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"Taehyung Uncle!!"

A group of kids ran towards Taehyung as soon as He entered the playground with Cristina,  they surrounded him

"You'll read a story for us too right ?? "

"Did you brought chocolates too ??"

Taehyung was startled and stare at Cristina nod and replied instead of him ,

"He will "

Kids beam and pulled Taehyung with them ,

Cristina watched Kids gathering under a tree , Taehyung sat in middle with a book and started telling the story .he's smiling, giggling,

Cristina smile

"Carla , take the snacks for the kids inside "

Cristina instructed and returned her gaze again to the kids and Taehyung

"How can a person this much after a memory loss ?? Is it possible?? "

Cristina mumbled.

She crossed her arms and watched them with a smile , recalling a previous incident.



Cristina called Taehyung who was throwing stone at the pond ,

Turning towards Cristina he found two kids with her .

"They wants to tell you something "

Cristina uttered with a playful smile while standing behind the kid .

Taehyung frown and glance at the two tiny things, they're holding few tiny flowers,

They extended that to Taehyung,

"We want to give you this , you're good person and thanks for today "

They uttered still looking down ,

Taehyung glance at Cristina, She eyed him ,

Taehyung took it idly,

Kids immediately ran away.

"What's there to be grateful for , I only read them a book and they're that happy??"

Taehyung asked rolling his eyes ,
Cristina hit his elbow slightly

"Don't be like that , small act of generosity brings them smile as they crave for this"

Cristina uttered staring at the way kids left,

"But I don't like kids "

Taehyung replied Turning his face

"Lie !! You just don't show it "

Cristina protest .

Taehyung was about to say something Cristina stuffed a cupcake inside his mouth and ran away giggling.

Taehyung when he understood, chase behind her .

Flashback  ends    

A tear escape from her eyes ,she quickly wipe it off , and went near the kids .


"Do we used to walk holding hands previously??"

Taehyung asked licking his ice cream,

Cristina shook her head
And replied,

"No it's first time,  "

After saying goodbye to the kids , Cristina decided to go on a walk with Taehyung,

Taehyung was walking suddenly halt seeing a couple riding bicycle

"Wanna go to amusement Park?"

Cristina suggested excitedly,

Taehyung nod with same excitement,


Time skip

[A week later ]

"Here your pills , take this and sleep"

Cristina handle medicine to Taehyung who's sitting on bed

Taehyung took pills and nod ,

After a moment he lie down,  Cristina kissed his forhead before leaving the room,

Coming out she found a maid

"Ma'am few people came to meet , saying its an emergency "

Maid informed

"Came to meet me here ??"

Cristina mumbled as she went downstairs,

And found the authority whom Jeon's company has handled.

"You people??"

Cristina asked Being super confused,

"We went to your office ma'am your secretary informed so we came here "

One of them uttered.

Cristina gesture them to sit ,

As they sat she asked

"So why you're here ??"

They glance at each other

"Save the company, its getting difficult to handle cause our authority has different opinions and the employees are not accepting anything,  they want a leader a CEO "

Other uttered.

Cristina's eyes twitch

"But why you're here ?? I'm a no one , it should be Y/n I mean Mish's decision "

Cristina replied.

They again glance at each other

"Ma'am miss Y/n told us , its yours now she doesn't own Jeon "

They said jointly, 

Cristina almost chocked.

"What ??"

She asked.

They nod , Cristina sigh ,she needs to discuss this with Y/n ,

"Fine, I'll see what I can do you can leave the unsolved documents "

Cristina replied rubbing her temples.

They nod and left , Cristina immediately dialled Y/n

"Unnie !! What's this!you can't drop the responsibility on me !!"

Cristina yell as soon as Y/n answered,  their relationship turn the sweet and sour type  ,

"Tina ,but I can't broke the promise I gave to Grandpa, and the employees needs job as well , so I ask them to go near you "

Y/n replied.

"But Unnie!! How can I handle it at least help me "

Cristina whine

"But I can't help you now , as me and Jimin is launching a cosmetic brand recently, so I'm very much busy right now ,I am extremely sorry my sissy ,"

Y/n replied

Cristina halt

"Wait !! You two ? "

Cristina asked.

"Ummm , actually we engaged secretly, and I m0ved with him "

Y/n replied with a shyness

"And you didn't told me !! How cruel !!"

Cristina yell ,

Y/n cough

"It was your Hyung who wanted to surprise you "

Y/n replied.

Cristina pout

"Surprise my foot ,its  clearly you two had forgotten "

Cristina replied.

Y/n chuckle

"Sorry sissy , I beg you forgive us "

Y/n apologies.

"Fine , what can I say now anyway this means I've to solve this problem "

Cristina replied with a sigh

"Sorry "

Y/n apologies again 

Cristina hummed and ended the call .

She glanced at the file .


Next morning    

Cristina walked inside the Jeon enterprise along with Jungkook's previous secretary,

Employees watched that and gossip started.

*if miss Cristina becomes CEO she will be easier to manipulate *

*fuck that , I'll try to seduce her *

*look at her ,looking sexy *

*deal will surely be finalised by her face*

Reaching before the CEO's cabin Cristina stopped and ask secretary to call the high level employees,


"Yesterday, authority to whom we handled the company return it to me , saying to handle it , so I'm here to announce the new CEO "

Cristina announce as soon as everyone gathered,

Male employees smirk and nod .
Female as well nod ,

After getting a positive response Cristina continues

"I got a complaint about how you all nag cause you all wanted a CEO who can manage the company, so I'm here to give you your new CEO "

Cristina uttered.

"Why go round and Round Ma'am,  we got it ,that you're the new CEO , Mr.  Jeon's wife "

One comment.

Cristina's face darkened.

"Mr. Jeon's ex wife , and for your kind information its not me who's going to handle it , I brought a capable person for it "

Cristina replied with a smirk,

Everyone gasp

And starts to discuss in a low voice.

Cristina dialled a number

"You can come now "


Soon they all heard sound of boots ,

Turning backwards they found, a damn gorgeous tall male figure coming towards them wearing black suit ,his eyes are cold , but face is so attractive that Female employees fail to hide their emotions, its none other Kim Taehyung, one who just made a grand entry,
His walk expresses elegance and empowerment, he walked straight beside Cristina.

Cristina smile


"CEO !! Are you crazy Fairy, I just woke up and you dropped a bomb "

Taehyung exclaimed in fear .

"Don't be frightened, you just read the files and you solved the problems don't you ?? I even asked ex manager of Mr. Sunghoon to confirm it , yet you're whining "

Cristina uttered.

"But that doesn't mean ,I can be the CEO !! It's scary,  I mean handling a company, omg no no no "

Taehyung tried to run ,
Cristina grabbed his wrist

"Please for me !! I'll do everything for you, please do this !!"

Cristina uttered with puppy eyes

"Ugh , not again you always convince me using your cuteness "

Taehyung replied with a sigh

"So you're in ??"

Cristina asked excitedly leaning in

Taehyung stare at her lips

"Only if you let me taste it "

Taehyung uttered pointing at her lips ,

Cristina's cheeks reddened, she immediately peek on his lips , but Taehyung hold her waist and lean in the kiss , kissing her soul out ,

After a while they're breathing heavily.

"It felt like previously "

Cristina mumbled ,

Taehyung caressed her cheeks

"I don't know about previous but I'm falling for you each day  , I swear "

Taehyung replied .

Cristina blush,

"So you're doing it ?? Right for me ??"
Cristina asked lowering her gaze ,

Taehyung life her chin

"I will do everything for you , my heart just can't disobey you "

Taehyung replied.

Cristina's cheeks reddened,

End of Flashback  

"He's your CEO , Mr. Kim Taehyung,  he'll lead the company from today, "

Cristina announced.

Everyone is mesmerised by Taehyung's presence,

*so elegant,  just like Mr. Jeon *

*he looks more attractive *

*he's so hot !! I hope he's not married *

*his gaze Is so deep ,scary *

*his eyes are scary *

Taehyung eyed everyone

"From today, I'm your leader, your boss ,I expect you to work with sincerity"

Taehyung spoke.

Everyone nod

"GO with her she'll take you to your cabin,  good luck for your first day "

Cristina instructed. Taehyung nod

But when no one is watching, Taehyung peek at Cristina's cheeks before leaving,

Cristina was stunned by the action but then walk away.


Taehyung followed his manager inside

Entering his cabin he examined the room , neat and clean

But colour is and aesthetic is not his taste

"I'd like to change the interior "

Taehyung uttered.

"Tell me how you like it , I'll ask to change it "

Secretary replied.

Taehyung nod and headed towards the Desk sitting on the chair, he examined the things on the desk

That's when her attire came to his vision.

"Don't wear short clothes before me !! I feel irritated "

Taehyung uttered raising his voice.

The girl nod and uttered in a low voice

"You're speaking like Mr. Jungkook "

Taehyung noticed a  photo frame on the desk and picked it ,it's a wedding picture of Cristina and Jungkook's,  where Cristina was in Jungkook's embrace all giggling.

Taehyung's eyes darkened as he stare at the picture,  the girls words came to his ear , he chuckle  and asked

"I am ??"

Then straighten himself tossing the photo frame to the dustbin ,

" commenting on how people speak isn't your job ?? Is it?"

Taehyung asked nonchalantly.

Girl gulped and shook

"So bring the workdon't just stand there"

Taehyung's instructed.

The girl nod and left immediately.



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