a chance

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Dun dun dunnnnn


September 1st.

(Lexi's pov)

Once in a lifetime means there's no second chance.

It is only 10am in the morning, but I went out to town to buy from bread and milk cause we ran low.

Plus, I needed an excuse to get away anyways.
I was nervous. So extremely nervous about seeing him again. To the point where I didn't want to see him.

I mean I wanted to to see him, but I didn't want him to see me.

I'm walking up to my house when I hear the sound of a car stopping and someone getting out.

I turn around and he's there. Not just any he. He.

The smile comes to my face faster than I can say "Shoma".

He looks at me, standing as if he'd been waiting for me for a while.

His first words are:
"You cut you're hair..."

I smile and he opens his arms and welcomes me into them.

I walk right in them with no hesitation.

"Welcome to my country." I say while we're still hugging.

"It's great to be here."

"I'm so glad you're here. Those weeks after I came back were pure agony."

"Why? What happened? Are you alright?" His voice resounded with concern and my heart literally melts.

"No. It's just that....i missed you" I whisper those last three words, partially hoping he heard, yet also hoping he didn't.


"It's nothing."

He doesn't let go.

"Well, I missed you too."

Obviously he heard it.

I let go and look at him, in disbelief, while slightly miffed.

But the fact that he missed me too makes me smile, but I also don't want to smile cause I shouldn't be happy he tried to tricked me into repeating what he already heard.

Fighting this smile is hard though.

"Stop that." He commands me all of a sudden.

Confused and a little shock, I look up at him, my smile completely gone.
What did I do now?

"Stop trying so hard not to smile. It's really too cute." He smiles which makes me smile again but again, I try not to.

So I look down, hoping he doesn't see my blushing face.

He chuckles again while staring at me.

"Why haven't I killed you yet." I mumble shyly.

"Cause you love me." He teases.

"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that." I sass back.

"Well, I would. Mai as good as told me."

The words take a second for me to process.
Mai as good as told me.


"That!...." I close my eyes, completely embarrassed and half unsure of what to do now. Dreading the worst, I refuse to open my eyes.

But then I feel a warm pair of arms around my shoulders.
"I love you, Alexandra Catherine Rose Robinson."

Taken off guard, I open my eyes and stare at him, expecting him to explain.

His hands slip down to my hands and he holds them gently yet securely in his.

The warmth spreads up from my fingertips up my arms, along my neck and straight to be cheeks. And then it falls back down right from my artery to my heart, fueling my heart to pump faster.

"I...." But he trails off as if he doesn't know what to say next. "I had a whole speech prepared earlier, but now I can't seem to remember any of it." He laughs, searching his brains for the words.

The words, the words.... where are they? I wonder.

"You're hopeless!" I laugh, thinking he's just too cute.

"When I planned this in my head, it seemed to go much more smoothly and much more perfect."
He still doesn't let go of my hands.

But I don't mind.

"It doesn't matter. It's perfect anyways." I look up in his eyes and this time, I don't even try to fight the smile.

"Well, I remember the first part of the speech now. It goes something like this: I've really missed you. And this past month without you has made me realize how much time I spend thinking about you, how often you cross my mind, and how much I care for you. And I realized, this absence in my heart is you. So I figured I've liked you for a while now. When did you...know?"

I know the last sentence of the speech isn't planned because he looks down, shyly as he asks it.

"I guess it was around....Fantasy On Ice."

"Fantasy On Ice." He says it the same time I do and I look up at him, eyes wide.

And then we both burst out laughing.

I look down and giggle. And he throws his head back and emits the most beautiful, perfect sound ever called Shoma's Laughter.
A sound I never want to forget.

(Shoma's pov)

I tell her to wait a moment, and open up the back seat of my rented car, taking out the flowers.

Standing before her, nerves disappearing all at once the moment she smiles, I sing.

"Walking all these boulevards, talking to the stars, asking if they know where I could find her.

Warm nights are cold and lone, nameless shadows walking through my home, the price I pay for the life I've made, this numbness takes away my pain.

And all hopes loss and the light has faded, you shine through the darkness I've created.

Darling, there's nothing I wouldn't do. Battlefields are nothing, I'd shoot the moon.

I forever pray for a piece of heaven as you, to show me what it's like to feel and lose myself in you.

Beneath one nights, flashing lights and stars,
You found your way into my heart...

Too good for me I know, in times start to glow, this foreign feel that makes me feel alive.

One say I'm losing hope, the next telling stupid jokes, I found a friend as I ascend up to something I never want to end.

And all hopes loss and the light has faded, you shine through the darkness I've created.

Darling, there's nothing I wouldn't do. Battlefields are nothing, I'd shoot the moon.

I forever pray for a piece of heaven as you, to show me what it's like to feel and lose myself in you.

Beneath one nights, flashing lights and stars,
You found your way into my heart...

I called you out before I drowned, you keep us lifted of the ground.

Hard to speak and afriad to fall, still be worth it after all."

She sings along at the bridge with tears in her eyes, and takes the flowers.
"...thank you, Shoma. This is quite possibly the sweetest thing someone has done for me."

I pull her in another hug.
"It's okay. I'm here now." Then I realize that I've started crying too.

"I love you so much, Shoma." She mumbles.

"I-I'm not really good with words, as you can tell from before. So I'm just going to show you."

I can almost feel her stare at me, curiously.

I pull away slightly and tilt my head, and yes, Madeline is right about the romantic comedies being right, you just need to close your eyes at this point.

She leans in too and I can feel her smile in the kiss.

It's sweet and warm and salty, probably from her tears, and the most wonderful feeling ever.

"Did I get the message across?"

"Loud and clear." She blushes deeply again and is trying not to smile again.

"You're doing it again. Stop looking so cute."

She looks at me indignantly and then just gives up and smiles, so side that I can barely see her eyes.

But I bet I'm smiling just like that too.

Hard to speak, afraid to fall...
Still be worth it after all.

I know it'll be worth it.

For her.



Remember last year when I said "prepare you might need defibrillators" for one of the chapters of dear lexi? And u said "let me just go to my closet and get my defibrillators" 😂
well did u need them again?


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