Chapter 2: Preview

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"You'll be living here with me." Said All might as he guided you inside his apartment.

"Small but nice." You commented as you looked around, it wasn't very decorated but it had the basics. It was about 1 pm and you two had finally arrived to Japan.

He guided you inside and stopped at a door. "This will be your room." He walked inside it was a pretty normal room to be honest. A bed, desk, closet, and a personal bathroom, thank the heavens.

You were a bit startled when you suddenly heard his 'I AM HERE!' ringtone. You looked over at him and furrowed his eyebrows when he looked at the message. All might cursed under his breath as he put away his phone in his pocket.

"Hero work?" You asked.

"Something like that. I gonna be late for my class." He scratched his head a little embarrassed he forgot. "Why don't you come with me? To get to know the school a bit before you start on Monday?" He offered. You shrugged your shoulders.

"Sure." This was another way of putting off organizing all of your things. 

Unpacking was something future Y/n would have to deal with.

You two went out and walked a few blocks before All might decided to turn into his hero form. "Ready?" He asked with his signature smile and thumbs up. You grinned knowing what he meant.

"Yeah!" You hopped on his back and All Might readied himself. He bent down and then shot up in the air! It was a rush and you loved it, it reminded you of when you were little and you would play with him when you visited Japan.

Sadly, you guys arrived at the front of the school quickly and from then on it was time to walk.

"If you want, go on ahead Uncle Toshinori, I kinda know my way around the school. Remember how we visited the school when you first started teaching?" He nodded but still seemed a bit skeptical.

"Are you sure? Cause I can-"

"Don't worry about me, I'll just look for Midnight in the Teachers lounge." All Might hesitated. "Go." You said and shooed him away. "Plus Ultra!" You added with a chuckle knowing you would probably be hearing that more often.

"If you need anything I'll be teaching Class 1-A. I'll finish at about 3 pm." He ruffled your hair and then he was gone in a flash. 

You started walking in and after a few minutes, you could clearly hear his "I'M HERE!" You chuckled and shook your head. You started to walk around the school and eventually found the teachers lounge.

You knocked and slowly slid open the door. "Hello?" You then made eye contact with Midnight who was casually reading a magazine. Her mouth went agape when she saw you and she dropped the magazine and bolted towards you.

"Y/n!" She shouted. "I thought you'd be coming on Monday! Oh my gosh, you've gotten so big!" You couldn't help but laugh as she squished you to her chest, something you got used to since you were little. She pulled you apart from her and stared right at you for a while.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" You asked. She gave you an endearing look.

"You look so grown up yet I can't get the image of when you were little out of my head." She complimented lightly pinching your cheeks. You froze for a second and then blinked a few times to come back down to earth.

"Thanks." You said with a small smile.

"Your dad would be so glad to see that you're studying in the same school he did, just as your sister did too." You didn't know what to respond so you simply kept smiling. "You must be hungry! I'm guessing All Might hasn't fed you yet?" You sweat dropped and chuckled nervously. "I'll take that as a 'Yes'." You two were about to leave but suddenly stopped when a familiar face walked through the door.


"Aizawa!" You cheered and jumped up to give him a hug. He was never the most affectionate kind of guy, but when it came to you, he couldn't help it. He gave you a tight hug with a discreet smile but then let go, trying to keep his cool.

"Looks like you'll be in my class this year." He commented. You gasped.


"Yeah, and don't worry, we'll do what we can to train you and get your quirk to their level." You face fell when you remembered.

Right, I have to use my quirks...

"What's wrong?" Asked Midnight seeing your change in mood.

"Oh, I haven't actually been using my quirk at all so..." The two pro-heroes then remembered what happened right after your dad passed away.

"Why don't we get you some food!" Midnight tried to change the subject and you happily agreed.

"See ya!" You waved goodbye to Aizawa. Midnight told you a bit more about the school as you two walked down the hall and eventually got to the lunch room.

You ate to your heart's content and now you were full of energy. Midnight decided to give you a tour while you told her the latest news on how your family was doing along with Tifany's work.

"And she took out this huge guy! He looked like Hulk but in blue!" Midnight chuckled at how you would tell your stories. As you kept walking down the hall, you would sometimes see different students passing by that were probably running errands their teachers would tell them to do.

A guy with purple spiky hair kinda like Aizawa, a girl with green hair who looked adorable as she would ribbit. Maybe a frog kind of quirk? She was accompanied by a girl with short brown hair, she was probably the most normal looking person so far.

You let out a yawn and Midnight noticed. "Do you want to rest? It must have been a long plane ride and with the time difference and all that, you must be tired. I can ask Recovery Girl to lend you a bed." She offered, you were about to decline but decided it was best not to faint before you even started learning at the school.

"Yes please." Midnight leads the way and before you knew it, you were at the nurse's office and hugging Recovery Girl after not seeing her in such a long time.

"Go ahead child. Rest well."

"Thank you!" You rushed to the farthest bed just in case anyone came in and pulled the curtain. Once your head hit the pillow, you were out.


Groggily, you started to wake up. You started to remember where you were and took out your phone and looked at the time.

3:14 pm


You pulled the covers up and off of you and rushed for the door.

"Thank you Recovery Girl sorry about not making the bed!" You called out as you left.

As you rushed down the halls, you could see there were still a few students roaming around.

Class 1-A Class 1-A Class 1-A Class 1-A.

You kept repeating in your head. You suddenly bumped into someone making you and him fall back.


"Watch where you're going bitch!" He suddenly yelled at you making you flinch.

"Look who's talking shit for brains!" You responded in the same tone making him look taken aback. "I don't have time for this!" You spat and got up to keep rushing down the halls.

Class 1-A...

You slowed your pace once you were getting close.

Class 1-A!

"Hey-" You stopped mid-sentence seeing All Might wasn't there and that there were still like three students left.

"Is there something I can help you with?" A guy with glasses asked you gaining his full attention.

"I was wondering where Unc- I mean All Might is..." You hoped they didn't notice your slip up. The guy turned to his friends somewhat confused.

"I think he said he was heading to the teacher's lounge?" A guy with half white and half red hair answered.

"You've gotta be kidding me." You sighed.

"Why what's wrong?" This time a girl with black hair in a ponytail asked.

" reason. Thanks!" You bolted away, not letting them get the chance to ask questions.

Well, that was awkward... Aw crap, I forgot they're gonna be my future classmates! They're probably gonna think I'm some kind of super fan or something or even a stalker!

Meanwhile, back at the classroom, they really didn't give a shit why you were asking for All Might. That's just you overthinking things.

Anyway! You finally made it back to the lounge, out of breath I might add, and it was just All Might and another kid. "All Might?" You said gaining his attention.

"Y/N!" He greeted happily, but no longer in his hero form. "This is Izuku Midoriya!" He introduced. Midoriya turned around to face you. "He's one of the students in your class and my successor." Your eyes widened along with Midoriya's but for different reasons.

"All Might is it alright to tell-"

"You found a successor!!!" You exclaimed in excitement. Midoriya was completely and utterly confused.

"Young Midoriya, this is Y/n, she is my niece." He introduced. You bowed and then straightened yourself out to stretch out a hand towards him.

"Nice to meet you Izuku." You said nonchalantly. Midoriya blushed at your straightforwardness at saying his first name. "What's wrong? Oh! Right! Here you call each other by their last names first right? Sorry about that."

"N-No! It's fine, nice to meet you too!" He took your hand and shook it nervously.

"Well, it's time for us to get going Y/n." All Might declared. You nodded and started heading out.

"See you on Monday Izuku." You said with a small smile. Midoriya returned it and waved goodbye.

As you two walked down the sidewalk All might asked you, "So how was your day?"

"Fun, I got to catch up with Midnight and I saw Aizawa and Recovery Girl." You responded happily, pretty satisfied with how the day turned out.

What was left of the day went by quickly along with the weekend. That last day you laid on your bed and stared at your uniform that was on the hanger.

Tomorrow's the big day. I hope they don't make me use my Quirks on the spot.


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