a friendship

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(Mai's pov) ;)

So, this is the girl he likes.

I mean, as much as I love Shoma, I feel responsible to help him get together with his crush considering how broken he was after he got rejected by his last crush.

I felt bad and I tried to say it in the gentlest  way possible, but ultimately it was still gonna hurt. I mean, you can always soften the blow by being nice about it, but it's still going to be a blow. And that's never going to not hurt.

Anyways, hearing him speak about this girl is honestly so intriguing. I feel like I want to get to know her too.

I mean, someone who can make Shoma fall in love with them after three encounters must either have some magical boy powers or just be plain wonderful. And I'm guessing it's the latter.

I text the phone number he gave me that is supposedly her number.

If she knows Shoma, she probably knows me. I hope she likes me.

I've never even met her, only seen a picture Shoma took with her at some train station, (and by the way she's as beautiful as they get) and I already like her based on what he's said about her.

Seems like he's finally found his lucky girl. Someone to love him back just as much as he loves her. Shoma's just such a great guy and friend, he deserves this happiness she can bring to him. He deserves to have someone who can love him like that. I really hope it works out because I want to see him happy.

Waiting for her reply, I try to think up a plan for them to meet up and see each other.

Lexi: im sorry, i got a little over excited. let me start this over
Lexi: hi, im alexandra robinson, but you can call me lexi, it's what shoma and brogan call me

I laugh aloud at how excited she seemed at talking to me.
She sounds so cute and funny at how she tries to pull herself together and act cool.

Me: Hi! It's nice to meet you. By the way, Shoma gave me your number, just so you know I'm not some creepy stalker
Mai: Btw, guess what I got?

Lexi: rhythm?
Lexi: hahaha no worries. can i ask why tho?

I laugh again, and shake my head at her joke about the popularly used music in figure skating: I got rhythm.
She really is a funny person.

Me: 😂 no, news from Shoma
Me: He wanted to tell you something important, but his phone broke.

I had to lie. It's for a good cause.

Lexi: oh, i see
Lexi: what is this important thing? is he alright?

Me: Yeah, he's fine. But he wanted to tell it to you face to face. But the other news is that he's going to come to Britain, on September the 1st, and he would like to meet up with you if you're free.

She doesn't reply for a good two minutes and I imagine she's rubbing her eyes or something, refusing to believe that he will be coming to see her. That thought brings a smile to my face.

Lexi: this is for real?!?

Me: Yeah :) He misses you

Lexi: h-h-he missed me???????!!?!?

Me: Oh, you're all he ever talks about recently

Now for a good five minutes she doesn't respond and I wonder if somethings wrong.

Me: Are you alright?

Lexi: sorry, i just fell out of my bed

My eyes pop out at her text and I can't stifle the laughter.

Me: 😂😂
Me: I can see why he likes you

Lexi: 😂 thanks? for appreciating my clumsiness
Lexi: also, thank you for delivering this most amazing news to me, it's really made my day. I literally can't stop smiling now

Me: you really are a simple girl 😂

Lexi: thank you 😂


(Shoma's pov)

I text Mai asking if she's done the deed. And indeed she has.

Mai: Text her in a couple days cause I told her you broke your phone. And then you can ask her for her address and stuff

Shoma: Mai!!!! You shouldn't lie!!!

Mai: Well, but she seemed to believe it.
Mai: Also, remember how you let me talk to her to prove you're not in love with her?

Shoma:...What is this? I hate this kind of feeling...

Mai: Well, unfortunately, I still think you love her 😋

Shoma: WHAT
Shoma: 😠😠😠

Mai: 😁 besides, it seems like she's plenty in love with you too

Now this makes me stare at my phone screen in shock for a good few minutes, blinking and questioning the validity of this statement.

Could Mai be lying?

Did Lexi tell Mai that?

Did Mai's questioning force it out of her?

Mai: Trust me. I'm a girl, I know these things.

I don't reply because I don't know what to say.

I should be happy, no, I am happy. I'm very happy.

But I can't admit that to Mai or I'll be teased for the rest of my life.

Mai: I didn't straight up ask her, if that's what you're wondering. But from how she worried about you, til how she fell out of her bed when I told her you miss her, to how she got excited over the news that you were coming over...it was pretty obvious

Shoma: Thank you

Mai would never lie to me. She just wouldn't.

So I decide that I'm going to find out if she really does like me on my own.

No, this isn't something I want to do through a screen since I have the option not to.

Panicking a little, I start heading to online to book my flight tickets.

I'll be able to attend the fall term without competition disruptions because I'm doing a Yuna Kim and skipping the Grand Prix this year.

Oh that's right, I haven't even told her that yet.

Or announced it to the media.

I should do that soon.

Suddenly, having so many things to do made me panic, rushing around the house, booking time, tickets, people.

September the 1st was only a week away after all.

I wasn't sure if I was prepared to risk it. But everything's a risk. Not doing anything is also a risk.


Last chapter next :)

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