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Jimin left , Cristina was glancing at there until Taehyung spoke

"I'm really sorry I stopped you from going, I just felt very anxious after waking up "

Cristina snapped her thoughts and focus on Taehyung

She's scared as she's experiencing a new Taehyung,  the previous dominating one and cool sassy one is not here .

"No don't be sorry,  I'm here ,until you ask me to leave "

Cristina replied with a warm smile.

Taehyung's eyes soften.

"You look too beautiful I wonder how I forgotten you !! You look like a fallen angel or like a Fairy "

Taehyung uttered caressing her hand ,but Cristina turned white hearing the word Fairy ,Jungkook used to call her this till the very end , after Jungkook's imprisonment Cristina didn't visited him , tried to forgotten everything like a nightmare but now Taehyung again brought it back unknowingly,

Seeing Cristina pale and silent, Taehyung looked panicked

"Did I said something wrong?? Why you turned pale!! I I'm so sorry I'm sorry "

Taehyung apologies.

Cristina returned from her thoughts, yes Jungkook used to call her that so what !!
Now everything has changed and she shouldn't be sad recalling previous memories.

"No , you didn't said anything wrong, "

Cristina replied with a warm smile .

"Really right ?? Then can you tell me how was I previously?? You know just before waking up I saw some violent people in my dream , I felt so scared...so please tell me how was I .. I wasn't a bad person right ?? How I end up here ??"

Taehyung asked like a scared anxious little kid .

Cristina's heart thump

She immediately hold his face with concern

"No , you were never a bad person,"

Cristina stated.

Then after a moment of thinking
She added

"You're a great person, you saved people's life , you made kids happy, you punish the evil , you were actually a hero before loosing your memory "

Cristina replied.

Her words were so affectionate that doctors stood to watch them with a smile

"Then why I lost my memory!! I wanna remember everything!! I wanna remember you !"

Taehyung uttered again like a anxious kid

"You will remember her ,under some medication you'll be able to remember her "

Doctor spoke.

Cristina smile and nod

Nurse entered with a stroller of food

"It's time to eat Mr. Taehyung, hope your lover will feed you , within her care you'll recover soon "

Doctor uttered.

Nurse place the food and medicine.

"No , I can eat by myself, you were going to talk you can go now"

Taehyung uttered taking the chopsticks.

Cristina giggle, he's literally changed 360° will the previous Taehyung ever tone like this ??

"No let me feed you,  I'll go later "

Cristina uttered taking chopsticks from his hand .

She grabbed a amount of food and shoved before his mouth,  Taehyung was mesmerised by her giggle that he only stare at her .

He took the bite and started to chew .
Cristina smile

"You know! You used to feed me too ,"

Cristina uttered resting her chin on her palm looking at him , Taehyung gulp and asked

"I did ?? Were you injured??"

Taehyung asked innocently, uff Cristina will die by his cuteness 

"No , you used to treat me like a kid no,you used to treat me like a princess or something, you even made a castle for me "

Cristina replied recalling the amazing moment they shared.
Then sigh

Taehyung looked guilty

"I really don't remember anything, but if I had done all these , it might be heartbreaking to you to see me like this"

Taehyung apologies fidgeting his fingers.

Cristina's heart is already hurting when the used to gaze of him changed ,but he's not to blame, she's responsible for his condition.

"It hurts but you're not blame "

Cristina replied and embraced him to comfort him ,

Taehyung this time wrapped his arms around her he sniff

"Your cologne is familiar!! Too familiar "

Taehyung whisper as he tightened his grip ,

Cristina recall previous time ,when Taehyung asked her to never change her perfume ever , he loves the Vanilla smell of her .

"Now let's finish your meal "

Cristina uttered pulling out .


She continued to feed him, after finishing she handled medicine,
Taehyung swallowed it with water.

"Now it's time to sleep , sleep tight "

Cristina uttered helping him lie down,

"You won't go anywhere right?? Fairy??"

Taehyung asked.

Cristina smile

"I won't "

Cristina replied and kissed his forhead,

Taehyung blush visibly.

Then soon he drift into sleep



Jimin made Y/n sit OK bench , she's quite

"I didn't said that to make you sad y/n , but you need to understand!! Remove the blind fold ,Taehyung loves Cristina, even after loosing his memory he felt her familiar not you !! So don't draw yourself at grief "

Jimin uttered as he knelt before her .

"But then after recalling memory he won't love me ??"

Y/n asked almost whisper, as tears dropped,
Jimin immediately wipe off the tears

"He never loved you Y/n , he never !! If you think clearly you'll find the answer,"

Jimin uttered in concern .

Y/n's pov  

As Jimin said ,some vision flash before my eyes , the day he rushed to save Cristina, the way he held Cristina's hand even after forgetting everything, and Cristina said earlier that Taehyung was with her when she was fake kidnapped,  was I  being a fool not to notice this ?? Even earlier, he saved Cristina, he did everything for only Cristina,

How can I  ignore these , I  was swayed by only my  emotions, but then also was the all sweet behaviour nothing??

"Then why he behaved so affectionately??"

I asked Jimin .

This guy is so much concerned about me , yet I'm still asking questions that will hurt him .

"Because he wanted you to feel the same you made him felt earlier,  he wanted revenge along this , RM Hyung told me he didn't loved you at all everything was a act !! What's more previously he felt affectionate towards you just because you was similar with Cristina,  Cristina was his first love ,So please please Y/n I beg you don't loose yourself,  "

Jimin pleaded, but I'm stunned, it was all an act ?? Just to make me feel the pain !! I sigh tears are not stopping.

"Y/n pleaded don't cry now , it won't help ,please, I'm not saying you to move on with me !! But at least forget him "

Jimin uttered.

I halt how can he be so selfless!! The more I see Jimin the more I wonder!! He's so selfless for me , yet I hurt him each day . Is it because of this ?? I crave for Love and see I rejected his love Just because I was blinded by my love ,

No I can't come between Taehyung and Cristina,  if they're happy with each other I'll move on for sure ,

But Jimin deserves better, at least better than Me, I've ruined his life already, not more .

End of Y/n's pov   

"Thanks Jimin sshi , I'll try to overcome this "

Y/n replied holding Jimin's hand , Jimin felt relieved.

"How could you do this Hyung!!"

Cristina's sudden yell startled both of them

She stomped towards them

"Why you said that earlier!! Taehyung loves Y/n , "

Cristina said sternly.

"No ,he doesn't, he loves you ,all the gentle behaviour was only for you,  his love , care , affection everything resolves around only you Tina"

Y/n uttered before Jimin

"Y/n !!"

Cristina stare and stood speechless.

"I'm right,  you should acknowledge it Tina , everything he did for you was something he never has done for anyone, his love for you was so selfless that even after forgetting everything he still felt you familiar "

Y/n uttered holding Cristina's hand .

Cristina's eyes form tears

"Then what about you !! Sissy !!"

Cristina asked

Y/n looked at Jimin then again turned towards Cristina

"You always have to choose someone who loves you !! So I'll do that , and I can guarantee I won't saddened your Hyung "

Y/n replied as she turned away and holding Jimin's hand she walk away.

Cristina felt as if Y/n hid her tears .

Cristina's pov   

I can say ,she's not completely over him ,but what scares me what if one Day Taehyung recall everything and returned to Y/n ?? She was his first love.

Suddenly I curse myself,  since when I envied Y/n this much , is it because I feel for Taehyung,  but I promised myself not to love anyone again,  but now it hurts to think that He might love someone else , will he ??

I can't think much,  let's just stay like this , I must take care and shower him with love, like he used to . Then I won't stay in burden ....I'm not in love ,it's the burden of things I'm grateful for .

I headed inside again.


After two days he got discharged, I brought him to the castle house

"Is the Giant mansion your home ??"

He exclaimed in wonder.

I giggle

"And you made it for me "

I replied, he looked at me in disbelief.

Maids reach and bow ,

I've already told them the term and conditions,

"Now you rest here , I'll come after my work "

I uttered,  glancing my watch.

"Work ??"

He asked.

I nod

"What work do I used to do ??"

He asked, 

I was silent started thinking what should I say , but then I remembered he worked in my NGO for few days ,

I smile and reply

"You work in a NGO , with me "

He nod

"I'll take you Tomorrow  ,but rest now "

I told him as I left.

End of Cristina's pov  

Taehyung headed upstairs to His room , maids glance at each other in wonder ,
How he exactly went on his own .


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