How clueless!

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Cristina returned home while looking down , Jungkook reached her with a worried expression

"What happened??"

He asked.

"Hyung will come tomorrow don't worry "

Cristina replied with a smile .

"Then why you were looking down a moment ago ?"

Jungkook asked

"Nothing, dear Husband, be happy now your Jinnie is coming "

Cristina replied wrapping her arms around Jungkook's shoulder.

Jungkook caressed her cheeks

"Thanks a lot "

Jungkook replied

Cristina shyly lowered her gaze .

Next morning 

Jin curse himself,

"What was wrong with me Yesterday!! Who knows how much I've expressed before her !!"

Jin mumbled wrapping his suit

"I must clear the confusion!! Hope Cristina didn't told Kook about my behaviour Yesterday!! Ugh how could I do that !!"

Jin picked his watch and glance the time

"Cristina's not smart ,so if she came for Jungkook she surely had told him everything!! I must prepare a better answer for that "

Jin uttered and collecting his car keys he left his house.


Cristina and Jungkook were having breakfast when Jin entered.


Cristina uttered getting up .

Jungkook got up and ran towards Jin and hugged him

"Jinnie!! I am sorry for my behaviour! Please don't leave me"

Jungkook uttered and sniff .

Jin hugged back with a smile

"Over acting "

Cristina Mumbled underneath seeing Jungkook .

Suddenly Jin's eyes fell on Cristina,

Cristina pass a warm smile, causing him gulp hard .

"Let's talk in my study "

Jungkook suggest

Jin nod and followed.

Entering in study Jin first said

"Uh , I hope you didn't mind Mine and Cristina's conversation of yesterday!! I mean I wasn't in my real self so I blabber few things "

Jin uttered rubbing his nape .

Jungkook frown

"Wasn't in your state ?? Ina didn't told me about such things?? What happened between you two ??"

Jungkook asked.

Jin felt relieved, that little head didn't told anything means situation is still under Jin's control.

"Nothing,  leave that ,I am here to tell you what you need to do , about the allegations"

Jin uttered .

Jungkook nod


*The CEO of Jeon enterprise, Mr. Jungkook has saved a mere woman without caring his reputation, such a gentle act , the commoner woman was pregnant in last month, and the ambulance's engine had failed in the middle of the way,during her labour pain , at that moment Jungkook's car was passing, seeing such commotion that Gentle man immediately stopped his car and interfere into the matter, he send the woman hospital by his own car , like who does such gentle behaviour in now days , *

A news reporter blabber.

*seriously, It's rare ,very rare for a man who's in such high position to do such things, yet some people were throwing tantrums on him saying he's with the new killer!! Can a killer save someone!! No , *

Reporter blabber again.

Cristina was watching the news in her TV ,she scoff

"A man who never does anything that doesn't benefit him , saved someone!! How foolish people are ,turning a things completely,  I understand that's what Jin Hyung's planned to diminish the allegations"

Cristina mumbled underneath

"Ina !!"

Jungkook called.

"Yes , I'm ready "

Cristina replied. But Jungkook stood with a smile while his hands were behind him .

"What happened Kook ??"

Cristina asked.

Jungkook went near her

"I've brought a pair of new shoes, please wear it today "

Jungkook request kneeling before her with a pair of heels .

He made her wear it ,

Cristina is confused by such behaviour

"It's beautiful Kook , but  why  you brought them ??"

Cristina asked.

"I just thought of giving you it as a present ina "

Jungkook replied embracing her .

Cristina still can't be convinced, but they had to leave for a conference.

Cristina and Jungkook went downstairs,


Before the Building , car stopped

Before Cristina can get off,  Jungkook went outside and opened her door , Cristina frown , she got outside.

Then tangling her arm around Jungkook's, she walked towards the entrance.

But her heels broke suddenly causing her almost fall .

Jungkook immediately helped her to stand.

"Ina ?? Are you alright??"

Jungkook asked in a worried tone helping her stand 

Cristina nod slowly, Jungkook then knelt before Her checking her feet, Cristina startled and stare at him with a frown

"I see your heels broke !! Don't worry ,"

Jungkook uttered examining her heels.

Jungkook got up and instructed his manager to quickly buy a pair of new shoes.

As soon as He finished he picked Cristina into his embrace,

Cristina startled.

"Let me carry you , you don't have to walk then "

Jungkook replied with a smile ,

Cristina eyed her surrounding, yes reporters were present.

She mock herself innerly.

He brought shoes not to present her ,but to prove himself a caring husband who doesn't feel ashamed of carrying his wife in public  ,

How clueless she was ,

They headed inside and sat comfortably,

Cristina noticed Y/n as well,  but the eye contact wasn't dearing.

Jungkook started to speak in the behalf of Cristina,

And the others listened ,

"So that's what we need to do , in order to rise up the economy, last year's budget was literally very poor"

Jungkook stated .

The party's present there discuss something in themselves

"Here Ina sign this "

Jungkook extended a paper before her .

Cristina grabbed the pen but before she could sign

"I would like to make a query!"

Y/n voice echoed.

Everyone looked at them

"GO ahead "

Jungkook replied keeping a plastic smile ,

Y/n smile

"I'm genuinely curious, that our dear president,  do she really know what you said here,I mean meaning of anything you said "

Y/n questioned and it created a slight chaos.

Cristina felt a little humiliated, she only lowered her head and bite her lips

Seeing them quiet Y/n again uttered

"If no , then is it really she who's handling the country or she's a doll who does everything only you suggest, cause we have seen , she's just doing what you're suggesting, so if really she's incapable and you're doing everything why keep her in this position "

Y/n stated sternly.

Jungkook glare at her

"You're mistaken, she's not a doll ,and moreover I'm her guardian, I'm instructed to assist her "

Jungkook protested

"Is that so ?? Then why you're the one to talk while she's just sitting there, looking a 3 years old kid came to her father's meeting room and her dad placed her aside to watch, and she's doing that without understanding anything "

Y/n replied with a smirk.

Cristina felt really humiliating, she really doesn't understand a little thing, but why Y/n is pointing out this in front of everyone, can't she be a little soft as Cristina is her sister??

Cristina's teary eyes met with Y/n's,

Y/n looked away with a eye roll.

"Miss ,you're crossing the limit and why are you here in the first place!!"

Jungkook shout .

"Calm down Mr  . Jeon,  she's here cause she's the leader of my party and I found nothing wrong in what she pointed out !! If she can't then why is she here ??"

This time Grandpa protested.

Cristina looked helpless and looked at Jungkook.

"I want to clarify, Cristina is still learning new things but what I told today, she knows it , I just didn't let her waste her energy by talking much so I presented this "

Jungkook replied calmly.

Y/n scoff

"Is that so ?? Mr Jeon?? I see you're trying too hard to cover your actual relationship,  is that why you put the show outside?? Carrying her inside just because her heels broke!! I knew you're rich !! How you let your wife come with a broken heel ?? Or everything was to fool people to believe your relationship is good "

Y/n mock tilting her head ,

A huge chaos created, people started discussing this ,

"Was that a act ??"

"May be or else who would do that in public "

"I agree what she pointed  ,this girl has no reason to be here"

"Seriously ,such a small head "

"Her husband is controlling her"

"Woman who are this weak can't work in politics "

And so on ,

Cristina couldn't bear it any longer.

Y/n watched Cristina feeling uneasy, but she looked away biting her lips

"I can't help you today sissy , it's needed"

Y/n mumbled underneath.


"I have to say these ?? But do you have any idea how much Cristina will be hurt ??"

Y/n asked through call

"But if you won't do that , then people will never ask such things, you have to point out in order to expose it ,I know it will hurt her , but once she will be dethroned she will be happy all by herself "

Taehyung's voice heard from the other side .

"I never wanted to hurt her , "

Y/n mumbled.

"Darling,  it's an act , you're not actually meaning such hurtful words , "

Taehyung comfort.

"Fine "

Y/n replied

End of Flashback    

"What nonsense!! My relationship with my wife is pure and filled with love why would I put any act "

Jungkook defend

"Is that so ??"

Y/n mock again tilting her head.

Jungkook waited for her next sentence

"Then why is there a bandage in your wife's cheek ?? Wasn't it look like you've slapped her and ,because of the nail it scratched "

Y/n asked pointing Cristina's cheek

Cristina's eyes widened and she looked at Jungkook.


"They did this?? How dare they "

Jungkook growled

"It's ok Kook., it's nothing serious, "

Cristina replied.

"No I must go and check who they are to refuse you "

Jungkook replied and stomped outside.
Cristina followed him

"Jungkook stop !! Jungkook "

Cristina tried to stop him holding his hand ,but Jungkook yanked it
But it cause a Slap land  on her face in reverse. And because of his nail is made a slight cut .

"Huh !"

Cristina gasp and hold her face.

Jungkook realise it and check

"I'm so sorry ina , I wasn't aware it will happen like this "

"I was furious hearing someone had insulted you !!"

Jungkook apologise

"I was kidding, I just wanted your attention to I made such fake things, but I didn't knew you will be this mad "

Cristina uttered lowering her eyes

"Ina !! I love you ofc I'll be mad if I hear such things, moreover if you want my attention just tell me I'm all yours baby"

Jungkook uttered, and took Cristina to apply bandage.


Later Cristina entered her washroom and called Taehyung.

"Why is that?? As you said I got a cut  , and Jungkook placed a bandage, but why is it ??"

Cristina asked 

"You'll know soon , but now tell me is it hurting much ?? Do you want me to come and caresse it ??"

Taehyung asked.

Cristina chuckle softly.

,"No,  no need ,it's not hurting that much"

Cristina replied.

"Take care of yourself "

Taehyung replied ending the call

End of Flashback   

Cristina got up

"Enough!! I'm leaving "

Cristina stated.

Jungkook was to stunned to say something.

"You're running away!!"

Y/n stated

Cristina's teary eyes glared Y/n,

Though she understands that it's Taehyung's plan ,but she can't bear the humiliation more

"I'm bearing your nonsense for a long time "

Cristina replied sternly.

Y/n was a little taken aback

But then replied

"I'm just stating facts "

"Stating facts or insulting me ?? Don't forget I'm the president!! And here you're insulting me constantly, I warn you miss Y/n ,another hurtful comment on me and I'll make you get arrested "

Cristina replied sternly

Everyone is stunned.

"I'm leaving now !!"

Cristina announced and left , without Jungkook.

"Woah what's with the attitude "

"Kiddo has anger issues "

"She made fuss for no reason "

"Such a horrible day "

People gossip these ,
Y/n glance at the parliament and turned towards her Grandfather

"Let's go now Grandpa,  show is ended "

Y/n replied with a sigh .

Jungkook stood there dumbfounded for a moment Then ran outside for Cristina.


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