions even end up changing some dislikes I had into approval, although part of me believes it might just be because I would do anything for them, I can already feel that bubble growing in the corner of my heart.

It really doesn't take me much to accept someone into my heart, should they deserve it and these two have gained a spot in it as soon as I laid an eye on them.

Now I'm realizing that the mate bond probably had something to do with that, but I like to think that I would've felt the same even if they weren't.

They make me feel good, and them needing me is even better. It makes me feel useful and proud, I can watch over them, help them and they won't reject me, the same way Yoongi takes care of me.

If it makes me feel good being taken care of, then I wish for my mates to get the chance to feel the same way too. They both look fragile and I want to cherish that.

And should anyone try to use that fragility against them... well I won't remain still and do nothing, that I can promise.

No one hurts my people, not without having to deal with the consequences afterward, even if it includes seeing the grim reaper in person. Bodies will fall before my people do, that's a promise I will hold until my end, even if Yoongi wishes I wouldn't.

There are some things even him can't stop, and as much as he's aware, he's hoping that the promise he made me do in the past will hold on for as long as possible.

"Food is ready! It's at the perfect temperature now, even warmer than when we drive back home at full speed! Me is happy!" Jimin chirps from the kitchen, his voice pulling me out of my thoughts just as Hoseok and Seokjin end their conversation about animal prints, one I didn't hear a single word of.

I look up feeling a little weird, thinking about how far I'm ready to go for them awakening a glint of the darkness within me and making me feel slightly dazed, a switch turned on and when Hoseok stares at me, I smile, bring a hand to cup his cheek and he stills, eyes widening in surprise.

Right, I would do anything to protect them.

I hum and close my eyes, face going to nuzzle softly in Seokjin's neck where I feel goosebumps cover the skin under my lips, his whole body tensing under my touch.

Anything, because they're mine.

Mine to protect and cherish.

A hand to my shoulder and I open my eyes to see Taehyung gazing down at me, he knows, the squeeze to my skin making me let go of both my mates to stand up to my feet before following him out of the living room and to my bedroom when he has yet to let go of me, Jimin's eyes following us silently before he beckons the two hybrids over to distract them.

Once the door closes behind us, he turns to me, eyes wary as I meet his gaze with a tilt of the head.

"It claimed them, didn't it?" he asks and I hum lowly, eyes turning to the window before I make my way to it to gaze at the darkening sky.

"Y/N, it's important. That side of you, it claimed them? Like it did for us?" he asks again and I sigh before nodding once.

"Then you need to let Yoongi know, you remember the promise you made to him".

I start tapping the edge of the window with my fingers, the only sound that can be heard in the room, a twitch in my eye at having to go through with it.

"What would it change? It's not like much will happen just because of this, it just means I want to keep them safe" I let out, voice colder than intended but it doesn't stop Taehyung from getting closer.

"That's the point, Y/N, it's how you intend to protect them that matters. There's no danger right now, you don't need to be like that" he tries, but his words tick me off.

"It's always the same. You see me like this and you all get scared, as if I could do something terrible at any moment. It makes me sad that you guys think so lowly of me, you know?" I hum, a brief look at his face to see that he's clenching his jaw, eyes narrowed.

Tsk. He's not going to make it easy, is he?

"You're not the Y/N we need right now, we need sweet Y/N because tonight is supposed to be nice and fun, your two mates are here and they want to get closer to you and to each other, they don't need to be kept safe. You don't need to be out".

I inhale deeply, knowing he's right. What danger would there be here? The toaster? Still, I frown, not liking how I'm pushed away so easily.

I want to be needed too. Can I not be loved just like my sweet self? Like my confident self?

I'm just a little bit darker than the others, but I'm not dangerous for them.

A hand to my arm, soft and gentle. "We all know that you watch over us, all the time. We are thankful for that, okay? But Hoseok and Seokjin, they don't know that side of you yet, this is all new, do you want to scare them by going too fast?".

I shake my head, eyes looking down in disgust, the idea that they could be scared of me... no, I don't want that.

"Come here, it's going to be alright, okay? It's going to be fine, baby" he murmurs as he takes me into a hug and I nuzzle my face into his neck, needing to feel his warmth for myself for once, it happens so rarely.

"You'll get your time with them, I promise. They're your mates, they'll accept every part of you, you just need to go slow and steady" he continues, his voice soothing me and I nod, soul focused on his warmth, on his heart that beats slowly against my chest.

Slowly, I start feeling more like myself, although it also feels like less than myself, and when I open my eyes again, Taehyung smiles at me, hands cupping my cheeks in relief when he sees that I'm back to normal.

"Sorry about that... I was just thinking about how they were getting important to me and the next thing I knew, the switch happened" I mumble, but he shakes his head with a kiss to my forehead.

"It's fine, let's join the others, okay? They'll be wondering what's going on".

I nod and follow him out of the room, a sad smile on my lips.

We got a little deep sneak into Y/N's character for this chapter!

I want to mention that Y/N's case is not one of switching from one identity to another, she remains the same person, but she has... switches that can flip on and off. It's like... each personalities come with their own mindset and experiences but also merge with one another.

Confident is her main one, sweet in second, there's not much changing from there because she's often like that, but the darker one is always kept back so when it does come out, it's going to show a lot more in the way she talks and thinks.

Things will trigger those switches, situations will require one more than the other, but she remains always Min Y/N, just... different sides of herself. Hope that makes sense and if not...

Ask me questions lmao!

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