Chapter 5

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I stood still bored out of my mind near Mr. Octy who now has gone back to sleep. Just when I thought I could spend some time with Hope, this dumb octopus has to go and ruin it all, now I would have to accompany Maxwell in looking after it.

"Here team leader, I have fixed the machine it will hopefully not trouble us for at least some days." came Maxwell from under the panel of the heavy machine, he was dripping in sweat and grease, and some blue suspicious liquid was splashed on his shirt. 

"Dude you need a shower, and what's this blue thing?"  I asked, blocking my nose because of the smell.

"Oh, its Mr. Octy's waste."

"By waste, you don't mean piss right?"

"No, it is more like it's feces. Mr. Octy was a little constipated that's why it was so restless." he tried explaining, as I took a step back. "it's not harmful or anything, it will just smell a lot after some hours but on some planets, it's even used as medicine."

I took two more steps back, as he continued. "We tried using it as medicine on Earth as well, it worked but in some cases, it made horns grow out of people's heads, so we discontinued it."

By the time he finished talking, I was already out of the door. So he sheepishly left to wash up and I took a deep breath for relief only to choke on the horrible smell that started circulating in the room.

It took me at least three hours to find that stray drop of blue feces that was causing the smell, I cleaned it and tossed the rag in some random bag I found lying around.


Unfortunately, the room still stank a little and fortunately, I was allowed to leave that stinky hole, I was getting irritated watching Mr. Octy sleep with that creepy frown on his face.

My teacher finally decided to give us all a tour after one person accidentally ejected himself into space, by opening the wrong door. To be honest, it looked great when the rocket flew up, leaving colorful fire behind, but it was a hassle to bring him back as he knew nothing about the shuttle.

"And here we keep our emergency supplies including fuels and batteries, be careful it can blow up this whole portion," he said pointing at the large double doors which looked heavier than the whole ass space rocket. 

"And as you know we are keeping the infected agents in this room," he said pointing to the big hall, as a few agents quacked out of the room. Superheroes tried dragging them but they fussed and quacked even more, one superhero with large dark circles and a nest of feathers in his hair came and hit them on the head, making them fall cold on the ground. 

"Thanks, Eska, now strap them down on chairs." My sir instructed and we moved on. 

"And here we keep our weapons, and I am expecting you all to have enough brain to know that this place is highly sealed and only authorized agents can get in here, so as expected we are locked out of here, since all authorized agents are ducks and hopefully strapped right now."

"Moving on, we have our report library, every report, paperwork, digital file, information, everything is kept here, which made this place highly guarded too but fortunately all agents can access it, including me and Hope, and whatever is left in agent staff."

"And now, what everyone was waiting for," he said exaggerating, waving his arms to wooden double doors. " Or at least I was waiting for you," he said, sulking looking at our confused faces.

"Welcome to....... TRAINING ROOOOOM" he shouted opening the double doors to the new world.

"NOW everyone get ready, let's see what you all got. LETS START OUR TRAINING!!!!!"

WHAT!?!? now I have to train tooo?!?


Soooo what do you think about this one??? 

This story is one of my most intrusive thoughts in the form of a draft so I have very mixed feelings about it! Sometimes I feel like it's hilarious and amazing and suddenly my mood goes all opposite thinking what am I even writing, so I am looking for honest feedback on it and how I can make it better for every reader!

Who is your favorite character till now? I would love to hear your opinions..

Lots of Love!!! 

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