♡ |A Mistress| ♡

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[Inside a Car]

"Are you going to drop me to the streets??"

Y/n questioned looking outside the window,

"No "

V replied sternly

Y/n looked back in the car ,

"Then ??"

Y/n asked staring at V for an answer.

"You're continuously asking question stay quite "

V replied.

For few moments Y/n stayed silent.

"But you didn't inform where we're heading?? To another prostitute house??"

Y/n asked again in a innocent tone , RM who's driving tried his best not to laugh at the cute behaviour.

"I asked you to stay quite "

V replied being irritated.

"I'll, just answer me , once"

Y/n uttered

V sigh

"I'm taking you to my home "

V replied,  Y/n's face beamed.

"Your home ? Why ??"

Y/n asked. V glared at her , she immediately pulled her index finger on her lips and nod .

But then also she stare at V ,

"Stop staring at me !!"

V uttered without looking at Y/n .

Y/n blushed a little.

"I can't "

Y/n's answer made him look at her .

"Why ??"

V asked

"You're too beautiful to look away "

Y/n replied with a giggle,  V covering his eyes with his right hand turn towards the window. His heart fluttered.

[At Taehyung's Mansion]

"This is your home !!"

Y/n exclaimed observing the Giant mansion.

"Yes , it's one of my home "

V replied.

"One of ?? You have many Giant houses?? Just how rich are you !!"

Y/n asked Being astonished

V scoff

"GO Inside "

V uttered.  Y/n nod and was about to step but stopped

"But where ?? Where am I supposed to go?? Which will be my room ?? Did you brought me to make me a maid ??"

Y/n asked too many questions in one go .

V reached towards her and  squeezed her cheeks.

"Your work is to fulfill my physical needs only , that's the reason I picked you away from a place where you have chances to serve others as well"

V replied

Y/n didn't seem to be sad or disappointed.

"Then my room ?? "

Y/n asked. 

"Luzy !!"

V yell

Soon at least 25 male and female servants approached.

"This is Y/n , guide her to my room "

V uttered,  servants looked at each other then nod .

Y/n looked a little surprised.

"Pardon me Asking Master, she-"

A lady mostly aged tried to ask .

"She's a Mistress "

V replied walking away.

"Hi this is Y/n , nice to meet you all"

Y/n uttered reaching towards them .

"Nice to meet you , my lady "

The Aged woman replied.

"No need to be formal,  I'm just like you , so treat me like that "

Y/n replied with a smile .

"Just like us , pardon me My lady , you're His Mistress and we are his maids "

A young lady replied.

"Not like that , Just how your work is to maintain the household,  my work is to please him at night,  so ofc we're same "

Y/n replied.  Still the servants didn't seem to be satisfied with the answer.

"Fine , treat me as you want , I'm a little hungry can you give me some food ??"

Y/n asked.

"Come with me my lady , they will bring the food soon "

The aged woman replied.

"OK,  thanks "

Y/n replied



Y/n was sitting on a couch inside a Master bedroom when few maids entered with a lot boxes and behind them V entered.

"What are these ??"

Y/n asked reaching near V ,

"Open them and see by yourself "

V respond.

"Are these mine ??"

Y/n asked

"Open them , Don't ask much "

V replied lazily.

Y/n pout and and grabbed a box opening it she found clothes all from luxury brand. She got up with a jolt

"It's.... it's!! It's too expensive!! Is it for me ??"

Y/n asked with a gasp .

"Out "

V shout .

Y/n flinch,  and seeing the maids she took few steps towards the door when V grabbed her wrist.

"Where you're going??"

V asked

"You Said, 'Out' "

Y/n replied in a low tone .

"That wasn't for you , now wear it"

V replied pointing a white dress

Y/n beam

"That's really for me ??"

Y/n asked with a ear to ear smile.

V pat her head and nod .

"Try all of them , tell me they fit well or not "

V replied, Y/n nod like a excited kid .

V's heart fluttered again.

So he moved away from the room



V is currently in the living room with RM

"You looked worried since you brought her here !! Why is that ?"

RM asked.

At that time V's phone buzz ,

"Because of this "

V replied showing his phone , caller iD made RM gulp , V received the call

"I think you had forgotten your place, Taehyung, and started taking decisions by your own , seems like you had forgotten the oath , one step against me and you're dead !! Don't you remember??"

Jungkook's words made V grit his teeth.

" I didn't did anything against you "

V respond.

"Ofc you did , if you brought every woman like this , set them free ,then the money those bitches are giving me will stop won't it , you scumbag,  send that bitch you brought back to the place, many are willing to offer huge amount of money on her "

Jungkook uttered.

V clenched his fist 

"I'm not sending her back,  I want to keep her with me"

V replied.


Before letting Jungkook finish , V added 

"You had given a null promise to me , remember?? You asked me I can ask anything and you will fulfill it "

V uttered.

RM is super confused.


Silence from the other side .

"I want That woman I brought here , I want to keep her , that's the reward I want from you , grant me that "

V uttered.  RM covered his mouth and gasp


Again Silence

After a long Silence

"Fine , but remember this is for the first and last timeI won't allow such things ever again,  you can't set free my golden gooses "

Jungkook replied.

"I won't do such things again, this is the last time for sure "

V replied.

"Good "

Jungkook replied and ended the call .

V slammed his hand on a table in frustration,  his eyes reflected flame .

"Why you did that ??"

RM asked.

V looked at him and rubbed his temples

"What if one day you get bored of that woman then?? Another mistress??"

RM asked.

"That's not gonna happen,  Y/n is gonna be my first and last,  you know I told you she resembles Cristina,  yes , she's innocent,  she's bubbly,  yet sensitive,  but what amuse me is the difference,  Cristina hates people Like me , but Y/n wholeheartedly accepted me , in front of her I didn't have to hide my identity,  but funny isn't it that Jungkook can't do that !!! Yess , it's a gain , I got someone better than Jungkook's Cristina,  "

V finished Laughing like a maniac.

RM could silently watch him ,

"You're seeing her RM , she's my gain , using the null reward I won her , I won her from that Bastard "

V uttered pointing towards the stairs,  where Y/n is coming downstairs wearing a white dress , she's looking like like a cute doll .

She came running and stood before V

"How am I looking?? This dress too pretty, you know there are still 20 letf to try , I tried this cause it's cute , thank you so much for these "

Y/n uttered everything in one go .

RM chuckle at her cute Behaviour,  V looked a little flushed as well .

"It's pretty!!"

V replied.

."You think so !!"

Y/n asked leaning to his face .

V stared at her face , which turned Y/n red .

"Hai !!"

Y/n shyly ran away from them .

"She's cute "

V mumbled  covering his face .

RM  smile slightly.



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