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As it's mentioned in the books description, this fanfic is based off of the song "The Truth Untold" and more specifically, the story that the song was based off of. So, before I introduce this book, I wanted to mention this story.

The story is called, "La Città di smeraldo" which takes place in a small town located within Italy around the 1500s - 1600s. It is about a "ugly" man who hid in an old castle alone because of his looks. Growing up, he recieved hate and crulety and learned to never open his heart to anyone, so that when anyone approached him he hid in anger. He soon found that his one happiness was to plant flowers in his garden.

He lived this life of soliude until one day, a woman appeared near the man's castle.

She jumped over the garden fence and stole a flower, which angered the man at first, and so he watched his garden all night so as to make sure she did not steal from him again. However, the moment he fell asleep, the woman came back and stole another flower. 

This continued for many nights, and sometimes the man would pretend to be asleep and watch the woman as she stole his flowers. He started to find his curiousity grow about the woman and soon found himself waiting for her to come, and each day she did, his became a little bit brighter.

One day, his curiousity about the woman became too great and so he followed her into town after she stole some of his flowers. Seeing that she was selling his flowers in order to earn herself a living, the man realized that he desperately wanted to help the woman, but was too afraid to show himself to her. He was afraid that she would be terrified of him and knew that she would not love his "grotesque" appearance.

And so, he came to the conclusion that the only way he could help her would be to let her continue stealing the flowers from his garden. More specifically, he planned to make a flower that didn't exist on the planet, all so that the woman could sell them at the most expensive price.

After many unsuccessful attempts, the man made a flower that didn't exist and filled his garden with it. He was excited for her to find it, but the woman stopped coming. He waited and waited, but no matter how long he waited, she never came.

One day, when he went back into town to find her, he soon found that the woman had died. 

She never got to see the flower, and he never was able to tell her the secrets he kept harbored within his heart.

While this story is based off of both this tale, and the song itself, I will have to say that I added my own twist to it. Things are not exactly like they are told, and I put my own perspective and the way I have interpreted both this story and the song over time.

This song has always been a comfort to me, something that I have kept close to my heart and something that never ceases to be beautiful and so dreadfully painful at the same time. Plus, the way that it describes this story in such a dreadful way inspired me to create this story, perhaps from a different point of view.

In any case, I hope you enjoy! And I hope you remember that you are worth loving, you are worth a chance at happiness, no matter how cruel the outside world can be.




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