|~Late Night Walk~ |

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"You're sure ?? You checked it ??"

Y/n asked walking somewhere

"Yes , it's not medical care, it's a Mental hospital,  and I remember Jungkook first kept Hoseok here , it's not a normal Hospital either ,"

Taehyung replied through phone

"Then it's possible,  he had kept President there , but it's still not confirmed yet "

Y/n uttered

"No , I'm confirmed He's here , just moment ago I saw Jin here , he instructed them something, and after that trucks filled with doctor instruments has reached here "

Taehyung replied.

"Correct , as Jungkook promised He has to present President before Cristina,  so he will turn the Mental Hospital into a medical care , as shifting President will be difficult....but this also reflects President is in serious Danger,  what if he had lost his Mental stability completely??"

Y/n asked.

"Quiet possible,  Hoseok was kept here under drug , if That same thing had happened with President then it's obvious he had lost his Mental stability completely "

Taehyung replied.

"But , a President is kept here in such condition and nobody knows??nobody protested??"
Y/n sigh

"50% members of Minister council are Jungkook's person,  he made them a political character "

Taehyung replied.

"We need to hurry ,  sooner is better "

Y/n replied.

"What about tonight??"
Taehyung asked.

"I'll inform you "

Y/n ended the call and pushed a glass door

She entered Inside, into the Office and removed her cap and mask

"Oh , you're here , I had send the papers as you Said "

Lawyer replied.

"Do you think we can win against him through this ??"

Y/n asked

Lawyer nod


Jungkook was in his office rubbing his temples.

He got up and threw files in frustration

"I knew it , she will do it !!"

Jungkook uttered picking a file

"But in what basis you summoned me in a battle in Court ?? What card do you have Mish !! "

Jungkook uttered chewing his nails

"Ugh !! She can't get a single inch from Sunghoon's property,  then why ?? "

Jungkook yell in frustration.

His secretary entered running

"Sir !sir are you alright??"

Secretary uttered panicking

"Yes , I'm OK,  no one can snatch my Empire, I Will win against you "

Jungkook mumbled

"S-sir ?" Secretary asked

"Call Mr. Lee , ask him to meet me urgently "

Jungkook instructed.

"Lawyer Lee ??"
Secretary asked

Jungkook nod biting his lips.

Secretary left

"I'm missing a link for sure , Mish's sudden approach, a summon in court , a robbery in my farmhouse, I'm surely leaving a clue "

Jungkook mumbled

Suddenly his phone buzz

*I missed one time but I won't each time*

Jungkook threw his phone out of frustration.


Cristina was sitting in her living room when Jungkook entered in a hurry

"You're supposed to go out for a deal don't you ?"

Cristina asked.

Jungkook took a breath.

"Yes , I know but Ina make sure you don't leave the household until I returned "

Jungkook uttered.

Cristina's hand suddenly reached her cheek

Jungkook noticed that and immediately knelt before her

"I won't do that I promise,  but promise me , you won't leave the house "

Jungkook uttered. Cristina sigh and nod

Soon Jungkook left .

Cristina had her dinner .

And locked herself in her bedroom.

Standing in the balcony she closed her eyes to feel the cold wind .

After a moment hearing thin noise she opened her eyes and can't stop But to chuckle seeing V entering through the Window.

"Mr. Flynn Rider "

Cristina uttered.

"Missing me princess??"

Taehyung replied poking her forhead slightly

"It's late night, you should not have come here at this hour "

Cristina scold

"Your Husband is out of town , how can I miss such chance "

Taehyung uttered leaning on the wall.

"Forbidden meets ?? "

Cristina asked

"It is , we are sharing moment in absence of your husband "

Taehyung uttered caressing her cheeks

"Then ,you should leave , I don't want to become a cheater "

Cristina uttered and back off.
Taehyung chuckle

"Do you love me ??" Taehyung asked

Cristina shook her head

"Did we ever make out ??" Taehyung asked

Cristina widened her eyes and shook her head rapidly,  Taehyung chuckle

"Then how can you say you're cheating??"

Taehyung stated.  Cristina nod

"Not all forbidden meets are cheating "

Taehyung replied plucking few hair strands behind her ear

"Still - I think you should leave "

Cristina replied fidgeting her fingers.


Taehyung laugh , Cristina's tilt her head in confusion

"Why you except I'll go just by listening to you , you're all alone in this dark room......and you has no idea what I desire right now "

Taehyung uttered moving closer to her , Cristina didn't broke her eye contact with him but stepped backwards.

Finally he pin her on the balcony wall and lean towards her face , Cristina remain like previous not scared

"I know you won't do anything "

Cristina replied with a smile.
Taehyung smirk

"What made you so confident??" Taehyung asked

"I don't know, but my instinct told me you won't do anything , you gained the trust when you saved me from the killers "

Cristina replied pushing him off her slightly.

Taehyung back off with a chuckle.

"Wanna go for a walk ??"

Taehyung asked

"At this hour ??" Cristina asked widening her eyes

Taehyung nod

"I had seen your Dad today " Taehyung uttered

"Really?? How's he ? Where's he ??"

Cristina asked Being excited

"I'll tell you everything but first let's go somewhere first "

Taehyung uttered

"But ,I promised Jungkook I won't go outside and I know he might have kept people to keep eye on me , I can't "

Cristina replied

Taehyung chuckle.

"It's ok if Cristina doesn't want to go , but -"

Taehyung stopped in the middle pulling out something from his small bag

And placed It on Cristina's head

"But you can go like this "

Taehyung replied handling a glasses to her

"A wig ??" Cristina asked taking the wig from her head .

Taehyung nod .

Cristina tied her hair and wore a wig of black hair ,and a big frame Glasses.


Lone street two figure are walking holding hands .

"So How's my Dad ??"

Cristina asked

"He's in heavy drug dose , he can't even listen anyone,  They chained him , "

Taehyung replied , Cristina gasp and lower her eyes .

"Don't worry , we will go tomorrow to rescue Him " Taehyung assured.

Cristina's face lightened

She asked

"Yes , So don't take stress and stay safe"

Taehyung replied

"But can I meet him tomorrow?? I want to meet him "

Cristina asked

"I'll inform you about it ok "

Taehyung replied,  Cristina nod .

"Thank you so much,  you and Y/n are doing so much for me,  I'll be grateful for my whole life"

Cristina uttered with   a smile

"Don't worry , I don't do anything for free , I'll take back my reward for risking this long " Taehyung replied rubbing her lips by his thumb.

Cristina stare at him with blue doe eyes , His eyes locked in it , and He could feel his heartbeat raising.


Next morning ________

Jungkook returned in the  morning

He rushed to his room

And Found Cristina is still sleeping.

"Strange! She usually wakes up early "

Jungkook stood for a moment and thought

Then sat on the bed beside her

And stare at her peacefull sleeping face

"Angel?? Goddess?? Fuck ! Your beauty is impossible to compare "
Jungkook mumbled and kissed her cheek

Her slumber broke . Cristina parted her eyes slightly then close her eyes again

"Let me sleep little more Flynn Rider "

Cristina mumbled.

"Flynn Rider??  " Jungkook uttered twitching his eyebrow

Hearing his voice,  Cristina woke up completely

She opened her eyes with jolt and Found Jungkook.

"Y-you're here ? This early?"

Cristina asked yawning

"Early?? It's already 10 in the morning "

Jungkook replied.

Cristina glance watch and bite her tongue

"I overslept " Cristina mumbled

"You're dreaming about Tangled?? You said Flynn Rider "

Jungkook asked caressing her

"Y-yeah , I was dreaming "

Cristina replied averting her gaze .

Jungkook nod with a smile.

That's when Cristina's phone buzz .

She got up , it's from Carla .

Jungkook changed into casual clothes.

And dialled someone's number.


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