A day out with Mahiro and kids

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NOTE: For the sake of the plot of this os, Assume that This pandemic never happened (wish that was true).

Anyways, so this is gonna be a Mahiro story (of course) with Ziva and Sam too!! As in a father-daugher bonding time!!!!


"I am going to pick Sam up from Bhai's house" Ro said running outside from the hotel (that the ICT was staying in) grabbing his car keys and going to Mahi bhai's house.

Ro reached bhai's home and started yelling "bhabhi!! Bhai!! Open the door"

"Bhabhi ji" he yelled on top his lungs that the neighbour came running outside his house.

"What's wrong sir..."

"Oh well....you see bhai...."

"Oh my godd!! You are Rohit Sharma!! I am a big fan sir!! My daughter really loves your batting....Can I have an authograph" The man said after realising who he was. Thank god there weren't many people there.

"Oh....yeah sure....here" Ro said as the man magically produced a pen and a paper to sign at.

"Thankyou sir" The man said happily "and sorry for disturbing you"

"Arey....don't apologise...and I appreciate that you support me and ICT...thankyou so much" Ro said smiling at the man

"By the way sir, if you don't mind may I ask why are you yelling" The man asked confused

"Oh well....I came here to meet bhai.....I mean..."

"Oh you mean Dhoni Bhai" The man said excitedly, and Ro nodded

"Sir, you are at the wrong address....that's not where Dhoni Ji stays" The man said trying to supress his laughter

"Huh?? What" Ro asked confused.

"His house is right there" The man said pointing towards a house two blocks away

"Oh opps!! My bad....sorry for bothering you...Mr..." Ro said trying to remember the man's name, forgetting that the man didn't tell him his name😂

"Ramesh" The man smiled at Ro

"Yeah Ram...I can call you Ram right??" Ro asked polietly

"Yeah sure!! Sir" The man excitedly said.

"Then you too stop calling me sir and call me Rohit" Ro gave him a pout, the man seemed surprised at the 31 years old cricketer

"Ji.....Okay Rohit" He nodded.

"Okay...so I should be get going now. Will meet you again Ram" Ro said shaking his hands. Ram left bidding bye to Ro.

"Okay so...let's go to bhai's place" Ro said to himself and drived to the house Ram pointed at.

After reaching there, Ro parked his car and started yelljng again "bhai!! Bhabhi open the door!!"


"What are you doing here" a voice came from behind Ro's back, startling him.

"Ahh!!...oh bahbhi" Ro calmed after realising that it was Sakshi. She was holding a grocery bag.

"Why were you yelling....you do realise that there is a bell right there" Sakshi said pointing at the doorbell and Ro smiled sheepishly.

"Give it to me bhabhi I will help you" Ro said taking the bag
from Sakshi

"Good boy....but what are you doing here" asked Sakhsi confused

"Huh? Why can't I come here!! You don't want me here bhabhi" Ro asked pouting at her. Sakshi shook her head at Ro's antics.

"Of course you can....I was just asking bacche" Sakshi said and ruffled the younger's hairs.

"Come bhabhi let's go inside"

"Yeah sure"

"By the way bhabhi where are Sam and Zivu playing" Ro asked wanting to meet his princess and munchkin.

"Huh?" Sakskhi asked

"Sammy and Zivu?" She looked at Ro and asked while Ro nodded.

"Oh god! You forgot again didn't you??" She facepalmed

"Forgot what bhabhi??" Ro was confused beyond words.

"That you and Mahi were suppossed to play with Ziva and Sammy, so you, yourself had suggested to go to the amusement park" Sakshi sighed at Ro's forgetfullness.

"Oh No!! I totally forgot about that!! Sorry bhabhi!! Need to go" Ro said and ran outise to the car, not before hugging and touching Sakshi's foot.

"This kid" Sakshi shook her head smiling at his forgetful yet adorable behaviour.


And he's still not here. I was waiting here from last two hours but still no sign of a certain forgetful cricketer.

'You should call him' you must be thinking right? Guess what when I tried dialing his number, Rits picked it telling that the idiot forgot his phone there. What am I gonna do with him.

I hope he didn't forget the way to this place.

"Appa...when would Ro chachu come" asked Zivu. She was bored sitting there yet was excited to meet and play with her Ro chachu.

"Soon baby"

"Papa...pa...pa" sammy tried to form words, she was sitting in my lap playing with my wrist band.

"Yes princess papa is coming" I said and she giggled in a Ro like manner. She is just like her father, but I hope she doesn't turn out to be forgetful like her father.

"Appa!! Can Sammy sit in my lap" Zivu asked cutely. I laughed "baby you are still a child, how would you pick her up"

"I am not a child....I am a grown up now" Zivu said crossing her arms and pouted, I cooed at her

"But what if Lil sammy falls down baby" I asked her trying to make her understand.

"No!! Then I won't pick sammy up, otherwise she would be hurt dada" Zivu said and started playing with Sammy.

Just then I heard Ro's voice "sorry bhaiya!! I am late" He was panting, seems like he ran all the way from the parking lot in the basement till here.

"Why are you late" I raised a brow.

"Oh....well.....bhai...." Ro trailed not knowing what to say.

"Uncle bhulakad (forgetful)" said Zivu and hugged Ro.

Ro widened his eyes at the new name "who taught you that princess" He asked picking her up in his arms and swinging her.

"Hah....Un.....Vi....chachu" she said between giggles. Ro huffed "I will teach your Vi chachu a lesson"

"Does Vi chachu go to school too!!" She asked. Me and Ro laughed at that.

"Ap...pap..papa" Sammy made grabby hands towards Ro

"Yes love Baba's here" Ro smiled kissing her forehead. Sammy giggled and snuggled more into me.

"Where's my kiss chachu" Zivu pouted, Ro grinned and kissed her all over her face making her giggle.

"Kissy monster is here....hahha" Ro said placing Zivu down and Zivu started running around giggling.

"You can't catch me chachu" Zivu yelled excitedly while Ro chased her.

"Bab...baba" I heard Sammy say, I looked at her to see her staring at me. I made a face and she giggled.

"GOTCHA!!!" Ro yelled as he caught Zivu. "Now where will you run!!"

"Haha....ahha.....Papa!! Save me from the kissy monster" She said between giggles.

I went towards them and asked "shall we go to the amusement park now"

"Oh...yeah bhai...come Zivu let's go" He said picking her up.

"Let's move chachu"


"Give me the tickets" I asked Ro, who suddenly froze as if remembering something

"Well....about....about the...tickets...bhai....." Ro made a face as if he was kid trying to find an excuse infront of his teacher.

"You forgot again" I asked facepalming.

"Sorry bhai....Now what would we do" He looked sad, thinking he ruined the day.

"Hello Dhoni bhai" I heard a voice. It was one of our neighbours Ramesh.

"Ram...what are you doing here" Ro asked

"Wait....you two know each other" I asked looking back and forth in between Ro and Ram.

"Yeah I met Rohit at....." Ram tried to say

"Ahh...ahh....we are getting late aren't we bhai" Ro interrupted him. I gave a suspicious look towards Ro.

Ro looked at Ram and Ram as if understanding something said "how come you are here today" He smiled. Smart move Ro, but I will find out anyways.

"Oh well...just a little dayout with the kids" I said counting Ro as a kid too😂


"But he forgot the tickets" I looked at Ro, who gave me a sheepish look

"No problem with that...you people can come"

"How??" Ro asked confused

"Oh I work here, so I can get you the tickets come" He said and started walking

"Oh that's great....come princess let's move"

"Yes bhulakad chachu" Ro groaned and walked behind Ram.

"Ap....apap..." Sammy said.

"He's really forgetful naa" I asked and she squealed

"You won't be forgetful like your dad, right sweetheart?" I asked and she grinned as if agreeing to what I was saying. I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Bhai!! Come na"

"Yeah appa come"

"Coming" I said and Sammy squealed too.

The end!💜💜

And whoever is reading this please check out my new book too😊

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