Bring the action- •♤~

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Yoongi kicked his car in frustration,

"How incompetent you all !! Just how the fuck he escape!! That insolent brat "

Yoongi shout

"Believe me sir !! He pointed the gun at the innocent driver,  so we had to back off, he even has injured our officer "

Kai defend.

Yoongi grit


Jeep was carrying Jungkook under some officers inspection.

Jungkook was sitting peacefully no movement, officer were mocking and making fun of him

*what do you think miss Cristina will say?*

*what else this man is already screwed *

*imagine being with no surname *

*sure shot , and who will support their husband after being under torture *

Jungkook was hearing with a blank expression

Just when he heard the torture fact

"Did you left me cause I hurt you that day ??"

Jungkook mumbled.

Then suddenly his head lowered

"But Ina , if I go jail what will happen to you ?? You'll left lonely!!"

Jungkook mumbled.

*is he saying something?*

One officer uttered and got up to check he poke Jungkook one twice .

Suddenly Jungkook upper his face and with his handcuffed hand he hit the officer hard .

Other one pulled his gun in defence,

Jungkook Put pressure on his toe and jump  while kicking the hand of the gun.

He catch it and laughed like a maniac as he didn't waste time to shot the two officer.

And unlocked his handcuffed.

The driver and the officer with him turned their car as the last officer pulled his gun .

Jungkook grabbed the driver's neck from the small window

"Move the car to the Seoul hospital!!"

Jungkook ordered.

Officer is puzzled

"You ! Jump out right now !!"

Jungkook growled.

The officer nod being frightened.


Hearing this when Yoongi's team reached they found the driver dead in a place with the Jeep.

"Fuck !!"

Yoongi curse underneath and immediately dialled Jimin's number to alert him.

End of Flashback   

"Where we can find him then ??"

Kai asked

"No idea ! Surely he has went to the hospital "

Yoongi uttered but before he could move he got a call

"Hyung!! Tina is kidnapped!"

Y/n's crying was heard .

Yoongi sigh

"Expected!! The boy has some serious issues with this girl "

Yoongi comment.

"Who sir ??"

Kai asked from the side .

"No one , anyway did you search this hospital??"

Yoongi asked.

"Yes , Taehyung asked that first so we did it ,but she wasn't there "

This time Jimin replied.

"Taehyung?? So he went to search for her ?? I just hope he doesn't kill Jungkook out of rage, anyway no worries If Taehyung went by his own she'll be rescued soon"

Yoongi stated .


"We're coming to you then , "

Y/n uttered.

"Yeah , I'll try to get a link then "

Yoongi replied and ended the call .

Yoongi turned and found a curious Kai

"Who's Taehyung sir ?? Seems like he's a brilliant officer the way your full trust is On him"

Kai uttered.

Yoongi scoff , then adjust himself.

"Um ...yeah he's a secret agent "

Yoongi replied.

Kai's eyes glowed in admiration.

Yoongi roll his eyes


Cristina opened her eyelids slightly, she was supposed to sleep till noon ,to show people she's actually injured and needs rest ,

But now she's hungry, 

Opening her eyes it took some time to adjust the light ,but the view widened her ,

She gasp and look around only to notice a smiling Kook , who's smile is creepy.


Cristina mumbled as she gulp hard

"You're up my Fairy!! Nice "

Jungkook replied with a creepy smirk.

Cristina looked at the street , only trees can be seen both side of the way .

It's not town , may be far away from the city

"W- where are we going??"

Cristina asked Being panicked

"To the dead end "

Jungkook replied.

Cristina couldn't digest it

"I mean , we're going to jump off the cliff Ina , with the car there will be a blust so none of us can survive "

Jungkook uttered with a grin

Cristina turned pale .

Is the guy crazy, yes he is nevermind,

"Stop nonsense Kook , "

Cristina shout as she removed her seat belts .

Jungkook grabbed her wrist

"Not nonsense!! You're dying with me !! No other option Ina don't you remember what we promised in our wedding Vow, we'll stay together until death fall us apart "

Jungkook uttered, though he didn't looked at all sane .

Cristina's eyes widened and hands started trembling

Jungkook gently kiss her hand and uttered.

"Don't be scared ina , death won't be painful as you're with me"

Cristina yank her hand

"Shut up !! I'm not committing suicide with you "

Cristina growled.

Jungkook smirk

"And who will prevent it ? Your Hyung?? Or the officer or Y/n ?? Who will come to save you "

Jungkook mock .

Cristina stayed silent.

Then smirk

"You forgot to mention another name!"

Cristina uttered.

Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed

"Who ??"

Jungkook asked.

"Taehyung "

Cristina uttered proudly.
Jungkook looked at her in disbelief.

That's when they heard a gun shot behind the car , Cristina flinch and cover her ear .

Jungkook looked at the rear view mirror

Another car is chasing them

"Who the fuck is that --"

But Jungkook couldn't finish the sentence.

As he noticed the hand with gun which tried to shot the car , seeing the ring he identified Taehyung.

"Fuck !!"

Jungkook curse underneath as he speed up .

Cristina peeked out from the window and identified the car .

"See he's already here "

Cristina uttered.

Jungkook grit

"But too bad , as we're near the end"

Jungkook uttered as he pulled out his gun . And fire his bullet aiming Taehyung's car's tiers

And the gun firing continue in both sides , but no one did any damage.

Jungkook had to almost take out half of his body fo fire a bullet.

Taehyung didn't let go he fire his gun aiming the tiers .

As they were fighting, Cristina is looking both of them and worry

"No accident please "

She prayed .

That's when she noticed a truck coming the opposite direction.

"Jungkook!! Jungkook!!"

Cristina yell and tried to get him back .

But he's not responding to her yet busy aiming his target.

Cristina turned the steering towards the left ,
But unfortunately that moment Taehyung's bullet hit its target,

Car became a little turbulent.

Cristina somehow managed to diverse
The truck but car moves towards the trees .

Jungkook seeing this jumped off the car .

Car directly hit a tree .

Taehyung's car stopped behind them .

Coming out in a hurry he immediately reached towards the car and opening the door he immediately take out Cristina who's unconscious and blood is flowing down her forhead as well hand was injured.

Taehyung place her on the green ground and tap her

"Princess!! Are you alright!!"

Taehyung asked as he tap her and called her .

Suddenly, Jungkook attack him from behind with a log .

Taehyung got pissed.

"Jungkook!! I know we're in middle off fight ,but Cristina is injured! At least let's take her hospital first!!"

Taehyung pleaded pointing Cristina.

Jungkook didn't pass a glance

"No ... I will not return, they will put me in jail and moreover why would I care if she lives or not !! You're going to kill me as well , so it's better for her to die , after all she's my wife, we took Vow to live together till death fall us apart,   now it would be best if we die here !! We'll be dying together isn't it !!"

Jungkook uttered.

Taehyung's gaze darkened

"So her life doesn't matter to you"

Taehyung asked stopping Jungkook's hand which was raised by him to hit Taehyung.

"No , something that matter is not to defeat by you "

Jungkook growled as he hit him with other hand ,Taehyung bend Backwards to save him and shoved Jungkook away.

Taehyung's eyes are reflecting fire

"I thought at least your obsession was a little least love you have for her , but funny I was totally wrong you never loved anyone you psycho "

Taehyung grit

Jungkook laugh like a kid

"Hold a little longer princess I'll finish him quick "

Taehyung uttered.

"No need To express such sweet words she's going to be a corpse as you won't be able to take her ....I'm going to kill you first "

Jungkook replied with a smirk

"Stop the talk ,and bring some action Bun , so I can finish this early "

Taehyung warn .

Both of them back one of their feet and pulled their fist before their chest, standing in a boxing position.

Once they spare a smirk both speed themselves aiming other the goal .

Jungkook aim to hit Taehyung's ball but Taehyung dodge and hit Jungkook's face with his elbow. Jungkook stopped his by his palm and aim to hit Taehyung's face ,Taehyung turned his face making Jungkook loose his balance, Taehyung turns himself grabbed Jungkook's collar and pulls him over the shoulder and threw on the ground.

Then hover over him

"You're gonna end me !! Just how many life's You're gonna end you scumbag "

Taehyung shout and he hit Jungkook's face with his fist .

Taehyung hold his both hand and punch Jungkook hard till his nose bleed

"Because of you I lost my one and only friend,  because of you My princess is injured!! "

Taehyung blame as he hit him .

Lastly seeing blood ,Taehyung left the almost dead body of Jungkook and got up .


In the mean time Yoongi's team has located Taehyung's location and drove the way .

Yoongi's car stopped Before the accident

And Y/n and Jimin and Yoongi get off along with other Officer.

Seeing Cristina injured all gasp and they found Taehyung beating Jungkook.
They were too stunned to respond

And Y/n and Jimin ran towards Cristina's unconscious body


Taehyung turned back and found Y/n and Jimin near Cristina.

As They're trying to take her inside the car

"Officer you can handle from here"

Taehyung uttered as he was about to walk near Cristina.

But suddenly Everyone's expression turned into horror seeing something


Y/n warn looking scared as she extended her hand towards him .

Before Taehyung could understand anything he felt something hard behind his head , And everything shook
And his eyes  went blurr and black.

Taehyung fell on his knees  holding his head  hand , he found blood .

He looked at the front, Y/n is running towards him as well as Yoongi and Officers .

Behind him he heard a giggle or chuckle as he lost himself.


Yoongi shot Jungkook on his leg, who's holding a sharp edge rock and smiling creepily looking at Taehyung while being drenched in blood .

Y/n caught Taehyung as he black out as she called his name.

Officer ran and caught Jungkook, and few helped Y/n and Jimin to carry both Taehyung and Cristina inside a car

"Hurry !! We can't waste a single time"

Y/n instructed the driver as she Held Taehyung's head in her embrace while shedding tears .

Jimin had affectionately embraced Cristina as he's in tears .

Car drove away with their full speed.

Jungkook was taken with the rest officer.



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