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Y/n watched Yoongi's interview standing in living room

"Y/nnie,  come let's have lunch "

Her grandfather called.

Y/n nod and walked towards the kitchen

"Did you heard the news Grandpa??"

Y/n asked while sitting in chair

"About the killer?? I don't care ,but why you ask ?"

Grandfather asked

"Actually,  suspect is The Jeon Jungkook so I told this "

Y/n replied lowering her gaze

"What's the matter with him?? Though I don't like him as he's with Solomon's party "

Grandfather replied rolling his eyes

"Grandpa!! Will you make your next leader??"

Y/n asked grabbing Grandfather's hand suddenly.

Grandfather was a little taken aback

"After me ,everything is yours my child but what's the rush?"

Grandfather asked.

Y/n sat back and lowered her gaze then staying a little silent she uttered.

"You didn't knew whose baby was mom carrying that time right ?? I mean who's my father??"

Y/n uttered fidgeting her fingers.

Grandfather's eyes twitch and he shook his head

"It was mr. Jeon Sunghoon,  yes that Jungkook's dad , and I'm the original heir of him ,as Jungkook was adopted by Dad earlier,  but Jungkook had killed my Dad and even first framed my mom then killed her when I was 8 , that's why you never found mom .... he snatched everything from Me , so I want to stand against him "

Y/n replied.

Her grandfather is stunned.


Inside  a room

"I've made my entry here ,but how I'm gonna ask becoming a leader?? "

Y/n asked in call ,

"You have to tell him what Jungkook has done to you , and how he had killed your mom ,"

Taehyung instructed through call

"Will that help ??"

Y/n asked

"Ofc , tell him how Jungkook snatched everything from you and hurt your mom"

Taehyung replied

"OK, I'll explain him everything then , from the start "

Y/n replied.

"No !! Not everything, don't mention Cristina's name , just tell him Jungkook took everything from you , no need to mention about Solomon's daughter being his  granddaughter, "

Taehyung replied sternly.

"But why ?? He will not hate Cristina then "

Y/n replied

"No , we need the hate ,hate for everything about Park Solomon, and the truth about Jungkook's will be a chef's kiss on it , but if you mention Cristina being his granddaughter, then Jungkook will be His Grandson in law , your grandfather is old mindset person, he will try to fix Cristina's marriage rather breaking it "

Taehyung replied

"Fine , but half truth is equal to lie "

Y/n uttered.

"Darling, don't think that way , you're doing this for a good thing,  "

Taehyung replied.

Y/n blush slightly and ended the call .

End of Flashback    

"That scoundrel!! How dare he !! I'm gonna finish him !!"

Grandfather got up with a growl

Y/n got up too

"Calm down Grandfather,  we can't do anything without Proof , so I plan on taking him down other way "

Y/n uttered  ,Grandpa halt

Grandfather stare at his granddaughter,

"You had to go through a lot my child , don't worry ,I won't be a obstacle in your way , tell me what you want??"

Grandfather uttered embracing Y/n ,


Cristina got off the car ,

"You all stop here , I'm going to talk alone "

Cristina ordered her manager and guards,

They halt

Cristina walked inside crossing a garden.

Entering inside her eyes focuses on the beer bottles on the floor and weird smell .

She crossed it and reached before the living room ,

Her eyes widened finding Jin all drunk on the couch still holding a glass of whisky.

His maids were standing a side looking all frightened.


Cristina called,

Jin upper his dull red gaze and noticed Cristina.

"Are you a delusion??"

Jin uttered in  a low voice examining Cristina up to down .

Cristina frown and reached just before his drunk figure and snatched the glass

"You're already drunk Hyung, don't push yourself more "

Cristina uttered affectionately.

Jin looked at her lazily and smirk and mumbled

"As if you care !!"

Cristina sit before him with a worried expression and hold his hand

"I do Hyung,  that's why I came here to check you !! I've heard you had a fight with Kook , "

Cristina uttered.

Jin didn't respond only stare at Cristina,

Cristina felt  a little uneasy she never seen this gaze of Jin , usually Jin used to avoid looking at her or if he did he only said minimal

"That might have amused you didn't it ?? After all We are falling apart "

Jin mock raising his eyebrow.

Cristina sigh

"You're getting it wrong Hyung, I'm here to mend the broken relationship,  you said you raised Jungkook, he's like your son, Hyung so if he made mistakes you can forgive him too , who else is there with him other than you Hyung, but if you stays here like this ruining yourself, both will be in bad terms "

Cristina uttered.

"You're here to mend the relationship?? Why ??"

Jin asked trying to get up , Cristina helped him

"Yes , cause as you're upset here, Jungkook is upset there too , and I can't bear his sadness Hyung, I love him a lot,  and I came here cause I know you love Jungkook a lot,you'll forgive him  ,................. only if someone had loved me too "

Cristina uttered the last line looking down.

"I can love you Cristina but not like my daughter "

Jin uttered, 

Cristina looked up

"It's ok Hyung as long--"

Jin didn't let Cristina finish and uttered

"I can't love you as my sister as well"

Cristina looked confused

Then suddenly her eyes went doe and charming she grabbed Jin's hand and uttered

"Some time love don't need any relations , you said you can love me ,that's enough"

Cristina uttered staring at Jin .

Jin's breath got heavy looking at Cristina.


Cristina returned to the room while Jungkook was asleep,  she pulled out her phone and locked herself into the bathroom,  then turned on the shower.
And that's when her phone buzz

"You're all alone right ??"

Taehyung's voice echoed from the other side

"Yes , and I guess you've heard what Jungkook had told me earlier?? I don't know if I'll be able to convince Hyung or not ?? Do I need to provoke him ??"

Cristina asked. Caressing her pendant which has a voice recorder

"I heard it all and I praise the idea of you going there but but , no need to provoke Jin , he's too smart he will acknowledge it real quick "

.Taehyung replied.

"Then ??"

Cristina asked

"Convince him , to help Jungkook, shower your affection and concern for him "

Taehyung uttered

Cristina frown

"But why will he listen to me or get convince?? Jin Hyung and I barely had any nice conversation before "

Cristina replied

"I know, I know  , but I bet he'll get convinced as long as you're going to convince him ".

Taehyung replied

"I didn't understand "

Cristina replied

"Jin loves Jungkook like his son but ,he never loved you like his daughter neither like his sister "

Taehyung replied

"I know that , that's why I'm saying he won't be convinced "

Cristina replied

"No princess,  he will be convinced  ,no man  can reject beauty!! And use your charm to capture him , just follow me for now , go to him and seduce him "

Taehyung uttered

"What ??"

Cristina freak out

"I know I'm asking pretty much but it's the right Time , you can't provoke them but can create a misunderstanding, so just act , act ,you need to act in such way Jin gets convinced, the cut has already created,  all you have to do is dig the wound , Jungkook is obsessed with you , create the same madness in Jin ,"

Taehyung replied.

"B-but what If Jin Hyung Don't fall for it??"

Cristina uttered.

"Trust me , he will ,if not then I'll think about something else,  one more thing no need to go clingy to seduce him , just use your words,  I can't trust the man so keep your distance "

.Taehyung instructed.

Cristina hummed and ended the call

End of Flashback   

Jin hold Cristina's face gently

"H-hyung ?"

Cristina tried to utter,  jin placd a finger on her lips

"Ssshhhh !! Don't call me that !! Don't call me Hyung "

Jin uttered in his husky drunk tone .

Cristina blink twice and sat there ,feeling tension anxious and scared.

Jin's pov     

Am I seeing right ?? Cristina is here just beside me ?? After all these years  I ignored my  greed,

The bird came to me by herself, should I consider myself lucky??
Oh Cristina you have no idea how much I controlled myself knowing Jungkook is obsessed with you ,

I love Jungkook and raised him , but You were never the chosen bride for him  by me.
I remember the day I met you , You passed a smile , the smile like a bright sunny summer day ,

I planned to marry you with Kookie only so he can get the chair of President's , after that it was planned that we will kill you , that's what I convinced Jungkook as well

Cause I planned to keep you in my cage ,
But Jungkook fall for you , too hard that I had to only watch you two ,

I know its a shame to liking a girl so younger than me , but will anyone be able control themselves before you ,

I noticed her burgundy bodycone,focusing each curves on her toned body , do she wear such tights clothes ?? Or its really an illusion,  her attire is driving me crazy ,
I lean near , she smells like vanilla, so addicting, uh you're here for Jungkook I see ,

"I'll go and help him "

I uttered.

Her face beam,  my hands lost control and squeeze her soft cheeks , so soft.

She blink few times trying to understand me ,

"T-thanks Hyung "

Cristina uttered.

Ugh , I hate it when she calls me Hyung,

"But what will I get by doing that ??"

I asked caressing her cheeks,

"I didn't quite get it ??"

She asked innocently, 
I clenched my fist ,

"Stop calling me Hyung, Kitty "

I uttered gently ruffling her hair .

She got up with a smile

"Sure , Thanks for hearing me out , Jin Oppa !!"

Cristina uttered.

Uh !! Her tone , so addicting.

I raised my hand to touch her ,but my body didn't permit as I'm drunk,

Hope its not a dream ,

End of Jin's pov   

Cristina glance at the half conscious body of Jin ,

"See you then Hyung "

Cristina told and walked outside echoing her heels

Coming outside the house she reached before her car , and let out a sigh

"How scary!!"

Cristina mumbled.

"Ma'am are you alright?"

Manager asked.

Cristina nod holding her chest.

"You all ,I will return home , so leave me now "

Cristina instructed.

"But Ma'am -"

They tried go utter

"The less attention, the less people will think I'm going without any guards , so you all go , I just want to head home"

Cristina uttered.

Others nod,  Cristina got inside her car and her car drove away

Waiting for Taehyung's call , she's getting impatient.

Suddenly in the middle of the street the car stopped,  Cristina looked at the driver and then outside, but there's no traffic or anything

"What happened??"

Cristina asked

But driver simply got off the car leaving Cristina confused

"What the hell --"

Cristina couldn't finish as the door of the passenger seat opened and a familiar figure entered closing the door behind.

"Missing me princess??"

Taehyung uttered and smashed his lips on Cristina's,  holding her tightly in his warm embrace.

After a moment he pulled out

"You never fails to surprise me "

Cristina uttered with a smile

Taehyung caressed Cristina's cheeks exactly where Jin touched.

He's staring at her with so much affection that made Cristina blush and look away,

"You did great , "

Taehyung uttered holding her face kissing her forhead.

Cristina's face beam

"Will anything be helpful??"

Cristina asked

Taehyung nod

"But didn't everything settled early? I barely did anything but Jin's words were all agreeing "

Cristina uttered tilting her head .

"Yes , and it's haunting me , why and how he agreed so easily, "

Taehyung replied as his eyes darkened.

"Is he trying to trick us ??"

Cristina asked

Taehyung smirk

"Even if he does there's no gain , now remember how to act before Jungkook ok , I'll be off then princess take care"

Taehyung uttered kissing her cheeks and left.

Cristina blush ,


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