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"Why you called me so urgently Jinnie "
Jungkook asked

They are currently in Jin's House.

"To warn you Kook , Mish is alive " Jin stated

Jungkook's eyes widened

"What !! How !"
Jungkook uttered in shock

Jin nod

"She's the one doing all this , see "

Jin handle a piece of paper to Jungkook

*Scared aren't you ?? Dear Oppa ?? Oh I mean Stepbrother *

Jungkook tore the piece of paper in anger

"What  now then Jinnie??"

Jungkook asked.

"I'll search for her , but you make sure to stay strong,  she will do something to mess your mind ,you need to calm down" Jin console

"How can I stay calm, that thorn returned!! Jinnie what if she claim the Empire I created in these years ?"

Jungkook asked looking scared.

Jin hold his hands

"Kook !! Stop panicking, you'll fail even before trying if you panic , "

Jin scold

Jungkook didn't stayed calm

"Kook,  Kook listen to me , how can Mish claim Her Dad is not Alive and we destroyed everything remember, Mish is trying to scare you nothing much ,you need to stay unbothered "

Jin assured

Jungkook nod

"Yes , there's no proof , she can't snatch anything, I need to stay calm "

Jungkook mumbled rapidly.

Jin sigh

"Now go back , Until Solomon dies and we kicked out Jimin , we can't proceed the plan , so currently I want you to do nothing,  just stay busy in your office works there are many leftover deals ,finalize those secure your reputation "

Jin advise

Jungkook nod thinking deeply.

"Jinnie,  but Ina wishes to see her Dad , I promised I will let her meet him , but what now ??"
Jungkook asked

"Better,  she should meet her Dad before his last breath,  Solomon is loosing his mental stability due to the drugs soon the drugs will take his life , it's better for her to meet him for the last time"

Jin uttered with a smirk

"But Jinnie,  we had to shift Him into some Lavish hospital first,  if she finds out *Sucheon * is actually a mental hospital we created for organ trafficking??"

Jungkook asked

"No need , if we shift him now  ,she will get that easily, and more importantly,  I can Change Sucheon mental hospital to Sucheon Nursing home for one day , And your dumb wife don't have that much brain to find out anything "

Jin scoff

Jungkook sigh

"That's great I think,  I suppose it Will be better , do this then "

Jungkook replied.

"I'm counting on you Jinnie "

Jungkook uttered

"You can always count on me "

Jin replied sweetly

Jungkook left the room

Jin smirk

"Sometime I get jealous of my brain , how fantastic Ideas I make "

Jin mumbled

Otherside ....

Jungkook stopped at the doorstep And smirk

"Something is suspicious "

Jungkook mumbled Then reached his car .


"That's all he said ??"

Y/n asked through call

"Yes , did you investigated Illsan before??" Cristina asked

"I mean I checked the Hospitals but the name you're saying I've to search about it , there's no information about it in Google "

Y/n replied

"I know,  that's what I'm thinking,  I think he lied ,he doesn't trust me "

Cristina uttered with a sigh

"Don't be sad , and I think I should go there by myself and check , don't worry, if the information is false ,then also no problem you're going to meet him next day , you can find out too "

Y/n assured

Cristina hummed

"He will be alright right ??" Cristina asked

"Don't worry,  he will be alright,  "

Y/n assured and ended the call .

Y/n started thinking hard while marching in the living room .

She then went upstairs. And knocked a door

Taehyung opened the door

"Can you go to Illsan ,and find out if there's any Medical Home called Sucheon "

Y/n uttered chewing her nails .

Taehyung smirk

"Why me ?? What about your RM Hyung??" Taehyung mock

Y/n looked annoyed

"I don't want him to do it,  Just do this for me "

Y/n replied

Taehyung scoff

"Seriously!! Oh accept this Y/n , you can't trust RM after knowing his brother,  and it's indeed a right choice "

Taehyung uttered with a evil smirk

Y/n rolled her eyes

"If you don't want it ,it's ok I'll go there by myself "

Y/n replied and was about to leave.
Taehyung grabbed her wrist and pulled her ,Y/n's body landed on his masculine chest with a jolt .

By the sudden skin ship Y/n startled but then the closeness between them raise her heart rate .

"I'll do it for sure , after all you act according my advice "

Taehyung whisper near her ear , Turning her cheeks red .

Taehyung let her go

"Now go "

Taehyung shoved her outside the room and shut the door loudly.

Y/n process what happened.

Suddenly her phone buzz .

It's Jimin's number

Y/n received

"Actually I didn't find any clue about your Dad -"
Y/n started saying things first but Jimin stopped her In middle.

"How are you ??"
Jimin asked

"Huh ! Oh I'm all good "

Y/n replied bluntly

Jimin chuckle

"Oh , good ,I thought you will be stressed after all how much you're handling "

Jimin uttered

'Finally someone realize it that I'm going through a lot , '

"Uh , you can say I'm little stressed "

Y/n replied walking to her room

"Wow , and you Said you're all good "

Jimin scold lightly,  Y/n sigh

"OK,  OK are you near window??"

Jimin asked.

Y/n looked confused


Y/n asked

"Even better,  go stand there "

Jimin instructed, though Y/n is confused she reached the Balcony

"I did "

Y/n replied

"You can see the moon , ?"

Jimin asked

"Yes it's s full moon ,"
Y/n replied gazing the beautiful moon

"This time cold wind will blow your hairs , so close your eyes "
Jimin instructed Y/n followed obediently

"Now inhale "

Y/n did

"Now exhale "

Y/n did .

"Continue this ..... breath in and breath out "

Jimin uttered

Y/n did few more times

"Now open your eyes , are you feeling better??"

Jimin asked

Y/n chuckle

"Honestly,  my stress released a little,  this is great thanks "

Y/n uttered with a smile

"It's good then "

Jimin replied

"Btw why you called me ??"

Y/n asked

Jimin stayed silent for some moments

"I - actually wanted to say thanks "

Jimin uttered and ended the call .

Y/n blush slightly and laugh at the cuteness of Jimin's words .



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