"Your Punishment"

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V returns to his room , found Y/n , folding the clothes neatly.

"You're back !!"

Y/n exclaimed noticing him ,

V went closer sitting on the bed he pressed his thumb on her lips and rubbed her lips , Y/n stared at him innocently, 
V smile warmly

"You had your dinner??"

V asked.  Y/n shake her head as no

"Why ??"

He asked leaning on her face this time kissing her lips , Y/n stopped her motion. And kissed back . When he pulled out , Y/n blush shyly.

"I - I was waiting for you "

Y/n replied lowering her gaze .

V lifted her chin .

"I'm not your husband that you have to wait for me "

V replied.

"But the thought of you had eaten or not !! Made me not to eat "

Y/n replied with a pout .

V paused for a moment

"Let's eat "

V uttered and Y/n followed him behind.

At dinner table they were served food .

But as soon as He had his first bite,  he clenched his jaw and stood up with a jolt .

"You !!! Useless Brat !!! Who put this much spices !!"

V shout making Y/n flinch,  immediately each servants gathered and the scene of their Master be this angry made them gulp their saliva.

"Who was in charge of today's meal!!"

V asked in a low voice, but each of them shiver.

"Don't make me repeat myself!!"

This Time V growled.

"W- we made the f-food Master,  but we swear,  we checked before serving you "

A group of ladies gathered themselves at a corner and shivering madly they uttered the words somehow.

Y/n glance at V to know what he's planning to do , V seemed to be unpredictable,

"Robert !! Bring my favorite thing for Me !!"

V uttered,  everyone turned Pale except Y/n .

"V , you're getting angry over a silly reason, "

RM tried to cool him but he glared at Him

"Don't tell me what to do,  and out now"

V replied with a ice cold tone .

Y/n was still sitting looking at everyone's face , soon her eyes widened when a man return with a hunter. She immediately got up from the table .

Robert gave the hunter to V

"Come in a line , if you want me not to loose my patience "

V ordered,  Slow steps they came in a line , V rolled the hunter and as he's about to attack. Y/n jumped in between surprising everyone.

"Noooo , please don't!"

Y/n uttered Making the Ladies behind her gasp .

"Move "

V ordered.

Y/n shook her head .

"I said move !!"

V yell .

Causing Y/n flinch a bit but she didn't move a inch from her place.

"N- no , hurt me it was my fault "

Y/n replied making the servants gasp

"My lady !! What are you saying!!"

The servants whisper from behind.

"Nobody asked you to be their saviour,  so just move , don't interrupt in my business Y/n , don't make me mad "

V respond

Y/n looked determined

"I was feeling bored so I requested them to let me cook the meal , they denied  , but I pleaded a lot , and the food you ate was made by me , your servants are lying so that you won't hurt me "

Y/n uttered Making the ladies behind her gasp again.

"It sounds like a white lie "

V replied

"No it wasn't,  now as you're mad , punish me all you want,  don't hurt them , Don't hurt the innocent people,"

Y/n pleaded,  V startled for a moment and stared at Y/n , Y/n didn't broke the eye contact either.

Lastly with a glare V threw the hunter on the floor and walked away.

As soon as He went out of sight,  the ladies behind her hugged Y/n and started weeping

"Why my lady !! You lied to our majesty just to save us !! "

One lady uttered

"It's alright Luzy , I just tried to protect you all "

Y/n replied.

"But why my lady,  we didn't even behaved nicely to you earlier,  we clearly rejected you and refrain you from cooking yet you lied to save us my lady!! You're an angel "

Other one replied.

"You're the most trustworthy servants of his , so I believe you guys don't deserve to be beaten by a hunter for a small mistake,  and I'm not an angel it's a simple generosity "

Y/n replied with a smile but everyone's eyes filled with tears , and for some her words startled their core .

"We really don't deserve to be beaten by a hunter after all these "

"Yes , we're his most trustworthy peoples"

"He's being too cruel on us "

Few mumbled these words .

Y/n pretend not to hear those and enjoyed the love she's receiving from the servants.

RM noticed everything,  and soon retreated himself without uttering a single words .

As Y/n noticed RM left , she turn towards the ladies

"If you don't mind would you please make something less spicy,  his majesty is currently starving, Please make something for him "

Y/n request and the ladies nod and returned to the Kitchen.
Y/n noticed the food which is still left on the table,  a playful smirk appear on her lips recalling something.



Flashback [evening]

Y/n came downstairs where maids are preparing dinner, 

"Hey !!"

Y/n uttered.  Everyone looked at her but then they ignored and started minding their own business.

Y/n rolled her eyes too .

"Umm I want to make dinner for your master "

Y/n stated Making their movements stop .

"I highly object, my lady , I , luzy , being the head maid can't allow you to interfere into household matters , it's better if you stay inside his room like   a doll "

A woman harshly uttered. 

"But I just wanted to help "

Y/n tried to say .

"But we don't need a helping hand , we know about Master better than you what if you make some mistakes!!"

Other one replied. 

Y/n lowered her head and stood there , the maids engage themselves in their work .

Y/n was being bore when she heard something.

"Don't put too much Chillys,  Master can't tolerate spices "

A maid is instructing other one , a evil smirk appears on Y/n's face ,

She went upstairs,  after a while she returned to the Kitchen again , Kitchen is all empty , she looked around seriously nobody's here , she grabbed the bottle of Chilly powder and removing the cover she added them in them and mix it perfectly,  after that grabbing a bottle she left .

End of Flashback

Y/n returned to the room   , V was still fuming,

"I'm sorry , I made you starve "

Y/n uttered lowering her head .

V immediately grabbed her shoulder harshly.

"Why you lied !!! I know it wasn't you who made the food , I'm eating the same food for years , don't try to trick me "

V uttered gritting his teeth.

Y/n's face turned pale .

"I - I actually didn't wanted you to hurt them "

Y/n replied

"Why ?? They're your nothing then why ?? What you think I won't hurt them if you say so ?? Do you think your someone that important??"

V mock

"No no ,I genuinely believe I'm not something to you , and why would I think you'll stop in my words , I know I'm a nobody,  it's just watching you hurting them,  for a small mistake broke my heart ,I really wanted to take their punishment on me , its just They're your trustworthy servants,  they're loyal to you and serving you this long , if you Reward them like this for their service,  it's not good ,"

Y/n replied shedding tears .

V felt as If his heart clenched, 

"I felt sorry for them,  what is the gain of becoming a monster when you have to torture those who are weak , why Don't fight against another beast, I can feel them , they're weak like me , so I just wanted to share the pain,  "

Y/n uttered while sobbing.  Suddenly V pulled her into his embrace. 

But didn't uttered a single word,  Y/n was startled for a moment Then inaudibly sneer ,


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