_Courtroom _

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A Cabin with glass walls, and on a Oval shape Table some documents were kept,  the person sitting in the center is examining them .

Just beside two chair Jungkook is sitting with a blank face and beside him another old man was sitting and advising something to him

The other members at the table also had some documents.

Suddenly pushing the glass door a man entered

"Sorry for being Late my lord "

the man uttered with a bow

"Where's your client??"

Jungkook asked seeing that man

"She can't come ,I ,Soobin is   here as a representative of her , " The man replied

Jungkook grit

Soobin sat on a empty seat

"So tell me advocate Soobin, why your client has put charges against Mr. Jungkook , "

Judge asked returning the papers to the table.

Soobin adjust some documents and showed it to the Judge.

"It's a property paper made By Jeon Sunghoon,  and here my Client's share is clearly mentioned, so my client just wants her share "

Soobin uttered and Jungkook jump off the chair with a widened eyes.

"It's impossible!! There was no such will by my Dad !!"
Jungkook growled

His advocate tried to calm his .

"Mr. Jeon ,don't shout here it's offensive"  Judge warn

Jungkook sat back clenching his jaw

"Mr. Jungkook this will is made Later ,so the papers you submitted are invalid as the sign are same "

Judge uttered.

Jungkook rubbed his temples in frustration.

"My lord , we want time to prove the allegations wrong "

Mr. Lee suggest

"Fine , I'll give you a date next week , if you can't prove anything Then you have to give the mentioned share to miss Mish "

Judge uttered.

Mr. Lee nod

"Discussion ends here "

Judge uttered and got up , Everyone left the room

Jungkook sat there fuming in anger.

"I thought you burned such documents Jinnie "

Jungkook mumbled.


"Judge gave another date to them , but don't worry we already won "

Soobin uttered with a wink

Y/n nod still thinking something.

"Don't worry , I won't disappoint you "

Soobin uttered placing his hands on her shoulder.

Y/n smile And left Soobin's office.


Returning to V's Mansion she started thinking hard

"What happened there ?"

Taehyung asked sitting across the couch with a ice cream.

"They asked another date "

Y/n replied

"You're stressed because of that ??"

Taehyung asked,  Y/n shook her head as no

"Then what ??"

Taehyung questioned

"I'm wondering why Jin had kept those papers still now , why ?? He helped Jungkook but then left the prove??"

Y/n asked.

"May be he has different intentions, he planned those papers to use later "

Taehyung uttered.

"I think that too , but motive ?? Why did this and that, wait is he married??" Y/n asked

"I think so , but never seen his family,  but I guess I've seen a pic of a little girl on his wallpaper "

Taehyung replied.

"He wasn't planning to add some more in that papers and claim his daughter is Me and claim the entire Kingdom he created through Jungkook??"

Y/n asked biting her nails

"Quiet possible,  may be that's why he tried to make Jungkook rise high"

Taehyung replied.

Y/n sigh .

"Btw have you seen RM Hyung?? "

Y/n asked.

Taehyung smirk

"Nope "

Taehyung replied

"I'm worried,  he never visited after that conversation,  he's not even answering calls "

Y/n uttered with a sigh .

Taehyung laugh Loud leaving Y/n confused.

"What ??"

Y/n asked

"He - he finally ditched you !!"

Taehyung uttered between laugh

Y/n's eyebrows furrowed

"He cut off all ties with you may be to shook hands with his brother "

Taehyung uttered.

"You're laughing??"

Y/n stated gazing at him

"Isn't it amusing?? I see you in my place asking help from your Hyung but he chose to ditch you "

Taehyung mock leaning on her face

"B-but "

Y/n tried to utter.

"Seeing this happens to you gives me immense happiness "

Taehyung replied leaving Y/n there alone.



"You can't do this Jinnie!!"

Jungkook mumbled continuously trying to contact Jin

But Jin wasn't responding.

Jungkook is getting angry

"You can't take back the ladder after pushing me towards the peak "

Jungkook uttered chewing his nails while still trying to call Jin .

Jungkook got up picking his suit he headed towards outside

That's when His secretary stopped him

"Sir !! You're leaving?"

Secretary asked.

"Yes , cancel everything for today "

Jungkook replied lazily

"But Sir , your Dinner Party at Kang's place ??"

Secretary asked

Jungkook Halt

"I remember it , I'll join at night with Ina" 

Jungkook answer before leaving completely.


"He went somewhere without telling anyone??"
Jungkook asked the caretaker of Jin's House.

"Yes , Sir left in a hurry and asked if someone comes in search of him just to say that he doesn't know either when he will return "

Caretaker uttered.

Jungkook chuckle like a maniac.

Caretaker got scared

"Are you alright??"
Caretaker asked

Jungkook nod and left .

"So you left me like this "

Jungkook mumbled underneath with a smirk.


Y/n was in her bed thinking Taehyung's words .

That's when her phone buzz .it's Jimin

She received it and gaped her mouth to utter something

"Are you feeling better??"

Jimin asked before letting Y/n say anything.

Y/n closed her mouth with a smile

"Um , no ...no I mean yes "

Y/n stutter

"It's ok if you don't want to tell me but at least be true to your feelings , don't lie to yourself"

Jimin advise

Y/n halt

"Why you says such dearly words to me , Each  moment I think I'm not worthy I'm a shit , you say something so Dearing that I feel overwhelmed "

Y/n replied

"I say what I feel , and I feel you need love and affection,  your whole life was a mess Y/n , your eyes reflects the emptiness Y/n , and I want to fill the emptiness with love "

Jimin uttered

Y/n is speechless.

"Y-your words are heavy Jimin sshi , "

Y/n uttered

"But I mean each words I mentioned "

Jimin uttered.

"I don't know , but thanks , your words of affirmation made my mood a little lightened "

Y/n replied

"Can I make a request??"

Jimin asked.

"Oh , sure ,"

Y/n replied immediately

"Can you share what's stressing you , I might not give you any advice  ,but I can guarantee it will help you thinking straight "

Jimin uttered.

Y/n recalled herself saying same thing to V once .

She sigh and explained her worry about Jin and RM  everything.

Jimin didn't interrupt in between.

"I don't know what I should do , everything messed again "

Y/n uttered again after finishing her story

"Don't trust anyone,  and complete the one you started,  and I think you shouldn't rely on anyone,  your enemy is Jungkook , taking things back from him should be your main motive , don't move from it , and work by yourself "

Jimin uttered

"But RM Hyung?"

Y/n mumbled.

"Leave them , your work is already in it's process,  just be cautious , I suggest not to trust V fully as well , I know you won't ask help from me but if you ever find me worthy to help you, Please feel free to ask "

Jimin suggest and Y/n heard her heart beat crazily.

"I- I will keep that in mind ,"

Y/n replied, she doesn't know why she's blushing.

"Oh , i need a place with high security,  can you arrange that "

Y/n asked

"At your service my lady "

Jimin replied.

Y/n's cheeks reddened again.

"See ya ,then "

Y/n uttered

"Take care of yourself , ok then "

Jimin finished and ended the call

"He's gentle and warm "

Y/n stated while her cheek turned red

Suddenly she realized and slapped her cheeks

"Get a grip Y/n !! "

Y/n scold herself.


"Tonight??" Taehyung asked

"Yes , sooner the better,  Cristina told me Jungkook has a dinner party tonight and she also informed, Jin has left town "

Y/n uttered

"You're thinking, Jin will try to do something with President??"

Taehyung asked.

"Not sure , but we should go tonight,  "

Y/n uttered

"So get ready to do some action "

Taehyung uttered with a wink .


Y/n prepared some guards of her to go with them .

And discuss the plan , how they will enter inside and where they are going to keep him .

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