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Cristina's pov

I found myself in a dark room , why it's so dark . I look around no one is here , why Where's everyone?? Hyung??

Taehyung?? I asked as I looked around.

No it's pitch black

I felt cold and my body shiver once .

That's when I noticed a Ray of light, I ran towards it

And there he is Taehyung's standing looking at his palm


I shout .

I don't know why I shout as he's just close.

He turned towards me , but his eyes are not soft as it used to be . His gaze Is blank

"Taehyung!! Come to me!!"

I shout again as I extended my hands .

Taehyung stood in his place and with a blank expression he asked

"Who are you !!"

My smile dropped, what he's saying?? He doesn't remember me ?? It's me your princess!! Why he's so serious!!

"Don't you remember me ??"

I shout again. And he shook his head

No it can't be my heart is aching, it's hurting!! Why he says hurtful words

I tried to reach a little closer but as I stepped one , he's started to fade ,
His existence is fading.
My heart beat raise in anxiety

"No stop !!"

I shout as I tried to touch but he evaporated like a Ray of light .


That's when my eyes open with a jolt
As I tried to got up but
The scenario has changed.

It's a bright room  , I roam my eyes and Found Hyung his eyes are swollen may be he cried all day and night for me ,.seeing me get up like this may be he was a little stunned but he immediately hugged me

"Thank God , you woke up after 5 days !"

Hyung uttered as he sniff .

I smile. But suddenly the nightmare flash before my eyes I quickly pulled out and asked

"Where's Taehyung?? Why isn't he here??"

I asked but, Hyung's expression changed immediately, he turned white in fear .

Why ?? What happened when I was unconscious??

"Tell me Hyung where is he?? And What happened there ?? Did Taehyung won against Jungkook??"

I asked.

Hyung remain silent,  ugh its killing me ,please

I tried to get off the bed but Hyung stopped.

"You're weak Tina , you're not supposed to move"

I felt slightly dizzy as I move ,but I have to check where he is ,

But my body gave up , I hate it why I'm so weak , I want to know where he is , why he's not just here ?? He usually stays near me then why not now ??

Hyung stopped me

"Don't go Tina !! I'll tell you everything relax now "

Hyung uttered.

I noticed Y/n ,

Her eyes are swollen too, but when our eyes met she immediately moved away from the door

"Stop Y/n !"

I somehow shout to prevent her from going.

She  didn't looked at me yet stopped

"Is it too hard to hug your sister who's injured?? "

I uttered.

She turned with a jolt, I can see her urge to hug me ,in her eyes , she ran towards me and embraced me .

"I was so scared that he might kill you !!"

Y/n uttered as she tightened her hug .

I pat her head as I sadly smile

"I'm here all good "

I replied pulling out , as I wipe her tears 

Y/n nod .

It's warm , never thought it before but Y/n do felt a closer one ever since I met her , my only remaining family right ??

I caressed her cheeks , just hoe much she had to go through.

Suddenly Taehyung's thought popped again

"Where's Taehyung??"

I asked and Y/n's eyes widened as she glanced at Hyung, 

But her expression turned into grief,  what exactly happened with him ?

It's getting more and more confusing.

"Tell me !! "

I kinda yell .

End of Cristina's pov   

Y/n sigh and stated.

"He's in coma "

Cristina's eyes is about to come out from its socket

"What !!  How !"

Cristina exclaimed in worry

Y/n explained what happened , how Jungkook hit Taehyung at last,  how they both were taken to hospital, how in OT doctors declared his survival chances are too low , but yet he managed to survive. But he's in coma , no one knows when he's going to awake.

Cristina's heart sank

She sat in silence

"Jungkook was in prison with a life time imprisonment, in charge of attempt to murder as well as with the previous charges "

Y/n added.

Cristina was still silent, suddenly her eyes broke tears

"It's all because of me only I'd he hadn't came to save me !!"

Cristina  cried,

Y/n was startled first but then console Cristina.


"But what now Hyung??"

Cristina asked Jimin who'd feeding her

"You'll resign, then probably the Solomon's party will broke , and Kim will capture it ,  "

Jimin instructed.

Cristina nod

"Then my Unnie is going to be the CEO again??"

Cristina added.

Y/n shook her head

"No ,Tina ,I don't plan to ,I don't know what's gonna happen in Jeon's, as my Grandpa forbid  me to stay in touch with anything that is Jeon so I'm not owning it "

Y/n replied with a smile

"Do whatever you feel like, but I'm worried about the employees"

Cristina uttered.

"We can handle it to the authority "

Y/n suggested and everyone agreed.


Days are passing

Y/n started working with her Grandfather,  Jimin got busy with his new comeback, RM is handling everything as Taehyung is in coma.

Cristina after resignation, came back to her own NGO ,

"It feels home "

Cristina told her secretary Carla with a yawn as she stretch her arms

"Ma'am ,are we going to the orphanage?"

Carla asked.

Cristina shook her head

"I'm going to the hospital, it became a habit now , how i go to the hospital olny to see him sleeping "

Cristina uttered. Carla nod with a smile


"Ma'am sir has awaken!!"

The words were enough to make Y/n rush to the hospital, she found Yoongi, Jimin and RM was present there .

They waited outside the cabin

"Please don't go all together two will be good "

Nurse suggested 

Y/n pleaded to let her go first.

So it's decided that Y/n and Jimin will enter inside,

Y/n walk inside and saw Taehyung was sitting expressionless, as he heard the door opened he shift his gaze towards Y/n and Jimin , but his expression is not at all pleasant


Y/n uttered as she shed happily tears .

Taehyung looked more devastated

"Who ??"

Taehyung asked, to which both Y/n and Jimin  frown

"What do you mean who Taehyung?? I'm Y/n "

Y/n uttered as she reached towards him . Taehyung back off a little as
he looked at Jimin as if he want  a explanation ,

Y/n halt seeing such expression

"What's wrong Taehyung??"

Y/n asked.

"Who's Taehyung??"

Taehyung asked,

And both Jimin and Y/n felt a thunder dropped on them

"What ??"

They gasp immediately.

"Taehyung!! What's wrong?? Don't you remember?? What you're saying??"

Y/n uttered.

Jimin stood in confusion.

"Am I Taehyung??"

Taehyung asked.

"Actually I feel I don't know nothing, my head feels so light and who you are I can't recall your faces "

Taehyung added.

Y/n was stunned, her knee felf weak but Jimin hold her

"You don't remember us ?? You're playing prank right ??"

.Jimin asked.

Taehyung grabbed his head

"No I can't remember believe,  even I wanna know who I'm!! It's so empty !"

Taehyung replied with  a scared expression.

Has they ever encountered Taehyung become this scared.


Cristina reached the hospital and noticed RM and Yoongi outside the cabin

"Why you're here ??"

Cristina asked with a smile

"Taehyung has awaken "

As soon as RM spoke , With a ear to ear smile,  Cristina rushed inside without letting Them stop her .

Entering inside she stopped at the door , when everyone heard the door they turned their face and noticed Cristina.

"Taehyung sshi !!"

Cristina exclaimed with joy !!

Taehyung's eyes freeze on Cristina's face , she ran into his embrace

"I'm so happy that you're awaken!! I missed you a lot "

Cristina uttered Hugging him tightly.

Taehyung didn't pushed her away,

But didn't wrapped his hand around her either rather watched her .

Cristina pulled out feeling confused.

Then she noticed Y/n and Jimin , she thought Taehyung didn't hugged her as Y/n is present.

"How mindless I'm Taehyung ssi !! Anyway I'm happy for you "

Cristina adjust her with a embarrassment.

"Who are you !!"

.the words that escape from Taehyung's mouth was enough to turned Cristina's life upside down

"Huh !!"

.Cristina uttered in shock .

"The way you ran to hug me , as well your presence just raise my heart beats , who are you ??"

Taehyung asked.

Cristina looked at Jimin and Y/n for an explanation.

Y/n stood there , and sigh

Taehyung grabbed Cristina's hand

"Tell me , who you are ?? Why your presence felt like peace!! Why you're familiar!! Why I feels like I'm missing out something , I don't feel that for others but just when you entered into my sight ,my heart started beating unconditionally, I can't remember who am I nor what I am ,but seeing you my heart felt relieved "

Taehyung uttered as he looked anxious.

Cristina was too stunned same for Y/n ,

"She's the woman you loved from the bottom of your heart , you're her lover "

Jimin stated to which both Cristina and Y/n gasp and glared at Jimin

Taehyung didn't seem to bother, his gaze soften as he stare at Cristina may be trying to recognise her .

"Hyung!! What you're saying!"

Cristina scold Jimin ,

Y/n didn't said a single word yet watched Taehyung who's admiring or Staring at Cristina,

She felt her hear has sunk .

"I'm not lying,  You're used to be Her lover , you loved her to the point that you rescued her from her abused husband "

Jimin added with a smirk,

Though Y/n felt sad she didn't replied anything

Hearing Jimin, Taehyung looked at Cristina , who's feeling guilty for Jimin's misconceptions,

"It's not like that-"

Cristina couldn't finish her sentence as Taehyung apologies

"I'm truly sorry , with the feeling I'm feeling inside my heart is enough to tell his words are true but I'm I've forgotten you ,I'm truly sorry ...but I wanna remember you !! I wanna remember memories of us "

Taehyung uttered as he hold Cristina's hand , Cristina shed tears silently while watching him .

That's when RM entered and said

"I just can't wait so I entered!!"

But seeing everyone's expression he halt

"What happened??"

RM asked

"Taehyung doesn't remember anything!"

Jimin uttered.

RM is stunned as he look at Taehyung and found him wiping Cristina's tears looking all like a l0ver boy .

"Taehyung?? You don't remember me as well ??"

RM asked.

Taehyung looked up and looking at RM he shook his head as no .

RM stood in silence as he couldn't digest it .

That's when doctor entered with a file and seeing too many people he looked pissed

"You shouldn't enter all together!!"

Doctors warn

"What happened to him doctor ??"

Y/n asked immediately

"He has lost all his memories due to the injury behind his head , here you cab get the details, but please Don't fill the room , "

Doctor uttered handling the file to Y/n ,

RM left in shock

,Jimin and Y/n Read the file and Y/n felt her heart sunk

Jimin hold her

"Let us leave as well "

Jimin suggested

"Wait Hyung I have some words with you "

Cristina stopped them as she tried to leave but Taehyung stopped her

Cristina looked at Him

"It will haunt me staying inside alone, please Don't leave me "

Taehyung pleaded and Cristina just couldn't left him

"Stay there , we'll be back "

Jimin suggested as he took Y/n out .



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