Chapter 3: Introduction

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You took deep breaths as you walked down the hall with Aizawa at your side.

"Just relax, they're not gonna try to kill you or anything." He said bluntly. You knew how he was and didn't take what he would say too harshly, that was just how he would express himself.

"I know, I know." You let your hand fiddle with the hem of your jacket from the nerves. "I just hope they like me for me and not, my background ya know? And just remember to treat me like any other student, no special treatment." Aizawa rolled his eyes.

"I know that already."

"So no hugs." He then looked at you through squinted eyes making you chuckle.

"Just come into the classroom when I signal it." Was all he said as he opened the door and walked in. 

You stayed outside and waited. He was trying to get them to calm down and then probably said something like 'We have a new student in the class' You guessed since you really couldn't hear anything. He then waved at you to come in. You took a deep breath and opened the door, making the class go completely silent.

"Hi, My name is Y/n, and I come from the USA. I hope we can get along and be friends!" You said the last part fast in hopes that this would end faster and not have all these eyes on you.

Suddenly that boy from before stood up from his chair glaring at you.

"You're that bitch that bumped into me in the hall!" He shouted at you. You were about to retort but Aizawa spoke before you could.

"Sit down Bakugo!" He commanded. He let out a 'tch!' and did as he was told, making a smirk crawl up your face. "Anyways-"

"May I ask what is your quirk!" The guy with glasses from before suddenly asked.

"Why were you transferred here!"

"What's it like in the USA!"

"No questions. There's a seat in the back." Aizawa instructed and you nodded, you sighed in relief when you noticed that the empty seat was next to the only person you--kinda--knew.

"Hey, Izuku." You greeted.

"Hi." He said with a smile and a wave.

"Now back to class!" The teacher continued. "Today we're going to be choosing a class rep. Good luck, you have until the end of the day." He then pulled up the zipper to his yellow sleeping bag and fell to the floor. You sweat-dropped at his actions.

Why are you like this...

"I want to be class rep!" Someone suddenly shouted.

"Wait, so do I!" Another student said. Soon enough everyone was arguing about who should be the class rep. This went on for a while and you just watched them as they all tried to decide.

"Everyone listen!" Glasses guy yelled catching everyone's attention. "I say we all vote." Everyone looked at each other then nodded.

"That seems fair." You accidentally said out loud making everyone turn to look at you.

Oh, crap.

They all started bombarding you with questions and you tired you best to answer them but then the almighty bell rang and you apologize and stood up to leave, although, Izuku caught up to you once you were out the door.

"Sorry about that." He said awkwardly. You raised an eyebrow but then chuckled.

"Don't worry about it, everyone's just curious about 'the new girl', I would be too if I were them." You said honestly. You two walked down the hall and Izuku was a little surprised to see how easily you made your way around the school.

Once you reached the lunch room, you stood in line and got your much-awaited food. When you sat down with the green hair boy, suddenly the table was full of other students from your class.

"Hi! I'm Ochaco Uraraka." That girl you saw before in the hallway greeted.

"Nice to meet you Ochaco." She raised her eyebrows a bit surprised but then softened her expression.

"Right, In the USA they call everyone by their first name right off the bat right?" She said.

"Oh! Right, sorry if I made you uncomfortable." You scratched the back of your head in embarrassment.

"No worries! You can just call me Ochaco"

"Oo! My names Mina Ashido! Call me Mina!" The girl with pink skin said happily.

"Mine is Tsuyu Asui, but I like to be called Tsu."

"I go by the name Tenya Ida!" So that's glasses guy. They kept introducing themselves one by one but your head started spinning from trying to remember all of them.

"If all of you just blurt out your name she won't memorize all of them." Muttered that kid with half red half white hair at the end of the lunch table. He picked up his tray and stood up to throw it away after his comment.

"That's Shoto Todoroki." Izuku answered your internal question.

Todoroki huh...

"Sorry about that L/n." Ochaco said as she fiddled with her fingers. bringing you out of your thoughts.

"Call me Y/n, and don't worry about it! It's a bit overwhelming but It's nice to see how friendly everyone is compared to my old school." You said honestly.

"What's it like in American schools!" Asked um...Tenya! Yeah, Tenya, glasses guy.

"Well-" You were cut short when a loud bell started to ring, but I wasn't the one that indicated that class was going to start.

There has been a level 3 security breach, all students please evacuate outdoors promptly.

Suddenly all hell broke loose and everyone was rushing for the door.

What the?!?!

"Come on, we'd better get out!" Izuku pulled you out of your chair and you sighed knowing you left half of your food there.

Everyone was pushing each other out the exit and it was getting hard to breath. You struggled to stay together with the only people you knew but they all eventually got separated. You were desperate to find a way out but they were all too focused on saving their own ass that they would just push you aside.

Future heroes huh?

You started to get nervous and tried to at least walk back to the cafeteria but that was harder. You could feel yourself starting to hyperventilate and did the only thing to save your skin.

The cafeteria table, The cafeteria table, The cafeteria table.

You chanted in your mind as you squeezed your eyes shut. You then felt the air around you warp and you fumbled to regain your balance but ended up tripping on yourself and fell to the floor. 

You tried to get up but you felt heavy and tired from using your quirk, it had been so long and you weren't used to it. You noticed why you got so tired from one try and such a short distance. Three other people came in contact with you when you teleported so they got there with you.

"Hey, are you okay?" You heard a familiar voice and looked up to see Shoto. You could remember his name well from the colors of his hair that made him stand out. He stretched out a hand towards you and you gladly took it.

"Yeah, just a little dizzy." You still held his hand as you stood since you wanted to regain your balance first. "What are you doing here?" You asked.

"Running in a panic isn't going to help anyone." He answered simply. He guided you to a chair and helped you take a seat.

"Thanks, for helping me out."

"No problem." You tried to search for something, anything to say so that this moment wouldn't be so uncomfortable but then you notice Tenya floating and shouting out directions about how we should all calm the fuck down because it was just some reporters that were outside.

You sighed in relief and was about to tell Shoto something but he was already long gone.

Oh well...

You then made your way back to your classroom having lost your appetite. The other students and Aizawa started pooling in right after you and you caught sight of Izuku.

"Y/n!" He said before racing over to you. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you out back there! What happened? After everyone started to clear the hallway you were gone." He asked with Ochaco right behind him.

"Sorry, I had to use my quirk to get out of there." You said in an apologetic tone.

"Huh? What's your Quirk?" Asked a girl with black hair. "I'm Momo Yaoyorozu by the way." She added with a smile.

Should I tell them? Or not yet? You pondered on the thought. You looked towards Aizawa indecisively.

"Alright class, back to your seats, let's finish with the voting of the class rep." Announced Aizawa. You let go of a breath you didn't realize you were holding when he changed the subject.

All in all, Tenya and Momo got the spots. You really couldn't judge since you didn't know them very well so you accepted it just as is, but they seemed pretty reliable enough.

The day went on and finally, it came to an end. You packed your things and made your way to the teacher's lounge to see All Might.

"Uncle Toshinori?" You said as you knocked and entered the room. He was at his desk and turned to look at you.

"Y/n, today I have to finish planning for tomorrow's field trip to USJ." He said as he ran a hand through his messy hair. "So.."

"I can walk home alone, don't worry about it." You brushed it off knowing how hard he has to work.

"Sorry about this, I'll bring pizza for dinner." He said in an apologetic tone.

"Yes! Alright, see you back at home!" You then skipped away knowing you were getting good food tonight and not convenient store food.

I've gotta learn how to make Japanese food.

You thought as you took out your shoes from your locker and switched them for your normal ones. This was something you had to get used to. 

As you walk out the main doors you then noticed a certain student learning on the school gates.

"Shoto?" You said. He then turned to look in your direction.

"I'd prefer you call me by my last name." He said bluntly.

"Oh, sure, sorry about that."

"Mind if we walk together?" He asked straightforwardly. You raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Sure?" It came out more like a question. You two started walking down the street in silence which was killing you.

What the hell is up with him?

You tried to catch a glimpse of his face but he was already staring at you.

"Okay, what is it? Why are you acting all creepy?" You asked coming to a stop and taking a small side step away from him. You waited for a response but then his eyes went wide.

"The international hero's reunion." He said all of a sudden.

"What?" You asked clearly confused.

"You were there that day. You were accompanying The #1 hero of America 'Silver Shield'." He added. 

You remembered that day, some of the Top Heros from all over the world were invited to a reunion and you also went there with your mom since you to had the job of teleporting anyone back to their country if there was an emergency.

"Yeah... OH! You're Endeavor's kid!" You then realized who he was.

"Yeah." His tone turned somewhat angry and cold once you mentioned his father. "Why were you there? Only pro heroes and family members of the heroes could attend."

Shit... I guess I'll just have to tell him.

"I'm...Silver Shield's little sister." He nodded his head in understanding.

"You were the teleporting girl right?"

"Is that what they were calling me?" You chuckled hearing such a ridiculous nickname. Todoroki's ears perked up hearing you so calm and casual now. You two continued walking down the street again with a different ambiance from before.

"Are you here to become a hero like your sister?" You scoffed catching his attention.

"Who'd ever want to become a Hero." You muttered. Todoroki raised an eyebrow at the change in attitude. "So-Sorry! I didn't mean being a hero sucks or anything. I mean Heros are cool but I could never be one you know like you are, I mean you're studying to be one and I'm just here as an emergency, well not an emergency exactly...Ugh, I'm just gonna shut up." You sighed at your hopelessness.

"Pfft..." You turned to see Todoroki trying to stifle his obvious laughter. You felt your cheeks heat up from embarrassment.

"Bye." You said bluntly and sped walked away from him.

"Hey wait!" He managed to say after calming down.

"No thanks, I'd rather not have someone laugh at my face. I had enough of that in my old school." You muttered the last part which he didn't miss. He caught up to you and grabbed your wrist to prevent you from leaving.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh at you like that. It's just that you seemed so flustered I couldn't help it." Even Todoroki was surprised at the fact that he could laugh so easily, he wasn't the type of person to express his emotions that openly.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" You crossed your arms over your chest. You let out a sigh and then started walking again. "You know what, I don't want to make such a big deal out of this, let's just go." Todoroki was somewhat glad to know you still wanted to keep walking together.

It was quiet but not uncomfortable, you reached the intersection and pointed towards the left.

"I'm heading this way."

"I'm going the opposite direction." You nodded awkwardly and said a simple,

"See you tomorrow." To which he responded,

"Yeah, see ya." And with that, he turned right and kept making his way to his home.

At least I made a new friend. 

I think?


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