4. Nightmare

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Chapter 4


In the deafening silence of the night. A painful groan from a man made Apollo wake from his peaceful slumber. His mind is still processing what's going on and why he's sleeping in an unfamiliar place.

After a couple of blinks, Apollo realized that he wasn't in his house. He's in Cleo's living room, lying on the couch with Astin, who's groaning and shaking his head. Apollo got up and held Astin's shoulder. 

“Hey, Astin.” He called Astin's name while slightly shaking him. “Astin,” he repeated. 

Astin didn't budge, he kept on shaking his head and groaning, “I--d-don't.” the man murmured. 

Apollo panicked when Astin started to cry. The pain in the man's cries was unbearable and made him tear up. ‘Nightmare.’ He thought. Apollo moved closer to him and held Astin's cheeks. “I'm here, Astin,” Apollo softly said while caressing his cheeks. “Shh, everything is going to be fine,” he added.

He's trying his best to comfort him. Because if he wakes him up, it will only worsen. He felt Astin's hand holding his arm. Apollo just comforted him until he calmed down. After a few minutes, Astin opened his eyes and sat up. He's drying his tears. “Hey,” Apollo just said. He doesn't know what to say. He just discovered something personal.

Astin breathed out and hugged him. Snuggling his face on his neck. Apollo's hand moved on Astin's back and rubbed it up and down. “I'm sorry,” Astin said.

“There's nothing to apologize about, Astin,” he replied softly.

Apollo didn't know how long they stayed in that position. He's not fond of skinship, but he'll survive because someone needs his presence.

 THE heat of sunrays passing through the window. Blaze woke up, he just realized that he's not in his own house.
He was supposed to get up when someone's hand stopped him. Blaze was laying his head on Callisto's chest, and his hand was placed on his head. He can smell his pheromones a bit—that sweet mint scent that calms him.
“It's almost noon time,” he heard Marco say, which made him look at his friend. “You good?”

Blaze got up carefully and placed a blanket on Callisto. “I'm fine, I guess,” he answered. 

“Apollo was worried,” Marco's lover said, placing a cup of coffee on the mini table. “He told me that you had a nightmare last night,“ Cleo added, sitting beside Marco.

He looked at Callisto, who was still sleeping peacefully. ‘I will thank him later.’

“My best friend doesn't like skinship,” Cleo suddenly said, which made him look at him. “You need to tell him first before he lets you touch him. But seeing that he let you hug and sleep with him last night without consent makes me think that you're one of the exceptions,” the guy added. 

“Exception?” Marco asked.

Cleo nod. “He only let his family and friends touch him. And seeing that he didn't mind when Blaze hugged him is already an exception,” he explained. “You already earned his trust in just a moment, that's good for you.”

Blaze only stayed silent. He doesn't know what to say. Hearing those words made him happy and concerned about Callisto. 

“Let's eat,” Marco said, standing up. “Jylan called me earlier, he said you have to attend the meeting later. So, get your ass up and go.”

He sighed and stood up. “Calli will eat later, he needs to sleep first. You don't have to worry,” Cleo said, going towards Callisto. “Go. Eat well.”

Blaze just nodded and took last sight of sleeping Callisto before entering the dining room. 

“Too obvious, my man,” Marco said teasingly. “It's written all over your face that you're attracted to him,” his friend added while giving him food. “Good luck, I guess.”

He just rolled his eyes and ate his food. 

It's not just a simple attraction, Marco. It's more than that.’


WHAT should we do now?! It's been almost two weeks, Kuya Pierre,” Cleo said problematically to Apollo's brother. “I can't just wait and watch him in pain. Please, do something, Kuya,” he pleaded. 

“His body keeps rejecting the meds,” Pierre said and sighed. “He needs Alpha pheromones to calm down---”

“Then release your pheromones, Kuya.” Cleo cut him out. “Help my friend, please.”

“He needs his mate's pheromones, Cleo,” Pierre said. “Not mine. I already told you to call him, but you refused. That man is his mate,” he explained.

Cleo can't accept the fact that Blaze was actually his friend's fated mate. There's nothing similar between the two. They are exactly opposite on all sides. 

Even if Marco is Blaze's friend, he can't just let Apollo go with him. For his friend's safety, he can't just give it to anyone else. 

He's torn, the decision is on him. He looked at Apollo, who was inside his bedroom, writhing in pain. He and Apollo's brother are outside, he can't get in because of the strong pheromones that Apollo is releasing. 

“Call him if you want to help my brother, Cleo,” Pierre said in a serious tone. “Don't be so stubborn and go,” the older man added.

Cleo just sighed and called his lover. He doesn't have Blaze number, he'll just tell Marco. After a few rings, his lover answered the call.

Ye, love?” Marco asked on the other line.

He sighed and looked at Pierre. “Is Mr. Chand busy?”

Why are you asking about him?” His lover's voice tone suddenly changed into a possessive one.

“My brother needs his help.” Pierre answered. “This is Pierre, Apollo's older brother. Me and Cleo are at Apollo's house right now. I need you to call that man and ask him to go here asap.”

Cleo glared at Pierre, but the older man didn't budge. “This is a serious matter, please cooperate.”

“Kuya, don't be so bossy. He's my lover,” Cleo hissed. 

“I'm older than you guys. Just do as I say,” Pierre said nonchalantly.

Yes, Kuya.” Marco answered in the other line before cutting off the call.

Cleo is upset. He can't even help his friend, all he can do is watch him outside the room. He can't go in because he's pregnant, and Apollo's pheromones might affect the child inside of him if he stayed closer. The one who's taking care of his friend is his mom. 

Bella-Apollo's mother went out of the room and went to another room to change clothes. Cleo just watched them, still upset. ‘I'm sorry, Calli. I can't help you,’ he apologized in his mind. 

After an hour, Marco called him. Telling him that Blaze was with him. Cleo rushed out of the house and opened the gate, letting the two in.

“What happened to Apple?” Blaze asked while entering the house.

Cleo had no choice but to explain everything to Blaze. He's trying to trust his lover's friend, even if it's hard for him. ‘Calli trust him. So, I also need to trust him too.’

“Where is he?” Blaze asks with concern. 

“You need to see Kuya Pierre first. He wants to talk to you,” Cleo said, opening the room beside Apollo's room. 

‘I just hope you can help him.’


Blaze entered the room that Cleo had opened. There are two people inside who seem to be talking about something. 

The man looked at him. He thought it was Callisto at first glance, but he realized that it wasn't. The man was taller and more masculine than the guy he liked. The moment Blaze looked into the man's eyes, he already felt intimidated but didn't show it. 

There's a middle-aged woman beside the man who also looks like Callisto, but in a female version. 

Who are they?’

He felt Marco hit him on the back. He glared at him. 

“Introduce yourself, young man,” the lady said. He bowed a bit and answered. “I'm Astin Blaze Chand. Ma'am, Sir.”

“What's your relationship with my son?” The elder asked, he was taken aback by the sudden question.

“I'm his friend,” he answered, which made the two people behind him wince. 

“This is embarrassing,” Marco whispered, and Cleo agreed. 

The elder woman frowned. “They just met, mom,” the man explained, looking at him. “You like my brother, don't you?” The man asked.

Blaze nodded with no hesitation. There's no way he'll deny it. The moment he laid his eyes on Callisto, he immediately knew that what he felt was different from his past flings.

“I wouldn't be here if I didn't,” he answered bravely.

The man laughed because of his answer. “You're right,” the man agreed, smirking. “I need to talk to you alone. Everyone, please leave us for a moment.”

Everybody leaves the room except them. The man took out a folder and passed it to him. He opened it, and he saw info's about Callisto. 

Name: Apollo Callisto Valdosta Soterios 
Birthday: June 24, xxxx       Age: 26
Gender: Male      Secondary Gender: Omega

Blaze frowns because of it. He looked at the man, who was also looking at him. “Why are you giving me these? This is private info,” 

“I'm doing what's best for my brother, Mr. Chand,” the man said with no emotion. “Just like what you said earlier, you're here because of Apollo, right? You wouldn't come here if you didn't like him. It's the same reason for me.” The man walked closer, towering him. “I wouldn't be here if my brother wasn't sick. And I would never ask you if you're not his mate.” 

He can tell that the man is mad because of the scent he gives off. Blaze didn't budge and kept his face straight.

“You fucker,” the man said to him. “You better be good to him. You're the one who put a leash on my brother's neck.”

“I didn't know what you're talking about,” he replied. 

The man explained everything to him. Which made him realize that what he did a month ago to protect Callisto from the other Alpha has a positive and negative effect. And Calli's condition right now is the negative effect that he caused.

"Fated mate, my ass. You're lucky because both of you are completely compatible, that means you're his mate. If I hadn't asked for Cleo to help me, I wouldn't be able to know. Tch!” the man said. “I’ll leave him to you. His room is on the other side,” he added and walked past him.

Blaze just watched the man go out of the room. He breathes out and follows the man. Before they go down the stairs, the man speaks out.

“I have a favor to ask you,” the man said.

“What is it?” he asked. The man's last words left him stunned. 

“Don't get him pregnant.”




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