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I legit cried writing this chapter, I guess I got some words out that I needed to hear myself and I hope they help you too, my lovely people 💜💜💜
Maybe the soft music in the background had a hand in that lmao, but anyway, enjoy this soft chapter! 💜💜

"Give me a hug, baby, you still owe us a world of cuddles, remember that for next time" Jimin urges me as him and Taehyung stand in the doorway, ready to leave to allow my mates and I some alone time for the rest of the night.

I feel a tiny little bit bad because that was not the initial plan, they were supposed to stay for a sleepover, but my mates are just as important and considering how new this is, new and also a very sensitive matter, it makes sense to focus on them for now.

I smile and make my way to him, hum when his arms close around me, face snuggled under his chin where it's all warm, he squeezes me so tightly and I love it, it's comforting, a corgi hug, it can only be great.

"You know I love you right? A whole lot" he murmurs to my ear and I nod, lips stretching into a small smile.

Is he saying this because of earlier? It's not like I grew horns on my head and became a monster, I don't need their reassurance whenever this particular switch happens, but it's cute nonetheless.

"I know, Jiminie, and I love you too, a whole lot" I murmur back and he squeezes one more time before letting go of me, just so Taehyung can pull me in his embrace next, his broad chest greeting my cheek as he rests his own on my head.

"You know we're just a call away so if anything happens, let us know, okay? Have fun with your mates, oh and you can go through the snacks we brought, we won't mind, although what Jimin said is true, about the cuddles, we'll have them no matter what, and the sleepover too, maybe Sunday night instead?

Or it can be later too, I know how it is finding out that you're someone's mate, it's hard staying apart, just... don't forget about us, okay? We were there first" Taehyung rants slightly, I can almost hear the pout in his voice as he tries to make sure that he's not going to lose me, it makes me grin, heart melting from cuteness overload.

I hug him with as much strength as I can manage. "Don't worry Tae, no one replaces anyone, never, I'm not that kind of friend, and I'm glad you said it yourself because I was definitely opening those bags soon" I chirp, feel his amused but relieved huff into my hair before he pulls back with a pretty smile.

"That's why I gave you permission first, to avoid you a feeling of guilt later in the middle of the night when you feel like throwing up" he teases me lightly before letting his eyes fall on Seokjin and Hoseok, the two of them a little awkward as they observe us from a distance, tails tucked behind their legs, fluffy fur peeking out from behind their thighs.

"It was a pleasure to meet you two, I hope our arrival didn't mess things up for you? The reveal is always something stressful, especially when mated to a human, right? Since we can't really tell the same way you do" he tells them and I watch as they both straighten up with a quick shake of the head, eyes falling on me as if they believe that them agreeing to his words would ruin both my friendship with my best friends and the new bond between us as mates.

"No, it was actually... helpful. I was a little lost as to how to proceed, so Jimin's questions helped clear up a lot of things in my mind" Hoseok answers first, words that have the corgi preening with pride, tail obviously hitting the doorway in response to his emotions.

"I was pretty great, wasn't I? Made you all feel more confident about this new thing between you guys" he chirps, to which Seokjin nods. "You... actually did, yes, thank you".

Jimin's eyes widen round before disappearing from an enormous smile taking over his face, tail now smacking both the doorway and Taehyung, it makes me giggle.

Oh, to be this cute.

"Okay stop complimenting him, he's going to grow a pair of wings and fly through the roof" I let out before pushing my best friends out of my apartment so we can all get a move on, I don't want my mates to feel like they have to drown Jimin in nice words, even if he was indeed a reassuring presence to have near.

When Jimin first met Taehyung, he didn't shy away from telling the man he was his mate right away, and Taehyung looked absolutely shocked because he didn't get any warning beforehand, that just came out of nowhere.

I at least had some context, because I knew that Seokjin and Hoseok were mates, I just didn't expect to be theirs too because they hadn't said anything when we first met.

I didn't know what to do with that information in the beginning, but now I'm very happy about my situation, because... I would have been a little sad at the idea of not being allowed a chance with them.

My flirting with Hoseok wasn't just because I was bored, he really did interest me, he felt special to me, as did Seokjin.

When I first saw the shepherd for the first time earlier today after coming back from work, his tall upper body completely hidden behind those boxes, colourful tail waving behind him as he tried to wonder what to do, I just had to offer him my help.

Now it all makes sense that we would meet the way we did, that we all live in the same building, it's like a strange twist of fate, but it feels nice.

Maybe I should thank Namjoon, tell him that by accepting us in, he united three mates together, now that would surprise him, I'm sure that was the last thing he's expecting to happen by having us rent his building.

Jimin closes the door with a cute wave and then it's silent again as I stare at it for a second longer before turning to Hoseok and Seokjin.

I force a smile on my face, knowing that my behavior will have an impact on how comfortable they will be. Let's be brave and lead the way, shall we?

"So" I chirp, grin when they both startle slightly, their nerves not helping them as they wait for me to continue.

"What do mates usually do when they first meet? Our first meeting has passed already but if there is anything special you want to do... or things you guys wished would happen? I'm willing to try!" I tell them, a tilt of the head when Seokjin blushes at my words, hands taking hold of his tail to stroke it nervously.

"I mean... it's nothing special really, but... I always told myself that if I were to meet my mate one day... I would love to go on a date somewhere fun, maybe the aquarium or something like that? I know that I'm a little awkward at times so having something to focus on that doesn't require conversing..." he nods to himself, a tight smile on his lips "that felt like the best choice for me".

I hum, understanding where he's coming from. "It's hard meeting new people sometimes, right? But you did so well for me earlier, you have nothing to worry about. Hoseok and I, we'll be patient with you and we won't push, an aquarium date sounds lovely, right?" I say, to which the fox nods quickly, ears twitching on top of his head in interest.

Seokjin's blush deepens at my praise, curled tail swinging left and right behind him as he ducks his head, smile turning more content, that he's not judged, but instead understood.

And his plan date got approved.

"Thank you... really. Maybe we could... go soon? No hurry though! I don't want to push, we don't have to do this first if you have something else you'd rather do before" he stops himself from getting too excited over it but before I can open my mouth to reassure him, Hoseok is faster.

"We can go tomorrow! Y/N has a free day, we can take either car and... go together in the morning? I can take care of the tickets" he offers, hopeful eyes gazing at the two of us to wait for our approval, to which I'm more than happy to nod while Seokjin bites on his lips with a cute happy grin.

"Really? We can go tomorrow?" he muses softly, as if he can't believe it and when we both nod at him, his eyes start shining with delight, hands meeting at his heart, his ears' muscles doing that cute thing where they slightly raise up and back happily, he looks so damn cute!

"We can and we will! Now maybe we shouldn't stay up too late to make sure we're full of energy because tomorrow, we're going through the WHOLE site! Penguins, they have GOT to have penguins right? Oh, I'm getting so excited now, I haven't gone in ages, Yoongi is going to be so jealous" I chirp, hands clapping quickly and Hoseok chuckles while Seokjin tilts his head in curiosity.

"Yoongi? Who's that?".

I open my mouth, but again, Hoseok is faster than me, the man's getting chatty, isn't he?

"Her older brother. I also have an older sister, Jiwoo, maybe we should... sit down and talk first? We went to eat dinner together yesterday so we know a bit about each other already but... I would love to tell you too, and hear about your family" he offers the dog who seems a little shocked to already be behind in terms of knowledge and memories, tail wilting behind him, ears drooping even more than they naturally are.

I quickly make my way to him to reassure him before he starts feeling bad, I don't want him to believe that this is going to bother us, I met Hoseok only yesterday, it's not like we have weeks between our meetings.

I cup his cheeks to make him look at me, his long soft ears covering my hands as he slightly leans into the touch, eyes shutting at the feeling.

"You know how I moved in yesterday, right? Hoseok helped me unpack and we went to a restaurant together so I could thank him, that's why we had the opportunity to talk and share, but we didn't go over that much so you're not that far behind. We can sit down and talk, we want to include you, you're going to know as much as we can share and feel ready to share in one night, okay?".

I feel Hoseok step closer behind me before settling a gentle hand over Seokjin's shoulder, his chest nearly pressed against my back, the proximity has my heart stuttering as much as it makes me beam.

"She's right, next time, you can come with us, it's my favorite restaurant and I want to share that with you as well, Ji-yong will be thrilled to meet you, he's a good friend of mine and a chef there, would you like that?" he asks softly, and we both watch as Seokjin nods slowly, eyes opening, teary and relieved, just how much worry can fit in that beautiful head of his?

"Please" he murmurs with a small nod of the head, something that melts my heart. It's going to be very important to include everyone for everything, I don't want our soft pup feeling like he's left out, not even once.

"Let's go sit in the living room, we can take it easy, maybe watch a movie later, we do have a mountain of snacks to go through, gifted from my friends themselves" I let out, and when Seokjin huffs a small laugh as he starts feeling better, I grin proudly.

"Until you feel like throwing up? I think we're going to have to impose a limit on the snacking you do tonight" Hoseok counters and I turn to him with a gasp, betrayal in my eyes, all of it for him.

"Don't you dare!". "Oh I will, I'm not having an upset stomach keep us from having tomorrow!".

I pause, frown, then relent. "Fair enough. I will be careful".

He smirks and pats my head. "Good girl" he croons and my insides do all sorts of things, lips quivering before I turn my back to him to push Seokjin to the couch, he doesn't tease me, he is safe.

"The fox sits on the floor".

And he does, with a pout as I take one corner of the couch, legs tucked in front of me while the shepherd takes the other, his back straight and legs crossed neatly. Hoseok brings the cushion closer to sit in front of us, all small as he curls on top of it even though I bought the big ones.

And so we talk, we share about our friends, our families, the bond we have with our siblings, words that Seokjin absorbs intently, as if he'd been starved of moments like these all his life, and indeed, nothing prepares us for what we hear when Hoseok asks him a question.

"What about you? Do you have siblings? Are you close with your parents?".

Our dog looks down at that, a little unsure and I start growing tense, sensing that his story might not be filled with joy like ours, it has me on edge, as is Hoseok, his eyes fixated on the hybrid who sighs softly.

"I... don't really have anyone. I grew up in an orphanage and I never got close to any of the kids. Those I did take a liking to would get adopted right away so..." he stops there before shrugging slightly, fingers drumming silently on his knees as he ponders his words.

"I've always been a quiet kid, always keeping to myself and drowning in books, and even there, I wasn't like any other kids my age who would read romance, fantasy, because I would read How to books. How to draw, how to paint, how to sew, I guess my job was meant to be when I think about it, I've always had an interest, although it wasn't mainly about lingerie back then, I just wanted to create things from my own hands".

My throat is locked with a lump as I process his words, as I come to realize that Seokjin did not have a happy childhood filled with memories that kids should have.

You can be quiet and have friends, people who enjoy the same things you do, or people who will make you enjoy new experiences without making you feel uncomfortable, it makes me so sad to learn that he never had that someone by his side, because an orphanage is not meant to be forever.

He looks up to stare at us at our silence, sees the distress in our orbs, because we don't know what to say to that, what is the right thing to say? I'm sorry? We're not sharing to pity on each other, Seokjin doesn't need our pity, yet I still can't help but feel so sad, because does that mean he's been completely alone until now?

He smiles, eyes seeing through us so easily.

"It's okay, really. I might not have been adopted, but I had all the time in the world to learn and start what I now live off, a job that I love. It lead me to my huge apartment where I currently live, it lead me to today, where I could finally meet two amazing people who I can call mates, the very sames who are currently by my side and spending time with me.

I'm very happy, there's no need to be sad for the past, it's already behind us, I'm sure only good things will happen from now on, and I'm excited to see where our future will lead" he assures us with so much joy in his quiet voice that I can't help the tears that flow down my cheeks, lips pursing as I try to stop my throat from clogging up so much, chin trembling from a heavy heart.

How can he say something like that so easily? His words both break my heart and fill it with endearment and I promise myself in that very moment, to make sure his future is a happy one, one he will enjoy every seconds of.

"Why are you crying? I promise I'm fine!" Seokjin fidgets slightly when he sees me sniffle and wipe my cheeks before scooting closer to tentatively wrap his arms around me, eager to comfort me when I should be the one doing that instead, even though he isn't sad at all.

He's accepted his past so easily and focused only on the bright side of it, on how it lead him to now, something that isn't doable for everyone. There's no denying that he must have been sad so often when he would lose the only friends he'd manage to make, when he understood at some point that he would never be adopted.

I lean into his touch, body tightly wrapped into his embrace but it only causes me to let out a sob, because fuck this shit, Hoseok and I both had so much support growing up, how much did he struggle to make it to where he is today?

"I'm so... so very impressed by you, Seokjin, really. You must have worked so hard to get what you have now, you did it all by yourself, you built something amazing and no one can ever take that from you, you're so strong, my strong pup" I praise him, voice thick with pride for him as I look up to meet his gaze just as his own eyes fill with tears.

"You... really think so?" he gasps out, eyes seeming as if he doesn't dare believe that I could really mean what I said, it breaks my heart, and when I quickly nod my head, the sight of his wobbly lips as he bursts into tears pulls me in with him as I hug him back tightly.

"I truly mean it, Seokjin. You did so well until now, you didn't give up and kept going even through the pain, I'm proud of you, so, so proud" I insist as he sobs into my neck, how much he must have longed to hear these words.

Unable to keep away a second longer, Hoseok jumps to his feet to wrap us both in his arms, his own eyes wet with unshed tears, he's trying to be strong but he can't deny how affected he is by what he heard.

"Y/N is right, you learned as much as you could and then, you used all that knowledge to thrive and rise instead of falling, you did something so hard with only your dreams and hopes, your strength and beliefs built what you have today, they made you into a fighter, nothing anyone could ever say will take that from you. You're our impressive mate, I'm so proud" he adds, his own voice wavering slightly and Seokjin's sobs turn into crying, his heart soaking up every words said.

I don't know how long we stay there trying to comfort him while calming ourselves, but although very sad, this moment also feels healing, because while he didn't necessarily seek that confirmation, he still needed it, needed to hear that he did the best he could, that someone can see it, that it wasn't easy.

"I'm lucky to have such amazing hybrids in my arms" I manage to say with a light tone when I get my tears under control, to which Hoseok huffs good-naturedly. "You're not hugging me".

I clear my throat to get rid of the tears stuck in the back and shift a little to include Hoseok into my arms, his warmth added to Seokjin's feeling so nice at the moment, it's soothing.

"Now I have everyone" I hum, satisfied when even Seokjin lets slip a small smile through his tears, his breath slowly evening out.

"You guys will maybe judge me for saying that but... chocolate would be fantastic right now" I blurt out after a moment and my words are greeted by light chuckles.

"Chocolate would indeed be a good emotional cheer up to help us recover from this" Hoseok muses as he pulls back slightly to straighten up, his back bent uncomfortably from hugging us.

Seokjin wipes his face with his sweater paws and then gives us a beautiful glowing smile. "I won't need it, I've never felt as good as I do right now, I feel like I could face the world without wavering now".

I cry out as I hug him again. "My good pup is so strong, isn't he? But you won't have to face it alone, you have the two of us by your side now, we'll share your burden from now on" I muse before stilling at his silence, eyes looking up to see his orbs filling with tears once more.

"No don't cry! We did enough crying! I think you need chocolate too, let's go get chocolate!" I fret just as Hoseok leaves us to reach the kitchen with quick feet, and when I hear him look through the bags, I look up just in time to see his widening eyes as he takes in all that my friends brought over.

"We're definitely not eating all of that tonight".

My world crumbles and I whine, a fake cry as I nudge Seokjin's chest with my face, it has him cheering up instantly as he keeps me close, heart and soul content, filled to the brim with love.

"It's okay, there will be more for tomorrow" he assures me while patting my shoulder softly, and Hoseok scoffs.

"She's not finishing all of that tomorrow either, they've brought enough for a whole month".

"Party pooper!" I exclaim, unhappy, but the fox remains unfazed as he nods before grabbing ONE bar of chocolate. ONE.

"Gladly, if that keeps you from getting sick. You can whine to your friends all you want, Seokjin and I are splitting off those bags and giving them to you one at a time, there's no playing with junk food, your teeth will rot".

I instantly look up at that, puppy eyes falling on him and Seokjin, they can't possibly go through with this, right? Seokjin?

His eyes avoid mine instantly when I turn my gaze to him, his arms tensed as he keeps patting my shoulders awkwardly.

"... I'm not disobeying a dental assistant on that one" he explains himself and I wail out in fake tears, this is terrible!

"Change your job! Find something else, I can't with you, this is a nightmare!" I complain childishly, I can't believe they're really going to keep me from stuffing myself with junk food!

"Stop whining and eat that".

Sweet chocolate gets pushed between my lips and I stop acting like a baby immediately, lips pouty as I nibble on the melting treat, eyes sheepish as they meet the fox's.

He tries to hide an endeared smirk as he ruffles my hair, a piece given to Seokjin too before he takes a smaller one for himself.

"Aigoo, why do I feel like we'll see that side of you often? Our big baby, I'm starting to understand why they call you that".

I grumble under my breath at that. He's got a point.

Seokjin's soft giggle fills the room and my mood brightens up, head going to rest against his chest with a small sigh.

I guess our crying session also served to break the ice, it feels more natural to be together now. I can't wait to see what tomorrow will be like, at the aquarium.

Last chapter for the week! I hope you guys enjoyed Your candy scent so far! It's going to be a sweet ride!

Join me next week for Wings Unfolded! I'm currently editing the chapters and it's more than needed so please, please don't read them all now lmao! Give me time!

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