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Hey peeps!! An emotional chapter ahead......

Rohit's POV

'MS Dhoni has announced retirement from International Cricket'

That news stung like hell. Why? How? What? I have millions of questions running through my mind. I know that he can't play for forever, he had to take retirement someday, but it's.....its just so soon. I don't know why is it hurting like this. Every cricketer takes retirement one day, but, it's bhai.

I wanted to cry and yell out my frustrations. I don't care if I sound childish, it's bhaiya we are talking about. I felt angry and wanted to fight with Vi, but I didn't

He must be feeling the same. Heck!

I was pacing around in my room, trying to collect my inner thoughts, when I heard a voice "you should call bhai"

Rits looked at me worriedly, sadness was evident in her eyes too. I sighed "And ask what?"

"Ro.....see, I can't make you understand please call bhai"

"Rits.....I really wanna call him.....but.....what would I say to him??"

"Ro....why are you hesitating in calling bhai? He is your mahi bhaiya, remember?? Your support pillar, your fav senior, your fav captain, your elder never hesitated to call him, then why are you hesitating now??"

"I...." Rits cut me to it

" have to call him and that's final"

I sighed "oh...okay"

Rits gave me a comforting hug and left the room to feed Sam. I grabbed my phone and stared at it for a while. Battling with my inner thoughts.

Should I call him? What if he.....screw that, I thought and dailed bhai's number. It ringed a few times and then I heard a voice

"Hey Ro, how are you"


"How are you"

"I....I am.....f...fine"

"Are you crying?? Ro bacche are you okay?"

His tone sounded worried and tired, maybe had a long day.

"Bhai!! Wh....why" I heard him sigh

" know very well"

"No!! I don't!!" I exclaimed

"Bacche, calm down.....see Ro, Every player needs to retire too, it's how the world goes kiddo. What has started needs to...."

"No!! You have so much potential left inside you!! Your career can't end!! Never"

"Ro, think clearly aren't you being irrational"

"Bhai!! I know it sounds childish and stupid. But, I want you to always play for India and make us feel are way too perfect, I have had never imagined Indian team without you...." I know that sounds selfish, but I don't care, It's bhai.

"Kiddo you know that it's not possible. How would the youngsters would get chance then?? If we never retire??"


"Bacche listen, you need to understand this"

"How can I?? Tell me how to accept the fact that you won't be there sitting in the team bus and telling us about the times when you were new in the team?? Who would tell us what to do when we need your advise.....who would come and scold us for what we have done wrong?? Who would tell us all those amazing tactics. Who would tell me and Vi,how to set field?? Who would stop me and Vi from fighting?? To whom would I go and whine about Vi.....who would harry cling to?? Who would tell jass, yuz and kul which ball to bowl?? Who would tell us?? Who would hear Jinks complaints about me and Vi. Who would glare at harry when he does something stupid?? Who would save us from jadd's tales?? Who would be you bhai?? Kon?? (Who)"

"Erm.....Bacche....I know....that but, you people are the seniors now....right?? You have grown up now.....kiddo.....Please need to accept this bacche"


"No ifs and buts, everyone of you would retire someday and new players would come and go. You need to understand that this is how the world works bacche, even outside the cricket. You can't hold onto me forever, this was bound to happen one day........"

(A/N: Mahi bhai continued to convince Ro, I can't write more than this....I'll cry😢)

After 2 hours of constantly telling Ro, Mahi bhai succeded in making him understand his decision. Then they talked casually about other stuffs. Ro told bhai his experience of being a father and how Sam cries when he doesnt play with her.

After an hour, Ro felt better than earlier.



"Who would go with me to eat cakes??"

"We can do that whenever you want"

"And.....who would call me Lil Ro..."

"I am right here Ro, I am just one phone call away bacche"

"Pinky swear"

"Pinky swear"

"Okay then.....see you in the IPL captain cool"

"Sure Cap Ro"

"I love you bhai"

"Love you too kiddo"

"You'll forever be my captain, My big brother, right?"

"Yup! Forever"

"Okay bye now kiddo.....Ziva wants to play"


Still Ro's POV

I felt good after talking to bhai. Of course, I would always miss the Cap cool in blue jersey.

We all would miss him. Those sixers on the last balls, those helicopter shots, that wow!! Keeping of his, that stamina of his. That smile of his, that coolness of his, that sharp and calculating mind of his. All that confidence we had when bhai was the one doing the keeping, that blind faith, many would come, many would go, but, there'll only one Mahendra Singh Dhoni.

We love him.


Gonna miss you bhai.....we all love you💜💙
This chapter came out from my heart. So, I dunno whether you liked it or not. But, I just felt like expressing my inner thoughts.


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